void DemoSimApplication::sticksGameShow() { QSimCommand cmd; if ( sticksLeft == 1 ) { cmd.setType( QSimCommand::GetInkey ); cmd.setText( "There is only 1 stick left. You lose. Play again?" ); cmd.setWantYesNo( true ); command( cmd, this, SLOT(sticksGamePlayAgain(QSimTerminalResponse)) ); } else { cmd.setType( QSimCommand::GetInkey ); cmd.setText( "There are 21 sticks left. How many do you take (1, 2, or 3)?" ); cmd.setWantDigits( true ); if ( sticksLeft == 21 ) cmd.setHasHelp( true ); command( cmd, this, SLOT(sticksGameLoop(QSimTerminalResponse)) ); } }
void DemoSimApplication::mainMenuSelection( int id ) { QSimCommand cmd; switch ( id ) { case MainMenu_News: { QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT(sendDisplayText()) ); } break; case MainMenu_Sports: { sendSportsMenu(); } break; case MainMenu_Time: { cmd.setType( QSimCommand::SetupCall ); cmd.setNumber( "1194" ); cmd.setText( "Dialing the Time Guy ..." ); command( cmd, this, SLOT(mainMenu()) ); } break; case MainMenu_SticksGame: { startSticksGame(); } break; case MainMenu_Tones: { sendToneMenu(); } break; case MainMenu_Icons: { sendIconMenu(); } break; case MainMenu_IconsSE: { sendIconSEMenu(); } break; case MainMenu_Finance: { cmd.setType( QSimCommand::GetInput ); cmd.setText( "Enter code" ); cmd.setWantDigits( true ); cmd.setMinimumLength( 3 ); cmd.setHasHelp( true ); command( cmd, this, SLOT(getInputLoop(QSimTerminalResponse)) ); } break; case MainMenu_Browser: { sendBrowserMenu(); } break; default: { // Don't know what this item is, so just re-display the main menu. mainMenu(); } break; } }