QVector<GLfloat> calcCylinderVertices() { QVector<GLfloat> vertices; vertices.reserve(sides* 4 * 3); qreal theta = 0; for (int j = 0; j < sides; j++) { for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { vertices.append(qCos(theta)); vertices.append(1.0f); vertices.append(qSin(theta)); vertices.append(qCos(theta)); vertices.append(-1.0f); vertices.append(qSin(theta)); } theta += (2 * M_PI) / sides; } return vertices; }
bool Store::deleteFlags(const PimItem::List &items, const QSet<QByteArray> &flags, bool &flagsChanged) { DataStore *store = connection()->storageBackend(); QVector<Flag> flagList; flagList.reserve(flags.size()); for (auto iter = flags.cbegin(), end = flags.cend(); iter != end; ++iter) { Flag flag = Flag::retrieveByName(QString::fromUtf8(*iter)); if (!flag.isValid()) { continue; } flagList.append(flag); } if (!store->removeItemsFlags(items, flagList, &flagsChanged)) { qCDebug(AKONADISERVER_LOG) << "Store::deleteFlags: Unable to remove item flags"; return false; } return true; }
QVector<QString> CDisplaySettingsPage::bookNameAbbreviationsTryVector() { QVector<QString> atv; atv.reserve(4); { QString settingsLanguage = btConfig().value<QString>("GUI/booknameLanguage"); if (!settingsLanguage.isEmpty()) atv.append(settingsLanguage); } { const QString localeLanguageAndCountry = QLocale::system().name(); if (!localeLanguageAndCountry.isEmpty()) { atv.append(localeLanguageAndCountry); int i = localeLanguageAndCountry.indexOf('_'); if (i > 0) atv.append(localeLanguageAndCountry.left(i)); } } BT_ASSERT(CLanguageMgr::instance()->languageForAbbrev("en_US")); atv.append("en_US"); return atv; }
void ArtworksRepository::cleanupEmptyDirectories() { LOG_DEBUG << "#"; int count = m_DirectoriesList.length(); QVector<int> indicesToRemove; indicesToRemove.reserve(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { const QString &directory = m_DirectoriesList[i]; if (m_DirectoriesHash[directory] == 0) { indicesToRemove.append(i); } } if (!indicesToRemove.isEmpty()) { LOG_INFO << indicesToRemove.length() << "empty directory(ies)..."; QVector<QPair<int, int> > rangesToRemove; Helpers::indicesToRanges(indicesToRemove, rangesToRemove); removeItemsAtIndices(rangesToRemove); } }
void TabWidget::onTabsMoved(const QString &oldPrefix, const QString &newPrefix, const QList<int> &indexes) { const int newCurrentIndex = indexes.indexOf(currentIndex()); Q_ASSERT(newCurrentIndex != -1); m_stackedWidget->hide(); QVector<QWidget*> widgets; widgets.reserve(m_stackedWidget->count()); while ( m_stackedWidget->count() > 0 ) { QWidget *w = m_stackedWidget->widget(0); widgets.append(w); m_stackedWidget->removeWidget(w); } foreach (int index, indexes) { Q_ASSERT(index >= 0); Q_ASSERT(index < widgets.count()); m_stackedWidget->insertWidget(-1, widgets[index]); }
QVector<QgsDataItem*> QgsOgrDataCollectionItem::createChildren() { QVector<QgsDataItem*> children; OGRSFDriverH hDriver; OGRDataSourceH hDataSource = OGROpen( TO8F( mPath ), false, &hDriver ); if ( !hDataSource ) return children; int numLayers = OGR_DS_GetLayerCount( hDataSource ); children.reserve( numLayers ); for ( int i = 0; i < numLayers; ++i ) { QgsOgrLayerItem* item = dataItemForLayer( this, QString(), mPath, hDataSource, i ); children.append( item ); } OGR_DS_Destroy( hDataSource ); return children; }
QVector<ShaderAttribute> QGraphicsHelperGL4::programAttributesAndLocations(GLuint programId) { QVector<ShaderAttribute> attributes; GLint nbrActiveAttributes = 0; m_funcs->glGetProgramiv(programId, GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES, &nbrActiveAttributes); attributes.reserve(nbrActiveAttributes); char attributeName[256]; for (GLint i = 0; i < nbrActiveAttributes; i++) { ShaderAttribute attribute; GLsizei attributeNameLength = 0; // Size is 1 for scalar and more for struct or arrays // Type is the GL Type m_funcs->glGetActiveAttrib(programId, i, sizeof(attributeName) - 1, &attributeNameLength, &attribute.m_size, &attribute.m_type, attributeName); attributeName[sizeof(attributeName) - 1] = '\0'; attribute.m_location = m_funcs->glGetAttribLocation(programId, attributeName); attribute.m_name = QString::fromUtf8(attributeName, attributeNameLength); attributes.append(attribute); } return attributes; }
QVector<QString> VConfigManager::getNoteTemplates(DocType p_type) const { QVector<QString> res; QDir dir(getTemplateConfigFolder()); if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkpath(getTemplateConfigFolder()); return res; } dir.setFilter(QDir::Files | QDir::NoSymLinks); QStringList files = dir.entryList(); res.reserve(files.size()); for (auto const &item : files) { if (p_type == DocType::Unknown || p_type == VUtils::docTypeFromName(item)) { res.push_back(item); } } return res; }
void SpellCheckerService::submitItems(const QVector<ISpellCheckable *> &itemsToCheck) { if (!m_WorkerIsAlive) { return; } if (m_SpellCheckWorker != NULL && !m_SpellCheckWorker->isCancelled()) { QVector<SpellCheckItemBase *> items; int length = itemsToCheck.length(); items.reserve(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { SpellCheck::ISpellCheckable *itemToCheck = itemsToCheck.at(i); SpellCheckItem *item = new SpellCheckItem(itemToCheck, Common::SpellCheckAll); itemToCheck->connectSignals(item); items.append(item); } qInfo() << "SpellCheck service: about to submit" << length << "items"; m_SpellCheckWorker->submitItems(items); m_SpellCheckWorker->submitItem(new SpellCheckSeparatorItem()); } }
void StateMachineViewerServer::stateSelectionChanged() { const QModelIndexList &selection = m_stateSelectionModel->selectedRows(); qDebug() << selection; QVector<State> filter; filter.reserve(selection.size()); foreach (const QModelIndex &index, selection) { State state = index.data(StateModel::StateValueRole).value<State>(); bool addState = true; /// only pick the top-level items of the selection // NOTE: this might be slow for large selections, if someone wants to come up with a better // algorithm, please - go for it! foreach (State potentialParent, filter) { if (selectedStateMachine()->isDescendantOf(potentialParent, state)) { addState = false; break; } } if (addState) filter << state; }
QVector<GLfloat> calcCylinderUVs() { QVector<GLfloat> UVs; UVs.reserve(sides * 4 * 2); qreal theta = 0; for (int j = 0; j < sides; j++) { for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { UVs.append(i); UVs.append(static_cast<float>(j) / sides); } UVs.append(qCos(theta)); UVs.append(qSin(theta)); UVs.append(qCos(theta)); UVs.append(qSin(theta)); theta += (2 * M_PI) / sides; } return UVs; }
Protocol::FetchCollectionsResponse HandlerHelper::fetchCollectionsResponse(const Collection &col, const CollectionAttribute::List &attrs, bool includeStatistics, int ancestorDepth, const QStack<Collection> &ancestors, const QStack<CollectionAttribute::List> &ancestorAttributes, bool isReferenced, const QStringList &mimeTypes) { Protocol::FetchCollectionsResponse response(col.id()); response.setParentId(col.parentId()); response.setName(col.name()); response.setMimeTypes(mimeTypes); response.setRemoteId(col.remoteId()); response.setRemoteRevision(col.remoteRevision()); response.setResource(col.resource().name()); response.setIsVirtual(col.isVirtual()); if (includeStatistics) { const CollectionStatistics::Statistics stats = CollectionStatistics::self()->statistics(col); if (stats.count > -1) { Protocol::FetchCollectionStatsResponse statsResponse(stats.count, stats.count - stats.read, stats.size); response.setStatistics(statsResponse); } } if (!col.queryString().isEmpty()) { response.setSearchQuery(col.queryString()); QVector<qint64> searchCols; const QStringList searchColIds = col.queryCollections().split(QLatin1Char(' ')); searchCols.reserve(searchColIds.size()); Q_FOREACH (const QString &searchColId, searchColIds) { searchCols << searchColId.toLongLong(); } response.setSearchCollections(searchCols); }
void Connection::handleWithSamples() { QVector<quint8> newSamples; int i, count, size; int freq = FREQ; qint64 sum; if(channel == MIC) freq = MIC_FREQ; // mikrofon sum = 0; size = rawSamples.size(); newSamples.reserve(INTERVAL); count = qRound(SAMPLES_PER_SEC/freq); // po ile uśredniać for(i=0;i<size;i++) { sum += rawSamples[i]; if((i % count) == (count-1)) { newSamples.append(qRound((float)sum / (float)count)); sum = 0; } } if((i%count) > count/2) { newSamples.append(qRound((float)sum / (float)(i%count))); } samples << newSamples; size = newSamples.size(); for(i=0;i<size;i++) { ++ln; ln = ln & Nmask; lastSamples[ln] = newSamples[i]; } }
void BackgroundFinder::addFrame(const QImage &img) { if (_rolling.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < img.width() * img.height(); i++) { _rolling.append(RollingMedianCalculator()); } } QVector<QFuture<QRgb> > futures; futures.reserve(img.width() * img.height()); for (int y = 0; y < img.height(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < img.width(); x++) { const int index = y * img.width() + x; QFuture<QRgb> future = QtConcurrent::run(&_rolling[index], &RollingMedianCalculator::next, img.pixel(x,y)); futures.append(future); } } QImage newBG(img.size(), img.format()); for (int y = 0; y < img.height(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < img.width(); x++) { const int index = y * img.width() + x; futures[index].waitForFinished(); newBG.setPixel(x,y, futures.at(index).result()); } } _bg = newBG; }
std::unique_ptr<QgsPolygon> QgsGeometryFactory::fromPolygonXY( const QgsPolygonXY &polygon ) { std::unique_ptr< QgsPolygon > poly = qgis::make_unique< QgsPolygon >(); QVector<QgsCurve *> holes; holes.reserve( polygon.size() ); for ( int i = 0; i < polygon.size(); ++i ) { std::unique_ptr< QgsLineString > l = linestringFromPolyline( polygon.at( i ) ); l->close(); if ( i == 0 ) { poly->setExteriorRing( l.release() ); } else { holes.push_back( l.release() ); } } poly->setInteriorRings( holes ); return poly; }
void RTSender::SendData(int count) { map<QString, QVector<qreal>> sliceToSend; for (const auto& elem : dataToSend) { QVector<qreal> data; data.reserve(count); for (auto i = 0; i < count && (currentSampleIdx + i < elem.second.size()); ++i) { data.push_back(elem.second.at(currentSampleIdx + i)); } sliceToSend.emplace(elem.first, std::move(data)); } currentSampleIdx += count; if (!sliceToSend.begin()->second.empty()) { receiver.addValues(sliceToSend); emit DataSent(); } else { emit NoMoreData(); } }
bool BasicKeywordsModel::removeKeywordsUnsafe(const QSet<QString> &keywordsToRemove, bool caseSensitive) { int size = m_KeywordsList.size(); QVector<int> indicesToRemove; indicesToRemove.reserve(size/2); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { QString keyword = m_KeywordsList.at(i); if (!caseSensitive) { keyword = keyword.toLower(); } if (keywordsToRemove.contains(keyword)) { indicesToRemove.append(i); } } bool anythingRemoved = !indicesToRemove.empty(); removeKeywordsAtIndicesUnsafe(indicesToRemove); return anythingRemoved; }
bool QgsLabelSearchTree::insertLabel( pal::LabelPosition *labelPos, int featureId, const QString &layerName, const QString &labeltext, const QFont &labelfont, bool diagram, bool pinned, const QString &providerId ) { if ( !labelPos ) { return false; } double c_min[2]; double c_max[2]; labelPos->getBoundingBox( c_min, c_max ); QVector<QgsPointXY> cornerPoints; cornerPoints.reserve( 4 ); for ( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) { cornerPoints.push_back( QgsPointXY( labelPos->getX( i ), labelPos->getY( i ) ) ); } QgsLabelPosition *newEntry = new QgsLabelPosition( featureId, labelPos->getAlpha(), cornerPoints, QgsRectangle( c_min[0], c_min[1], c_max[0], c_max[1] ), labelPos->getWidth(), labelPos->getHeight(), layerName, labeltext, labelfont, labelPos->getUpsideDown(), diagram, pinned, providerId ); mSpatialIndex.Insert( c_min, c_max, newEntry ); mOwnedPositions << newEntry; return true; }
void MeshComplex::addGraphicsCell_(moab::EntityHandle handle) { double coords[3]; moab::Range vertices; myMeshDB_->get_connectivity (&handle,1, vertices); auto nv = vertices.size(); std::vector<double> x(nv); std::vector<double> y(nv); myMeshDB_->get_coords(vertices, &(x[0]), &(y[0]), nullptr); QVector<QPointF> points; points.reserve(2*nv); for (auto && tup : zip(x,y)) { double px,py; boost::tie(px,py) = tup; points.push_back(QPointF(px,py)); } points.push_back(QPointF(x[0], y[0])); GraphicsCell *c = new GraphicsCell(points); myGraphics_->addToGroup(c); //void *data[] = {n}; //auto retval = myMeshDB_->tag_set_data(myGraphicsNodesTag_, &handle, 1, data); //checkDB_(retval); qDebug() << "Drawing cell"; }
void Core::Internal::runSearch(QFutureInterface<Core::LocatorFilterEntry> &future, const QList<ILocatorFilter *> &filters, const QString &searchText) { QSet<LocatorFilterEntry> alreadyAdded; const bool checkDuplicates = (filters.size() > 1); foreach (ILocatorFilter *filter, filters) { if (future.isCanceled()) break; QList<LocatorFilterEntry> filterResults = filter->matchesFor(future, searchText); QVector<LocatorFilterEntry> uniqueFilterResults; uniqueFilterResults.reserve(filterResults.size()); foreach (const LocatorFilterEntry &entry, filterResults) { if (checkDuplicates && alreadyAdded.contains(entry)) continue; uniqueFilterResults.append(entry); if (checkDuplicates) alreadyAdded.insert(entry); } if (!uniqueFilterResults.isEmpty()) future.reportResults(uniqueFilterResults); } }
void BenchSuite::connectionModel_connectionRemoved() { Probe::createProbe(false); ConnectionModel model; static const int NUM_OBJECTS = 1000; QVector<QObject*> objects; objects.reserve(NUM_OBJECTS + 1); // fill it objects << new QObject; for(int i = 1; i <= NUM_OBJECTS; ++i) { QObject *obj = new QObject; objects << obj; Probe::objectAdded(obj); model.connectionAdded(obj, SIGNAL(destroyed()), objects.at(i-1), SLOT(deleteLater()), Qt::AutoConnection); model.connectionAdded(objects.at(i-1), SIGNAL(destroyed()), obj, SLOT(deleteLater()), Qt::AutoConnection); model.connectionAdded(obj, SIGNAL(destroyed()), objects.at(i-1), SLOT(deleteLater()), Qt::AutoConnection); model.connectionAdded(objects.at(i-1), SIGNAL(destroyed()), obj, SLOT(deleteLater()), Qt::AutoConnection); model.connectionAdded(obj, SIGNAL(invalid()), objects.at(i-1), SLOT(deleteLater()), Qt::AutoConnection); model.connectionAdded(objects.at(i-1), SIGNAL(destroyed()), obj, SLOT(invalid()), Qt::AutoConnection); // non-normalized model.connectionAdded(obj, SIGNAL( destroyed( ) ), objects.at(i-1), SLOT(deleteLater()), Qt::AutoConnection); model.connectionAdded(objects.at(i-1), SIGNAL(destroyed()), obj, SLOT( deleteLater( ) ), Qt::AutoConnection); } QBENCHMARK_ONCE { for(int i = 1; i <= NUM_OBJECTS; ++i) { model.connectionRemoved(objects.at(i), SIGNAL(destroyed()), objects.at(i-1), SLOT(deleteLater())); model.connectionRemoved(objects.at(i-1), SIGNAL(destroyed()), objects.at(i), SLOT(deleteLater())); model.connectionRemoved(objects.at(i), SIGNAL(destroyed()), objects.at(i-1), SLOT(invalid())); model.connectionRemoved(objects.at(i-1), SIGNAL(invalid()), objects.at(i), SLOT(deleteLater())); } } qDeleteAll(objects); delete Probe::instance(); }
void QxSqlQuery::fetchSqlResult(QSqlQuery & query) { bool bCheckRecord = true; m_pSqlResult.reset(new QxSqlResult()); if (query.size() > 0) { m_pSqlResult->values.reserve(query.size()); } while (query.next()) { if (bCheckRecord) { bCheckRecord = false; QSqlRecord record = query.record(); m_pSqlResult->positionByKey.reserve(record.count()); for (int i = 0; i < record.count(); i++) { m_pSqlResult->positionByKey.insert(record.fieldName(i), i); } qAssert(record.count() == m_pSqlResult->positionByKey.count()); } QVector<QVariant> lst; lst.reserve(m_pSqlResult->positionByKey.count()); for (long j = 0; j < m_pSqlResult->positionByKey.count(); j++) { lst.append(query.value(j)); } qAssert(lst.count() == m_pSqlResult->positionByKey.count()); m_pSqlResult->values.append(lst); } }
QByteArray QgsCompoundCurve::asWkb() const { int binarySize = sizeof( char ) + sizeof( quint32 ) + sizeof( quint32 ); QVector<QByteArray> wkbForCurves; wkbForCurves.reserve( mCurves.size() ); for ( const QgsCurve *curve : mCurves ) { QByteArray wkbForCurve = curve->asWkb(); binarySize += wkbForCurve.length(); wkbForCurves << wkbForCurve; } QByteArray wkbArray; wkbArray.resize( binarySize ); QgsWkbPtr wkb( wkbArray ); wkb << static_cast<char>( QgsApplication::endian() ); wkb << static_cast<quint32>( wkbType() ); wkb << static_cast<quint32>( mCurves.size() ); for ( const QByteArray &wkbForCurve : qgis::as_const( wkbForCurves ) ) { wkb << wkbForCurve; } return wkbArray; }
void checkJointTransforms_data() { QTest::addColumn<Skeleton*>("skeleton"); QTest::addColumn<QVector<Sqt>>("jointTransforms"); const int count = 5; auto skeleton = new Skeleton; skeleton->setJointCount(count); QVector<Sqt> jointTransforms; jointTransforms.reserve(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { const float f = float(i); Sqt transform; transform.scale = QVector3D(f, f, f); transform.rotation = QQuaternion(f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f).normalized(); transform.translation = QVector3D(1.0 * f, 2.0 * f, 3.0 * f); skeleton->setJointScale(i, transform.scale); skeleton->setJointRotation(i, transform.rotation); skeleton->setJointTranslation(i, transform.translation); jointTransforms.push_back(transform); } QTest::newRow("5 joints") << skeleton << jointTransforms; }
void ChatLog::insertChatlineOnTop(const QList<ChatLine::Ptr>& newLines) { if (newLines.isEmpty()) return; QGraphicsScene::ItemIndexMethod oldIndexMeth = scene->itemIndexMethod(); scene->setItemIndexMethod(QGraphicsScene::NoIndex); // alloc space for old and new lines QVector<ChatLine::Ptr> combLines; combLines.reserve(newLines.size() + lines.size()); // add the new lines int i = 0; for (ChatLine::Ptr l : newLines) { l->addToScene(scene); l->visibilityChanged(false); l->setRow(i++); combLines.push_back(l); } // add the old lines for (ChatLine::Ptr l : lines) { l->setRow(i++); combLines.push_back(l); } lines = combLines; scene->setItemIndexMethod(oldIndexMeth); // redo layout startResizeWorker(); }
DataProvider* XYZDataProvider::Factory::getProvider(QString filename, ImageDataStore *store, QObject* _parent) { QFile imgFile(filename); if (!imgFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) return nullptr; QDataStream in(&imgFile); in.setByteOrder(QDataStream::LittleEndian); short unsigned int tmp; in >> tmp; int width = tmp; in >> tmp; int height = tmp; if ((2*width*height+4)!=imgFile.size()) return nullptr; QVector<float> pixelData; pixelData.reserve(width*height); for (int i=0; i<width*height; i++) { in >> tmp; pixelData << static_cast<float>(tmp); } store->setData(ImageDataStore::PixelSize, QSizeF(width, height)); XYZDataProvider* provider = new XYZDataProvider(_parent); provider->pixelData = pixelData; provider->imgWidth = width; provider->imgHeight = height; provider->insertFileInformation(filename); provider->providerInformation.insert(Info_ImageSize, QString("%1x%2 pixels").arg(width).arg(height)); return provider; }
RowStore RowStoreModel::cacheFromLiveNodes(LiveNodes const &livenodes) { if(LiveNodeModel *model = livenodes.model()) { if(RowStoreModel *modeldata = dynamic_cast<RowStoreModel *>(model)) return modeldata->row_store; QVector<QStringList> ret; int columns = model->columnCount(); for(int r = 0, rend = model->rowCount(); r < rend; ++r) { ret.push_back(QStringList()); QStringList &b = ret.back(); for(int c = 0; c < columns; ++c) b.push_back(model->data(model->index(r, c), Qt::DisplayRole).toString()); } return RowStore(ret); } QVector<QStringList> ret; QList<LiveNode> const &nodes = livenodes.nodes(); ret.reserve(nodes.size()); for(QList<LiveNode>::const_iterator ni = nodes.begin(), niend = nodes.end(); ni != niend; ++ni) ret.push_back(QStringList(ni->toString())); return RowStore(ret); }
void ConstellationMgr::loadLinesAndArt(const QString &fileName, const QString &artfileName, const QString& cultureName) { QFile in(fileName); if (!in.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { qWarning() << "Can't open constellation data file" << fileName << "for culture" << cultureName; Q_ASSERT(0); } int totalRecords=0; QString record; QRegExp commentRx("^(\\s*#.*|\\s*)$"); while (!in.atEnd()) { record = QString::fromUtf8(in.readLine()); if (!commentRx.exactMatch(record)) totalRecords++; } in.seek(0); // delete existing data, if any vector < Constellation * >::iterator iter; for (iter = asterisms.begin(); iter != asterisms.end(); ++iter) delete(*iter); asterisms.clear(); Constellation *cons = NULL; // read the file, adding a record per non-comment line int currentLineNumber = 0; // line in file int readOk = 0; // count of records processed OK while (!in.atEnd()) { record = QString::fromUtf8(in.readLine()); currentLineNumber++; if (commentRx.exactMatch(record)) continue; cons = new Constellation; if(cons->read(record, hipStarMgr)) { cons->artFader.setMaxValue(artIntensity); cons->setFlagArt(artDisplayed); cons->setFlagBoundaries(boundariesDisplayed); cons->setFlagLines(linesDisplayed); cons->setFlagLabels(namesDisplayed); asterisms.push_back(cons); ++readOk; } else { qWarning() << "ERROR reading constellation rec at line " << currentLineNumber << "for culture" << cultureName; delete cons; } } in.close(); qDebug() << "Loaded" << readOk << "/" << totalRecords << "constellation records successfully for culture" << cultureName; // Set current states setFlagArt(artDisplayed); setFlagLines(linesDisplayed); setFlagLabels(namesDisplayed); setFlagBoundaries(boundariesDisplayed); // It's possible to have no art - just constellations if (artfileName.isNull() || artfileName.isEmpty()) return; QFile fic(artfileName); if (!fic.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { qWarning() << "Can't open constellation art file" << fileName << "for culture" << cultureName; return; } totalRecords=0; while (!fic.atEnd()) { record = QString::fromUtf8(fic.readLine()); if (!commentRx.exactMatch(record)) totalRecords++; } fic.seek(0); // Read the constellation art file with the following format : // ShortName texture_file x1 y1 hp1 x2 y2 hp2 // Where : // shortname is the international short name (i.e "Lep" for Lepus) // texture_file is the graphic file of the art texture // x1 y1 are the x and y texture coordinates in pixels of the star of hipparcos number hp1 // x2 y2 are the x and y texture coordinates in pixels of the star of hipparcos number hp2 // The coordinate are taken with (0,0) at the top left corner of the image file QString shortname; QString texfile; unsigned int x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, hp1, hp2, hp3; QString tmpstr; currentLineNumber = 0; // line in file readOk = 0; // count of records processed OK while (!fic.atEnd()) { ++currentLineNumber; record = QString::fromUtf8(fic.readLine()); if (commentRx.exactMatch(record)) continue; // prevent leaving zeros on numbers from being interpretted as octal numbers record.replace(" 0", " "); QTextStream rStr(&record); rStr >> shortname >> texfile >> x1 >> y1 >> hp1 >> x2 >> y2 >> hp2 >> x3 >> y3 >> hp3; if (rStr.status()!=QTextStream::Ok) { qWarning() << "ERROR parsing constellation art record at line" << currentLineNumber << "of art file for culture" << cultureName; continue; } // Draw loading bar // lb.SetMessage(q_("Loading Constellation Art: %1/%2").arg(currentLineNumber).arg(totalRecords)); // lb.Draw((float)(currentLineNumber)/totalRecords); cons = NULL; cons = findFromAbbreviation(shortname); if (!cons) { qWarning() << "ERROR in constellation art file at line" << currentLineNumber << "for culture" << cultureName << "constellation" << shortname << "unknown"; } else { QString texturePath(texfile); try { texturePath = StelFileMgr::findFile("skycultures/"+cultureName+"/"+texfile); } catch (std::runtime_error& e) { // if the texture isn't found in the skycultures/[culture] directory, // try the central textures diectory. qWarning() << "WARNING, could not locate texture file " << texfile << " in the skycultures/" << cultureName << " directory... looking in general textures/ directory..."; try { texturePath = StelFileMgr::findFile(QString("textures/")+texfile); } catch(exception& e2) { qWarning() << "ERROR: could not find texture, " << texfile << ": " << e2.what(); } } cons->artTexture = StelApp::getInstance().getTextureManager().createTextureThread(texturePath); int texSizeX, texSizeY; if (cons->artTexture==NULL || !cons->artTexture->getDimensions(texSizeX, texSizeY)) { qWarning() << "Texture dimension not available"; } StelCore* core = StelApp::getInstance().getCore(); Vec3d s1 = hipStarMgr->searchHP(hp1)->getJ2000EquatorialPos(core); Vec3d s2 = hipStarMgr->searchHP(hp2)->getJ2000EquatorialPos(core); Vec3d s3 = hipStarMgr->searchHP(hp3)->getJ2000EquatorialPos(core); // To transform from texture coordinate to 2d coordinate we need to find X with XA = B // A formed of 4 points in texture coordinate, B formed with 4 points in 3d coordinate // We need 3 stars and the 4th point is deduced from the other to get an normal base // X = B inv(A) Vec3d s4 = s1 + ((s2 - s1) ^ (s3 - s1)); Mat4d B(s1[0], s1[1], s1[2], 1, s2[0], s2[1], s2[2], 1, s3[0], s3[1], s3[2], 1, s4[0], s4[1], s4[2], 1); Mat4d A(x1, texSizeY - y1, 0.f, 1.f, x2, texSizeY - y2, 0.f, 1.f, x3, texSizeY - y3, 0.f, 1.f, x1, texSizeY - y1, texSizeX, 1.f); Mat4d X = B * A.inverse(); // Tesselate on the plan assuming a tangential projection for the image static const int nbPoints=5; QVector<Vec2f> texCoords; texCoords.reserve(nbPoints*nbPoints*6); for (int j=0;j<nbPoints;++j) { for (int i=0;i<nbPoints;++i) { texCoords << Vec2f(((float)i)/nbPoints, ((float)j)/nbPoints); texCoords << Vec2f(((float)i+1.f)/nbPoints, ((float)j)/nbPoints); texCoords << Vec2f(((float)i)/nbPoints, ((float)j+1.f)/nbPoints); texCoords << Vec2f(((float)i+1.f)/nbPoints, ((float)j)/nbPoints); texCoords << Vec2f(((float)i+1.f)/nbPoints, ((float)j+1.f)/nbPoints); texCoords << Vec2f(((float)i)/nbPoints, ((float)j+1.f)/nbPoints); } } QVector<Vec3d> contour; contour.reserve(texCoords.size()); foreach (const Vec2f& v, texCoords) contour << X * Vec3d(v[0]*texSizeX, v[1]*texSizeY, 0.); cons->artPolygon.vertex=contour; cons->artPolygon.texCoords=texCoords; cons->artPolygon.primitiveType=StelVertexArray::Triangles; Vec3d tmp(X * Vec3d(0.5*texSizeX, 0.5*texSizeY, 0.)); tmp.normalize(); Vec3d tmp2(X * Vec3d(0., 0., 0.)); tmp2.normalize(); cons->boundingCap.n=tmp; cons->boundingCap.d=tmp*tmp2; ++readOk; } } qDebug() << "Loaded" << readOk << "/" << totalRecords << "constellation art records successfully for culture" << cultureName; fic.close(); }
KeyboardProfile KeyboardProfileDialog::getProfile() const { KeyboardProfile profile(m_profile); profile.setTitle(m_ui->titleLineEditWidget->text()); profile.setDescription(m_ui->descriptionLineEditWidget->text()); profile.setVersion(m_ui->versionLineEditWidget->text()); profile.setAuthor(m_ui->authorLineEditWidget->text()); QMap<int, QVector<QPair<QVariantMap, QVector<QKeySequence> > > > actions; for (int i = 0; i < m_ui->actionsViewWidget->getRowCount(); ++i) { if (static_cast<ShortcutStatus>(m_ui->actionsViewWidget->getIndex(i, 0).data(StatusRole).toInt()) == ErrorStatus) { continue; } const QKeySequence shortcut(m_ui->actionsViewWidget->getIndex(i, 3).data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString()); const int action(m_ui->actionsViewWidget->getIndex(i, 1).data(IdentifierRole).toInt()); if (action >= 0 && !shortcut.isEmpty()) { const QVariantMap parameters(m_ui->actionsViewWidget->getIndex(i, 1).data(ParametersRole).toMap()); bool hasFound(false); if (actions.contains(action)) { QVector<QPair<QVariantMap, QVector<QKeySequence> > > actionVariants(actions[action]); for (int j = 0; j < actionVariants.count(); ++j) { if (actionVariants.at(j).first == parameters) { actionVariants[j].second.append(shortcut); actions[action] = actionVariants; hasFound = true; break; } } } if (!hasFound) { actions[action] = {{parameters, {shortcut}}}; } } } QMap<int, QVector<QPair<QVariantMap, QVector<QKeySequence> > > >::iterator iterator; QVector<KeyboardProfile::Action> definitions; definitions.reserve(actions.count()); for (iterator = actions.begin(); iterator != actions.end(); ++iterator) { const QVector<QPair<QVariantMap, QVector<QKeySequence> > > actionVariants(iterator.value()); for (int j = 0; j < actionVariants.count(); ++j) { KeyboardProfile::Action definition; definition.parameters = actionVariants[j].first; definition.shortcuts = actionVariants[j].second; definition.action = iterator.key(); definitions.append(definition); } } profile.setDefinitions({{ActionsManager::GenericContext, definitions}}); profile.setModified(m_ui->actionsViewWidget->isModified()); return profile; }