void ReportSection::resizeBarDragged(int delta) { if(canvasview->document() && canvasview->document()->pageOptions && canvasview->document()->pageOptions->getPageSize() == "Labels") { return; // we don't want to allow this on reports that are for labels } int h = canvas->height() + delta; if(h < 1) h = 1; if(grid->isSnap()) { int incr = (int)(grid->yInterval() * dpiY); int nh = (h / incr) * incr; if(nh == 0) nh = incr; h = nh; } canvas->resize(canvas->width(), h); //resize(width(), h + title->height() + 5); if(canvasview->document()) canvasview->document()->setModified(TRUE); adjustSize(); QWidget * w = parentWidget(); if(w) { w->adjustSize(); if(w->isA("ReportSectionDetail")) w->parentWidget()->adjustSize(); } }
void ZLQtOptionsDialog::raiseTab(int i) { myTabWidget->raiseWidget(i); QWidget *title = getTitleBarWidget(); if(title->isA("QLabel")) { QString s = ::qtString(ZLOptionsDialog::caption()); s.append(" - "); s.append(::qtString((*myTabs[i]).displayName())); s.replace(QRegExp("[<]"), "<"); s.replace(QRegExp("[>]"), ">"); ((QLabel *)title)->setText(s); } }
ZLQtOptionsDialog::ZLQtOptionsDialog(const ZLResource &resource, shared_ptr<ZLRunnable> applyAction) : ZLFullScreenDialog(std::string("X3")), ZLOptionsDialog(resource, applyAction) { QWidget *title = getTitleBarWidget(); if (title->isA("QLabel")) { ((QLabel *)title)->setText(::qtString(ZLOptionsDialog::caption())); } myTabWidget = new MyQTabWidget(this); setContentWidget(myTabWidget); UTIL_CST *cst = (UTIL_CST*)getCSTWidget(); myMenu = new QPopupMenu(cst); QFont f(qApp->font()); f.setPointSize(15); myMenu->setFont(f); connect(myMenu, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(selectTab(int))); cst->getLeftBtn()->setEnabled(true); cst->getLeftBtn()->setPopup(myMenu); }
enum SetResponse purchaseOrder::set(const ParameterList &pParams) { QVariant param; bool valid; int itemsiteid; int parentwo = -1; int parentso = -1; int prjid = -1; double qty; QDate dueDate; setPoheadid(-1); int _prid = -1; param = pParams.value("pr_id", &valid); if (valid) _prid = param.toInt(); param = pParams.value("itemsite_id", &valid); if (valid) itemsiteid = param.toInt(); else itemsiteid = -1; param = pParams.value("qty", &valid); if (valid) qty = param.toDouble(); else qty = 0.0; param = pParams.value("dueDate", &valid); if (valid) dueDate = param.toDate(); param = pParams.value("mode", &valid); if (valid) { if ( (param.toString() == "new") || (param.toString() == "releasePr") ) { _mode = cNew; if (param.toString() == "releasePr") { q.prepare( "SELECT pr_itemsite_id, pr_qtyreq, pr_duedate," " CASE WHEN(pr_order_type='W') THEN" " COALESCE((SELECT womatl_wo_id FROM womatl WHERE womatl_id=pr_order_id),-1)" " ELSE -1" " END AS parentwo," " CASE WHEN(pr_order_type='S') THEN pr_order_id" " ELSE -1" " END AS parentso," " pr_prj_id " "FROM pr " "WHERE (pr_id=:pr_id);" ); q.bindValue(":pr_id", _prid); q.exec(); if (q.first()) { itemsiteid = q.value("pr_itemsite_id").toInt(); qty = q.value("pr_qtyreq").toDouble(); dueDate = q.value("pr_duedate").toDate(); parentwo = q.value("parentwo").toInt(); parentso = q.value("parentso").toInt(); prjid = q.value("pr_prj_id").toInt(); } else { systemError(this, tr("A System Error occurred at %1::%2.") .arg(__FILE__) .arg(__LINE__) ); return UndefinedError; } } connect(_poitem, SIGNAL(itemSelected(int)), _edit, SLOT(animateClick())); connect(_poitem, SIGNAL(valid(bool)), _edit, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(_poitem, SIGNAL(itemSelected(int)), _edit, SLOT(animateClick())); connect(_vendor, SIGNAL(valid(bool)), _new, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); //_new->setEnabled(TRUE); if (itemsiteid != -1) { q.prepare( "SELECT itemsite_item_id, itemsrc_id " "FROM itemsite, itemsrc " "WHERE ( (itemsrc_item_id=itemsite_item_id)" " AND (itemsite_id=:itemsite_id) ) " "LIMIT 1;" ); q.bindValue(":itemsite_id", itemsiteid); q.exec(); if (!q.first()) { QMessageBox::warning(omfgThis, tr("Cannot Create P/O"), tr("<p>A Purchase Order cannot be automatically " "created for this Item as there are no Item " "Sources for it. You must create one or " "more Item Sources for this Item before " "the application can automatically create " "Purchase Orders for it." ) ); return UndefinedError; } ParameterList itemSourceParams; itemSourceParams.append("item_id", q.value("itemsite_item_id").toInt()); itemSourceParams.append("qty", qty); itemSourceList newdlg(omfgThis, "", TRUE); newdlg.set(itemSourceParams); int itemsrcid = newdlg.exec(); if (itemsrcid == XDialog::Rejected) { deleteLater(); return UndefinedError; } q.prepare( "SELECT itemsrc_vend_id " "FROM itemsrc " "WHERE (itemsrc_id=:itemsrc_id);" ); q.bindValue(":itemsrc_id", itemsrcid); q.exec(); if (!q.first()) { systemError(this, tr("A System Error occurred at %1::%2.") .arg(__FILE__) .arg(__LINE__) ); return UndefinedError; } else { int vendid = q.value("itemsrc_vend_id").toInt();; q.prepare( "SELECT pohead_id " "FROM pohead " "WHERE ( (pohead_status='U')" " AND (pohead_vend_id=:vend_id) ) " "ORDER BY pohead_number " "LIMIT 1;" ); q.bindValue(":vend_id", vendid); q.exec(); if (q.first()) { if(QMessageBox::question( this, tr("An Open Purchase Order Exists"), tr("An Open Purchase Order already exists for this Vendor.\n" "Would you like to use this Purchase Order?\n" "Click Yes to use the existing Purchase Order otherwise a new one will be created."), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes) == QMessageBox::Yes) { // Use an existing pohead _mode = cEdit; setPoheadid(q.value("pohead_id").toInt()); _orderNumber->setEnabled(FALSE); _orderDate->setEnabled(FALSE); _vendor->setReadOnly(TRUE); populate(); } else { _vendor->setId(vendid); createHeader(); } } else { // Create a new pohead for the chosen vend _vendor->setId(vendid); createHeader(); } // Start to create the new Poitem ParameterList newItemParams; newItemParams.append("mode", "new"); newItemParams.append("pohead_id", _poheadid); newItemParams.append("itemsrc_id", itemsrcid); if (qty > 0.0) newItemParams.append("qty", qty); if (!dueDate.isNull()) newItemParams.append("dueDate", dueDate); if (parentwo != -1) newItemParams.append("parentWo", parentwo); if (parentso != -1) newItemParams.append("parentSo", parentso); if (prjid != -1) newItemParams.append("prj_id", prjid); purchaseOrderItem poItem(this, "", TRUE); poItem.set(newItemParams); if (poItem.exec() != XDialog::Rejected) { if(_mode == cEdit) { // check for another open window QWidgetList list = omfgThis->windowList(); for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { QWidget * w = list.at(i); if(w->isA("purchaseOrder") && w != this) { purchaseOrder *other = (purchaseOrder*)w; if(_poheadid == other->_poheadid) { if(_prid != -1 && cEdit == other->_mode) { q.prepare("SELECT deletePr(:pr_id) AS _result;"); q.bindValue(":pr_id", _prid); q.exec(); omfgThis->sPurchaseRequestsUpdated(); } other->sFillList(); other->setFocus(); return UndefinedError; } } } } sFillList(); } else _prid = -1; } } else // This is a new P/O without a chosen Itemsite Line Item createHeader(); } else if (param.toString() == "edit") { _mode = cEdit; _orderNumber->setEnabled(FALSE); _orderDate->setEnabled(FALSE); _warehouse->setEnabled(FALSE); _vendor->setReadOnly(TRUE); connect(_poitem, SIGNAL(valid(bool)), _edit, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(_poitem, SIGNAL(itemSelected(int)), _edit, SLOT(animateClick())); _new->setEnabled(TRUE); } else if (param.toString() == "view") { _mode = cView; _orderNumber->setEnabled(FALSE); _orderDate->setEnabled(FALSE); _warehouse->setEnabled(FALSE); _taxZone->setEnabled(FALSE); _agent->setEnabled(FALSE); _terms->setEnabled(FALSE); _terms->setType(XComboBox::Terms); _vendor->setReadOnly(TRUE); _shipVia->setEnabled(FALSE); _fob->setEnabled(FALSE); _notes->setEnabled(FALSE); _new->setEnabled(FALSE); _freight->setEnabled(FALSE); _tax->setEnabled(FALSE); _vendaddrList->hide(); _purchaseOrderInformation->removePage(_quickEntryTab); _poCurrency->setEnabled(FALSE); _qeitemView->setEnabled(FALSE); _qesave->setEnabled(FALSE); _qedelete->setEnabled(FALSE); _qecurrency->setEnabled(FALSE); _comments->setReadOnly(TRUE); _delete->hide(); _edit->setText(tr("&View")); _close->setText(tr("&Close")); _save->hide(); connect(_poitem, SIGNAL(itemSelected(int)), _edit, SLOT(animateClick())); connect(_poitem, SIGNAL(valid(bool)), _edit, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); _close->setFocus(); } } if (_prid != -1 && cNew != _mode) { q.prepare("SELECT deletePr(:pr_id) AS _result;"); q.bindValue(":pr_id", _prid); q.exec(); _prid = -1; omfgThis->sPurchaseRequestsUpdated(); } if(_prid != -1) _pridList.append(_prid); param = pParams.value("pohead_id", &valid); if (valid) { setPoheadid(param.toInt()); populate(); } return NoError; }
void toMain::commandCallback ( int cmd ) { QWidget * focus = qApp->focusWidget(); if ( focus ) { toEditWidget * edit = findEdit ( focus ); if ( edit && edit != Edit ) setEditWidget ( edit ); else if ( focus->inherits ( "QLineEdit" ) || focus->isA ( "QSpinBox" ) ) editDisable ( Edit ); } if ( Tools[cmd] ) Tools[cmd]->createWindow(); else if ( cmd >= TO_TOOL_ABOUT_ID && cmd <= TO_TOOL_ABOUT_ID_END ) { if ( Tools[cmd-TO_ABOUT_ID_OFFSET] ) Tools[cmd-TO_ABOUT_ID_OFFSET]->about ( this ); } else if ( cmd >= TO_WINDOWS_WINDOWS && cmd <= TO_WINDOWS_END ) { if ( cmd - TO_WINDOWS_WINDOWS < int ( workspace() ->windowList().count() ) ) workspace() ->windowList().at ( cmd - TO_WINDOWS_WINDOWS ) ->setFocus(); } else if ( cmd >= TO_STATUS_ID && cmd <= TO_STATUS_ID_END ) { QString str = StatusMenu->text ( cmd ); new toMemoEditor ( this, str ); } else { QWidget *currWidget = qApp->focusWidget(); toEditWidget *edit = NULL; while ( currWidget && !edit ) { edit = dynamic_cast<toEditWidget *> ( currWidget ); currWidget = currWidget->parentWidget(); } if ( edit ) { switch ( cmd ) { case TO_EDIT_REDO: edit->editRedo(); break; case TO_EDIT_UNDO: edit->editUndo(); break; case TO_EDIT_COPY: edit->editCopy(); break; case TO_EDIT_PASTE: edit->editPaste(); break; case TO_EDIT_CUT: edit->editCut(); break; case TO_EDIT_SELECT_ALL: edit->editSelectAll();; break; case TO_EDIT_READ_ALL: edit->editReadAll(); break; case TO_EDIT_SEARCH: if ( !Search ) Search = new toSearchReplace ( this ); edit->editSearch ( Search ); break; case TO_FILE_OPEN: edit->editOpen(); break; case TO_FILE_SAVE_AS: edit->editSave ( true ); break; case TO_FILE_SAVE: edit->editSave ( false ); break; case TO_FILE_PRINT: edit->editPrint(); break; } } switch ( cmd ) { case TO_FILE_COMMIT: try { toConnection & conn = currentConnection(); emit willCommit ( conn, true ); conn.commit(); setNeedCommit ( conn, false ); } TOCATCH break; case TO_FILE_CLEARCACHE: try { currentConnection().rereadCache(); } TOCATCH toMainWidget() ->checkCaching(); break; case TO_FILE_ROLLBACK: try { toConnection &conn = currentConnection(); emit willCommit ( conn, false ); conn.rollback(); setNeedCommit ( conn, false ); } TOCATCH break; case TO_FILE_CURRENT: ConnectionSelection->setFocus(); break; case TO_FILE_QUIT: close ( true ); break; case TO_EDIT_SEARCH_NEXT: if ( Search ) Search->searchNext(); break; case TO_WINDOWS_CASCADE: workspace() ->cascade(); break; case TO_WINDOWS_TILE: workspace() ->tile(); break; case TO_NEW_CONNECTION: addConnection(); break; case TO_HELP_CONTEXT: contextHelp(); break; case TO_HELP_CONTENTS: toHelp::displayHelp ( "toc.htm" ); break; case TO_HELP_ABOUT: case TO_HELP_LICENSE: case TO_HELP_QUOTES: { toAbout *about = new toAbout ( cmd - TO_HELP_ABOUT, this, "About TOra", true ); about->exec(); delete about; } break; case TO_HELP_REGISTER: toCheckLicense ( true ); break; case TO_EDIT_OPTIONS: toPreferences::displayPreferences ( this ); break; case TO_WINDOWS_CLOSE_ALL: while ( workspace() ->windowList().count() > 0 && workspace() ->windowList().at ( 0 ) ) if ( workspace() ->windowList().at ( 0 ) && !workspace() ->windowList().at ( 0 ) ->close ( true ) ) return; break; case TO_WINDOWS_CLOSE: QWidget *widget = workspace() ->activeWindow(); if ( widget ) widget->close ( true ); break; } } }