int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { MainApp a(argc,argv); // had to disable this for now on Mac, // weird crash deep in Qt leaves shared memory segment dangling #ifdef Q_OS_WIN // // sharedMemory.setKey("Blink1ControlShMemKey"); if( !sharedMemory.create(1) ) { qDebug() << "Blink1Control already running"; QMessageBox::about(0, QString("Blink1Control running"), "Blink1Control is already running."); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN a.processEvents(); // FIXME: why are different OSes different here? return -1; #else return a.exec(); #endif } #endif MainWindow w; // this seems messed up, why even use mainwindow? // to capture power change (sleep/wake) on Windows // (can we move this to osFixes?) a.installNativeEventFilter(&w); return a.exec(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); a.setOrganizationName(APP_ORG); a.setApplicationVersion(APP_VERSION); a.setApplicationName(APP_NAME); QTranslator translator; const QStringList localeDirs({QString("%1/languages").arg(QDir::currentPath()), QString(qApp->applicationDirPath() + "/languages"), QString("/usr/share/%1/languages").arg(APP_NAME), QString("/usr/local/share/%1/languages").arg(APP_NAME), QString(QDir::home().absolutePath() + "/.local/share/%1/languages").arg(APP_NAME), QString(QDir::currentPath().left(QDir::currentPath().lastIndexOf("/")) + "/share/%1/languages").arg(APP_NAME)}); const QString langFile(qApp->applicationName()); foreach(const QString &dir, localeDirs){ if (translator.load(QLocale::system(),langFile, "_", dir )) { qApp->installTranslator(&translator); break; } } QApplication::setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(false); PopupWindow w; w.hide(); QSharedMemory sharedMemory; sharedMemory.setKey("QtAlsaVolume"); if (sharedMemory.attach()) { return 0; } if (!sharedMemory.create(1)) { return 0; } else{ return a.exec(); } }
int readonly_segfault() { QSharedMemory sharedMemory; sharedMemory.setKey("readonly_segfault"); sharedMemory.create(1024, QSharedMemory::ReadOnly); sharedMemory.lock(); set(sharedMemory, 0, 'a'); sharedMemory.unlock(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
static QSharedMemory *createSharedMemory(qint32 key, int byteCount) { QSharedMemory *sharedMemory = new QSharedMemory(QString(valueKeyTemplateString).arg(key)); bool sharedMemoryIsCreated = sharedMemory->create(byteCount); if (!sharedMemoryIsCreated) { if (sharedMemory->isAttached()) sharedMemory->attach(); sharedMemory->detach(); sharedMemoryIsCreated = sharedMemory->create(byteCount); } if (sharedMemoryIsCreated) { globalSharedMemoryCache.insert(key, sharedMemory); return sharedMemory; } return 0; }
bool isRunning(){ if(!appShare.create(16)){ if(!appShare.attach() || !appShare.lock()) return false; void* data =; snprintf((char*)data, 16, "Open"); appShare.unlock(); return true; } return false; }
void conflict_core::openAida(){ aida.setKey("AIDA64_SensorValues"); if (aida.isAttached()){ aida.detach(); } if (!aida.create(10000)){ conflict.aidaOpen = false; }else{ conflict.aidaOpen = true; } }
static mydsp *create_shared_dsp(){ QString key = "radium_crashreporter_" + QString::number(QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()); QSharedMemory *shared = new QSharedMemory(key); if(shared->create(sizeof(mydsp))==false){ fprintf(stderr,"COMPRESSOR_create_shared: Couldn't create... Error: %s\n",shared->error()==QSharedMemory::NoError?"No error (?)":shared->errorString().toAscii().data()); return NULL; } void *memory = shared->data(); mydsp *dsp = new(memory) mydsp(); #if 0 printf("memory: %p, shared: %p\n",memory,shared); dsp->key = key; dsp->shared = shared; #endif //printf("system: %d\n",system(QString(QString("xterm -e gdb /home/kjetil/radium_compressor/radium_compressor --args --ladspa-slave ")+key).toAscii())); printf("system: %d\n",system(QString(QString("xterm -e gdb --args /home/kjetil/radium_compressor/radium_compressor --ladspa-slave ")+key+" &").toAscii())); return dsp; #if 0 if(fork()!=0){ return dsp; }else{ QSharedMemory *shared = new QSharedMemory(key); if(shared->attach()==false){ fprintf(stderr,"Ladspa compressor: Couldn't attach... Error: %s\n",shared->error()==QSharedMemory::NoError?"No error (?)":shared->errorString().toAscii().data()); exit(0); } char *argv[1]={(char*)"radium_compressor"}; mydsp *dsp = (mydsp*)shared->data(); fprintf(stderr,"dsp: %p.\n",dsp); portData* port_data = new portData(dsp->getNumInputs(), dsp->getNumOutputs()); dsp->buildUserInterface(port_data); // This is the second time buildUserInterface is called twice on the dsp data. One time in each process. start_program(1,argv,new PLUGIN(0, port_data, dsp)); exit(0); return NULL; } #endif }
int SingleApp(){//TODO:problem. int ret = 1; QSharedMemory sharedMemory; sharedMemory.setKey("FishProjectApp"); // if (sharedMemory.create(1) && sharedMemory.error() != QSharedMemory::AlreadyExists) if(sharedMemory.attach()) { qDebug()<<"single"; return 0; } sharedMemory.create(1); qDebug()<<"create"; return ret; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { qRegisterMetaTypeStreamOperators<SQProfile>("SQProfile"); QApplication a(argc, argv); signal(SIGINT, onSIGINT_TERM); signal(SIGTERM, onSIGINT_TERM); a.setApplicationName(QString("shadowsocks-qt5")); a.setApplicationDisplayName(QString("Shadowsocks-Qt5")); a.setApplicationVersion(APP_VERSION); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN if (QLocale::system().country() == QLocale::China) { a.setFont(QFont("Microsoft Yahei", 9, QFont::Normal, false)); } else { a.setFont(QFont("Segoe UI", 9, QFont::Normal, false)); } QIcon::setThemeName("Breeze"); #endif QTranslator ssqt5t; ssqt5t.load(QLocale::system(), "ss-qt5", "_", ":/i18n"); a.installTranslator(&ssqt5t); MainWindow w; QSharedMemory sharedMem; sharedMem.setKey("Shadowsocks-Qt5"); if (w.isOnlyOneInstance()) { if (!sharedMem.create(1)) { QMessageBox::critical(&w, QObject::tr("Error"), QObject::tr("Another instance of Shadowsocks-Qt5 is already running.")); return -1; } }; if (w.isHideWindowOnStartup()) { if (w.isUsingAppIndicator()) { QTimer::singleShot(5, &w, SLOT(minimizeToSysTray())); } else { w.minimizeToSysTray(); } } return a.exec(); }
void *COMPRESSOR_create_shared(float sample_rate){ QString key = "radium_crashreporter_" + QString::number(QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()); QSharedMemory *shared = new QSharedMemory(key); if(shared->create(sizeof(Compressor_wrapper))==false){ fprintf(stderr,"COMPRESSOR_create_shared: Couldn't create... Error: %s\n",shared->error()==QSharedMemory::NoError?"No error (?)":shared->errorString().toAscii().data()); return NULL; } void *memory = shared->data(); Compressor_wrapper *wrapper = new(memory) Compressor_wrapper(sample_rate); printf("memory: %p, shared: %p\n",memory,shared); wrapper->key = key; wrapper->shared = shared; return wrapper; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName("Scary HalloSoft"); QCoreApplication::setOrganizationDomain(""); QCoreApplication::setApplicationName("Hallos Inspection Tool"); // Version QString versionString = QString("%1.%2.%3.%4").arg(VERSION_MAJOR).arg(VERSION_MINOR).arg(VERSION_REVISION).arg(VERSION_BUILD); a.setApplicationVersion(versionString); qDebug() << "Version" << versionString; // splash screen QPixmap splashPixmap(":/pic/icons/Slpash.png"); Q_ASSERT(!splashPixmap.isNull()); QSharedMemory sharedMemory; sharedMemory.setKey("HallosInspectionTool"); if (!sharedMemory.create(1)) { qDebug() << "Shared memory:" << sharedMemory.errorString(); QMessageBox::warning(0, QApplication::tr("Warning!"), QApplication::tr("An instance of HIT is running!") ); exit(0); // Exit, a process is already running } QSplashScreen splash(splashPixmap);; qApp->processEvents(); splash.showMessage(QString("Version %1").arg(versionString), Qt::AlignBottom); qApp->processEvents(); MainWindow w;; splash.finish(&w); return a.exec(); }
bool TasDataShare::storeSharedData(const QString& identifier, const TasSharedData& data, QString& errMsg) { QSharedMemory* storage = new QSharedMemory(identifier); QByteArray array = data.asArray(); int size = array.size(); if(!storage->create(size)){ delete storage; return false; } storage->lock(); char *to = (char*)storage->data(); const char *from =; memcpy(to, from, qMin(storage->size(), size)); storage->unlock(); mStoredDataBlocks.insert(identifier, storage); errMsg = " key:" + storage->key(); return true; }
void setBool(bool value, QString name) { QSharedMemory* sharedMemory = boolMemoryMap.value(name); if(sharedMemory->isAttached()) { sharedMemory->detach(); } int size = sizeof(bool); if (!sharedMemory->create(size)) { sharedMemory->attach(QSharedMemory::ReadWrite); } sharedMemory->lock(); bool *array = (bool*)sharedMemory->data(); memcpy(array, &value, qMin(sharedMemory->size(), size)); sharedMemory->unlock(); }
void setString(const char value[], QString name) { QSharedMemory* sharedMemory = stringMemoryMap.value(name); if(sharedMemory->isAttached()) sharedMemory->detach(); int size = strlen(value) + sizeof(char); if (!sharedMemory->create(size)) { if (!sharedMemory->isAttached()) { sharedMemory->attach(QSharedMemory::ReadWrite); } } sharedMemory->lock(); char *to = (char*)sharedMemory->data(); memcpy(to, value, qMin(sharedMemory->size(), size)); sharedMemory->unlock(); }
void setInt(int value, QString name) { QSharedMemory* sharedMemory = intMemoryMap.value(name); if(sharedMemory->isAttached()) sharedMemory->detach(); int size = sizeof(int); if (!sharedMemory->create(size)) { if (!sharedMemory->isAttached()) { sharedMemory->attach(QSharedMemory::ReadWrite); } } sharedMemory->lock(); int* to = (int*)sharedMemory->data(); memcpy(to, &value, qMin(sharedMemory->size(), size)); sharedMemory->unlock(); }
// Check if the application is running. Optionally write something to its shared memory. static bool isRunning(const char* command){ // Try to create shared memory (if successful, application was not already running) if(!appShare.create(SHMEM_SIZE) || !appShare.lock()){ // Lock existing shared memory if(!appShare.attach() || !appShare.lock()) return true; bool running = false; if(appShare.size() == SHMEM_SIZE_V015){ // Old shmem - no PID listed so assume the process is running, and print the command directly to the buffer if(command){ void* data =; snprintf((char*)data, SHMEM_SIZE_V015, "%s", command); } running = true; } else { // New shmem. Scan the contents of the shared memory for a PID QStringList lines = QString((const char*)appShare.constData()).split("\n"); if(pidActive(lines)){ running = true; // Append the command if(command){ lines.append(QString("Option ") + command); QByteArray newMem = lines.join("\n").left(SHMEM_SIZE).toLatin1(); // Copy the NUL byte as well as the string memcpy(, newMem.constData(), newMem.length() + 1); } } } if(running){ appShare.unlock(); return true; } } // Not already running. Initialize the shared memory with our PID snprintf((char*), appShare.size(), "PID %ld", (long)getpid()); appShare.unlock(); return false; }
/*! Загружает словарь из файла filename в разделяемую память с ключём key. */ QSharedMemory *DictionaryManager::loadDictionary(const QString &filename, const QString &key) { QFile fileDictionary(filename); QByteArray buffer; QSharedMemory *shared; if (! throw Exception(QString("Ошибка чтения файла словаря. Key: %1; file: %2").arg(key).arg(filename)); buffer = fileDictionary.readAll(); shared = new QSharedMemory(key); if (!shared->create(buffer.size() * 1.2)) // Выделяем память с 20% запасом throw Exception(QString("Ошибка выделения памяти под словарь %1. Описание: %2. " "Словарь будет пропущен.") .arg(key) .arg(shared->errorString())); shared->lock(); char *to = (char *)shared->data(); const char *from =; memcpy(to, from, qMin(shared->size(), buffer.size())); shared->unlock(); return shared; }
bool Application::isRunning() { bool running = BaseApplication::isRunning(); QSharedMemory *sharedMem = new QSharedMemory(id() + QLatin1String("-shared-memory-key"), this); if (!running) { // First instance creates shared memory and store PID if (sharedMem->create(sizeof(DWORD)) && sharedMem->lock()) { *(static_cast<DWORD*>(sharedMem->data())) = ::GetCurrentProcessId(); sharedMem->unlock(); } } else { // Later instances attach to shared memory and retrieve PID if (sharedMem->attach() && sharedMem->lock()) { ::AllowSetForegroundWindow(*(static_cast<DWORD*>(sharedMem->data()))); sharedMem->unlock(); } } if (!sharedMem->isAttached()) qWarning() << "Failed to initialize shared memory: " << sharedMem->errorString(); return running; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QGuiApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling); QApplication a(argc, argv); auto startMinimized = false; QString uri = ""; for (auto string : QCoreApplication::arguments()) { if (string == "-m" || string == "--minimized") startMinimized = true; if (string == "-d" || string == "--debug") Console(); if (string.startsWith("ring:")) { uri = string; } } #ifdef URI_PROTOCOL QSharedMemory* shm = new QSharedMemory("RingShm"); QSystemSemaphore* sem = new QSystemSemaphore("RingSem", 0); if (not shm->create(1024)) { if (not uri.isEmpty()) { shm->attach(); shm->lock(); char *to = (char*) shm->data(); QChar *data =; while (!data->isNull()) { memset(to, data->toLatin1(), 1); ++data; ++to; } memset(to, 0, 1); //null terminator shm->unlock(); } sem->release(); delete shm; exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } //Client listening to shm event memset((char*)shm->data(), 0, shm->size()); ShmClient* shmClient = new ShmClient(shm, sem); #endif QTranslator qtTranslator; qtTranslator.load("qt_" + QLocale::system().name(), QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath)); a.installTranslator(&qtTranslator); QTranslator lrcTranslator; lrcTranslator.load("share/libringclient/translations/lrc_" + QLocale::system().name()); a.installTranslator(&lrcTranslator); QTranslator mainTranslator; mainTranslator.load("share/ring/translations/ring_client_windows_" + QLocale::system().name()); a.installTranslator(&mainTranslator); QFont font; font.setFamily("Segoe UI"); a.setFont(font); QFile file(":/stylesheet.css"); if( | QIODevice::Text)) { a.setStyleSheet(file.readAll()); file.close(); } QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName("Savoir-faire Linux"); QCoreApplication::setOrganizationDomain(""); QCoreApplication::setApplicationName("Ring"); if (not uri.isEmpty()) { startMinimized = false; MainWindow::instance().onRingEvent(uri); } if (not startMinimized) MainWindow::instance().show(); else { MainWindow::instance().showMinimized(); MainWindow::instance().hide(); } MainWindow::instance().createThumbBar(); #ifdef URI_PROTOCOL QObject::connect(shmClient, SIGNAL(RingEvent(QString)), &MainWindow::instance(), SLOT(onRingEvent(QString))); QObject::connect(&a, &QApplication::aboutToQuit, [&a, &shmClient, &shm, &sem]() { shmClient->terminate(); delete shmClient; delete shm; delete sem; }); #endif return a.exec(); }
bool create_jt9_(int nsize) {return mem_jt9.create(nsize);}
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); //Check if another instance has been started already QSharedMemory sharedMemory; sharedMemory.setKey("neu"); if (!sharedMemory.create(1)) { QMessageBox::warning(nullptr, QObject::tr("Warning!"), QObject::tr("An instance of this application is running!")); exit(0); // Exit process immediately } QSettings settings("neuPlayer.ini", QSettings::IniFormat); // Init Trad engine QString locale = QLocale::system().name().section('_', 0, 0); QTranslator translator; //Load correct translation based on system locale translator.load("neuplayer_" + locale); a.installTranslator(&translator); //Setup actual window qApp->setStyle(QStyleFactory::create("Fusion")); //base theme fusion if(settings.value("skin", 1).toInt() == 1 || settings.value("skin", 1).toInt() == 3) { Skin HoloFusion(1, nullptr); HoloFusion.load(); } else { Skin CleanFusion(0, nullptr); CleanFusion.load(); } //Ready to show //Create the helper so it isn't destroyed right away NcFramelessHelper helper(nullptr); QFile fileHandler(".configdone"); //So you config before anything else if(!fileHandler.exists()) //If there is the config to do, the config will launch the app when done { QPointer <InitialConfig> config = new InitialConfig(); config->show(); } else { Player *neuPlayer = new Player(nullptr); if(settings.value("Additional_Features/framelessWindow", false).toBool()) { if(settings.value("visibilite").toBool()) helper.activateOn(neuPlayer, true); else helper.activateOn(neuPlayer); } neuPlayer->show(); } fileHandler.close(); return a.exec(); }
int producer() { QSharedMemory producer; producer.setKey("market"); int size = 1024; if (!producer.create(size)) { if (producer.error() == QSharedMemory::AlreadyExists) { if (!producer.attach()) { qWarning() << "Could not attach to" << producer.key(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } else { qWarning() << "Could not create" << producer.key(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } // tell parent we're ready //qDebug("producer created and attached"); puts(""); fflush(stdout); if (!producer.lock()) { qWarning() << "Could not lock" << producer.key(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } set(producer, 0, 'Q'); if (!producer.unlock()) { qWarning() << "Could not lock" << producer.key(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } int i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (!producer.lock()) { qWarning() << "Could not lock" << producer.key(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (get(producer, 0) == 'Q') { if (!producer.unlock()) { qWarning() << "Could not unlock" << producer.key(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } QTest::qSleep(1); continue; } //qDebug() << "producer:" << i); ++i; set(producer, 0, 'Q'); if (!producer.unlock()) { qWarning() << "Could not unlock" << producer.key(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } QTest::qSleep(1); } if (!producer.lock()) { qWarning() << "Could not lock" << producer.key(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } set(producer, 0, 'E'); if (!producer.unlock()) { qWarning() << "Could not unlock" << producer.key(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } //qDebug("producer done"); // Sleep for a bit to let all consumers exit getchar(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { disableQtBearerPoll(); // Fixes wifi ping spikes QString applicationName = "High Fidelity Interface - " + qgetenv("USERNAME"); bool instanceMightBeRunning = true; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN // Try to create a shared memory block - if it can't be created, there is an instance of // interface already running. We only do this on Windows for now because of the potential // for crashed instances to leave behind shared memory instances on unix. QSharedMemory sharedMemory { applicationName }; instanceMightBeRunning = !sharedMemory.create(1, QSharedMemory::ReadOnly); #endif if (instanceMightBeRunning) { // Try to connect and send message to existing interface instance QLocalSocket socket; socket.connectToServer(applicationName); static const int LOCAL_SERVER_TIMEOUT_MS = 500; // Try to connect - if we can't connect, interface has probably just gone down if (socket.waitForConnected(LOCAL_SERVER_TIMEOUT_MS)) { QStringList arguments; for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { arguments << argv[i]; } QCommandLineParser parser; QCommandLineOption urlOption("url", "", "value"); parser.addOption(urlOption); parser.process(arguments); if (parser.isSet(urlOption)) { QUrl url = QUrl(parser.value(urlOption)); if (url.isValid() && url.scheme() == HIFI_URL_SCHEME) { qDebug() << "Writing URL to local socket"; socket.write(url.toString().toUtf8()); if (!socket.waitForBytesWritten(5000)) { qDebug() << "Error writing URL to local socket"; } } } socket.close(); qDebug() << "Interface instance appears to be running, exiting"; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN return EXIT_SUCCESS; #endif } // Check OpenGL version. // This is done separately from the main Application so that start-up and shut-down logic within the main Application is // not made more complicated than it already is. { OpenGLVersionChecker openGLVersionChecker(argc, const_cast<char**>(argv)); if (!openGLVersionChecker.isValidVersion()) { qCDebug(interfaceapp, "Early exit due to OpenGL version."); return 0; } } QElapsedTimer startupTime; startupTime.start(); // Debug option to demonstrate that the client's local time does not // need to be in sync with any other network node. This forces clock // skew for the individual client const char* CLOCK_SKEW = "--clockSkew"; const char* clockSkewOption = getCmdOption(argc, argv, CLOCK_SKEW); if (clockSkewOption) { int clockSkew = atoi(clockSkewOption); usecTimestampNowForceClockSkew(clockSkew); qCDebug(interfaceapp, "clockSkewOption=%s clockSkew=%d", clockSkewOption, clockSkew); } // Oculus initialization MUST PRECEDE OpenGL context creation. // The nature of the Application constructor means this has to be either here, // or in the main window ctor, before GL startup. Application::initPlugins(); int exitCode; { QSettings::setDefaultFormat(QSettings::IniFormat); Application app(argc, const_cast<char**>(argv), startupTime); // Setup local server QLocalServer server { &app }; // We failed to connect to a local server, so we remove any existing servers. server.removeServer(applicationName); server.listen(applicationName); QObject::connect(&server, &QLocalServer::newConnection, &app, &Application::handleLocalServerConnection); QTranslator translator; translator.load("i18n/interface_en"); app.installTranslator(&translator); qCDebug(interfaceapp, "Created QT Application."); exitCode = app.exec(); server.close(); } Application::shutdownPlugins(); qCDebug(interfaceapp, "Normal exit."); return exitCode; }
/** Constructor. Parses the command-line arguments, resets Rshare's * configuration (if requested), and sets up the GUI style and language * translation. */ Rshare::Rshare(QStringList args, int &argc, char **argv, const QString &dir) : QApplication(argc, argv) { mStartupTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); localServer = NULL; //Initialize connection to LocalServer to know if other process runs. { QString serverName = QString(TARGET); if (!args.isEmpty()) { // load into shared memory QBuffer buffer;; QDataStream out(&buffer); out << args; int size = buffer.size(); QSharedMemory newArgs; newArgs.setKey(serverName + "_newArgs"); if (newArgs.isAttached()) newArgs.detach(); if (!newArgs.create(size)) { std::cerr << "(EE) Rshare::Rshare Unable to create shared memory segment of size:" << size << " error:" << newArgs.errorString().toStdString() << "." << std::endl; #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX std::cerr << "Look with `ipcs -m` for nattch==0 segment. And remove it with `ipcrm -m 'shmid'`." << std::endl; //No need for windows, as it removes shared segment directly even when crash. #endif newArgs.detach(); ::exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } newArgs.lock(); char *to = (char*); const char *from =; memcpy(to, from, qMin(newArgs.size(), size)); newArgs.unlock(); // Connect to the Local Server of the main process to notify it // that a new process had been started QLocalSocket localSocket; localSocket.connectToServer(QString(TARGET)); std::cerr << "Rshare::Rshare waitForConnected to other instance." << std::endl; if( localSocket.waitForConnected(100) ) { std::cerr << "Rshare::Rshare Connection etablished. Waiting for disconnection." << std::endl; localSocket.waitForDisconnected(1000); newArgs.detach(); std::cerr << "Rshare::Rshare Arguments was sended." << std::endl << " To disable it, in Options - General - Misc," << std::endl << " uncheck \"Use Local Server to get new Arguments\"." << std::endl; ::exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); // Terminate the program using STDLib's exit function } newArgs.detach(); } // No main process exists // Or started without arguments // So we start a Local Server to listen for connections from new process localServer= new QLocalServer(); QObject::connect(localServer, SIGNAL(newConnection()), this, SLOT(slotConnectionEstablished())); updateLocalServer(); } #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK (5, 0, 0) qInstallMessageHandler(qt_msg_handler); #else qInstallMsgHandler(qt_msg_handler); #endif #ifndef __APPLE__ /* set default window icon */ setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/icons/logo_128.png")); #endif mBlink = true; QTimer *timer = new QTimer(this); timer->setInterval(500); connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(blinkTimer())); timer->start(); timer = new QTimer(this); timer->setInterval(60000); connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SIGNAL(minuteTick())); timer->start(); /* Read in all our command-line arguments. */ parseArguments(args); /* Check if we're supposed to reset our config before proceeding. */ if (_args.contains(ARG_RESET)) { Settings->reset(); } /* Handle the -loglevel and -logfile options. */ if (_args.contains(ARG_LOGFILE)); if (_args.contains(ARG_LOGLEVEL)) { _log.setLogLevel(Log::stringToLogLevel( _args.value(ARG_LOGLEVEL))); if (!_args.contains(ARG_LOGFILE)); } if (!_args.contains(ARG_LOGLEVEL) && !_args.contains(ARG_LOGFILE)) _log.setLogLevel(Log::Off); /* config directory */ useConfigDir = false; if (dir != "") { setConfigDirectory(dir); } /** Initialize support for language translations. */ //LanguageSupport::initialize(); resetLanguageAndStyle(); /* Switch off auto shutdown */ setQuitOnLastWindowClosed ( false ); /* Initialize GxsIdDetails */ GxsIdDetails::initialize(); }