int Url::setEncodedQuery ( lua_State * L )// ( const QByteArray & query ) { QUrl* lhs = ValueInstaller2<QUrl>::check( L, 1 ); //QByteArray* query = ValueInstaller2<QByteArray>::check( L, 2 ); lhs->setEncodedQuery( Util::toStr( L, 2 ) ); return 0; }
/** Returns the POST data for the given \a key. */ QString QDjangoHttpRequest::post(const QString &key) const { QByteArray buffer = d->buffer; buffer.replace('+', ' '); #if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 0, 0)) QUrlQuery query(QString::fromUtf8(buffer)); return query.queryItemValue(key, QUrl::FullyDecoded); #else QUrl url; url.setEncodedQuery(buffer); return url.queryItemValue(key); #endif }
/** Returns the GET data for the given \a key. */ QString QDjangoHttpRequest::get(const QString &key) const { QString queryString = d->meta.value(QLatin1String("QUERY_STRING")); queryString.replace('+', ' '); #if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 0, 0)) QUrlQuery query(queryString); return query.queryItemValue(key, QUrl::FullyDecoded); #else QUrl url; url.setEncodedQuery(queryString.toLatin1()); return url.queryItemValue(key); #endif }
bool Pillow::HttpHandlerProxy::handleRequest(Pillow::HttpConnection *request) { if (_proxiedUrl.isEmpty()) return false; QUrl targetUrl = _proxiedUrl; targetUrl.setEncodedPath(request->requestPath()); if (!request->requestQueryString().isEmpty()) targetUrl.setEncodedQuery(request->requestQueryString()); if (!request->requestFragment().isEmpty()) targetUrl.setEncodedFragment(request->requestFragment()); QNetworkRequest proxiedRequest(targetUrl); foreach (const Pillow::HttpHeader& header, request->requestHeaders()) proxiedRequest.setRawHeader(header.first, header.second); createPipe(request, createProxiedReply(request, proxiedRequest)); return true; }
bool QXmppSaslClientFacebook::respond(const QByteArray &challenge, QByteArray &response) { if (m_step == 0) { // no initial response response = QByteArray(); m_step++; return true; } else if (m_step == 1) { // parse request #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 QUrlQuery requestUrl(challenge); #else QUrl requestUrl; requestUrl.setEncodedQuery(challenge); #endif if (!requestUrl.hasQueryItem("method") || !requestUrl.hasQueryItem("nonce")) { warning("QXmppSaslClientFacebook : Invalid challenge, nonce or method missing"); return false; } // build response #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 QUrlQuery responseUrl; #else QUrl responseUrl; #endif responseUrl.addQueryItem("access_token", password()); responseUrl.addQueryItem("api_key", username()); responseUrl.addQueryItem("call_id", 0); responseUrl.addQueryItem("method", requestUrl.queryItemValue("method")); responseUrl.addQueryItem("nonce", requestUrl.queryItemValue("nonce")); responseUrl.addQueryItem("v", "1.0"); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 response = responseUrl.query().toUtf8(); #else response = responseUrl.encodedQuery(); #endif m_step++; return true; } else { warning("QXmppSaslClientFacebook : Invalid step"); return false; } }
void NetFlixAuthProxy::userTokenRequestCompleted(int retCode, QString body) { qDebug() << "user token completed!!"; qDebug() << retCode; qDebug() << body; QUrl parser; parser.setEncodedQuery(body.toUtf8()); QString user_id = parser.queryItemValue(STR(OAUTH_USER_ID)); QString token = parser.queryItemValue(STR(OAUTH_TOKEN)); QString token_secret = parser.queryItemValue(STR(OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET)); settings->setUserId(user_id); settings->setOAuthToken(token); settings->setOAuthTokenSecret(token_secret); emit getUserTokenSucceeded(); }
static QByteArray makeCacheKey(QUrl &url, QNetworkProxy *proxy) { QByteArray result; QUrl copy = url; bool isEncrypted = copy.scheme().toLower() == QLatin1String("https"); copy.setPort(copy.port(isEncrypted ? 443 : 80)); result = copy.toEncoded(QUrl::RemoveUserInfo | QUrl::RemovePath | QUrl::RemoveQuery | QUrl::RemoveFragment); #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY if (proxy && proxy->type() != QNetworkProxy::NoProxy) { QUrl key; switch (proxy->type()) { case QNetworkProxy::Socks5Proxy: key.setScheme(QLatin1String("proxy-socks5")); break; case QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy: case QNetworkProxy::HttpCachingProxy: key.setScheme(QLatin1String("proxy-http")); break; default: break; } if (!key.scheme().isEmpty()) { key.setUserName(proxy->user()); key.setHost(proxy->hostName()); key.setPort(proxy->port()); key.setEncodedQuery(result); result = key.toEncoded(); } } #else Q_UNUSED(proxy) #endif return "http-connection:" + result; }
QUrl createUrl(const char *urlData, const http_parser_url &urlInfo) { QUrl url; url.setScheme(CHECK_AND_GET_FIELD(urlData, urlInfo, UF_SCHEMA)); url.setHost(CHECK_AND_GET_FIELD(urlData, urlInfo, UF_HOST)); // Port is dealt with separately since it is available as an integer. url.setPath(CHECK_AND_GET_FIELD(urlData, urlInfo, UF_PATH)); #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 0, 0) url.setQuery(CHECK_AND_GET_FIELD(urlData, urlInfo, UF_QUERY)); #else if (HAS_URL_FIELD(urlInfo, UF_QUERY)) { url.setEncodedQuery(QByteArray(urlData + urlInfo.field_data[UF_QUERY].off, urlInfo.field_data[UF_QUERY].len)); } #endif url.setFragment(CHECK_AND_GET_FIELD(urlData, urlInfo, UF_FRAGMENT)); url.setUserInfo(CHECK_AND_GET_FIELD(urlData, urlInfo, UF_USERINFO)); if (HAS_URL_FIELD(urlInfo, UF_PORT)) url.setPort(urlInfo.port); return url; }
void NetFlixAuthProxy::loginUrlRequestCompleted(int retCode, QString body) { qDebug() << "temp token completed!!"; qDebug() << retCode; qDebug() << body; QUrl parser; parser.setEncodedQuery(body.toUtf8()); QString url = parser.queryItemValue(STR(NETFLIX_LOGIN_URL_PARAM)); parser.removeQueryItem(STR(NETFLIX_LOGIN_URL_PARAM)); QString token = parser.queryItemValue(STR(OAUTH_TOKEN)); QString token_secret = parser.queryItemValue(STR(OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET)); parser.removeQueryItem(STR(OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET)); settings->setOAuthToken(token); settings->setOAuthTokenSecret(token_secret); QUrl loginUrl = QUrl(url); loginUrl.setEncodedQueryItems(parser.encodedQueryItems()); qDebug() << loginUrl.toEncoded(); emit getTokenUrlSucceeded(loginUrl); }
void OmaSaunalahti::sendMessage(QNetworkAccessManager* manager, QString message) { if (message.toAscii().length()==0) return; this->loggedIn = false; connect(manager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), SLOT(replyFinished(QNetworkReply*))); this->message = message; this->messageTime = QString("%0 %1").arg(QDate::currentDate().toString("dd.MM.yyyy")).arg(QTime::currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss.zzz")); QChar *messageChar = this->; while (!messageChar->isNull()) { if (messageChar->isSpace()) { QString chr = QString("%0").arg(QString::number( messageChar->toAscii(), 16 ).toUpper()); if (chr.length()==1) chr = "%0" + chr; this->message = this->message.replace(messageChar->toAscii(),chr); } ++messageChar; } QUrl url = QUrl(this->server); url.addQueryItem("username",this->username); url.addQueryItem("login","Sisään"); url.addQueryItem("password",this->password); QNetworkRequest request; request.setUrl(url); QNetworkReply *reply = manager->post(request,url.toString().split("?")[1].toAscii()); url.setEncodedQuery(QByteArray()); url.addQueryItem("sender",this->sender); url.addQueryItem("recipients",this->receiver); url.addQueryItem("text",this->message); url.addQueryItem("size",QString("%0").arg(this->message.toAscii().length())); url.addQueryItem("send","Lähetä"); connect(manager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), SLOT(messageSent(QNetworkReply*))); reply = manager->post(request,url.toString().split("?")[1].toAscii()); }
bool CetonStreamHandler::HttpRequest( const QString &method, const QString &script, #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 0, 0) const QUrl ¶ms, #else const QUrlQuery ¶ms, #endif QString &response, uint &status_code) const { QUrl url; QNetworkRequest *request = new QNetworkRequest(); QByteArray data; MythDownloadManager *manager = GetMythDownloadManager(); url.setScheme("http"); url.setHost(_ip_address); url.setPath(script); // Specify un-cached access to the device // The next two lines are automagically added by Qt // request->setRawHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); // request->setRawHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); request->setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControlAttribute, QNetworkRequest::AlwaysNetwork); if ("GET" == method) { #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 0, 0) url.setEncodedQuery(params.encodedQuery()); #else url.setQuery(params); #endif request->setUrl(url); if (manager->download(request, &data)) { response = QString(data); status_code = 200; return true; } else { response = "Download failed"; status_code = 500; return false; } } else if ("POST" == method) { request->setUrl(url); request->setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 0, 0) data = params.encodedQuery(); #else data = params.query(QUrl::FullyEncoded).toUtf8(); #endif // Next line automagically added by Qt // request->setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentLengthHeader, data.size()); if (manager->post(request, &data)) { response = QString(data); status_code = 200; return true; } else { response = "Download failed"; status_code = 500; return false; } } delete request; response = "Unsupported HttpRequest method"; status_code = 500; return false; }
bool RequestParser::parseContent(const QByteArray& data) { // Parse message content qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Content-Length: " << m_request.headers["content-length"]; qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "data.size(): " << data.size(); // Parse url-encoded POST data if (m_request.headers["content-type"].startsWith("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")) { QUrl url; #ifndef QBT_USES_QT5 url.setEncodedQuery(data); QListIterator<QPair<QString, QString> > i(url.queryItems()); #else url.setQuery(data); QListIterator<QPair<QString, QString> > i(QUrlQuery(url).queryItems(QUrl::FullyDecoded)); #endif while (i.hasNext()) { QPair<QString, QString> pair =; m_request.posts[pair.first.toLower()] = pair.second; } return true; } // Parse multipart/form data (torrent file) /** data has the following format (if boundary is "cH2ae0GI3KM7GI3Ij5ae0ei4Ij5Ij5") --cH2ae0GI3KM7GI3Ij5ae0ei4Ij5Ij5 Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"Filename\" PB020344.torrent --cH2ae0GI3KM7GI3Ij5ae0ei4Ij5Ij5 Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"torrentfile"; filename=\"PB020344.torrent\" Content-Type: application/x-bittorrent BINARY DATA IS HERE --cH2ae0GI3KM7GI3Ij5ae0ei4Ij5Ij5 Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"Upload\" Submit Query --cH2ae0GI3KM7GI3Ij5ae0ei4Ij5Ij5-- **/ QString content_type = m_request.headers["content-type"]; if (content_type.startsWith("multipart/form-data")) { const QRegExp boundaryRegexQuoted("boundary=\"([ \\w'()+,-\\./:=\\?]+)\""); const QRegExp boundaryRegexNotQuoted("boundary=([\\w'()+,-\\./:=\\?]+)"); QByteArray boundary; if (boundaryRegexQuoted.indexIn(content_type) < 0) { if (boundaryRegexNotQuoted.indexIn(content_type) < 0) { qWarning() << "Could not find boundary in multipart/form-data header!"; return false; } else { boundary = "--" + boundaryRegexNotQuoted.cap(1).toLatin1(); } } else { boundary = "--" + boundaryRegexQuoted.cap(1).toLatin1(); } qDebug() << "Boundary is " << boundary; QList<QByteArray> parts = splitMultipartData(data, boundary); qDebug() << parts.size() << "parts in data"; foreach (const QByteArray& part, parts) { if (!parseFormData(part)) return false; } return true; } qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "unknown content type:" << qPrintable(content_type); return false; }
bool AudioEngine::loadTrack( const Tomahawk::result_ptr& result ) { bool err = false; { QSharedPointer<QIODevice> io; if ( result.isNull() ) err = true; else { setCurrentTrack( result ); if ( !isHttpResult( m_currentTrack->url() ) && !isLocalResult( m_currentTrack->url() ) ) { io = Servent::instance()->getIODeviceForUrl( m_currentTrack ); if ( !io || io.isNull() ) { tLog() << "Error getting iodevice for" << result->url(); err = true; } } } if ( !err ) { tLog() << "Starting new song:" << m_currentTrack->url(); emit loading( m_currentTrack ); if ( !isHttpResult( m_currentTrack->url() ) && !isLocalResult( m_currentTrack->url() ) ) { m_mediaObject->setCurrentSource( ); m_mediaObject->currentSource().setAutoDelete( false ); m_isPlayingHttp = false; } else { if ( !isLocalResult( m_currentTrack->url() ) ) { QUrl furl = m_currentTrack->url(); if ( m_currentTrack->url().contains( "?" ) ) { furl = QUrl( m_currentTrack->url().left( m_currentTrack->url().indexOf( '?' ) ) ); furl.setEncodedQuery( QString( m_currentTrack->url().mid( m_currentTrack->url().indexOf( '?' ) + 1 ) ).toLocal8Bit() ); } m_mediaObject->setCurrentSource( furl ); } else { QString furl = m_currentTrack->url(); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 if ( furl.startsWith( "file://" ) ) furl = furl.right( furl.length() - 7 ); #endif m_mediaObject->setCurrentSource( furl ); } m_mediaObject->currentSource().setAutoDelete( true ); m_isPlayingHttp = true; } if ( !m_input.isNull() ) { m_input->close(); m_input.clear(); } m_input = io; m_mediaObject->play(); emit started( m_currentTrack ); DatabaseCommand_LogPlayback* cmd = new DatabaseCommand_LogPlayback( m_currentTrack, DatabaseCommand_LogPlayback::Started ); Database::instance()->enqueue( QSharedPointer<DatabaseCommand>(cmd) ); Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoCriteriaHash trackInfo; trackInfo["title"] = m_currentTrack->track(); trackInfo["artist"] = m_currentTrack->artist()->name(); trackInfo["album"] = m_currentTrack->album()->name(); if ( TomahawkSettings::instance()->verboseNotifications() ) sendNowPlayingNotification(); Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoSystem::instance()->pushInfo( s_aeInfoIdentifier, Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoNowPlaying, QVariant::fromValue< Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoCriteriaHash >( trackInfo ) ); } } if ( err ) { stop(); return false; } m_waitingOnNewTrack = false; return true; }
bool AudioEngine::loadTrack( const Tomahawk::result_ptr& result ) { bool err = false; { QSharedPointer<QIODevice> io; if ( result.isNull() ) err = true; else { setCurrentTrack( result ); if ( !isHttpResult( m_currentTrack->url() ) && !isLocalResult( m_currentTrack->url() ) ) { io = Servent::instance()->getIODeviceForUrl( m_currentTrack ); if ( !io || io.isNull() ) { tLog() << "Error getting iodevice for" << result->url(); err = true; } } } if ( !err ) { tLog() << "Starting new song:" << m_currentTrack->url(); emit loading( m_currentTrack ); if ( !isHttpResult( m_currentTrack->url() ) && !isLocalResult( m_currentTrack->url() ) ) { if ( QNetworkReply* qnr_io = qobject_cast< QNetworkReply* >( ) ) m_mediaObject->setCurrentSource( new QNR_IODeviceStream( qnr_io, this ) ); else m_mediaObject->setCurrentSource( ); m_mediaObject->currentSource().setAutoDelete( false ); } else { if ( !isLocalResult( m_currentTrack->url() ) ) { QUrl furl = m_currentTrack->url(); if ( m_currentTrack->url().contains( "?" ) ) { furl = QUrl( m_currentTrack->url().left( m_currentTrack->url().indexOf( '?' ) ) ); furl.setEncodedQuery( QString( m_currentTrack->url().mid( m_currentTrack->url().indexOf( '?' ) + 1 ) ).toLocal8Bit() ); } m_mediaObject->setCurrentSource( furl ); } else { QString furl = m_currentTrack->url(); #ifdef Q_WS_WIN if ( furl.startsWith( "file://" ) ) furl = furl.right( furl.length() - 7 ); #endif tLog( LOGVERBOSE ) << "Passing to Phonon:" << furl << furl.toLatin1(); m_mediaObject->setCurrentSource( furl ); } m_mediaObject->currentSource().setAutoDelete( true ); } if ( !m_input.isNull() ) { m_input->close(); m_input.clear(); } m_input = io; queueState( Playing ); emit started( m_currentTrack ); if ( TomahawkSettings::instance()->privateListeningMode() != TomahawkSettings::FullyPrivate ) { DatabaseCommand_LogPlayback* cmd = new DatabaseCommand_LogPlayback( m_currentTrack, DatabaseCommand_LogPlayback::Started ); Database::instance()->enqueue( QSharedPointer<DatabaseCommand>(cmd) ); } sendNowPlayingNotification( Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoNowPlaying ); } } if ( err ) { stop(); return false; } m_waitingOnNewTrack = false; return true; }
void QUrlProto::setEncodedQuery(const QByteArray &query) { QUrl *item = qscriptvalue_cast<QUrl*>(thisObject()); if (item) item->setEncodedQuery(query); }
void HttpRequestParser::writeMessage(const QByteArray& ba) { // Parse message content Q_ASSERT (m_header.hasContentLength()); m_error = false; m_data = ba; qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "m_data.size(): " << m_data.size(); // Parse POST data if (m_header.contentType() == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") { QUrl url; url.setEncodedQuery(m_data); QListIterator<QPair<QString, QString> > i(url.queryItems()); while (i.hasNext()) { QPair<QString, QString> pair =; m_postMap[pair.first] = pair.second; } return; } // Parse multipart/form data (torrent file) /** m_data has the following format (if boundary is "cH2ae0GI3KM7GI3Ij5ae0ei4Ij5Ij5") --cH2ae0GI3KM7GI3Ij5ae0ei4Ij5Ij5 Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"Filename\" PB020344.torrent --cH2ae0GI3KM7GI3Ij5ae0ei4Ij5Ij5 Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"torrentfile"; filename=\"PB020344.torrent\" Content-Type: application/x-bittorrent BINARY DATA IS HERE --cH2ae0GI3KM7GI3Ij5ae0ei4Ij5Ij5 Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"Upload\" Submit Query --cH2ae0GI3KM7GI3Ij5ae0ei4Ij5Ij5-- **/ if (m_header.contentType().startsWith("multipart/form-data")) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "header is: " << m_header.toString(); static QRegExp boundaryRegexQuoted("boundary=\"([ \\w'()+,-\\./:=\\?]+)\""); static QRegExp boundaryRegexNotQuoted("boundary=([\\w'()+,-\\./:=\\?]+)"); QByteArray boundary; if (boundaryRegexQuoted.indexIn(m_header.toString()) < 0) { if (boundaryRegexNotQuoted.indexIn(m_header.toString()) < 0) { qWarning() << "Could not find boundary in multipart/form-data header!"; m_error = true; return; } else { boundary = "--" + boundaryRegexNotQuoted.cap(1).toAscii(); } } else { boundary = "--" + boundaryRegexQuoted.cap(1).toAscii(); } qDebug() << "Boundary is " << boundary; QList<QByteArray> parts = splitRawData(m_data, boundary); qDebug() << parts.size() << "parts in data"; foreach (const QByteArray& part, parts) { const int filenameIndex = part.indexOf("filename="); if (filenameIndex < 0) continue; qDebug() << "Found a torrent"; m_torrents << part.mid(part.indexOf("\r\n\r\n", filenameIndex + 9) + 4); } }