NewKeyCommand::NewKeyCommand(TreeViewModel *model, int index, DataContainer *data, bool isBelow, QUndoCommand* parent) : QUndoCommand(parent) , m_parentNode(model->model().at(index)) , m_newNode(NULL) , m_value(data->newValue()) , m_metaData(data->newMetadata()) { TreeViewModel* parentModel = m_parentNode->getChildren(); kdb::Key newKey = parentModel->createNewKey(m_parentNode->getPath() + "/" + data->newName(), m_value, m_metaData); QStringList newNameSplit = parentModel->getSplittedKeyname(newKey); kdb::Key parentKey = m_parentNode->getKey(); if(!parentKey) parentKey = kdb::Key(m_parentNode->getPath().toStdString(), KEY_END); QStringList parentNameSplit = parentModel->getSplittedKeyname(parentKey); //check if the new key is directly below the parent QSet<QString> diff = newNameSplit.toSet().subtract(parentNameSplit.toSet()); if(diff.count() > 1 || isBelow) setText("newBranch"); else setText("newKey"); m_name = cutListAtIndex(newNameSplit, parentNameSplit.count()).first(); parentModel->sink(m_parentNode, newNameSplit, newKey.dup()); m_newNode = m_parentNode->getChildByName(m_name); parentModel->removeRow(m_parentNode->getChildIndexByName(m_name)); }
void QDeclarativeContactFetchHint::setDetailDefinitionsHint(const QStringList& definitionNames) { if (definitionNames.toSet() != m_fetchHint.detailDefinitionsHint().toSet()) { m_fetchHint.setDetailDefinitionsHint(definitionNames); emit fetchHintChanged(); } }
void QDeclarativeContactFetchHint::setRelationshipTypesHint(const QStringList& relationshipTypes) { if (relationshipTypes.toSet() != m_fetchHint.relationshipTypesHint().toSet()) { m_fetchHint.setRelationshipTypesHint(relationshipTypes); emit fetchHintChanged(); } }
LanguageListModel::LanguageListModel(ModelType type, QObject* parent) : QStringListModel(parent) , m_sortModel(new QSortFilterProxyModel(this)) #ifndef NOKDE , m_systemLangList(new KConfig(QLatin1String("locale/kf5_all_languages"), KConfig::NoGlobals, QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation)) #endif { #ifndef NOKDE setStringList(m_systemLangList->groupList()); #else QStringList ll; QList<QLocale> allLocales = QLocale::matchingLocales(QLocale::AnyLanguage, QLocale::AnyScript, QLocale::AnyCountry); foreach(const QLocale& l, allLocales) ll.append(; ll=ll.toSet().toList(); setStringList(ll); #endif if (type==WithEmptyLang) insertRows(rowCount(), 1); #if 0 //KDE5PORT KIconLoader::global()->addExtraDesktopThemes(); #endif //qWarning()<<KIconLoader::global()->hasContext(KIconLoader::International); //qDebug()<<KIconLoader::global()->queryIconsByContext(KIconLoader::NoGroup,KIconLoader::International); m_sortModel->setSourceModel(this); m_sortModel->sort(0); }
const QStringList LoadSavePlugin::getExtensionsForColors(const int id) { QList<FileFormat>::const_iterator it(findFormat(id)); QList<FileFormat>::const_iterator itEnd(formats.constEnd()); QStringList filterList; // We know the list is sorted by id, then priority, so we can just take the // highest priority entry for each ID, and we can start with the first entry // in the list. //First, check if we even have any plugins to load with if (it != itEnd) { if ((it->load) && (it->colorReading)) filterList.append(it->fileExtensions); unsigned int lastID = it->formatId; ++it; for ( ; it != itEnd ; ++it) { // Find the next load/save (as appropriate) plugin for the next format type if (((it->load) && (it->colorReading)) && (it->formatId > lastID)) { // And add it to the filter list, since we know it's // the highest priority because of the sort order. filterList.append(it->fileExtensions); lastID = it->formatId; } } } else qDebug("%s", tr("No File Loader Plugins Found").toLocal8Bit().data()); // Avoid duplicate entries in the list QSet<QString> fSet = filterList.toSet(); filterList = fSet.toList(); qSort(filterList); return filterList; }
void MetaQueryWidget::populateComboBox( QStringList results ) { QObject* query = sender(); if( !query ) return; QWeakPointer<KComboBox> combo = m_runningQueries.value(query); if( combo.isNull() ) return; // note: adding items seems to reset the edit text, so we have // to take care of that. disconnect(, 0, this, 0 ); // want the results unique and sorted const QSet<QString> dataSet = results.toSet(); QStringList dataList = dataSet.toList(); dataList.sort();>addItems( dataList ); KCompletion* comp =>completionObject(); comp->setItems( dataList ); // reset the text and re-enable the signal>setEditText( m_filter.value ); connect(, SIGNAL(editTextChanged( const QString& ) ), SLOT(valueChanged(const QString&)) ); }
void CompanionTable::init() { QStringList companionList = GetConfigFromLuaState(Sanguosha->getLuaState(), "companion_pairs").toStringList(); foreach (const QString &companions, companionList) { QStringList ones_others = companions.split("+"); QStringList ones = ones_others.first().split("|"); QStringList others = ones_others.last().split("|"); foreach (const QString &one, ones) { m_companions[one] += others.toSet(); } foreach (const QString &other, others) { m_companions[other] += ones.toSet(); } }
void DataSpecTest::test_operator_additiveAssignment() { // Use Case: // Test for merging two requirements objects. { DataSpec d1, d2, d3; QStringList req; req << "one" << "two"; d1.addStreamData(; d2.addStreamData(; d3.addStreamData(req.toSet()); d1 += d2; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(d1 == d3); } // Use Case: // Test for merging two requirements objects in a different order. { DataSpec d1, d2, d3; QStringList req; req << "one" << "two"; d1.addStreamData(; d2.addStreamData(; d3.addStreamData(req.toSet()); d2 += d1; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(d2 == d3); } // Use Case: // Test for merging two requirements objects, removing duplicates. { DataSpec d, d1, d2; QSet<QString> req, req1, req2; req << "one" << "two" << "three"; req1 << "one" << "two"; req2 << "two" << "three"; d.addStreamData(req); d1.addStreamData(req1); d2.addStreamData(req2); d2 += d1; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(d == d2); } }
virtual bool isAllowed(const QStringList& serviceCaps) { //client must have at least service caps; QSet<QString> sub = serviceCaps.toSet() - clientCaps;; if (sub.isEmpty()) return true; else return false; }
QStringList QgsExpressionContext::variableNames() const { QStringList names; Q_FOREACH ( const QgsExpressionContextScope* scope, mStack ) { names << scope->variableNames(); } return names.toSet().toList(); }
QStringList QgsExpressionContext::functionNames() const { QStringList result; Q_FOREACH ( const QgsExpressionContextScope* scope, mStack ) { result << scope->functionNames(); } result = result.toSet().toList(); result.sort(); return result; }
void SelectableFilesModel::setInitialMarkedFiles(const QStringList &files) { m_files = files.toSet(); m_outOfBaseDirFiles.clear(); QString base = m_baseDir + '/'; foreach (const QString &file, m_files) if (!file.startsWith(base)) m_outOfBaseDirFiles.append(file); m_allFiles = false; }
void RunnerModel::setRunners(const QStringList &runners) { if (m_runners.toSet() != runners.toSet()) { m_runners = runners; if (m_runnerManager) { m_runnerManager->setAllowedRunners(runners); } emit runnersChanged(); } }
/*! Returns a key matching messages whose serverUid is a member of \a uids, according to \a cmp. \sa QMailMessage::copyServerUid() */ QMailMessageKey QMailMessageKey::copyServerUid(const QStringList &uids, QMailDataComparator::InclusionComparator cmp) { #ifndef USE_ALTERNATE_MAILSTORE_IMPLEMENTATION if (uids.count() >= IdLookupThreshold) { // If there are a large number of UIDs, they will be inserted into a temporary table // with a uniqueness constraint; ensure only unique values are supplied return QMailMessageKey(uids.toSet().toList(), CopyServerUid, QMailKey::comparator(cmp)); } #endif return QMailMessageKey(uids, CopyServerUid, QMailKey::comparator(cmp)); }
bool HAvTransportAdapterPrivate::getDeviceCapabilities( HClientAction*, const HClientActionOp& op) { H_Q(HAvTransportAdapter); HDeviceCapabilities capabilities; if (op.returnValue() == UpnpSuccess) { const HActionArguments& outArgs = op.outputArguments(); QStringList pmedia = outArgs.value("PlayMedia").toString().split(","); QStringList rmedia = outArgs.value("RecMedia").toString().split(","); QStringList rqMode = outArgs.value("RecQualityModes").toString().split(","); capabilities = HDeviceCapabilities(pmedia.toSet(), rmedia.toSet(), rqMode.toSet()); } emit q->getDeviceCapabilitiesCompleted(q, takeOp(op, capabilities)); return false; }
DB::ValueCategoryMatcher::ValueCategoryMatcher( const QString& category, const QString& value ) { // Unescape doubled "&"s and restore the original value QString unEscapedValue = value; unEscapedValue.replace(QString::fromUtf8("&&"), QString::fromUtf8("&")); m_category = category ; m_option = unEscapedValue; const MemberMap& map = DB::ImageDB::instance()->memberMap(); const QStringList members = map.members(m_category, m_option, true); m_members = members.toSet(); }
void PluginManager::loadPlugins() { QStringList plugins = settings().value("plugins" SUFFIX).toStringList(); plugins = plugins.toSet().toList(); /* Remove duplicates */ foreach(QString plugin, plugins) { try { addPlugin(plugin); } catch (const std::runtime_error &err) { qDebug() << err.what(); } } }
void UIMediumEnumerator::sltHandleMachineUpdate(QString strMachineID) { LogRel2(("GUI: UIMediumEnumerator: Machine (or snapshot) event received, ID = %s\n", strMachineID.toUtf8().constData())); /* Gather previously used UIMedium IDs: */ QStringList previousUIMediumIDs; calculateCachedUsage(strMachineID, previousUIMediumIDs, true /* take into account current state only */); LogRel2(("GUI: UIMediumEnumerator: Old usage: %s\n", previousUIMediumIDs.isEmpty() ? "<empty>" : previousUIMediumIDs.join(", ").toUtf8().constData())); /* Gather currently used CMediums and their IDs: */ CMediumMap currentCMediums; QStringList currentCMediumIDs; calculateActualUsage(strMachineID, currentCMediums, currentCMediumIDs, true /* take into account current state only */); LogRel2(("GUI: UIMediumEnumerator: New usage: %s\n", currentCMediumIDs.isEmpty() ? "<empty>" : currentCMediumIDs.join(", ").toUtf8().constData())); /* Determine excluded mediums: */ const QSet<QString> previousSet = previousUIMediumIDs.toSet(); const QSet<QString> currentSet = currentCMediumIDs.toSet(); const QSet<QString> excludedSet = previousSet - currentSet; const QStringList excludedUIMediumIDs = excludedSet.toList(); if (!excludedUIMediumIDs.isEmpty()) LogRel2(("GUI: UIMediumEnumerator: Items excluded from usage: %s\n", excludedUIMediumIDs.join(", ").toUtf8().constData())); if (!currentCMediumIDs.isEmpty()) LogRel2(("GUI: UIMediumEnumerator: Items currently in usage: %s\n", currentCMediumIDs.join(", ").toUtf8().constData())); /* Update cache for excluded UIMediums: */ recacheFromCachedUsage(excludedUIMediumIDs); /* Update cache for current CMediums: */ recacheFromActualUsage(currentCMediums, currentCMediumIDs); LogRel2(("GUI: UIMediumEnumerator: Machine (or snapshot) event processed, ID = %s\n", strMachineID.toUtf8().constData())); }
bool lmcCore::receiveAppMessage(const QString& szMessage) { bool doNotExit = true; if(szMessage.isEmpty()) { pMainWindow->restore(); return doNotExit; } QStringList messageList = szMessage.split("\n", QString::SkipEmptyParts); // remove duplicates messageList = messageList.toSet().toList(); if(messageList.contains("/new", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { if(messageList.contains("/loopback", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) pMessaging->setLoopback(true); } if(messageList.contains("/nohistory", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { QFile::remove(History::historyFile()); if(pHistoryWindow) pHistoryWindow->updateList(); } if(messageList.contains("/nofilehistory", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { QFile::remove(StdLocation::transferHistory()); if(pTransferWindow) pTransferWindow->updateList(); } if(messageList.contains("/noconfig", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { QFile::remove(StdLocation::avatarFile()); QFile::remove(pSettings->fileName()); pSettings->sync(); settingsChanged(); } if(messageList.contains("/sync", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { bool autoStart = pSettings->value(IDS_AUTOSTART, IDS_AUTOSTART_VAL).toBool(); lmcSettings::setAutoStart(autoStart); } if(messageList.contains("/unsync", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { lmcSettings::setAutoStart(false); } if(messageList.contains("/term", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { doNotExit = false; exitApp(); } if(messageList.contains("/quit", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { doNotExit = false; } return doNotExit; }
QSet<QString> QgsSymbolLayerV2::usedAttributes() const { QStringList columns; QMap< QString, QgsDataDefined* >::const_iterator ddIt = mDataDefinedProperties.constBegin(); for ( ; ddIt != mDataDefinedProperties.constEnd(); ++ddIt ) { if ( ddIt.value() && ddIt.value()->isActive() ) { columns.append( ddIt.value()->referencedColumns() ); } } return columns.toSet(); }
/** * Ends the import. Reimplementations should call this base * implementation first since this commits the transaction * after importing entities into the document. */ void RImporter::endImport() { transaction.end(); // ground all directly recursive block references: int counter = 0; QStringList blockNames; QSet<RBlock::Id> blockIds = document->queryAllBlocks(); QSet<RBlock::Id>::const_iterator it; for (it=blockIds.constBegin(); it!=blockIds.constEnd(); it++) { RBlock::Id blockId = *it; QSet<REntity::Id> ids = document->queryBlockEntities(blockId); QSet<REntity::Id>::const_iterator it2; for (it2=ids.constBegin(); it2!=ids.constEnd(); it2++) { REntity::Id entityId = *it2; QSharedPointer<REntity> entity = document->queryEntityDirect(entityId); QSharedPointer<RBlockReferenceEntity> blockRef = entity.dynamicCast<RBlockReferenceEntity>(); if (blockRef.isNull()) { // ignore non block reference entities: continue; } RBlock::Id refBlockId = blockRef->getReferencedBlockId(); if (refBlockId==blockId) { blockNames.append(document->getBlockName(refBlockId)); blockRef->setReferencedBlockId(RBlock::INVALID_ID); counter++; } } } if (RMainWindow::hasMainWindow() && counter>0) { blockNames = blockNames.toSet().toList(); RMainWindow::getMainWindow()->handleUserWarning( QString("Grounded %1 recursive block references in blocks: %2") .arg(counter) .arg(blockNames.join(", ")) ); } //qDebug() << "rebuilding spatial index"; document->rebuildSpatialIndex(); //qDebug() << "rebuilding spatial index: OK"; }
void TrialWidget::buildComboBoxes(QDomDocument* domDoc) { QStringList args; XMLelement arg = XMLelement(*domDoc)["arguments"].firstChild(); while (!arg.isNull()) { args.append(arg.label()); defs.insert(arg.label(), defs.keys().contains(arg.label()) && (arg.value().isNull() || arg.value() == "NULL") ? defs[arg.label()] : arg.value()); // defs[arg.label()]=(arg.value()); arg = arg.nextSibling(); } foreach(QString label, defs.keys().toSet().subtract(args.toSet())) defs.remove(label); if (args.size()) execBuildComboBoxes(args); }
void DatabaseFileWatcher::notifyChanges(ServiceDatabase *database, DatabaseManager::DbScope scope) { #ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN scope = DatabaseManager::SystemScope; #endif QString dbPath = database->databasePath(); if (!QFile::exists(dbPath)) { m_knownServices.remove(dbPath); restartDirMonitoring(dbPath, QString()); return; } QStringList currentServices = database->getServiceNames(QString()); if (database->lastError().code() !=DBError::NoError) { qWarning("QServiceManager: failed to get current service names for serviceAdded() and serviceRemoved() signals"); return; } const QStringList &knownServicesRef = m_knownServices[dbPath]; QSet<QString> currentServicesSet = currentServices.toSet(); QSet<QString> knownServicesSet = knownServicesRef.toSet(); if (currentServicesSet == knownServicesSet) return; QStringList newServices; for (int i=0; i<currentServices.count(); i++) { if (!knownServicesSet.contains(currentServices[i])) newServices << currentServices[i]; } QStringList removedServices; for (int i=0; i<knownServicesRef.count(); i++) { if (!currentServicesSet.contains(knownServicesRef[i])) removedServices << knownServicesRef[i]; } m_knownServices[dbPath] = currentServices; for (int i=0; i<newServices.count(); i++) emit m_manager->serviceAdded(newServices[i], scope); for (int i=0; i<removedServices.count(); i++) emit m_manager->serviceRemoved(removedServices[i], scope); }
void BookmarksManager::updateUrls() { QStringList urls; for (int i = 0; i < m_allBookmarks.count(); ++i) { if ( &&>type == UrlBookmark) { const QUrl url(>url); if (url.isValid()) { urls.append(url.toString(QUrl::RemovePassword | QUrl::RemoveFragment)); } } } m_urls = urls.toSet(); }
bool KonsoleKalendar::printCalendarList() { Akonadi::CollectionFetchJob *job = new Akonadi::CollectionFetchJob(Akonadi::Collection::root(), Akonadi::CollectionFetchJob::Recursive); QStringList mimeTypes = QStringList() << QStringLiteral("text/calendar") << KCalCore::Event::eventMimeType() << KCalCore::Todo::todoMimeType() << KCalCore::Journal::journalMimeType(); job->fetchScope().setContentMimeTypes(mimeTypes); QEventLoop loop; QObject::connect(job, &Akonadi::CollectionFetchJob::result, &loop, &QEventLoop::quit); job->start(); loop.exec(); if (job->error() != 0) { return false; } Akonadi::Collection::List collections = job->collections(); if (collections.isEmpty()) { cout << i18n("There are no calendars available.").toLocal8Bit().data() << endl; } else { cout << "--------------------------" << endl; QSet<QString> mimeTypeSet = mimeTypes.toSet(); foreach (const Akonadi::Collection &collection, collections) { if (!mimeTypeSet.intersect(collection.contentMimeTypes().toSet()).isEmpty()) { QString colId = QString::number(, QLatin1Char(' ')); colId += QLatin1String("- "); bool readOnly = !(collection.rights() & Akonadi::Collection::CanCreateItem || collection.rights() & Akonadi::Collection::CanChangeItem || collection.rights() & Akonadi::Collection::CanDeleteItem); QString readOnlyString = readOnly ? i18n("(Read only)") + QLatin1Char(' ') : QString(); cout << colId.toLocal8Bit().data() << readOnlyString.toLocal8Bit().constData() << collection.displayName().toLocal8Bit().data() << endl; } } } return true; }
void FolderWatcher::changeDetected( const QStringList& paths ) { // qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << paths; // TODO: this shortcut doesn't look very reliable: // - why is the timeout only 1 second? // - what if there are more than one file being updated frequently? // - why do we skip the file alltogether instead of e.g. reducing the upload frequency? // Check if the same path was reported within the last second. QSet<QString> pathsSet = paths.toSet(); if( pathsSet == _lastPaths && _timer.elapsed() < 1000 ) { // the same path was reported within the last second. Skip. return; } _lastPaths = pathsSet; _timer.restart(); QSet<QString> changedFolders; // ------- handle ignores: for (int i = 0; i < paths.size(); ++i) { QString path = paths[i]; if( pathIsIgnored(path) ) { continue; } QFileInfo fi(path); if (fi.isDir()) { changedFolders.insert(path); } else { changedFolders.insert(fi.dir().path()); } } if (changedFolders.isEmpty()) { return; } qDebug() << "detected changes in folders:" << changedFolders; foreach (const QString &path, changedFolders) { emit folderChanged(path); }
void BattleLogsWidget::done() { QStringList tiers = this->tiers->toPlainText().split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts); for(int i = 0; i < tiers.size(); i++) { tiers[i] = tiers[i].trimmed(); } master->tiers = tiers.toSet(); master->saveMixedTiers = mixedTiers->isChecked(); master->saveRawFiles = rawFile->isChecked(); master->saveTextFiles = textFile->isChecked(); QSettings s("config_battleLogs", QSettings::IniFormat); s.setValue("save_mixed_tiers", mixedTiers->isChecked()); s.setValue("save_raw_files", rawFile->isChecked()); s.setValue("save_text_files", textFile->isChecked()); s.setValue("tiers", tiers); close(); }
void KJotsComponent::cleanupOldBackups() { QDir dir(KStandardDirs::locateLocal("data","kjots")); QStringList filter; filter << "*.book"; QStringList backupFilter; backupFilter << "*.book.*~"; //Read in books from disk QStringList files = dir.entryList(filter, QDir::Files|QDir::Readable); QStringList backupFiles = dir.entryList(backupFilter, QDir::Files|QDir::Readable); int maxBackups = 10; // The default amount of numbered backups saved by KSaveFile::numberedBackupFile QSet<QString> fileSet; foreach( const QString &file, files ) { for( int bkup=1; bkup <= maxBackups; bkup++) { fileSet << file + '.' + QString::number(bkup) + '~'; } } QSet<QString> backupFileSet = backupFiles.toSet(); // deletedFileBackups is a list of backup files whose original has already been deleted. // If the backup file is older than AGE days, delete it. QSet<QString> deletedFileBackups = backupFileSet - fileSet; const int AGE = 7; foreach ( const QString &backupFile, deletedFileBackups ) { QString filepath = dir.absoluteFilePath(backupFile); QFileInfo fi(filepath); if (fi.lastModified().addDays(AGE) < QDateTime::currentDateTime() ) { QFile::remove(filepath); } }
void lmcCore::init(const QString& szCommandArgs) { // prevent auto app exit when last visible window is closed qApp->setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(false); QStringList arguments = szCommandArgs.split("\n", QString::SkipEmptyParts); // remove duplicates arguments = arguments.toSet().toList(); pInitParams = new XmlMessage(); if(arguments.contains("/silent", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) pInitParams->addData(XN_SILENTMODE, LMC_TRUE); if(arguments.contains("/trace", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { pInitParams->addData(XN_TRACEMODE, LMC_TRUE); pInitParams->addData(XN_LOGFILE, StdLocation::freeLogFile()); } for(int index = 0; index < arguments.count(); index++) { if("/port=", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { QString port ="/port=").length()); pInitParams->addData(XN_PORT, port); continue; } if("/config=", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { QString configFile ="/config=").length()); pInitParams->addData(XN_CONFIG, configFile); continue; } } lmcTrace::init(pInitParams); lmcTrace::write("Application initialized"); loadSettings(); lmcTrace::write("Settings loaded"); pMessaging->init(pInitParams); pMainWindow->init(pMessaging->localUser, &pMessaging->groupList, pMessaging->isConnected()); pPublicChatWindow->init(pMessaging->localUser, pMessaging->isConnected()); }
void CodeArea::onTextChange() { QStringList lineList = toPlainText().split("\n"); QString cleanData; foreach (QString str, lineList) { if(!str.startsWith("--")) { cleanData+=str+" "; } } QRegExp ex("(\\s|\\(|\\)|\\=|,|\\[|\\]|\\{|\\}|\\.|-)"); QStringList wordList = cleanData.split(ex); wordList.removeAll(""); wordList.removeAll(textUnderCursor()); wordList.append(mWordList); wordList.append( AutoComplete::autoCompleteList.toSet().toList()); wordList.append( AutoComplete::autoCompleteUOList.toSet().toList()); wordList.sort(); if(mCompleter) mCompleter->setModel(new QStringListModel(wordList.toSet().toList(), mCompleter)); }