コード例 #1
void QgsPluginManager::clearAll()
  // clear all selection checkboxes
  for ( int row = 0; row < mModelPlugins->rowCount(); row++ )
    QStandardItem *mypItem = mModelPlugins->item( row, 0 );
    QgsDetailedItemData myData =
      qVariantValue<QgsDetailedItemData>( mypItem->data( PLUGIN_DATA_ROLE ) );
    myData.setChecked( false );
    QVariant myVariant = qVariantFromValue( myData );
    mypItem->setData( myVariant, PLUGIN_DATA_ROLE );
コード例 #2
void QgsPluginManager::unload()
  QSettings settings;
  QgsDebugMsg( "Checking for plugins to unload" );
  for ( int row = 0; row < mModelPlugins->rowCount(); row++ )
    // FPV - I want to use index. You can do evrething with item.
    QModelIndex myIndex = mModelPlugins->index( row, 0 );
    QgsDetailedItemData myData =
      qVariantValue<QgsDetailedItemData>( mModelPlugins->data( myIndex, PLUGIN_DATA_ROLE ) );
    if ( !myData.isChecked() )
      // iThe plugin name without version string in its data PLUGIN_LIB [ts]
      myIndex = mModelPlugins->index( row, 0 );
      // its off -- see if it is loaded and if so, unload it
      QgsPluginRegistry *pRegistry = QgsPluginRegistry::instance();

      // is loaded?
      QString baseName = mModelPlugins->data( myIndex, PLUGIN_BASE_NAME_ROLE ).toString();
      if ( ! pRegistry->isLoaded( baseName ) )

      if ( pRegistry->isPythonPlugin( baseName ) )
        if ( mPythonUtils && mPythonUtils->isEnabled() )
          if ( mPythonUtils->canUninstallPlugin( baseName ) )
            mPythonUtils->unloadPlugin( baseName );
            //disable it to the qsettings file
            settings.setValue( "/PythonPlugins/" + baseName, false );
      else // C++ plugin
        QgisPlugin *plugin = pRegistry->plugin( baseName );
        if ( plugin )
        //disable it to the qsettings file [ts]
        settings.setValue( "/Plugins/" + baseName, false );
      // remove the plugin from the registry
      pRegistry->removePlugin( baseName );
コード例 #3
void QgsDetailedItemDelegate::paint( QPainter * thepPainter,
                                     const QStyleOptionViewItem & theOption,
                                     const QModelIndex & theIndex ) const
  // After painting we need to restore the painter to its original state
  if ( theIndex.data( Qt::UserRole ).canConvert<QgsDetailedItemData>() )
    QgsDetailedItemData myData =
      theIndex.data( Qt::UserRole ).value<QgsDetailedItemData>();
    if ( myData.isRenderedAsWidget() )
      paintAsWidget( thepPainter, theOption, myData );
    else //render by manually painting
      paintManually( thepPainter, theOption, myData );
  } //can convert item data
コード例 #4
void QgsPluginManager::on_vwPlugins_clicked( const QModelIndex &theIndex )
  if ( theIndex.column() == 0 )
    // If the model has been filtered, the index row in the proxy wont match
    // the index row in the underlying model so we need to jump through this
    // little hoop to get the correct item

    QModelIndex realIndex = mModelProxy->mapToSource( theIndex );
    QStandardItem* mypItem = mModelPlugins->itemFromIndex( realIndex );
    QgsDetailedItemData myData =
      qVariantValue<QgsDetailedItemData>( mypItem->data( PLUGIN_DATA_ROLE ) );
    if ( myData.isEnabled() )
      myData.setChecked( ! myData.isChecked() );
    QVariant myVariant = qVariantFromValue( myData );
    mypItem->setData( myVariant, PLUGIN_DATA_ROLE );
コード例 #5
std::vector < QgsPluginItem > QgsPluginManager::getSelectedPlugins()
  std::vector < QgsPluginItem > pis;
  // FPV - I want to use item here. You can do everything with index if you want.
  for ( int row = 0; row < mModelPlugins->rowCount(); row++ )
    QgsDetailedItemData myData =
      qVariantValue<QgsDetailedItemData>( mModelPlugins->item( row, 0 )->data( PLUGIN_DATA_ROLE ) );

    if ( myData.isChecked() )
      //QString baseName = mModelPlugins->item( row, 0 )->data( PLUGIN_BASE_NAME_ROLE ).toString();
      QString pluginName = mModelPlugins->item( row, 0 )->data( Qt::DisplayRole ).toString();
      bool pythonic = false;

      QString library = mModelPlugins->item( row, 0 )->data( PLUGIN_LIBRARY_ROLE ).toString();
      if ( library.left( 7 ) == "python:" )
        library = library.mid( 7 );
        pythonic = true;
      else // C++ plugin
        QString dir = mModelPlugins->item( row, 0 )->data( PLUGIN_DIRECTORY_ROLE ).toString();
        //library = lblPluginDir->text() + QDir::separator() + library;
        library = dir + QDir::separator() + library;
      // Ctor params for plugin item:
      //QgsPluginItem(QString name=0,
      //              QString description=0,
      //              QString fullPath=0,
      //              QString type=0,
      //              bool python=false);
      pis.push_back( QgsPluginItem( pluginName, library, 0, pythonic ) );

  return pis;
コード例 #6
int QgsDetailedItemDelegate::height( const QStyleOptionViewItem & theOption,
                                     const QgsDetailedItemData theData ) const
  QFontMetrics myTitleMetrics( titleFont( theOption ) );
  QFontMetrics myDetailMetrics( detailFont( theOption ) );
  //we don't word wrap the title so its easy to measure
  int myHeight = myTitleMetrics.height() + verticalSpacing();
  //the detail needs to be measured though
  QStringList myList = wordWrap( theData.detail(),
                                 theOption.rect.width() - ( mpCheckBox->width() + horizontalSpacing() ) );
  myHeight += ( myList.count() + 1 ) * ( myDetailMetrics.height() - verticalSpacing() );
  return myHeight;
コード例 #7
void QgsDetailedItemWidget::setData( QgsDetailedItemData theData )
  lblTitle->setText( theData.title() );
  lblDetail->setText( theData.detail() );
  lblCategory->setText( theData.category() );
  cbx->setVisible( theData.isCheckable() );
  cbx->setChecked( theData.isChecked() );
  lblIcon->setPixmap( theData.icon() );
コード例 #8
QSize QgsDetailedItemDelegate::sizeHint(
  const QStyleOptionViewItem & theOption,
  const QModelIndex & theIndex ) const
  if ( theIndex.data( Qt::UserRole ).canConvert<QgsDetailedItemData>() )
    QgsDetailedItemData myData =
      theIndex.data( Qt::UserRole ).value<QgsDetailedItemData>();
    if ( myData.isRenderedAsWidget() )
      return QSize( 378, mpWidget->height() );
    else // fall back to hand calculated & hand drawn item
      //for some reason itmes are non selectable if using rect.width() on osx and win
      return QSize( 50, height( theOption, myData ) );
      //return QSize(theOption.rect.width(), myHeight + myVerticalSpacer);
  else //cant convert to qgsdetaileditemdata
    return QSize( 50, 50 ); //fallback
コード例 #9
int QgsDetailedItemDelegate::height( const QStyleOptionViewItem &option,
                                     const QgsDetailedItemData &data ) const
  QFontMetrics myTitleMetrics( titleFont( option ) );
  QFontMetrics myDetailMetrics( detailFont( option ) );
  QFontMetrics myCategoryMetrics( categoryFont( option ) );
  //we don't word wrap the title so its easy to measure
  int myHeight = myTitleMetrics.height() + verticalSpacing();
  //the detail needs to be measured though
  QStringList myList = wordWrap( data.detail(),
                                 option.rect.width() - ( mpCheckBox->width() + horizontalSpacing() ) );
  myHeight += ( myList.count() + 1 ) * ( myDetailMetrics.height() - verticalSpacing() );
  //we don't word wrap the category so its easy to measure
  myHeight += myCategoryMetrics.height() + verticalSpacing();
#if 0
  // if category should be wrapped use this code
  myList = wordWrap( data.category(),
                     option.rect.width() - ( mpCheckBox->width() + horizontalSpacing() ) );
  myHeight += ( myList.count() + 1 ) * ( myCategoryMetrics.height() - verticalSpacing() );
  return myHeight;
コード例 #10
void QgsDetailedItemDelegate::paintAsWidget( QPainter *thepPainter,
    const QStyleOptionViewItem &theOption,
    const QgsDetailedItemData &theData ) const

  mpWidget->setChecked( theData.isChecked() );
  mpWidget->setData( theData );
  mpWidget->resize( theOption.rect.width(), mpWidget->height() );
  mpWidget->setAutoFillBackground( true );
  if ( theOption.state & QStyle::State_Selected )
    drawHighlight( theOption, thepPainter, height( theOption, theData ) );
  QPixmap myPixmap = QPixmap::grabWidget( mpWidget );
  thepPainter->drawPixmap( theOption.rect.x(),
                           myPixmap );
}//render as widget
コード例 #11
ファイル: qgsgrasstools.cpp プロジェクト: Br1ndavoine/QGIS
void QgsGrassTools::addModules( QTreeWidgetItem *parent, QDomElement &element, QTreeWidget *modulesTreeWidget, QStandardItemModel * modulesListModel, bool direct )
  QDomNode n = element.firstChild();

  QTreeWidgetItem *item;
  QTreeWidgetItem *lastItem = 0;
  while ( !n.isNull() )
    QDomElement e = n.toElement();
    if ( !e.isNull() )
// QgsDebugMsg(QString("tag = %1").arg(e.tagName()));

      if ( e.tagName() != "section" && e.tagName() != "grass" )
        QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Unknown tag: %1" ).arg( e.tagName() ) );

      // Check GRASS version
      QString version_min = e.attribute( "version_min" );
      QString version_max = e.attribute( "version_max" );

      if ( !QgsGrassModuleOption::checkVersion( e.attribute( "version_min" ), e.attribute( "version_max" ) ) )
        n = n.nextSibling();

      if ( parent )
        item = new QTreeWidgetItem( parent, lastItem );
        item = new QTreeWidgetItem( modulesTreeWidget, lastItem );

      if ( e.tagName() == "section" )
        QString label = QApplication::translate( "grasslabel", e.attribute( "label" ).toUtf8() );
        QgsDebugMsg( QString( "label = %1" ).arg( label ) );
        item->setText( 0, label );
        item->setExpanded( false );

        addModules( item, e, modulesTreeWidget, modulesListModel, direct );

        lastItem = item;
      else if ( e.tagName() == "grass" )
      { // GRASS module
        QString name = e.attribute( "name" );
        QgsDebugMsg( QString( "name = %1" ).arg( name ) );

        QString path = QgsApplication::pkgDataPath() + "/grass/modules/" + name;
        QgsGrassModule::Description description = QgsGrassModule::description( path );

        if ( !direct || description.direct )
          QString label = description.label;
          QPixmap pixmap = QgsGrassModule::pixmap( path, 32 );

          item->setText( 0, name + " - " + label );
          item->setIcon( 0, QIcon( pixmap ) );
          item->setText( 1, name );
          lastItem = item;

          // Add this item to our list model
          QStandardItem * mypDetailItem = new QStandardItem( name + "\n" + label );
          mypDetailItem->setData( name, Qt::UserRole + 1 ); //for calling runModule later
          QString mySearchText = name + " - " + label;
          mypDetailItem->setData( mySearchText, Qt::UserRole + 2 ); //for filtering later
          mypDetailItem->setData( pixmap, Qt::DecorationRole );
          mypDetailItem->setCheckable( false );
          mypDetailItem->setEditable( false );
          // setData in the delegate with a variantised QgsDetailedItemData
          QgsDetailedItemData myData;
          myData.setTitle( name );
          myData.setDetail( label );
          myData.setIcon( pixmap );
          myData.setCheckable( false );
          myData.setRenderAsWidget( false );
          QVariant myVariant = qVariantFromValue( myData );
          mypDetailItem->setData( myVariant, Qt::UserRole );
          modulesListModel->appendRow( mypDetailItem );
          delete item;
    n = n.nextSibling();

コード例 #12
void QgsDetailedItemDelegate::paintManually( QPainter *thepPainter,
    const QStyleOptionViewItem &theOption,
    const QgsDetailedItemData &theData ) const
  // Get the strings and check box properties
  //bool myCheckState = theIndex.model()->data(theIndex, Qt::CheckStateRole).toBool();
  mpCheckBox->setChecked( theData.isChecked() );
  mpCheckBox->setEnabled( theData.isEnabled() );
  QPixmap myCbxPixmap( mpCheckBox->size() );
  mpCheckBox->render( &myCbxPixmap ); //we will draw this onto the widget further down

  // Calculate the widget height and other metrics

  QFontMetrics myTitleMetrics( titleFont( theOption ) );
  QFontMetrics myDetailMetrics( detailFont( theOption ) );
  int myTextStartX = theOption.rect.x() + horizontalSpacing();
  int myTextStartY = theOption.rect.y() + verticalSpacing();
  int myHeight = myTitleMetrics.height() + verticalSpacing();

  // Draw the item background with a gradient if its highlighted
  if ( theOption.state & QStyle::State_Selected )
    drawHighlight( theOption, thepPainter, height( theOption, theData ) );
    thepPainter->setPen( theOption.palette.highlightedText().color() );
    thepPainter->setPen( theOption.palette.text().color() );

  // Draw the checkbox
  if ( theData.isCheckable() )
    thepPainter->drawPixmap( theOption.rect.x(),
                             theOption.rect.y() + mpCheckBox->height(),
                             myCbxPixmap );
    myTextStartX = theOption.rect.x() + myCbxPixmap.width() + horizontalSpacing();
  // Draw the decoration (pixmap)
  bool myIconFlag = false;
  QPixmap myDecoPixmap = theData.icon();
  if ( !myDecoPixmap.isNull() )
    myIconFlag = true;
    int iconWidth = 32, iconHeight = 32;

    if ( myDecoPixmap.width() <= iconWidth && myDecoPixmap.height() <= iconHeight )
      // the pixmap has reasonable size
      int offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0;
      if ( myDecoPixmap.width() < iconWidth )
        offsetX = ( iconWidth - myDecoPixmap.width() ) / 2;
      if ( myDecoPixmap.height() < iconHeight )
        offsetY = ( iconHeight - myDecoPixmap.height() ) / 2;

      thepPainter->drawPixmap( myTextStartX + offsetX,
                               myTextStartY + offsetY,
                               myDecoPixmap );
      // shrink the pixmap, it's too big
      thepPainter->drawPixmap( myTextStartX, myTextStartY, iconWidth, iconHeight, myDecoPixmap );

    myTextStartX += iconWidth + horizontalSpacing();
  // Draw the title
  myTextStartY += myHeight / 2;
  thepPainter->setFont( titleFont( theOption ) );
  thepPainter->drawText( myTextStartX,
                         theData.title() );
  // Draw the description with word wrapping if needed
  thepPainter->setFont( detailFont( theOption ) ); //return to original font set by client
  if ( myIconFlag )
    myTextStartY += verticalSpacing();
    myTextStartY +=  myDetailMetrics.height() + verticalSpacing();
  QStringList myList =
    wordWrap( theData.detail(), myDetailMetrics, theOption.rect.width() - myTextStartX );
  QStringListIterator myLineWrapIterator( myList );
  while ( myLineWrapIterator.hasNext() )
    QString myLine = myLineWrapIterator.next();
    thepPainter->drawText( myTextStartX,
                           myLine );
    myTextStartY += myDetailMetrics.height() - verticalSpacing();

  // Draw the category. Not sure if we need word wrapping for it.
  thepPainter->setFont( categoryFont( theOption ) ); //return to original font set by client
  thepPainter->drawText( myTextStartX,
                         theData.category() );

  // Draw the category with word wrapping if needed
  myTextStartY += verticalSpacing();
  if ( myIconFlag )
    myTextStartY += verticalSpacing();
    myTextStartY +=  myCategoryMetrics.height() + verticalSpacing();
  myList =
    wordWrap( theData.category(), myCategoryMetrics, theOption.rect.width() - myTextStartX );
  QStringListIterator myLineWrapIter( myList );
  while ( myLineWrapIter.hasNext() )
    QString myLine = myLineWrapIter.next();
    thepPainter->drawText( myTextStartX,
                           myLine );
    myTextStartY += myCategoryMetrics.height() - verticalSpacing();
} //render by manual painting
コード例 #13
void QgsGrassTools::addModules( QTreeWidgetItem *parent, QDomElement &element )
  QDomNode n = element.firstChild();

  QTreeWidgetItem *item;
  QTreeWidgetItem *lastItem = 0;
  while ( !n.isNull() )
    QDomElement e = n.toElement();
    if ( !e.isNull() )
// QgsDebugMsg(QString("tag = %1").arg(e.tagName()));

      if ( e.tagName() == "section" && e.tagName() == "grass" )
        QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Unknown tag: %1" ).arg( e.tagName() ) );

      if ( parent )
        item = new QTreeWidgetItem( parent, lastItem );
        item = new QTreeWidgetItem( mModulesTree, lastItem );

      if ( e.tagName() == "section" )
        QString label = e.attribute( "label" );
        QgsDebugMsg( QString( "label = %1" ).arg( label ) );
        item->setText( 0, label );
        item->setExpanded( false );

        addModules( item, e );

        lastItem = item;
      else if ( e.tagName() == "grass" )
      { // GRASS module
        QString name = e.attribute( "name" );
        QgsDebugMsg( QString( "name = %1" ).arg( name ) );

        QString path = QgsApplication::pkgDataPath() + "/grass/modules/" + name;
        QString label = QgsGrassModule::label( path );
        QPixmap pixmap = QgsGrassModule::pixmap( path, 25 );

        item->setText( 0, name + " - " + label );
        item->setIcon( 0, QIcon( pixmap ) );
        item->setText( 1, name );
        lastItem = item;

        // Experimental work by Tim - add this item to our list model
        QStandardItem * mypDetailItem = new QStandardItem( name );
        mypDetailItem->setData( name, Qt::UserRole + 1 ); //for calling runModule later
        QString mySearchText = name + " - " + label;
        mypDetailItem->setData( mySearchText, Qt::UserRole + 2 ); //for filtering later
        mypDetailItem->setData( pixmap, Qt::DecorationRole );
        mypDetailItem->setCheckable( false );
        mypDetailItem->setEditable( false );
        // setData in the delegate with a variantised QgsDetailedItemData
        QgsDetailedItemData myData;
        myData.setTitle( name );
        myData.setDetail( label );
        myData.setIcon( pixmap );
        myData.setCheckable( false );
        myData.setRenderAsWidget( true );
        QVariant myVariant = qVariantFromValue( myData );
        mypDetailItem->setData( myVariant, Qt::UserRole );
        mModelTools->appendRow( mypDetailItem );
        // End of experimental work by Tim
    n = n.nextSibling();
コード例 #14
void QgsPluginManager::getPluginDescriptions()
  QString sharedLibExtension;
#ifdef WIN32
  sharedLibExtension = "*.dll";
  sharedLibExtension = "*.so*";

  // check all libs in the current ans user plugins directories, and get name and descriptions
  QSettings settings;
  QStringList myPathList( lblPluginDir->text() );
  QString myPaths = settings.value( "plugins/searchPathsForPlugins", "" ).toString();
  if ( !myPaths.isEmpty() )
    myPathList.append( myPaths.split( "|" ) );

  for ( int j = 0; j < myPathList.size(); ++j )
    QString myPluginDir = myPathList.at( j );
    QDir pluginDir( myPluginDir, sharedLibExtension, QDir::Name | QDir::IgnoreCase, QDir::Files | QDir::NoSymLinks );

    if ( pluginDir.count() == 0 )
      QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "No Plugins" ), tr( "No QGIS plugins found in %1" ).arg( myPluginDir ) );

    QgsDebugMsg( "PLUGIN MANAGER:" );
    for ( uint i = 0; i < pluginDir.count(); i++ )
      QString lib = QString( "%1/%2" ).arg( myPluginDir ).arg( pluginDir[i] );

#ifdef TESTLIB
      // This doesn't work on WIN32 and causes problems with plugins
      // on OS X (the code doesn't cause a problem but including dlfcn.h
      // renders plugins unloadable)
#if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(Q_OS_MACX)
      // test code to help debug loading problems
      // This doesn't work on WIN32 and causes problems with plugins
      // on OS X (the code doesn't cause a problem but including dlfcn.h
      // renders plugins unloadable)

      //void *handle = dlopen((const char *) lib, RTLD_LAZY);
      void *handle = dlopen( lib.toLocal8Bit().data(), RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL );
      if ( !handle )
        QgsDebugMsg( "Error in dlopen: " );
        QgsDebugMsg( dlerror() );
        QgsDebugMsg( "dlopen suceeded for " + lib );
        dlclose( handle );
#endif //#ifndef WIN32 && Q_OS_MACX
#endif //#ifdef TESTLIB

      QgsDebugMsg( "Examining: " + lib );
      QLibrary *myLib = new QLibrary( lib );
      bool loaded = myLib->load();
      if ( !loaded )
        QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Failed to load: %1 (%2)" ).arg( myLib->fileName() ).arg( myLib->errorString() ) );
        delete myLib;

      QgsDebugMsg( "Loaded library: " + myLib->fileName() );

      // Don't bother with libraries that are providers

      //MH: Replaced to allow for plugins that are linked to providers
      //type is only used in non-provider plugins
      if ( !myLib->resolve( "type" ) )
        delete myLib;

      // resolve the metadata from plugin
      name_t *pName = ( name_t * ) cast_to_fptr( myLib->resolve( "name" ) );
      description_t *pDesc = ( description_t * ) cast_to_fptr( myLib->resolve( "description" ) );
      category_t *pCat = ( category_t * ) cast_to_fptr( myLib->resolve( "category" ) );
      version_t *pVersion = ( version_t * ) cast_to_fptr( myLib->resolve( "version" ) );
      icon_t* pIcon = ( icon_t * ) cast_to_fptr( myLib->resolve( "icon" ) );

      // show the values (or lack of) for each function
      if ( pName )
        QgsDebugMsg( "Plugin name: " + pName() );
        QgsDebugMsg( "Plugin name not returned when queried" );
      if ( pDesc )
        QgsDebugMsg( "Plugin description: " + pDesc() );
        QgsDebugMsg( "Plugin description not returned when queried" );
      if ( pCat )
        QgsDebugMsg( "Plugin category: " + pCat() );
        QgsDebugMsg( "Plugin category not returned when queried" );
      if ( pVersion )
        QgsDebugMsg( "Plugin version: " + pVersion() );
        QgsDebugMsg( "Plugin version not returned when queried" );
      if ( pIcon )
        QgsDebugMsg( "Plugin icon: " + pIcon() );

      if ( !pName || !pDesc || !pVersion )
        QgsDebugMsg( "Failed to get name, description, or type for " + myLib->fileName() );
        delete myLib;

      QString pluginName = pName();
      QString pluginDesc = pDesc();
      // if no category defined - use default value
      QString pluginCat = ( pCat ? pCat() : tr( "Plugins" ) );
      QString pluginVersion = pVersion();
      QString pluginIconFileName = ( pIcon ? pIcon() : QString() );
      QString baseName = QFileInfo( lib ).baseName();

      QString myLibraryName = pluginDir[i];
      // filtering will be done on the display role so give it name and desription
      // user wont see this text since we are using a custome delegate
      QStandardItem * mypDetailItem = new QStandardItem( pluginName + " - " + pluginDesc );
      mypDetailItem->setData( myLibraryName, PLUGIN_LIBRARY_ROLE );
      mypDetailItem->setData( myPluginDir, PLUGIN_DIRECTORY_ROLE );
      mypDetailItem->setData( baseName, PLUGIN_BASE_NAME_ROLE ); //for matching in registry later
      QgsDetailedItemData myData;
      myData.setTitle( pluginName );
      myData.setDetail( pluginDesc );
      myData.setCategory( tr( "Installed in %1 menu/toolbar" ).arg( pluginCat ) );
      myData.setRenderAsWidget( false );
      myData.setCheckable( true );
      myData.setChecked( false ); //start unchecked - we will check it later if needed
      if ( pluginIconFileName.isEmpty() )
        myData.setIcon( QPixmap( QgsApplication::defaultThemePath() + "/plugin.png" ) );
        myData.setIcon( QPixmap( pluginIconFileName ) );

      QgsDebugMsg( "Getting an instance of the QgsPluginRegistry" );

      // check to see if the plugin is loaded and set the checkbox accordingly
      QgsPluginRegistry *pRegistry = QgsPluginRegistry::instance();

      // get the library using the plugin description
      if ( !pRegistry->isLoaded( baseName ) )
        QgsDebugMsg( "Couldn't find plugin in the registry" );
        QgsDebugMsg( "Found plugin in the registry" );
        // TODO: this check shouldn't be necessary, plugin base names must be unique
        if ( pRegistry->library( baseName ) == myLib->fileName() )
          // set the checkbox
          myData.setChecked( true );
      QVariant myVariant = qVariantFromValue( myData );
      mypDetailItem->setData( myVariant, PLUGIN_DATA_ROLE );
      // Add items to model
      mModelPlugins->appendRow( mypDetailItem );

      delete myLib;
コード例 #15
void QgsPluginManager::getPythonPluginDescriptions()
  if ( !mPythonUtils || !mPythonUtils->isEnabled() )

  // look for plugins systemwide
  QStringList pluginList = mPythonUtils->pluginList();

  for ( int i = 0; i < pluginList.size(); i++ )
    QString packageName = pluginList[i];

    // import plugin's package - skip loading it if an error occured
    if ( !mPythonUtils->loadPlugin( packageName ) )

    // get information from the plugin
    QString pluginName  = mPythonUtils->getPluginMetadata( packageName, "name" );
    QString description = mPythonUtils->getPluginMetadata( packageName, "description" );
    QString category    = mPythonUtils->getPluginMetadata( packageName, "category" );
    QString version     = mPythonUtils->getPluginMetadata( packageName, "version" );
    QString iconName    = mPythonUtils->getPluginMetadata( packageName, "icon" );

    if ( pluginName == "__error__" || description == "__error__" || version == "__error__" )

    // if there is no category in Python plugin assume default 'Plugins' category
    if ( category == "__error__" )
      category = tr( "Plugins" );

    bool isCompatible = QgsPluginRegistry::instance()->isPythonPluginCompatible( packageName );
    QString compatibleString; // empty by default
    if ( !isCompatible )
      compatibleString = "  " + tr( "[ incompatible ]" );

    // filtering will be done on the display role so give it name and desription
    // user wont see this text since we are using a custome delegate
    QStandardItem * mypDetailItem = new QStandardItem( pluginName + " - " + description );
    QString myLibraryName = "python:" + packageName;
    mypDetailItem->setData( myLibraryName, PLUGIN_LIBRARY_ROLE ); //for loading libs later
    mypDetailItem->setData( packageName, PLUGIN_BASE_NAME_ROLE ); //for matching in registry later
    mypDetailItem->setCheckable( false );
    mypDetailItem->setEditable( false );
    mypDetailItem->setEnabled( isCompatible );
    // setData in the delegate with a variantised QgsDetailedItemData
    QgsDetailedItemData myData;
    myData.setTitle( pluginName + " (" + version + ")" + compatibleString );
    myData.setEnabled( isCompatible );
    myData.setDetail( description );
    myData.setCategory( tr( "Installed in %1 menu/toolbar" ).arg( category ) );
    //myData.setIcon(pixmap); //todo use a python logo here
    myData.setCheckable( true );
    myData.setRenderAsWidget( false );
    myData.setChecked( false ); //start off assuming false
    if ( iconName == "__error__" )
      myData.setIcon( QPixmap( QgsApplication::defaultThemePath() + "/plugin.png" ) );
      bool relative = QFileInfo( iconName ).isRelative();
      if ( relative )
        QString pluginDir;
        mPythonUtils->evalString( QString( "qgis.utils.pluginDirectory('%1')" ).arg( packageName ), pluginDir );
        iconName = pluginDir + "/" + iconName;
      myData.setIcon( QPixmap( iconName ) );

    // check to see if the plugin is loaded and set the checkbox accordingly
    QgsPluginRegistry *pRegistry = QgsPluginRegistry::instance();
    if ( pRegistry->isLoaded( packageName ) && pRegistry->isPythonPlugin( packageName ) )
      QgsDebugMsg( "Found plugin in the registry" );
      // set the checkbox
      myData.setChecked( true );
      QgsDebugMsg( "Couldn't find plugin in the registry: " + packageName );
    QVariant myVariant = qVariantFromValue( myData );
    mypDetailItem->setData( myVariant, PLUGIN_DATA_ROLE );
    // Add item to model
    mModelPlugins->appendRow( mypDetailItem );