foreach (QAction* action, actions) { QToolButton* button = new QToolButton; QFont font = button->font(); font.setPixelSize(14); button->setFont(font); button->setText(action->text()); d->m_flow_layout->addWidget(button); QObject::connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), action, SLOT(trigger())); }
KexiDBDateTimeEdit::KexiDBDateTimeEdit(const QDateTime &datetime, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), KexiFormDataItemInterface() { m_invalidState = false; m_cleared = false; m_readOnly = false; m_dateEdit = new Q3DateEdit(, this); m_dateEdit->setAutoAdvance(true); m_dateEdit->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding); // m_dateEdit->setFixedWidth( QFontMetrics(m_dateEdit->font()).width("8888-88-88___") ); connect(m_dateEdit, SIGNAL(valueChanged(QDate)), this, SLOT(slotValueChanged())); connect(m_dateEdit, SIGNAL(valueChanged(QDate)), this, SIGNAL(dateTimeChanged())); QToolButton* btn = new QToolButton(this); btn->setText("..."); btn->setFixedWidth(QFontMetrics(btn->font()).width(" ... ")); btn->setPopupDelay(1); //1 ms m_timeEdit = new Q3TimeEdit(datetime.time(), this); m_timeEdit->setAutoAdvance(true); m_timeEdit->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding); connect(m_timeEdit, SIGNAL(valueChanged(QTime)), this, SLOT(slotValueChanged())); connect(m_timeEdit, SIGNAL(valueChanged(QTime)), this, SIGNAL(dateTimeChanged())); #ifdef QDateTimeEditor_HACK m_dte_date = KexiUtils::findFirstChild<QDateTimeEditor>(m_dateEdit, "QDateTimeEditor"); m_dte_time = KexiUtils::findFirstChild<QDateTimeEditor>(m_timeEdit, "QDateTimeEditor"); #else m_dte_date = 0; #endif m_datePickerPopupMenu = new QMenu(0, "date_popup"); connect(m_datePickerPopupMenu, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(slotShowDatePicker())); m_datePicker = new KDatePicker(m_datePickerPopupMenu, QDate::currentDate(), 0); KDateTable *dt = KexiUtils::findFirstChild<KDateTable>(m_datePicker, "KDateTable"); if (dt) connect(dt, SIGNAL(tableClicked()), this, SLOT(acceptDate())); m_datePicker->setCloseButton(true); m_datePicker->installEventFilter(this); m_datePickerPopupMenu->insertItem(m_datePicker); btn->setPopup(m_datePickerPopupMenu); QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout(this); layout->addWidget(m_dateEdit, 0); layout->addWidget(btn, 0); layout->addWidget(m_timeEdit, 0); //layout->addStretch(1); setFocusProxy(m_dateEdit); }
foreach (MVAbstractViewFactory* f, factories) { QToolButton* button = new QToolButton; QFont font = button->font(); font.setPixelSize(14); button->setFont(font); button->setText(f->name()); button->setProperty("action_name", f->id()); d->m_flow_layout->addWidget(button); d->m_viewMapper->setMapping(button, f); QObject::connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), d->m_viewMapper, SLOT(map())); //QObject::connect(f, SIGNAL(enabledChanged(bool)), button, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); d->m_buttons[f->name()] = button; }
void QmitkToolSelectionBox::RecreateButtons() { if (m_ToolManager.IsNull()) return; /* // remove all buttons that are there QObjectList *l = Q3ButtonGroup::queryList( "QButton" ); QObjectListIt it( *l ); // iterate over all buttons QObject *obj; while ( (obj = it.current()) != 0 ) { ++it; QButton* button = dynamic_cast<QButton*>(obj); if (button) { Q3ButtonGroup::remove(button); delete button; } } delete l; // delete the list, not the objects */ // mmueller Qt impl QList<QAbstractButton *> l = m_ToolButtonGroup->buttons(); // remove all buttons that are there QList<QAbstractButton *>::iterator it; QAbstractButton * btn; for(it=l.begin(); it!=l.end();++it) { btn = *it; m_ToolButtonGroup->removeButton(btn); //this->removeChild(btn); delete btn; } // end mmueller Qt impl mitk::ToolManager::ToolVectorTypeConst allPossibleTools = m_ToolManager->GetTools(); mitk::ToolManager::ToolVectorTypeConst allTools; typedef std::pair< std::string::size_type, const mitk::Tool* > SortPairType; typedef std::priority_queue< SortPairType > SortedToolQueueType; SortedToolQueueType toolPositions; // clear and sort all tools // step one: find name/group of all tools in m_DisplayedGroups string. remember these positions for all tools. for ( mitk::ToolManager::ToolVectorTypeConst::const_iterator iter = allPossibleTools.begin(); iter != allPossibleTools.end(); ++iter) { const mitk::Tool* tool = *iter; std::string::size_type namePos = m_DisplayedGroups.find( std::string("'") + tool->GetName() + "'" ); std::string::size_type groupPos = m_DisplayedGroups.find( std::string("'") + tool->GetGroup() + "'" ); if ( !m_DisplayedGroups.empty() && namePos == std::string::npos && groupPos == std::string::npos ) continue; // skip if ( m_DisplayedGroups.empty() && std::string(tool->GetName()).length() > 0 ) { namePos = static_cast<std::string::size_type> (tool->GetName()[0]); } SortPairType thisPair = std::make_pair( namePos < groupPos ? namePos : groupPos, *iter ); toolPositions.push( thisPair ); } // step two: sort tools according to previously found positions in m_DisplayedGroups MITK_DEBUG << "Sorting order of tools (lower number --> earlier in button group)"; while ( !toolPositions.empty() ) { SortPairType thisPair =; MITK_DEBUG << "Position " << thisPair.first << " : " << thisPair.second->GetName(); allTools.push_back( thisPair.second ); toolPositions.pop(); } std::reverse( allTools.begin(), allTools.end() ); MITK_DEBUG << "Sorted tools:"; for ( mitk::ToolManager::ToolVectorTypeConst::const_iterator iter = allTools.begin(); iter != allTools.end(); ++iter) { MITK_DEBUG << (*iter)->GetName(); } // try to change layout... bad? //Q3GroupBox::setColumnLayout ( m_LayoutColumns, Qt::Horizontal ); // mmueller using gridlayout instead of Q3GroupBox //this->setLayout(0); if(m_ButtonLayout == NULL) m_ButtonLayout = new QGridLayout; /*else delete m_ButtonLayout;*/ int row(0); int column(-1); int currentButtonID(0); m_ButtonIDForToolID.clear(); m_ToolIDForButtonID.clear(); QToolButton* button = 0; MITK_DEBUG << "Creating buttons for tools"; // fill group box with buttons for ( mitk::ToolManager::ToolVectorTypeConst::const_iterator iter = allTools.begin(); iter != allTools.end(); ++iter) { const mitk::Tool* tool = *iter; int currentToolID( m_ToolManager->GetToolID( tool ) ); ++column; // new line if we are at the maximum columns if(column == m_LayoutColumns) { ++row; column = 0; } button = new QToolButton; button->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum)); // add new button to the group MITK_DEBUG << "Adding button with ID " << currentToolID; m_ToolButtonGroup->addButton(button, currentButtonID); // ... and to the layout MITK_DEBUG << "Adding button in row/column " << row << "/" << column; m_ButtonLayout->addWidget(button, row, column); if (m_LayoutColumns == 1) { //button->setTextPosition( QToolButton::BesideIcon ); // mmueller button->setToolButtonStyle( Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon ); } else { //button->setTextPosition( QToolButton::BelowIcon ); // mmueller button->setToolButtonStyle( Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon ); } //button->setToggleButton( true ); // mmueller button->setCheckable ( true ); if(currentToolID == m_ToolManager->GetActiveToolID()) button->setChecked(true); QString label; if (m_GenerateAccelerators) { label += "&"; } label += tool->GetName(); QString tooltip = tool->GetName(); MITK_DEBUG << tool->GetName() << ", " << label.toLocal8Bit().constData() << ", '" << tooltip.toLocal8Bit().constData(); if ( m_ShowNames ) { /* button->setUsesTextLabel(true); button->setTextLabel( label ); // a label QToolTip::add( button, tooltip ); */ // mmueller Qt button->setText( label ); // a label button->setToolTip( tooltip ); // mmueller QFont currentFont = button->font(); currentFont.setBold(false); button->setFont( currentFont ); } us::ModuleResource iconResource = tool->GetIconResource(); if (!iconResource.IsValid()) { button->setIcon(QIcon(QPixmap(tool->GetXPM()))); } else { us::ModuleResourceStream resourceStream(iconResource, std::ios::binary); resourceStream.seekg(0, std::ios::end); std::ios::pos_type length = resourceStream.tellg(); resourceStream.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); char* data = new char[length];, length); QPixmap pixmap; pixmap.loadFromData(QByteArray::fromRawData(data, length)); QIcon* icon = new QIcon(pixmap); delete[] data; button->setIcon(*icon); if (m_ShowNames) { if (m_LayoutColumns == 1) button->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon); else button->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon); button->setIconSize(QSize(24, 24)); } else { button->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly); button->setIconSize(QSize(32,32)); button->setToolTip(tooltip); } } if (m_GenerateAccelerators) { QString firstLetter = QString( tool->GetName() ); firstLetter.truncate( 1 ); button->setShortcut( firstLetter ); // a keyboard shortcut (just the first letter of the given name w/o any CTRL or something) } mitk::DataNode* dataNode = m_ToolManager->GetReferenceData(0); if (dataNode != NULL && !tool->CanHandle(dataNode->GetData())) button->setEnabled(false); m_ButtonIDForToolID[currentToolID] = currentButtonID; m_ToolIDForButtonID[currentButtonID] = currentToolID; MITK_DEBUG << "m_ButtonIDForToolID[" << currentToolID << "] == " << currentButtonID; MITK_DEBUG << "m_ToolIDForButtonID[" << currentButtonID << "] == " << currentToolID; tool->GUIProcessEventsMessage += mitk::MessageDelegate<QmitkToolSelectionBox>( this, &QmitkToolSelectionBox::OnToolGUIProcessEventsMessage ); // will never add a listener twice, so we don't have to check here tool->ErrorMessage += mitk::MessageDelegate1<QmitkToolSelectionBox, std::string>( this, &QmitkToolSelectionBox::OnToolErrorMessage ); // will never add a listener twice, so we don't have to check here tool->GeneralMessage += mitk::MessageDelegate1<QmitkToolSelectionBox, std::string>( this, &QmitkToolSelectionBox::OnGeneralToolMessage ); ++currentButtonID; } // setting grid layout for this groupbox this->setLayout(m_ButtonLayout); //this->update(); }