void TestChangeTrackedDelete::testPrefixMerge() { TextTool *textTool = new TextTool(new MockCanvas); KoTextEditor *textEditor = textTool->textEditor(); QVERIFY(textEditor); QTextDocument *document = textEditor->document(); KTextDocumentLayout *layout = qobject_cast<KTextDocumentLayout*>(document->documentLayout()); QTextCursor *cursor = textEditor->cursor(); cursor->insertText("Hello World"); cursor->setPosition(3); ChangeTrackedDeleteCommand *delCommand = new ChangeTrackedDeleteCommand(ChangeTrackedDeleteCommand::NextChar, textTool); textEditor->addCommand(delCommand); QCOMPARE(document->characterAt(3).unicode(), (ushort)(QChar::ObjectReplacementCharacter)); cursor->setPosition(4); delCommand = new ChangeTrackedDeleteCommand(ChangeTrackedDeleteCommand::NextChar, textTool); textEditor->addCommand(delCommand); // This is wierd. Without this loop present the succeeding call to inlineTextObject returs NULL. Why ?????? for (int i=0; i<document->characterCount(); i++) { cursor->setPosition(i); } cursor->setPosition(4); KDeleteChangeMarker *testMarker = dynamic_cast<KDeleteChangeMarker*>(layout->inlineTextObjectManager()->inlineTextObject(*cursor)); QTextDocumentFragment deleteData = KTextDocument(document).changeTracker()->elementById(testMarker->changeId())->deleteData(); QCOMPARE(deleteData.toPlainText(), QString("lo")); delete textTool; }
QMimeData* QTextBrowserEx::createMimeDataFromSelection() const { QMimeData *data = new QMimeData(); QTextCursor txtCursor = textCursor(); QTextDocumentFragment htmlFrag = txtCursor.selection(); data->setHtml(htmlFrag.toHtml()); data->setText(htmlFrag.toPlainText()); QString html = htmlFrag.toHtml(); QList<QPair<QString,QTextCharFormat>> frags; getSelectTextFragments(frags); QList<QByteArray> lstFrags; for(int i = 0; i < frags.count(); i++) { const QPair<QString,QTextCharFormat> &frag = frags.at(i); QString txt = frag.first; QTextCharFormat txtfmt = frag.second; QByteArray buf; QDataStream ds(&buf, QIODevice::WriteOnly); ds << txt << txtfmt; lstFrags.push_back(buf); } QByteArray fragsBuffer; QDataStream dataStream(&fragsBuffer, QIODevice::WriteOnly); dataStream << lstFrags; data->setData(KTextEditMime, fragsBuffer); return data; }
int KoChangeTracker::getDeleteChangeId(QString title, QTextDocumentFragment selection, int existingChangeId) { if ( existingChangeId ) { d->m_childs.insert(existingChangeId, d->m_changeId); d->m_parents.insert(d->m_changeId, existingChangeId); } KoChangeTrackerElement *changeElement = new KoChangeTrackerElement(title, KoGenChange::deleteChange); changeElement->setDate(KDateTime::currentLocalDateTime().toString(KDateTime::ISODate)); changeElement->setCreator(QString("essai delete")); //TODO preserve formating info there. this will do for now changeElement->setDeleteData(selection.toPlainText()); changeElement->setEnabled(d->m_enabled); d->m_changes.insert(d->m_changeId, changeElement); return d->m_changeId++; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ // here the QT_program is created QApplication app(argc, argv); //Qt translations QTranslator qtTranslator; qtTranslator.load("qt_" + QLocale::system().name(), QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath)); app.installTranslator(&qtTranslator); //My translations QTranslator translator; QString trDir = "/usr/share/qshutdown/translations/"; translator.load(trDir + "qshutdown-" + QLocale::system().name()); app.installTranslator(&translator); QTextStream myOutput(stdout); if(!QProcessEnvironment().isEmpty()) shell = QProcess::systemEnvironment().filter("SHELL").first().remove("SHELL="); if(shell.isEmpty() && QFile("/bin/bash").exists()) shell = "/bin/bash"; else myOutput << "E: No shell found! Custom commands won't work!"; QString infoStr = QString(QObject::tr("qshutdown will show itself 3 times as a warning " "if there are less than 70 seconds left.<br/><br/>This program uses qdbus to send a " "shutdown/reboot/suspend/hibernate request to either the gnome- or " "kde-session-manager, to HAL/ConsoleKit/DeviceKit/UPower and if none of these works, the " "command 'sudo shutdown' will be used (note that when sending the shutdown request to HAL or " "ConsoleKit, or the shutdown command is used, the Session will never be saved. If the " "shutdown command is used, the program will only be able to shutdown and reboot). So " "if nothing happens when the shutdown- or reboot-time is reached, it means that one " "lacks the rights for the shutdown command. In this case one can do the following:" "<br/><br/>Paste the following in a terminal:<pre>EDITOR=nano sudo -E visudo</pre>and " "add this line:<pre>* ALL = NOPASSWD:/sbin/shutdown</pre>whereas * replaces the " "user name or %group name.<br/><br/>The maximum Number of countdown_minutes is " "1440 (24 hours).<br/>The configuration file (and logfile) is located at " "<i>~/.qshutdown/</i> (under Linux/Unix).<br/><br/><b>For admins:</b><br/>If you want " "qshutdown to run with \"parental lock\" for every user, you can do " "\"sudo cp /usr/share/qshutdown/autostart/99qshutdown /etc/X11/Xsession.d/\" " "and set the option Lock_all in /root/.qshutdown/qshutdown.conf to true. Note that " "qshutdown has to start once to generate the qshutdown.conf. Furthermore there is a " "need to add the following line to the sudoers (as above):" "<pre>* ALL = NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/qshutdown</pre><br/>If you should ever forget " "your set password, just remove the whole line starting with \"Password\" manually from " "the qshutdown.conf.<br/><br/><b>Hints on usage:</b><br/>If you want qshutdown to stop " "\"bugging\" you, just remove the hook from " "\"warnings on?\".<br/><br/><b>Hotkeys:</b><table border=\"1\"><tr><td>Ctrl+I</td><td>(this)" " information window</td></tr><tr><td>Ctrl+Q</td><td>Quit</td></tr><tr><td>Ctrl+P</td>" "<td>Preferences</td></tr><tr><td>Ctrl+L</td><td>write the run time once into the logfile (works " "only if qshutdown quits. To make it permanent set it in the preferences.)</td></tr><tr>" "<td>Ctrl+S</td><td>set to shutdown</td></tr><tr><td>Ctrl+R</td><td>set to restart</td></tr>" "<tr><td>Ctrl+U</td><td>set to suspend to RAM</td></tr><tr><td>Ctrl+H</td><td>set to hibernate" "</td></tr><tr><td>Ctrl+E</td><td>stop countdown (only if the countdown has started and the admin " "didn't restrict the access)</td></tr><tr><td>Shift+E</td><td>to edit the configuration file (for " "this a password is necessary. If you are a user, you can set an \"empty password\" (leave the " "password field empty)).</td></tr></table>")); QTextDocumentFragment infoDoc; infoDoc = QTextDocumentFragment::fromHtml(infoStr); QString info = infoDoc.toPlainText(); //Get the arguments passed from the terminal QStringList args = QApplication::arguments(); args.removeFirst(); //this is just the program for(int i=1; i<args.size();args.removeLast()); if(!args.empty()){ QString arg = args[0]; if(arg[0] == '-'){ if(arg[1] == 'h' || arg == "--help") myOutput << "\nqshutdown [ options ... ]\n\nOptions are:\n\t-h " << "or --help\tPrints this message.\n\t-i\t\tPrints " << "information.\n\t-v\t\tPrints all errors and warnings.\n" << "\t-s or --start\tStarts the countdown for the set time." << endl; if(arg[1] == 'i') myOutput << info << endl; } if(arg != "-h" && arg != "--help" && arg != "-i" && !((arg[0] == '-' && (arg.contains("s") || arg.contains("v"))) || args.contains("--start"))) myOutput << "Wrong options! Try qshutdown -h" << endl; if(arg.contains("-") && arg.contains("-v")) verbose = true; } if(!args.empty() && !((args[0][0] == '-' && (args[0].contains("v") || args[0].contains("s"))) || args.contains("--start"))) exit(0); Gui window; //Create the main widget #ifndef Q_OS_WIN32 QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject(OBJECT_NAME, &window, QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableSlots); if(QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerService(SERVICE_NAME)){ //if possible register qshutdown as a service in the session bus #endif //Q_OS_WIN32 window.information = infoStr; window.loadSettings(); window.center(); window.show(); app.setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(false); if(!args.empty() && ((args[0][0] == '-' && args[0].contains("s")) || args.contains("--start"))) window.set(); return app.exec(); #ifndef Q_OS_WIN32 } else{ //if registering qshutdown fails (also because it is already // registered, show window myOutput << "\nqshutdown is already running!\n" << endl; QDBusInterface iface(SERVICE_NAME, OBJECT_NAME, "", QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), &window); QDBusMessage response = iface.call("showRunningProgram"); if(response.type() == QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage){ if(verbose) myOutput << "QDBusInterface " << iface.interface() << " seems to be valid... -> " << (iface.isValid()? "true":"false") << "\nW: " << response.errorName() << ": " << response.errorMessage() << "\nYou can ignore this.\n\n" << endl; QDBusInterface iface2(SERVICE_NAME, OBJECT_NAME, "local.Gui", QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), &window); QDBusMessage response2 = iface2.call("showRunningProgram"); if(response2.type() == QDBusMessage::ErrorMessage) myOutput << "QDBusInterface " << iface2.interface() << " seems to be valid... -> " << (iface2.isValid()? "true":"false") << "\nW: " << response2.errorName() << ": " << response2.errorMessage() << "\nPlease report this." << endl; else if(!args.empty() && ((args[0][0] == '-' && args[0].contains("s")) || args.contains("--start"))) iface2.call("set"); } else if(!args.empty() && ((args[0][0] == '-' && args[0].contains("s")) || args.contains("--start"))) iface.call("set"); } if(!args.empty() && ((args[0][0] == '-' && args[0].contains("s")) || args.contains("--start"))) myOutput << "Starting countdown!\n"; #endif //Q_OS_WIN32 }