コード例 #1
ファイル: qscheck.cpp プロジェクト: aschet/qsaqt5
void QSResolveNode::check( QSCheckData *c )
    if ( !c->directLookupEnabled() )
    QSClass * cl = c->currentScope();
    QSClass *cont = cl;
    int uplvl = 0;
    int blocks = 0;
    QSMember member;
    while ( cont ) {
	QSMember mem;
	if ( cont->member( 0, ident, &mem ) ) {
	    if ( mem.type()==QSMember::Variable && !mem.isStatic() ) {
		member = mem;
	cont = cont->enclosingClass();
    if( member.isDefined() ) {

	/* If the containing class has an undefined base, the indexes will be moved
	   when the we call QSAbstractBaseClass::replace() and the lookup info
	   will be crap. Therefore, we don't create it. */
	QSClass *tmp = cont->base();
	while (tmp) {
	    if (tmp->name() == QString::fromLatin1("AbstractBase"))
	    tmp = tmp->base();

	// Due to special handling of block scopes in the global object...
	if( cont==c->env()->globalClass() )
   	info = new QSLookupInfo( uplvl, member );
コード例 #2
ファイル: qscheck.cpp プロジェクト: aschet/qsaqt5
void QSClassDefNode::check( QSCheckData *c )
//     qDebug( "Class noticed: " + c->globalName( ident ) );

    // forward declaration ?
    if ( !body ) {
	c->addWarning( this, QString::fromLatin1("Forward declarations not supported, yet") );

    if ( attrs )
	attrs->check( c );
	c->setLastAttributes( AttributeNone );
    int as = c->lastAttributes();

    // base class
    QSClass *b = c->env()->objectClass();
    if ( type ) {
	type->check( c );
	if ( c->hasError() )
	Q_ASSERT( c->lastType() );
	b = c->lastType();
	// try to cast
	if ( b->isFinal() ) {
	    c->addError( this, QSErrClassBaseFinal,
			 QString::fromLatin1("Base class has been declared final") );

    // create new class description
    QSClass *scope = c->currentScope();
    if ( scope->name()==QString::fromLatin1("Class") ) {
	if ( !(as&AttributeStatic) ) {
	    c->addError( this, QSErrNestedClass,
			 QString::fromLatin1( "Nested class '%1' in class '%2' must be "
				  "declared static" )
			 .arg( ident ).arg( scope->identifier() ) );
    } else if ( as&AttributeStatic ) {
        c->addError( this, QSErrAttributeConflict,
		     QString::fromLatin1( "Static class '%1' cannot be declared outside "
			      "a class" ).arg( ident ) );
    } else if ( scope->name()==QString::fromLatin1("FunctionScope") ) {
	c->addError( this, QSErrNestedClass,
		     QString::fromLatin1( "Class '%1' cannot be declared inside function '%2'" )
		     .arg( ident ).arg( scope->identifier() ) );

    QSClass *absBase = c->env()->classByIdentifier(ident);
    bool usesAbstractBase = absBase && absBase->name() == QString::fromLatin1("AbstractBase");

    QSClassClass *cl = new QSClassClass( b, as, ident );
    ref(); // Compensate for setClassDefNode below. Dereffed in QSClassClass destructor.
    cl->setClassDefNode( this );
    cl->setEnclosingClass( scope );

    QSMember member;
    QSObject tobj = c->env()->typeClass()->createType(cl);
    if( scope->member( 0, cl->identifier(), &member ) ) {
	scope->replaceMember( cl->identifier(), &member, tobj );
    } else {
	scope->addStaticVariableMember( cl->identifier(), tobj,
					AttributeExecutable );

    c->enterClass( cl );
    body->check( c );

    // if there is a function with the same name it becomes the constructor
    QSMember ctor;
    if ( cl->member( 0, ident, &ctor ) ) {
	if ( ctor.isExecutable() ) {
	    cl->setHasDefaultConstructor( true );
	} else {
	    qWarning( "Constructor is no function" ); // pedantic

    cl->setClassBodyNode( body );
    QSFunctionScopeClass *fs = new QSFunctionScopeClass( c->env()->objectClass() );
    fs->setEnclosingClass( cl );
    body->setScopeDefinition( fs );

    // will be used in execute()
    this->cldef = cl;

    // If the classname exists in env and is a previously undefined type, we have to
    // replace it with this one.
    if (usesAbstractBase) {

コード例 #3
ファイル: qscheck.cpp プロジェクト: aschet/qsaqt5
void QSFuncDeclNode::check( QSCheckData *c )
//     qDebug( "Function noticed: " + c->globalName(ident) );
    if ( attrs )
	attrs->check( c );
	c->setLastAttributes( AttributeNone );
    int as = c->lastAttributes();
    QSClass * cl = c->currentScope();
    Q_ASSERT( cl );

    if ( (as&AttributeStatic) && cl->name() != QString::fromLatin1("Class") ) {
	c->addError( this, QSErrAttrStaticContext,
		     QString::fromLatin1( "Function '%1' cannot be declared static "
			      "outside a class" ).arg( ident ) );

    // A bit of magic fail early when trying to overwrite a context.
    if (c->inGlobal()) {
        QSObject object = c->env()->globalObject().get(ident);
        if (object.isValid()) {
            if (object.objectType()->name() == QString::fromLatin1("QObject")) {
                c->addError(this, QString("Cannot declare function '%1', already a global object "
                                          "present with same name").arg(ident));

    QSMember m;
    m.setPrivate( as&AttributePrivate );

    if ( cl->member( 0, ident, &m ) ) {
        QSMember mem( body, as );
        cl->replaceMember( ident, &mem );
    } else {
	cl->addFunctionMember( ident, body, as );

    int tmpVarBlockCount = c->varBlockCount();
    c->setVarBlockCount( 0 );
    QSFunctionScopeClass * fscope = new QSFunctionScopeClass( c->env()->objectClass(), this );
    fscope->setEnclosingClass( cl );
    body->setScopeDefinition( fscope );
    c->enterFunction( fscope );
    if( param )
	param->check( c );
    body->check( c );

    if( c->varBlockCount()>fscope->numVariables() )
	fscope->setNumVariables( c->varBlockCount() );
    c->setVarBlockCount( tmpVarBlockCount );

    // Calculate the number of arguments
    int count = 0;
    QSParameterNode * node = param;
    while( node ) {
	node = node->nextParam();
    fscope->setNumArguments( count );

    // unset attributes
    c->setLastAttributes( AttributeNone );