コード例 #1
Qt::ItemFlags QgsLegendModel::flags( const QModelIndex &index ) const
  Qt::ItemFlags flags = Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable;
  if ( !index.isValid() )
    flags |= Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled;
    return flags;

  QStandardItem* item = itemFromIndex( index );
  QgsComposerLegendItem* cItem = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerLegendItem*>( item );

  if ( cItem )
    QgsComposerLegendItem::ItemType type = cItem->itemType();
    if ( type == QgsComposerLegendItem::GroupItem )
      flags |= Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled;
      flags |= Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled;
    else if ( type == QgsComposerLegendItem::LayerItem )
      flags |= Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled;
  return flags;
コード例 #2
bool QgsLegendModel::writeXML( QDomElement& composerLegendElem, QDomDocument& doc ) const
  if ( composerLegendElem.isNull() )
    return false;

  QDomElement legendModelElem = doc.createElement( "Model" );
  legendModelElem.setAttribute( "autoUpdate", mAutoUpdate );
  int nTopLevelItems = invisibleRootItem()->rowCount();
  QStandardItem* currentItem = 0;
  QgsComposerLegendItem* currentLegendItem = 0;

  for ( int i = 0; i < nTopLevelItems; ++i )
    currentItem = invisibleRootItem()->child( i, 0 );
    currentLegendItem = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerLegendItem*>( currentItem );
    if ( currentLegendItem )
      currentLegendItem->writeXML( legendModelElem, doc );

  composerLegendElem.appendChild( legendModelElem );
  return true;
コード例 #3
void QgsComposerGroupItem::readXML( const QDomElement& itemElem, bool xServerAvailable )
  if ( itemElem.isNull() )
  // text is always user text but for backward compatibility we read also text
  QString userText = itemElem.attribute( "userText", "" );
  if ( userText.isEmpty() )
    userText = itemElem.attribute( "text", "" );
  setText( userText );
  setUserText( userText );

  setStyle( QgsComposerLegendStyle::styleFromName( itemElem.attribute( "style", "group" ) ) );

  //now call readXML for all the child items
  QDomNodeList childList = itemElem.childNodes();
  QDomNode currentNode;
  QDomElement currentElem;
  QgsComposerLegendItem* currentChildItem = 0;

  int nChildItems = childList.count();
  for ( int i = 0; i < nChildItems; ++i )
    currentNode = childList.at( i );
    if ( !currentNode.isElement() )

    currentElem = currentNode.toElement();
    QString elemTag = currentElem.tagName();

    if ( elemTag == "GroupItem" )
      currentChildItem = new QgsComposerGroupItem();
    else if ( elemTag == "LayerItem" )
      currentChildItem = new QgsComposerLayerItem();
      continue; //unsupported child item type
    currentChildItem->readXML( currentElem, xServerAvailable );

    QList<QStandardItem *> itemsList;
    itemsList << currentChildItem << new QgsComposerStyleItem( currentChildItem );
    appendRow( itemsList );
コード例 #4
void QgsComposerLegendItem::writeXMLChildren( QDomElement& elem, QDomDocument& doc ) const
  int numRows = rowCount();
  QgsComposerLegendItem* currentItem = 0;
  for ( int i = 0; i < numRows; ++i )
    currentItem = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerLegendItem*>( child( i, 0 ) );
    if ( currentItem )
      currentItem->writeXML( elem, doc );
コード例 #5
Qt::ItemFlags QgsLegendModel::flags( const QModelIndex &index ) const
    Qt::ItemFlags flags = Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable;
    if ( !index.isValid() )
        flags |= Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled;
        return flags;

    QStandardItem* item = itemFromIndex( index );
    QgsComposerLegendItem* cItem = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerLegendItem*>( item );

    if ( cItem )
        QgsComposerLegendItem::ItemType type = cItem->itemType();
        if ( type == QgsComposerLegendItem::GroupItem )
            flags |= Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled;
            flags |= Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled;
        else if ( type == QgsComposerLegendItem::LayerItem )
            flags |= Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled;
    if ( index.column() == 1 && item )
        // Style
        QStandardItem* firstColumnItem = 0;
        if ( item->parent() )
            firstColumnItem = item->parent()->child( index.row(), 0 );
            firstColumnItem = QgsLegendModel::item( index.row(), 0 );
        cItem = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerLegendItem*>( firstColumnItem );

        if ( cItem )
            if ( cItem->itemType() == QgsComposerLegendItem::GroupItem ||
                    cItem->itemType() == QgsComposerLegendItem::LayerItem )
                flags |= Qt::ItemIsEditable;
    return flags;
コード例 #6
void QgsComposerLayerItem::readXML( const QDomElement& itemElem, bool xServerAvailable )
  if ( itemElem.isNull() )
  setText( itemElem.attribute( "text", "" ) );
  setUserText( itemElem.attribute( "userText", "" ) );
  setLayerID( itemElem.attribute( "layerId", "" ) );
  setShowFeatureCount( itemElem.attribute( "showFeatureCount", "" ) == "1" ? true : false );
  setStyle( QgsComposerLegendStyle::styleFromName( itemElem.attribute( "style", "subgroup" ) ) );

  //now call readXML for all the child items
  QDomNodeList childList = itemElem.childNodes();
  QDomNode currentNode;
  QDomElement currentElem;
  QgsComposerLegendItem* currentChildItem = 0;

  int nChildItems = childList.count();
  for ( int i = 0; i < nChildItems; ++i )
    currentNode = childList.at( i );
    if ( !currentNode.isElement() )

    currentElem = currentNode.toElement();
    QString elemTag = currentElem.tagName();
    if ( elemTag == "VectorClassificationItem" )
      continue; // legacy - unsupported
    else if ( elemTag == "VectorClassificationItemNg" )
      currentChildItem = new QgsComposerSymbolV2Item();
    else if ( elemTag == "RasterClassificationItem" )
      currentChildItem = new QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem();
      continue; //unsupported child type
    currentChildItem->readXML( currentElem, xServerAvailable );
    appendRow( currentChildItem );
コード例 #7
void QgsComposerLayerItem::readXML( const QDomElement& itemElem )
  if ( itemElem.isNull() )
  setText( itemElem.attribute( "text", "" ) );
  setLayerID( itemElem.attribute( "layerId", "" ) );

  //now call readXML for all the child items
  QDomNodeList childList = itemElem.childNodes();
  QDomNode currentNode;
  QDomElement currentElem;
  QgsComposerLegendItem* currentChildItem = 0;

  int nChildItems = childList.count();
  for ( int i = 0; i < nChildItems; ++i )
    currentNode = childList.at( i );
    if ( !currentNode.isElement() )

    currentElem = currentNode.toElement();
    QString elemTag = currentElem.tagName();
    if ( elemTag == "VectorClassificationItem" )
      currentChildItem = new QgsComposerSymbolItem();
    else if ( elemTag == "VectorClassificationItemNg" )
      currentChildItem = new QgsComposerSymbolV2Item();
    else if ( elemTag == "RasterClassificationItem" )
      currentChildItem = new QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem();
      continue; //unsupported child type
    currentChildItem->readXML( currentElem );
    appendRow( currentChildItem );
コード例 #8
bool QgsLegendModel::readXML( const QDomElement& legendModelElem, const QDomDocument& doc )
    Q_UNUSED( doc );

    if ( legendModelElem.isNull() )
        return false;


    QDomNodeList topLevelItemList = legendModelElem.childNodes();
    QDomElement currentElem;
    QgsComposerLegendItem* currentItem = 0;

    int nTopLevelItems =  topLevelItemList.size();
    for ( int i = 0; i < nTopLevelItems; ++i )
        currentElem = topLevelItemList.at( i ).toElement();
        if ( currentElem.isNull() )

        //toplevel items can be groups or layers
        if ( currentElem.tagName() == "LayerItem" )
            currentItem = new QgsComposerLayerItem();
        else if ( currentElem.tagName() == "GroupItem" )
            currentItem = new QgsComposerGroupItem();
        currentItem->readXML( currentElem, mHasTopLevelWindow );

        QList<QStandardItem *> itemsList;
        itemsList << currentItem << new QgsComposerStyleItem( currentItem );
        appendRow( itemsList );

    setAutoUpdate( legendModelElem.attribute( "autoUpdate", "1" ).toInt() );
    return true;
コード例 #9
void QgsLegendModel::updateItem( QStandardItem* item )
  if ( !item )

  //only layer items are supported for update
  QgsComposerLegendItem* cItem = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerLegendItem*>( item );
  if ( ! cItem )

  QgsComposerLegendItem::ItemType type = cItem->itemType();
  if ( type == QgsComposerLegendItem::LayerItem )
    updateLayer( cItem );
コード例 #10
void QgsComposerLegend::drawGroupItem( QPainter* p, QgsComposerGroupItem* groupItem, double& currentYCoord, double& maxXCoord )
  if ( !p || !groupItem )

  currentYCoord += mLayerSpace;
  currentYCoord += fontAscentMillimeters( mGroupFont );

  p->setPen( QColor( 0, 0, 0 ) );
  drawText( p, mBoxSpace, currentYCoord, groupItem->text(), mGroupFont );

  //maximum x-coordinate of current item
  double currentMaxXCoord = 2 * mBoxSpace + textWidthMillimeters( mGroupFont, groupItem->text() );
  maxXCoord = qMax( currentMaxXCoord, maxXCoord );

  //children can be other group items or layer items
  int numChildItems = groupItem->rowCount();
  QStandardItem* currentChildItem = 0;

  for ( int i = 0; i < numChildItems; ++i )
    currentChildItem = groupItem->child( i );
    QgsComposerLegendItem* currentLegendItem = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerLegendItem*>( currentChildItem );
    QgsComposerLegendItem::ItemType type = currentLegendItem->itemType();
    if ( type == QgsComposerLegendItem::GroupItem )
      drawGroupItem( p, dynamic_cast<QgsComposerGroupItem*>( currentLegendItem ), currentYCoord, currentMaxXCoord );
      maxXCoord = qMax( currentMaxXCoord, maxXCoord );
    else if ( type == QgsComposerLegendItem::LayerItem )
      drawLayerItem( p, dynamic_cast<QgsComposerLayerItem*>( currentLegendItem ), currentYCoord, currentMaxXCoord );
      maxXCoord = qMax( currentMaxXCoord, maxXCoord );
コード例 #11
ファイル: qgslegendmodel.cpp プロジェクト: ChowZenki/QGIS
void QgsLegendModel::updateItemText( QStandardItem* item )
  if ( !item )

  //only layer items are supported for update
  QgsComposerLegendItem* cItem = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerLegendItem*>( item );
  if ( ! cItem )

  QgsComposerLayerItem* lItem = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerLayerItem*>( cItem );
  if ( lItem )
    updateLayerItemText( lItem );

  QgsComposerSymbolV2Item* sv2Item = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerSymbolV2Item*>( cItem );
  if ( sv2Item )
    updateSymbolV2ItemText( sv2Item );

  QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem* rItem = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem*>( cItem );
  if ( rItem )
    updateRasterSymbolItemText( rItem );

  // group
  cItem->setText( cItem->userText() );
コード例 #12
QMimeData* QgsLegendModel::mimeData( const QModelIndexList &indexes ) const
  QMimeData* mimeData = new QMimeData();
  QByteArray encodedData;
  QDomDocument xmlDoc;
  QDomElement xmlRootElement = xmlDoc.createElement( "LegendModelDragData" );
  xmlDoc.appendChild( xmlRootElement );

  QModelIndexList::const_iterator indexIt = indexes.constBegin();
  for ( ; indexIt != indexes.constEnd(); ++indexIt )
    QStandardItem* sItem = itemFromIndex( *indexIt );
    if ( sItem )
      QgsComposerLegendItem* mItem = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerLegendItem*>( sItem );
      if ( mItem )
        mItem->writeXML( xmlRootElement, xmlDoc );
  mimeData->setData( "text/xml", xmlDoc.toByteArray() );
  return mimeData;
コード例 #13
bool QgsLegendModel::dropMimeData( const QMimeData *data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent )
  Q_UNUSED( action );
  Q_UNUSED( column );

  if ( !data->hasFormat( "text/xml" ) )
    return false;

  QStandardItem* dropIntoItem = 0;
  if ( parent.isValid() )
    dropIntoItem = itemFromIndex( parent );
    dropIntoItem = invisibleRootItem();

  //get XML doc
  QByteArray encodedData = data->data( "text/xml" );
  QDomDocument xmlDoc;
  xmlDoc.setContent( encodedData );

  QDomElement dragDataElem = xmlDoc.documentElement();
  if ( dragDataElem.tagName() != "LegendModelDragData" )
    return false;

  QDomNodeList nodeList = dragDataElem.childNodes();
  int nChildNodes = nodeList.size();
  QDomElement currentElem;
  QString currentTagName;
  QgsComposerLegendItem* currentItem = 0;

  for ( int i = 0; i < nChildNodes; ++i )
    currentElem = nodeList.at( i ).toElement();
    if ( currentElem.isNull() )
    currentTagName = currentElem.tagName();
    if ( currentTagName == "LayerItem" )
      currentItem = new QgsComposerLayerItem();
    else if ( currentTagName == "GroupItem" )
      currentItem = new QgsComposerGroupItem();
    currentItem->readXML( currentElem );
    if ( row < 0 )
      dropIntoItem->insertRow( dropIntoItem->rowCount(), currentItem );
      dropIntoItem->insertRow( row + i, currentItem );
  emit layersChanged();
  return true;
コード例 #14
QSizeF QgsComposerLegend::paintAndDetermineSize( QPainter* painter )
  QSizeF size;
  double maxXCoord = 0;

  //go through model...
  QStandardItem* rootItem = mLegendModel.invisibleRootItem();
  if ( !rootItem )
    return size;

  if ( painter )
    drawBackground( painter );
    painter->setPen( QPen( QColor( 0, 0, 0 ) ) );

  int numLayerItems = rootItem->rowCount();
  QStandardItem* currentLayerItem = 0;
  double currentYCoordinate = mBoxSpace;

  //font metrics

  //draw title
  currentYCoordinate += fontAscentMillimeters( mTitleFont );
  if ( painter )
    painter->setPen( QColor( 0, 0, 0 ) );
    drawText( painter, mBoxSpace, currentYCoordinate, mTitle, mTitleFont );

  maxXCoord = 2 * mBoxSpace + textWidthMillimeters( mTitleFont, mTitle );

  double currentItemMaxX = 0; //maximum x-coordinate for current item
  for ( int i = 0; i < numLayerItems; ++i )
    currentLayerItem = rootItem->child( i );
    QgsComposerLegendItem* currentLegendItem = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerLegendItem*>( currentLayerItem );
    if ( currentLegendItem )
      QgsComposerLegendItem::ItemType type = currentLegendItem->itemType();
      if ( type == QgsComposerLegendItem::GroupItem )
        drawGroupItem( painter, dynamic_cast<QgsComposerGroupItem*>( currentLegendItem ), currentYCoordinate, currentItemMaxX );
        maxXCoord = qMax( maxXCoord, currentItemMaxX );
      else if ( type == QgsComposerLegendItem::LayerItem )
        drawLayerItem( painter, dynamic_cast<QgsComposerLayerItem*>( currentLegendItem ), currentYCoordinate, currentItemMaxX );
        maxXCoord = qMax( maxXCoord, currentItemMaxX );

  currentYCoordinate += mBoxSpace;

  size.setHeight( currentYCoordinate );
  size.setWidth( maxXCoord );

  //adjust box if width or height is to small
  if ( painter && currentYCoordinate > rect().height() )
    setSceneRect( QRectF( transform().dx(), transform().dy(), rect().width(), currentYCoordinate ) );
  if ( painter && maxXCoord > rect().width() )
    setSceneRect( QRectF( transform().dx(), transform().dy(), maxXCoord, rect().height() ) );

  if ( painter )

    //draw frame and selection boxes if necessary
    drawFrame( painter );
    if ( isSelected() )
      drawSelectionBoxes( painter );

  return size;