コード例 #1
ファイル: qgsogrutils.cpp プロジェクト: NyakudyaA/QGIS
QVariant QgsOgrUtils::getOgrFeatureAttribute( OGRFeatureH ogrFet, const QgsFields& fields, int attIndex, QTextCodec* encoding , bool* ok )
  if ( !ogrFet || attIndex < 0 || attIndex >= fields.count() )
    if ( ok )
      *ok = false;
    return QVariant();

  OGRFieldDefnH fldDef = OGR_F_GetFieldDefnRef( ogrFet, attIndex );

  if ( ! fldDef )
    if ( ok )
      *ok = false;

    QgsDebugMsg( "ogrFet->GetFieldDefnRef(attindex) returns NULL" );
    return QVariant();

  QVariant value;

  if ( ok )
    *ok = true;

  if ( OGR_F_IsFieldSet( ogrFet, attIndex ) )
    switch ( fields.at( attIndex ).type() )
      case QVariant::String:
        if ( encoding )
          value = QVariant( encoding->toUnicode( OGR_F_GetFieldAsString( ogrFet, attIndex ) ) );
          value = QVariant( QString::fromUtf8( OGR_F_GetFieldAsString( ogrFet, attIndex ) ) );
      case QVariant::Int:
        value = QVariant( OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger( ogrFet, attIndex ) );
#if defined(GDAL_VERSION_NUM) && GDAL_VERSION_NUM >= 2000000
      case QVariant::LongLong:
        value = QVariant( OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger64( ogrFet, attIndex ) );
      case QVariant::Double:
        value = QVariant( OGR_F_GetFieldAsDouble( ogrFet, attIndex ) );
      case QVariant::Date:
      case QVariant::DateTime:
      case QVariant::Time:
        int year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tzf;

        OGR_F_GetFieldAsDateTime( ogrFet, attIndex, &year, &month, &day, &hour, &minute, &second, &tzf );
        if ( fields.at( attIndex ).type() == QVariant::Date )
          value = QDate( year, month, day );
        else if ( fields.at( attIndex ).type() == QVariant::Time )
          value = QTime( hour, minute, second );
          value = QDateTime( QDate( year, month, day ), QTime( hour, minute, second ) );
        Q_ASSERT_X( false, "QgsOgrUtils::getOgrFeatureAttribute", "unsupported field type" );
        if ( ok )
          *ok = false;
    value = QVariant( QString::null );

  return value;
コード例 #2
ファイル: qgsdb2provider.cpp プロジェクト: ndavid/QGIS
QgsVectorLayerExporter::ExportError QgsDb2Provider::createEmptyLayer( const QString &uri,
    const QgsFields &fields,
    QgsWkbTypes::Type wkbType,
    const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &srs,
    bool overwrite,
    QMap<int, int> *oldToNewAttrIdxMap,
    QString *errorMessage,
    const QMap<QString, QVariant> *options )
  Q_UNUSED( options );

  // populate members from the uri structure
  QgsDataSourceUri dsUri( uri );

  QString connInfo = dsUri.connectionInfo();
  QString errMsg;
  QString srsName;
  QgsDebugMsg( "uri: " + uri );

  // connect to database
  QSqlDatabase db = QgsDb2Provider::getDatabase( connInfo, errMsg );

  if ( !errMsg.isEmpty() )
    if ( errorMessage )
      *errorMessage = errMsg;
    return QgsVectorLayerExporter::ErrConnectionFailed;

  // Get the SRS name using srid, needed to register the spatial column
  // srs->posgisSrid() seems to return the authority id which is
  // most often the EPSG id.  Hopefully DB2 has defined an SRS using this
  // value as the srid / srs_id.  If not, we are out of luck.
  QgsDebugMsg( "srs: " + srs.toWkt() );
  long srid = srs.postgisSrid();
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "srid: %1" ).arg( srid ) );
  if ( srid >= 0 )
    QSqlQuery query( db );
    QString statement = QStringLiteral( "SELECT srs_name FROM db2gse.st_spatial_reference_systems where srs_id=%1" )
                        .arg( srid );
    QgsDebugMsg( statement );

    if ( !query.exec( statement ) || !query.isActive() )
      QgsDebugMsg( query.lastError().text() );

    if ( query.next() )
      srsName = query.value( 0 ).toString();
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "srs_name: %1" ).arg( srsName ) );
      QgsDebugMsg( "Couldn't get srs_name from db2gse.st_spatial_reference_systems" );

  QString schemaName = dsUri.schema().toUpper();
  QString tableName = dsUri.table().toUpper();
  QString fullName;

  if ( schemaName.isEmpty() )
    schemaName = dsUri.username().toUpper();  // set schema to user name
  fullName = schemaName + "." + tableName;

  QString geometryColumn = dsUri.geometryColumn().toUpper();
  QString primaryKey = dsUri.keyColumn().toUpper();
  QString primaryKeyType;

  // TODO - this is a bad hack to cope with shapefiles.
  // The wkbType from the shapefile header is usually a multi-type
  // even if all the data is a single-type. If we create the column as
  // a multi-type, the insert will fail if the actual data is a single-type
  // due to type mismatch.
  // We could potentially defer adding the spatial column until addFeatures is
  // called the first time, but QgsVectorLayerExporter doesn't pass the CRS/srid
  // information to the DB2 provider and we need this information to register
  // the spatial column.
  // This hack is problematic because the drag/drop will fail if the
  // actual data is a multi-type which is possible with a shapefile or
  // other data source.
  QgsWkbTypes::Type wkbTypeSingle;
  wkbTypeSingle = QgsWkbTypes::singleType( wkbType );
  if ( wkbType != QgsWkbTypes::NoGeometry && geometryColumn.isEmpty() )
    geometryColumn = QStringLiteral( "GEOM" );

  if ( primaryKey.isEmpty() )
    primaryKey = QStringLiteral( "QGS_FID" );

  // get the pk's name and type
  // if no pk name was passed, define the new pk field name
  int fieldCount = fields.size();
  if ( primaryKey.isEmpty() )
    int index = 0;
    QString pk = primaryKey = QStringLiteral( "QGS_FID" );
    for ( int i = 0; i < fieldCount; ++i )
      if ( fields.at( i ).name() == primaryKey )
        // it already exists, try again with a new name
        primaryKey = QStringLiteral( "%1_%2" ).arg( pk ).arg( index++ );
        i = 0;
    // search for the passed field
    for ( int i = 0; i < fieldCount; ++i )
      if ( fields.at( i ).name() == primaryKey )
        // found, get the field type
        QgsField fld = fields.at( i );
        if ( convertField( fld ) )
          primaryKeyType = fld.typeName();
  QgsDebugMsg( "primaryKeyType: '" + primaryKeyType + "'" );

  QString sql;
  QSqlQuery q = QSqlQuery( db );
  q.setForwardOnly( true );

  // get wkb type and dimension
  QString geometryType;
  int dim = 2;
  db2WkbTypeAndDimension( wkbTypeSingle, geometryType, dim );
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "wkbTypeSingle: %1; geometryType: %2" ).arg( wkbTypeSingle ).arg( geometryType ) );
  if ( overwrite )
    // remove the old table with the same name
    sql = "DROP TABLE " + fullName;
    if ( !q.exec( sql ) )
      if ( q.lastError().number() != -206 ) // -206 is "not found" just ignore
        QString lastError = q.lastError().text();
        QgsDebugMsg( lastError );
        if ( errorMessage )
          *errorMessage = lastError;
        return QgsVectorLayerExporter::ErrCreateLayer;

  // add fields to the layer
  if ( oldToNewAttrIdxMap )
  QString attr2Create = QLatin1String( "" );
  if ( fields.size() > 0 )
    int offset = 0;

    // get the list of fields
    QgsDebugMsg( "PrimaryKey: '" + primaryKey + "'" );
    for ( int i = 0; i < fieldCount; ++i )
      QgsField fld = fields.field( i );
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "i: %1; fldIdx: %2; offset: %3" )
                   .arg( i ).arg( fields.lookupField( fld.name() ) ).arg( offset ) );

      if ( oldToNewAttrIdxMap && fld.name() == primaryKey )
        oldToNewAttrIdxMap->insert( i, 0 );

      if ( fld.name() == geometryColumn )
        // Found a field with the same name of the geometry column. Skip it!
      QString db2Field = qgsFieldToDb2Field( fld );

      if ( db2Field.isEmpty() )
        if ( errorMessage )
          *errorMessage = QObject::tr( "Unsupported type for field %1" ).arg( fld.name() );
        return QgsVectorLayerExporter::ErrAttributeTypeUnsupported;

      if ( oldToNewAttrIdxMap )
        oldToNewAttrIdxMap->insert( fields.lookupField( fld.name() ), offset++ );
      attr2Create += ',' + db2Field.toUpper();
    QgsDebugMsg( attr2Create );
    if ( !geometryColumn.isEmpty() )
      sql = QString( // need to set specific geometry type
              "%3 DB2GSE.%4 %5) " )
            .arg( fullName,
                  attr2Create );
      //geometryless table
      sql = QStringLiteral( // need to set specific geometry type
            .arg( schemaName,
                  attr2Create );
    QgsDebugMsg( sql );
    if ( !q.exec( sql ) )
      QString lastError = q.lastError().text();
      QgsDebugMsg( lastError );
      if ( errorMessage )
        *errorMessage = lastError;
      return QgsVectorLayerExporter::ErrCreateLayer;

    if ( !geometryColumn.isEmpty() )
      int computeExtents = 0;
      int msgCode = 0;
      int outCode;
      int outMsg;
      QVariant msgText( " " );
      QSqlQuery query( db );
      int db2Environment = ENV_LUW;

// get the environment
      QgsDb2GeometryColumns gc( db );
      int rc = gc.open( schemaName, tableName );  // returns SQLCODE if failure
      if ( rc == 0 )
        db2Environment = gc.db2Environment();
      if ( ENV_LUW == db2Environment )
        sql = QStringLiteral( "CALL DB2GSE.ST_Register_Spatial_Column(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" );
        outCode = 5;
        outMsg = 6;
      else // z/OS doesn't support 'computeExtents' parameter and has different schema
        sql = QStringLiteral( "CALL SYSPROC.ST_Register_Spatial_Column(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" );
        outCode = 4;
        outMsg = 5;
      query.prepare( sql );
      query.bindValue( 0, schemaName );
      query.bindValue( 1, tableName );
      query.bindValue( 2, geometryColumn );
      query.bindValue( 3, srsName );
      if ( ENV_LUW == db2Environment )
        query.bindValue( 4, computeExtents );

      query.bindValue( outCode, msgCode, QSql::Out );
      query.bindValue( outMsg, msgText, QSql::Out );

      if ( !query.exec() )
        QgsDebugMsg( QString( "error: %1; sql: %2" ).arg( query.lastError().text(), query.lastQuery() ) );
        msgCode = query.boundValue( outCode ).toInt();
        msgText = query.boundValue( outMsg ).toString();  // never gets a value...
        if ( 0 != msgCode )
          QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Register failed with code: %1; text: '%2'" ).arg( msgCode ).arg( msgText.toString() ) );
          QgsDebugMsg( "Register successful" );

      QList<QVariant> list = query.boundValues().values();
      for ( int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i )
        QgsDebugMsg( QString( "i: %1; value: %2; type: %3" )
                     .arg( i ).arg( list.at( i ).toString().toLatin1().data(), list.at( i ).typeName() ) );

    // clear any resources hold by the query
    q.setForwardOnly( true );

  QgsDebugMsg( "successfully created empty layer" );
  return QgsVectorLayerExporter::NoError;
コード例 #3
QgsVectorLayerImport::importLayer( QgsVectorLayer* layer,
                                   const QString& uri,
                                   const QString& providerKey,
                                   const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem *destCRS,
                                   bool onlySelected,
                                   QString *errorMessage,
                                   bool skipAttributeCreation,
                                   QMap<QString, QVariant> *options,
                                   QProgressDialog *progress )
  const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem* outputCRS;
  QgsCoordinateTransform* ct = 0;
  int shallTransform = false;

  if ( layer == NULL )
    return ErrInvalidLayer;

  if ( destCRS && destCRS->isValid() )
    // This means we should transform
    outputCRS = destCRS;
    shallTransform = true;
    // This means we shouldn't transform, use source CRS as output (if defined)
    outputCRS = &layer->crs();

  bool overwrite = false;
  bool forceSinglePartGeom = false;
  if ( options )
    overwrite = options->take( "overwrite" ).toBool();
    forceSinglePartGeom = options->take( "forceSinglePartGeometryType" ).toBool();

  QgsFields fields = skipAttributeCreation ? QgsFields() : layer->fields();
  QGis::WkbType wkbType = layer->wkbType();

  // Special handling for Shapefiles
  if ( layer->providerType() == "ogr" && layer->storageType() == "ESRI Shapefile" )
    // convert field names to lowercase
    for ( int fldIdx = 0; fldIdx < fields.count(); ++fldIdx )
      fields[fldIdx].setName( fields[fldIdx].name().toLower() );

    if ( !forceSinglePartGeom )
      // convert wkbtype to multipart (see #5547)
      switch ( wkbType )
        case QGis::WKBPoint:
          wkbType = QGis::WKBMultiPoint;
        case QGis::WKBLineString:
          wkbType = QGis::WKBMultiLineString;
        case QGis::WKBPolygon:
          wkbType = QGis::WKBMultiPolygon;
        case QGis::WKBPoint25D:
          wkbType = QGis::WKBMultiPoint25D;
        case QGis::WKBLineString25D:
          wkbType = QGis::WKBMultiLineString25D;
        case QGis::WKBPolygon25D:
          wkbType = QGis::WKBMultiPolygon25D;

  QgsVectorLayerImport * writer =
    new QgsVectorLayerImport( uri, providerKey, fields, wkbType, outputCRS, overwrite, options, progress );

  // check whether file creation was successful
  ImportError err = writer->hasError();
  if ( err != NoError )
    if ( errorMessage )
      *errorMessage = writer->errorMessage();
    delete writer;
    return err;

  if ( errorMessage )

  QgsAttributeList allAttr = skipAttributeCreation ? QgsAttributeList() : layer->attributeList();
  QgsFeature fet;

  QgsFeatureRequest req;
  if ( wkbType == QGis::WKBNoGeometry )
    req.setFlags( QgsFeatureRequest::NoGeometry );
  if ( skipAttributeCreation )
    req.setSubsetOfAttributes( QgsAttributeList() );

  QgsFeatureIterator fit = layer->getFeatures( req );

  const QgsFeatureIds& ids = layer->selectedFeaturesIds();

  // Create our transform
  if ( destCRS )
    ct = new QgsCoordinateTransform( layer->crs(), *destCRS );

  // Check for failure
  if ( ct == NULL )
    shallTransform = false;

  int n = 0;

  if ( errorMessage )
    *errorMessage = QObject::tr( "Feature write errors:" );

  if ( progress )
    progress->setRange( 0, layer->featureCount() );

  // write all features
  while ( fit.nextFeature( fet ) )
    if ( progress && progress->wasCanceled() )
      if ( errorMessage )
        *errorMessage += "\n" + QObject::tr( "Import was canceled at %1 of %2" ).arg( progress->value() ).arg( progress->maximum() );

    if ( writer->errorCount() > 1000 )
      if ( errorMessage )
        *errorMessage += "\n" + QObject::tr( "Stopping after %1 errors" ).arg( writer->errorCount() );

    if ( onlySelected && !ids.contains( fet.id() ) )

    if ( shallTransform )
        if ( fet.geometry() )
          fet.geometry()->transform( *ct );
      catch ( QgsCsException &e )
        delete ct;
        delete writer;

        QString msg = QObject::tr( "Failed to transform a point while drawing a feature with ID '%1'. Writing stopped. (Exception: %2)" )
                      .arg( fet.id() ).arg( e.what() );
        QgsMessageLog::logMessage( msg, QObject::tr( "Vector import" ) );
        if ( errorMessage )
          *errorMessage += "\n" + msg;

        return ErrProjection;
    if ( skipAttributeCreation )
      fet.initAttributes( 0 );
    if ( !writer->addFeature( fet ) )
      if ( writer->hasError() && errorMessage )
        *errorMessage += "\n" + writer->errorMessage();

    if ( progress )
      progress->setValue( n );

  // flush the buffer to be sure that all features are written
  if ( !writer->flushBuffer() )
    if ( writer->hasError() && errorMessage )
      *errorMessage += "\n" + writer->errorMessage();
  int errors = writer->errorCount();

  if ( !writer->createSpatialIndex() )
    if ( writer->hasError() && errorMessage )
      *errorMessage += "\n" + writer->errorMessage();

  delete writer;

  if ( shallTransform )
    delete ct;

  if ( errorMessage )
    if ( errors > 0 )
      *errorMessage += "\n" + QObject::tr( "Only %1 of %2 features written." ).arg( n - errors ).arg( n );

  return errors == 0 ? NoError : ErrFeatureWriteFailed;
コード例 #4
 * Display the attrbiutes for the current feature and load the image
void eVisGenericEventBrowserGui::loadRecord()

  //Get a pointer to the current feature
  QgsFeature* myFeature;
  myFeature = featureAtId( mFeatureIds.at( mCurrentFeatureIndex ) );

  if ( !myFeature )

  QString myCompassBearingField = cboxCompassBearingField->currentText();
  QString myCompassOffsetField = cboxCompassOffsetField->currentText();
  QString myEventImagePathField = cboxEventImagePathField->currentText();
  QgsFields myFields = mDataProvider->fields();
  QgsAttributes myAttrs = myFeature->attributes();
  //loop through the attributes and display their contents
  for ( int i = 0; i < myAttrs.count(); ++i )
    QStringList myValues;
    QString fieldName = myFields.at( i ).name();
    myValues << fieldName << myAttrs.at( i ).toString();
    QTreeWidgetItem* myItem = new QTreeWidgetItem( myValues );
    if ( fieldName == myEventImagePathField )
      mEventImagePath = myAttrs.at( i ).toString();

    if ( fieldName == myCompassBearingField )
      mCompassBearing = myAttrs.at( i ).toDouble();

    if ( mConfiguration.isAttributeCompassOffsetSet() )
      if ( fieldName == myCompassOffsetField )
        mCompassOffset = myAttrs.at( i ).toDouble();
      mCompassOffset = 0.0;

    //Check to see if the attribute is a know file type
    int myIterator = 0;
    while ( myIterator < tableFileTypeAssociations->rowCount() )
      if ( tableFileTypeAssociations->item( myIterator, 0 ) && ( myAttrs.at( i ).toString().startsWith( tableFileTypeAssociations->item( myIterator, 0 )->text() + ':', Qt::CaseInsensitive ) || myAttrs.at( i ).toString().endsWith( tableFileTypeAssociations->item( myIterator, 0 )->text(), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) )
        myItem->setBackground( 1, QBrush( QColor( 183, 216, 125, 255 ) ) );
    treeEventData->addTopLevelItem( myItem );
  //Modify EventImagePath as needed

  //Request the image to be displayed in the browser
コード例 #5
 * This method is an extension of the constructor. It was implemented to reduce the amount of code duplicated between the constructors.
bool eVisGenericEventBrowserGui::initBrowser()

  //setup gui
  setWindowTitle( tr( "Generic Event Browser" ) );

  connect( treeEventData, SIGNAL( itemDoubleClicked( QTreeWidgetItem *, int ) ), this, SLOT( launchExternalApplication( QTreeWidgetItem *, int ) ) );

  mHighlightSymbol.load( QStringLiteral( ":/evis/eVisHighlightSymbol.png" ) );
  mPointerSymbol.load( QStringLiteral( ":/evis/eVisPointerSymbol.png" ) );
  mCompassOffset = 0.0;

  //Flag to let us know if the browser fully loaded
  mBrowserInitialized = false;

  //Initialize some class variables
  mDefaultEventImagePathField = 0;
  mDefaultCompassBearingField = 0;
  mDefaultCompassOffsetField = 0;

  //initialize Display tab GUI elements
  pbtnNext->setEnabled( false );
  pbtnPrevious->setEnabled( false );

  //Set up Attribute display
  treeEventData->setColumnCount( 2 );
  QStringList treeHeaders;
  treeHeaders << tr( "Field" ) << tr( "Value" );
  treeEventData->setHeaderLabels( treeHeaders );

  //Initialize Options tab GUI elements
  cboxEventImagePathField->setEnabled( true );
  chkboxEventImagePathRelative->setChecked( false );

  chkboxDisplayCompassBearing->setChecked( false );
  cboxCompassBearingField->setEnabled( true );

  rbtnManualCompassOffset->setChecked( false );
  dsboxCompassOffset->setEnabled( true );
  dsboxCompassOffset->setValue( 0.0 );
  rbtnAttributeCompassOffset->setChecked( false );
  cboxCompassOffsetField->setEnabled( true );

  chkboxUseOnlyFilename->setChecked( false );

  QString myThemePath = QgsApplication::activeThemePath();
  pbtnResetEventImagePathData->setIcon( QIcon( QPixmap( myThemePath + "/mActionDraw.svg" ) ) );
  pbtnResetCompassBearingData->setIcon( QIcon( QPixmap( myThemePath + "/mActionDraw.svg" ) ) );
  pbtnResetCompassOffsetData->setIcon( QIcon( QPixmap( myThemePath + "/mActionDraw.svg" ) ) );
  pbtnResetBasePathData->setIcon( QIcon( QPixmap( myThemePath + "/mActionDraw.svg" ) ) );
  pbtnResetUseOnlyFilenameData->setIcon( QIcon( QPixmap( myThemePath + "/mActionDraw.svg" ) ) );
  pbtnResetApplyPathRulesToDocs->setIcon( QIcon( QPixmap( myThemePath + "/mActionDraw.svg" ) ) );

  chkboxSaveEventImagePathData->setChecked( false );
  chkboxSaveCompassBearingData->setChecked( false );
  chkboxSaveCompassOffsetData->setChecked( false );
  chkboxSaveBasePathData->setChecked( false );
  chkboxSaveUseOnlyFilenameData->setChecked( false );

  //Set up Configure External Application buttons
  pbtnAddFileType->setIcon( QIcon( QPixmap( myThemePath + "/mActionNewAttribute.svg" ) ) );
  pbtnDeleteFileType->setIcon( QIcon( QPixmap( myThemePath + "/mActionDeleteAttribute.svg" ) ) );

  //Check to for interface, not null when launched from plugin toolbar, otherwise expect map canvas
  if ( mInterface )
    //check for active layer
    if ( mInterface->activeLayer() )
      //verify that the active layer is a vector layer
      if ( QgsMapLayer::VectorLayer == mInterface->activeLayer()->type() )
        mVectorLayer = ( QgsVectorLayer* )mInterface->activeLayer();
        mCanvas = mInterface->mapCanvas();
        QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Warning" ), tr( "This tool only supports vector data" ) );
        return false;
      QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Warning" ), tr( "No active layers found" ) );
      return false;
  //check for map canvas, if map canvas is null, throw error
  else if ( mCanvas )
    //check for active layer
    if ( mCanvas->currentLayer() )
      //verify that the active layer is a vector layer
      if ( QgsMapLayer::VectorLayer == mCanvas->currentLayer()->type() )
        mVectorLayer = ( QgsVectorLayer* )mCanvas->currentLayer();
        QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Warning" ), tr( "This tool only supports vector data" ) );
        return false;
      QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Warning" ), tr( "No active layers found" ) );
      return false;
    QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Error" ), tr( "Unable to connect to either the map canvas or application interface" ) );
    return false;

  //Connect rendering routine for highlighting symbols and load symbols
  connect( mCanvas, SIGNAL( renderComplete( QPainter * ) ), this, SLOT( renderSymbol( QPainter * ) ) );

  mDataProvider = mVectorLayer->dataProvider();

   * A list of the selected feature ids is made so that we can move forward and backward through
   * the list. The data providers only have the ability to get one feature at a time or
   * sequentially move forward through the selected features
  if ( 0 == mVectorLayer->selectedFeatureCount() ) //if nothing is selected select everything
    mFeatureIds = mVectorLayer->selectedFeatureIds().toList();
  else //use selected features
    mFeatureIds = mVectorLayer->selectedFeatureIds().toList();

  if ( 0 == mFeatureIds.size() )
    return false;

  //get the first feature in the list so we can set the field in the pulldown menues
  QgsFeature* myFeature = featureAtId( mFeatureIds.at( mCurrentFeatureIndex ) );
  if ( !myFeature )
    QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Error" ), tr( "An invalid feature was received during initialization" ) );
    return false;

  QgsFields myFields = mDataProvider->fields();
  mIgnoreEvent = true; //Ignore indexChanged event when adding items to combo boxes
  for ( int x = 0; x < myFields.count(); x++ )
    QString name = myFields.at( x ).name();
    cboxEventImagePathField->addItem( name );
    cboxCompassBearingField->addItem( name );
    cboxCompassOffsetField->addItem( name );
    if ( myFeature->attribute( x ).toString().contains( QRegExp( "(jpg|jpeg|tif|tiff|gif)", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) )
      mDefaultEventImagePathField = x;

    if ( name.contains( QRegExp( "(comp|bear)", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) )
      mDefaultCompassBearingField = x;

    if ( name.contains( QRegExp( "(offset|declination)", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) )
      mDefaultCompassOffsetField = x;
  mIgnoreEvent = false;

  //Set Display tab gui items
  if ( mFeatureIds.size() > 1 )
    pbtnNext->setEnabled( true );

  setWindowTitle( tr( "Event Browser - Displaying records 01 of %1" ).arg( mFeatureIds.size(), 2, 10, QChar( '0' ) ) );

  //Set Options tab gui items

  //Load file associations into Configure External Applications tab gui items
  QSettings myQSettings;
  myQSettings.beginWriteArray( QStringLiteral( "/eVis/filetypeassociations" ) );
  int myTotalAssociations = myQSettings.childGroups().count();
  int myIterator = 0;
  while ( myIterator < myTotalAssociations )
    myQSettings.setArrayIndex( myIterator );
    tableFileTypeAssociations->insertRow( tableFileTypeAssociations->rowCount() );
    tableFileTypeAssociations->setItem( myIterator, 0, new QTableWidgetItem( myQSettings.value( QStringLiteral( "extension" ), "" ).toString() ) );
    tableFileTypeAssociations->setItem( myIterator, 1, new QTableWidgetItem( myQSettings.value( QStringLiteral( "application" ), "" ).toString() ) );

  mBrowserInitialized = true;

  return true;
コード例 #6
bool QgsGeometryAnalyzer::convexHull( QgsVectorLayer* layer, const QString& shapefileName,
                                      bool onlySelectedFeatures, int uniqueIdField, QProgressDialog* p )
    if ( !layer )
        return false;
    QgsVectorDataProvider* dp = layer->dataProvider();
    if ( !dp )
        return false;
    bool useField = false;
    if ( uniqueIdField == -1 )
        uniqueIdField = 0;
        useField = true;
    QgsFields fields;
    fields.append( QgsField( QString( "UID" ), QVariant::String ) );
    fields.append( QgsField( QString( "AREA" ), QVariant::Double ) );
    fields.append( QgsField( QString( "PERIM" ), QVariant::Double ) );

    QGis::WkbType outputType = QGis::WKBPolygon;
    QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crs = layer->crs();

    QgsVectorFileWriter vWriter( shapefileName, dp->encoding(), fields, outputType, &crs );
    QgsFeature currentFeature;
    QgsGeometry* dissolveGeometry = nullptr; //dissolve geometry
    QMultiMap<QString, QgsFeatureId> map;

    if ( onlySelectedFeatures )
        //use QgsVectorLayer::featureAtId
        const QgsFeatureIds selection = layer->selectedFeaturesIds();
        QgsFeatureIds::const_iterator it = selection.constBegin();
        for ( ; it != selection.constEnd(); ++it )
#if 0
            if ( p )
                p->setValue( processedFeatures );
            if ( p && p->wasCanceled() )
                // break; // it may be better to do something else here?
                return false;
            if ( !layer->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterFid( *it ) ).nextFeature( currentFeature ) )
            map.insert( currentFeature.attribute( uniqueIdField ).toString(), currentFeature.id() );
        QgsFeatureIterator fit = layer->getFeatures();
        while ( fit.nextFeature( currentFeature ) )
#if 0
            if ( p )
                p->setValue( processedFeatures );
            if ( p && p->wasCanceled() )
                // break; // it may be better to do something else here?
                return false;
            map.insert( currentFeature.attribute( uniqueIdField ).toString(), currentFeature.id() );

    QMultiMap<QString, QgsFeatureId>::const_iterator jt = map.constBegin();
    while ( jt != map.constEnd() )
        QString currentKey = jt.key();
        int processedFeatures = 0;
        //take only selection
        if ( onlySelectedFeatures )
            //use QgsVectorLayer::featureAtId
            const QgsFeatureIds selection = layer->selectedFeaturesIds();
            if ( p )
                p->setMaximum( selection.size() );
            processedFeatures = 0;
            while ( jt != map.constEnd() && ( jt.key() == currentKey || !useField ) )
                if ( p && p->wasCanceled() )
                if ( selection.contains( jt.value() ) )
                    if ( p )
                        p->setValue( processedFeatures );
                    if ( !layer->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterFid( jt.value() ) ).nextFeature( currentFeature ) )
                    convexFeature( currentFeature, processedFeatures, &dissolveGeometry );
            QList<double> values;
            if ( !dissolveGeometry )
                QgsDebugMsg( "no dissolved geometry - should not happen" );
                return false;
            dissolveGeometry = dissolveGeometry->convexHull();
            values = simpleMeasure( dissolveGeometry );
            QgsAttributes attributes( 3 );
            attributes[0] = QVariant( currentKey );
            attributes[1] = values.at( 0 );
            attributes[2] = values.at( 1 );
            QgsFeature dissolveFeature;
            dissolveFeature.setAttributes( attributes );
            dissolveFeature.setGeometry( dissolveGeometry );
            vWriter.addFeature( dissolveFeature );
        //take all features
            int featureCount = layer->featureCount();
            if ( p )
                p->setMaximum( featureCount );
            processedFeatures = 0;
            while ( jt != map.constEnd() && ( jt.key() == currentKey || !useField ) )
                if ( p )
                    p->setValue( processedFeatures );

                if ( p && p->wasCanceled() )
                if ( !layer->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterFid( jt.value() ) ).nextFeature( currentFeature ) )
                convexFeature( currentFeature, processedFeatures, &dissolveGeometry );
            QList<double> values;
            // QgsGeometry* tmpGeometry = 0;
            if ( !dissolveGeometry )
                QgsDebugMsg( "no dissolved geometry - should not happen" );
                return false;
            dissolveGeometry = dissolveGeometry->convexHull();
            // values = simpleMeasure( tmpGeometry );
            values = simpleMeasure( dissolveGeometry );
            QgsAttributes attributes;
            attributes[0] = QVariant( currentKey );
            attributes[1] = QVariant( values[ 0 ] );
            attributes[2] = QVariant( values[ 1 ] );
            QgsFeature dissolveFeature;
            dissolveFeature.setAttributes( attributes );
            dissolveFeature.setGeometry( dissolveGeometry );
            vWriter.addFeature( dissolveFeature );
    return true;
コード例 #7
bool QgsGeometryAnalyzer::extent( QgsVectorLayer* layer,
                                  const QString& shapefileName,
                                  bool onlySelectedFeatures,
                                  QProgressDialog * )
    if ( !layer )
        return false;

    QgsVectorDataProvider* dp = layer->dataProvider();
    if ( !dp )
        return false;

    QGis::WkbType outputType = QGis::WKBPolygon;
    QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crs = layer->crs();

    QgsFields fields;
    fields.append( QgsField( QString( "MINX" ), QVariant::Double ) );
    fields.append( QgsField( QString( "MINY" ), QVariant::Double ) );
    fields.append( QgsField( QString( "MAXX" ), QVariant::Double ) );
    fields.append( QgsField( QString( "MAXY" ), QVariant::Double ) );
    fields.append( QgsField( QString( "CNTX" ), QVariant::Double ) );
    fields.append( QgsField( QString( "CNTY" ), QVariant::Double ) );
    fields.append( QgsField( QString( "AREA" ), QVariant::Double ) );
    fields.append( QgsField( QString( "PERIM" ), QVariant::Double ) );
    fields.append( QgsField( QString( "HEIGHT" ), QVariant::Double ) );
    fields.append( QgsField( QString( "WIDTH" ), QVariant::Double ) );

    QgsVectorFileWriter vWriter( shapefileName, dp->encoding(), fields, outputType, &crs );

    QgsRectangle rect;
    if ( onlySelectedFeatures )  // take only selection
        rect = layer->boundingBoxOfSelected();
        rect = layer->extent();

    double minx = rect.xMinimum();
    double miny = rect.yMinimum();
    double maxx = rect.xMaximum();
    double maxy = rect.yMaximum();
    double height = rect.height();
    double width = rect.width();
    double cntx = minx + ( width / 2.0 );
    double cnty = miny + ( height / 2.0 );
    double area = width * height;
    double perim = ( 2 * width ) + ( 2 * height );

    QgsFeature feat;
    QgsAttributes attrs( 10 );
    attrs[0] = QVariant( minx );
    attrs[1] = QVariant( miny );
    attrs[2] = QVariant( maxx );
    attrs[3] = QVariant( maxy );
    attrs[4] = QVariant( cntx );
    attrs[5] = QVariant( cnty );
    attrs[6] = QVariant( area );
    attrs[7] = QVariant( perim );
    attrs[8] = QVariant( height );
    attrs[9] = QVariant( width );
    feat.setAttributes( attrs );
    feat.setGeometry( QgsGeometry::fromRect( rect ) );
    vWriter.addFeature( feat );
    return true;