コード例 #1
QList<double> QgsGeometryAnalyzer::simpleMeasure( QgsGeometry& mpGeometry )
  QList<double> list;
  double perim;
  if ( mpGeometry.wkbType() == QgsWkbTypes::Point )
    QgsPoint pt = mpGeometry.asPoint();
    list.append( pt.x() );
    list.append( pt.y() );
    QgsDistanceArea measure;
    list.append( measure.measureArea( mpGeometry ) );
    if ( mpGeometry.type() == QgsWkbTypes::PolygonGeometry )
      perim = perimeterMeasure( mpGeometry, measure );
      list.append( perim );
  return list;
コード例 #2
ファイル: qgsgeometryanalyzer.cpp プロジェクト: ndavid/QGIS
void QgsGeometryAnalyzer::simplifyFeature( QgsFeature &f, QgsVectorFileWriter *vfw, double tolerance )
  if ( !f.hasGeometry() )

  QgsGeometry featureGeometry = f.geometry();

  // simplify feature
  QgsGeometry tmpGeometry = featureGeometry.simplify( tolerance );

  QgsFeature newFeature;
  newFeature.setGeometry( tmpGeometry );
  newFeature.setAttributes( f.attributes() );

  //add it to vector file writer
  if ( vfw )
    vfw->addFeature( newFeature );
コード例 #3
void QgsGeometryAnalyzer::dissolveFeature( QgsFeature& f, int nProcessedFeatures, QgsGeometry** dissolveGeometry )
  QgsGeometry* featureGeometry = f.geometry();

  if ( !featureGeometry )

  if ( nProcessedFeatures == 0 )
    int geomSize = featureGeometry->wkbSize();
    *dissolveGeometry = new QgsGeometry();
    unsigned char* wkb = new unsigned char[geomSize];
    memcpy( wkb, featureGeometry->asWkb(), geomSize );
    ( *dissolveGeometry )->fromWkb( wkb, geomSize );
    *dissolveGeometry = ( *dissolveGeometry )->combine( featureGeometry );
コード例 #4
bool QgsVectorLayerEditUtils::deleteVertex( QgsFeatureId atFeatureId, int atVertex )
  if ( !L->hasGeometryType() )
    return false;

  QgsGeometry geometry;
  if ( !cache()->geometry( atFeatureId, geometry ) )
    // it's not in cache: let's fetch it from layer
    QgsFeature f;
    if ( !L->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterFid( atFeatureId ).setSubsetOfAttributes( QgsAttributeList() ) ).nextFeature( f ) || !f.constGeometry() )
      return false; // geometry not found

    geometry = *f.constGeometry();

  if ( !geometry.deleteVertex( atVertex ) )
    return false;

  L->editBuffer()->changeGeometry( atFeatureId, &geometry );
  return true;
コード例 #5
void QgsGeometryAnalyzer::centroidFeature( QgsFeature& f, QgsVectorFileWriter* vfw )
  QgsGeometry* featureGeometry = f.geometry();
  QgsGeometry* tmpGeometry = 0;

  if ( !featureGeometry )

  tmpGeometry = featureGeometry->centroid();

  QgsFeature newFeature;
  newFeature.setGeometry( tmpGeometry );
  newFeature.setAttributes( f.attributes() );

  //add it to vector file writer
  if ( vfw )
    vfw->addFeature( newFeature );
コード例 #6
ファイル: qgsspatialquery.cpp プロジェクト: CzendaZdenda/qgis
bool QgsSpatialQuery::hasValidGeometry( QgsFeature &feature )
  if ( ! feature.isValid() )
    return false;

  QgsGeometry *geom = feature.geometry();

  if ( NULL == geom )
    return false;

  if ( geom->isGeosEmpty() || !geom->isGeosValid() )
    return false;

  return true;

} // bool QgsSpatialQuery::hasValidGeometry(QgsFeature &feature)
コード例 #7
ファイル: qgsfeatureiterator.cpp プロジェクト: CS-SI/QGIS
void QgsAbstractFeatureIterator::geometryToDestinationCrs( QgsFeature &feature, const QgsCoordinateTransform &transform ) const
  if ( transform.isValid() && feature.hasGeometry() )
      QgsGeometry g = feature.geometry();
      g.transform( transform );
      feature.setGeometry( g );
    catch ( QgsCsException & )
      // transform error
      if ( mRequest.transformErrorCallback() )
        mRequest.transformErrorCallback()( feature );
      // remove geometry - we can't reproject so better not return a geometry in a different crs
コード例 #8
ファイル: qgstransectsample.cpp プロジェクト: ACorradini/QGIS
bool QgsTransectSample::otherTransectWithinDistance( QgsGeometry* geom, double minDistLayerUnit, double minDistance, QgsSpatialIndex& sIndex,
    const QMap< QgsFeatureId, QgsGeometry* >& lineFeatureMap, QgsDistanceArea& da )
  if ( !geom )
    return false;

  QgsGeometry* buffer = geom->buffer( minDistLayerUnit, 8 );
  if ( !buffer )
    return false;
  QgsRectangle rect = buffer->boundingBox();
  QList<QgsFeatureId> lineIdList = sIndex.intersects( rect );

  QList<QgsFeatureId>::const_iterator lineIdIt = lineIdList.constBegin();
  for ( ; lineIdIt != lineIdList.constEnd(); ++lineIdIt )
    const QMap< QgsFeatureId, QgsGeometry* >::const_iterator idMapIt = lineFeatureMap.find( *lineIdIt );
    if ( idMapIt != lineFeatureMap.constEnd() )
      double dist = 0;
      QgsPoint pt1, pt2;
      closestSegmentPoints( *geom, *( idMapIt.value() ), dist, pt1, pt2 );
      dist = da.measureLine( pt1, pt2 ); //convert degrees to meters if necessary

      if ( dist < minDistance )
        delete buffer;
        return true;

  delete buffer;
  return false;
コード例 #9
bool QgsGPXFeatureIterator::readRoute( const QgsRoute& rte, QgsFeature& feature )
  if ( rte.points.size() == 0 )
    return false;

  QgsGeometry* theGeometry = readRouteGeometry( rte );

  if ( mRequest.filterType() == QgsFeatureRequest::FilterRect )
    const QgsRectangle& rect = mRequest.filterRect();
    if (( rte.xMax < rect.xMinimum() ) || ( rte.xMin > rect.xMaximum() ) ||
        ( rte.yMax < rect.yMinimum() ) || ( rte.yMin > rect.yMaximum() ) )
      return false;

    if ( !theGeometry->intersects( rect ) ) //use geos for precise intersection test
      delete theGeometry;
      return false;

  if ( !( mRequest.flags() & QgsFeatureRequest::NoGeometry ) )
    feature.setGeometry( theGeometry );
    delete theGeometry;
  feature.setFeatureId( rte.id );
  feature.setValid( true );
  feature.setFields( &mSource->mFields ); // allow name-based attribute lookups
  feature.initAttributes( mSource->mFields.count() );

  readAttributes( feature, rte );

  return true;
コード例 #10
int QgsVectorLayerEditUtils::addPart( QgsCurveV2* ring, QgsFeatureId featureId )
  if ( !L->hasGeometryType() )
    return 6;

  QgsGeometry geometry;
  bool firstPart = false;
  if ( !cache()->geometry( featureId, geometry ) ) // maybe it's in cache
    // it's not in cache: let's fetch it from layer
    QgsFeature f;
    if ( !L->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterFid( featureId ).setSubsetOfAttributes( QgsAttributeList() ) ).nextFeature( f ) )
      return 6; //not found

    if ( !f.constGeometry() || f.constGeometry()->isEmpty() )
      //no existing geometry, so adding first part to null geometry
      firstPart = true;
      geometry = *f.geometry();

  int errorCode = geometry.addPart( ring, L->geometryType() );
  if ( errorCode == 0 )
    if ( firstPart && QgsWKBTypes::isSingleType( QGis::fromOldWkbType( L->wkbType() ) )
         && L->dataProvider()->doesStrictFeatureTypeCheck() )
      //convert back to single part if required by layer
    L->editBuffer()->changeGeometry( featureId, &geometry );
  return errorCode;
コード例 #11
QgsFeature QgsTransformAlgorithm::processFeature( const QgsFeature &f, QgsProcessingContext &, QgsProcessingFeedback * )
  QgsFeature feature = f;
  if ( !mCreatedTransform )
    mCreatedTransform = true;
    mTransform = QgsCoordinateTransform( sourceCrs(), mDestCrs, mTransformContext );

  if ( feature.hasGeometry() )
    QgsGeometry g = feature.geometry();
    if ( g.transform( mTransform ) == 0 )
      feature.setGeometry( g );
  return feature;
コード例 #12
int QgsVectorLayerEditUtils::addPart( const QList<QgsPoint> &points, QgsFeatureId featureId )
    if ( !L->hasGeometryType() )
        return 6;

    QgsGeometry geometry;
    if ( !cache()->geometry( featureId, geometry ) ) // maybe it's in cache
        // it's not in cache: let's fetch it from layer
        QgsFeature f;
        if ( !L->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterFid( featureId ).setSubsetOfAttributes( QgsAttributeList() ) ).nextFeature( f ) || !f.geometry() )
            return 6; //geometry not found

        geometry = *f.geometry();

    int errorCode = geometry.addPart( points, L->geometryType() );
    if ( errorCode == 0 )
        L->editBuffer()->changeGeometry( featureId, &geometry );
    return errorCode;
コード例 #13
int QgsVectorLayerEditUtils::translateFeature( QgsFeatureId featureId, double dx, double dy )
  if ( !L->hasGeometryType() )
    return 1;

  QgsGeometry geometry;
  if ( !cache()->geometry( featureId, geometry ) ) // maybe it's in cache
    // it's not in cache: let's fetch it from layer
    QgsFeature f;
    if ( !L->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterFid( featureId ).setSubsetOfAttributes( QgsAttributeList() ) ).nextFeature( f ) || !f.constGeometry() )
      return 1; //geometry not found

    geometry = *f.constGeometry();

  int errorCode = geometry.translate( dx, dy );
  if ( errorCode == 0 )
    L->editBuffer()->changeGeometry( featureId, &geometry );
  return errorCode;
コード例 #14
ファイル: topolError.cpp プロジェクト: cz172638/QGIS
bool TopolError::fixSnap()
  bool ok;
  QgsFeature f1, f2;
  FeatureLayer fl = mFeaturePairs.at( 1 );
  ok = fl.layer->getFeatures( ( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterFid( fl.feature.id() ) ) ).nextFeature( f2 );
  fl = mFeaturePairs.first();
  ok = ok && fl.layer->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterFid( fl.feature.id() ) ).nextFeature( f1 );

  if ( !ok )
    return false;

  QgsGeometry ge = f1.geometry();

  QgsPolylineXY line = ge.asPolyline();
  QgsPolylineXY conflictLine = mConflict.asPolyline();
  line.last() = conflictLine.last();

  QgsGeometry newG = QgsGeometry::fromPolylineXY( line );
  bool ret = fl.layer->changeGeometry( f1.id(), newG );

  return ret;
コード例 #15
void TestQgsGeometrySnapper::snapPointToPoint()
  QgsVectorLayer* rl = new QgsVectorLayer( QStringLiteral( "Point" ), QStringLiteral( "x" ), QStringLiteral( "memory" ) );

  QgsGeometry refGeom = QgsGeometry::fromWkt( QStringLiteral( "Point(0 0)" ) );
  QgsFeature ff( 0 );
  ff.setGeometry( refGeom );
  QgsGeometry refGeom2 = QgsGeometry::fromWkt( QStringLiteral( "Point(1 0)" ) );
  QgsFeature ff2( 2 );
  ff2.setGeometry( refGeom2 );
  QgsFeatureList flist;
  flist << ff << ff2;
  rl->dataProvider()->addFeatures( flist );

  QgsGeometry pointGeom = QgsGeometry::fromWkt( QStringLiteral( "Point(0.1 -0.1)" ) );
  QgsGeometrySnapper snapper( rl );
  QgsGeometry result = snapper.snapGeometry( pointGeom, 1 );
  QCOMPARE( result.exportToWkt(), QStringLiteral( "Point (0 0)" ) );

  pointGeom = QgsGeometry::fromWkt( QStringLiteral( "Point(0.6 -0.1)" ) );
  result = snapper.snapGeometry( pointGeom, 1 );
  QCOMPARE( result.exportToWkt(), QStringLiteral( "Point (1 0)" ) );
コード例 #16
void QgsMapToolDeleteRing::canvasReleaseEvent( QgsMapMouseEvent *e )
  Q_UNUSED( e );

  delete mRubberBand;
  mRubberBand = nullptr;

  if ( mPressedFid == -1 )

  QgsFeature f;

  vlayer->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterFid( mPressedFid ) ).nextFeature( f );

  QgsGeometry g = f.geometry();
  if ( g.deleteRing( mPressedRingNum, mPressedPartNum ) )
    vlayer->beginEditCommand( tr( "Ring deleted" ) );
    vlayer->changeGeometry( mPressedFid, g );
コード例 #17
bool QgsGPXFeatureIterator::readTrack( const QgsTrack& trk, QgsFeature& feature )
  //QgsDebugMsg( QString( "GPX feature track segments: %1" ).arg( trk.segments.size() ) );

  QgsGeometry* theGeometry = readTrackGeometry( trk );

  if ( mRequest.filterType() == QgsFeatureRequest::FilterRect )
    const QgsRectangle& rect = mRequest.filterRect();
    if (( trk.xMax < rect.xMinimum() ) || ( trk.xMin > rect.xMaximum() ) ||
        ( trk.yMax < rect.yMinimum() ) || ( trk.yMin > rect.yMaximum() ) )
      return false;

    if ( !theGeometry->intersects( rect ) ) //use geos for precise intersection test
      delete theGeometry;
      return false;

  if ( !( mRequest.flags() & QgsFeatureRequest::NoGeometry ) )
    feature.setGeometry( theGeometry );
    delete theGeometry;
  feature.setFeatureId( trk.id );
  feature.setValid( true );
  feature.setFields( &mSource->mFields ); // allow name-based attribute lookups
  feature.initAttributes( mSource->mFields.count() );

  readAttributes( feature, trk );

  return true;
コード例 #18
void QgsGeometrySegmentLengthCheck::collectErrors( QList<QgsGeometryCheckError*>& errors, QStringList &/*messages*/, QAtomicInt* progressCounter , const QgsFeatureIds &ids ) const
  const QgsFeatureIds& featureIds = ids.isEmpty() ? mFeaturePool->getFeatureIds() : ids;
  Q_FOREACH ( QgsFeatureId featureid, featureIds )
    if ( progressCounter ) progressCounter->fetchAndAddRelaxed( 1 );
    QgsFeature feature;
    if ( !mFeaturePool->get( featureid, feature ) )
    QgsGeometry featureGeom = feature.geometry();
    QgsAbstractGeometry* geom = featureGeom.geometry();

    for ( int iPart = 0, nParts = geom->partCount(); iPart < nParts; ++iPart )
      for ( int iRing = 0, nRings = geom->ringCount( iPart ); iRing < nRings; ++iRing )
        int nVerts = QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::polyLineSize( geom, iPart, iRing );
        if ( nVerts < 2 )
        for ( int iVert = 0, jVert = nVerts - 1; iVert < nVerts; jVert = iVert++ )
          QgsPointV2 pi = geom->vertexAt( QgsVertexId( iPart, iRing, iVert ) );
          QgsPointV2 pj = geom->vertexAt( QgsVertexId( iPart, iRing, jVert ) );
          double dist = qSqrt( QgsGeometryUtils::sqrDistance2D( pi, pj ) );
          if ( dist < mMinLength )
            errors.append( new QgsGeometryCheckError( this, featureid, QgsPointV2( 0.5 * ( pi.x() + pj.x() ), 0.5 * ( pi.y() + pj.y() ) ), QgsVertexId( iPart, iRing, iVert ), dist, QgsGeometryCheckError::ValueLength ) );
コード例 #19
    void eval_geometry_method()
      QFETCH( QString, string );
      QFETCH( void*, geomptr );
      QFETCH( bool, evalError );
      QFETCH( bool, needGeom );
      QFETCH( void*, resultptr );

      QgsGeometry* geom = ( QgsGeometry* ) geomptr;
      QgsGeometry* result = ( QgsGeometry* ) resultptr;

      QgsFeature f;
      f.setGeometry( geom );

      QgsExpression exp( string );
      QCOMPARE( exp.hasParserError(), false );
      QCOMPARE( exp.needsGeometry(), needGeom );
      QVariant out = exp.evaluate( &f );
      QCOMPARE( exp.hasEvalError(), evalError );

      QCOMPARE( out.canConvert<QgsGeometry>(), true );
      QgsGeometry outGeom = out.value<QgsGeometry>();
      QCOMPARE( outGeom.exportToWkt(), result->exportToWkt() );
コード例 #20
static void buildSnapIndex( QgsFeatureIterator &fi, QgsSpatialIndex &index, QVector<AnchorPoint> &pnts, QgsFeedback *feedback, int &count, int totalCount )
  QgsFeature f;
  int pntId = 0;

  while ( fi.nextFeature( f ) )
    if ( feedback->isCanceled() )

    QgsGeometry g = f.geometry();

    for ( auto it = g.vertices_begin(); it != g.vertices_end(); ++it )
      QgsPoint pt = *it;
      QgsRectangle rect( pt.x(), pt.y(), pt.x(), pt.y() );

      QList<QgsFeatureId> ids = index.intersects( rect );
      if ( ids.isEmpty() )
        // add to tree and to structure
        index.insertFeature( pntId, pt.boundingBox() );

        AnchorPoint xp;
        xp.x = pt.x();
        xp.y = pt.y();
        xp.anchor = -1;
        pnts.append( xp );

    feedback->setProgress( 100. * count / totalCount );
コード例 #21
void QgsOverlayAnalyzer::intersectFeature( QgsFeature &f, QgsVectorFileWriter *vfw,
    QgsVectorLayer *vl, QgsSpatialIndex *index )
  if ( !f.hasGeometry() )

  QgsGeometry featureGeometry = f.geometry();
  QgsGeometry intersectGeometry;
  QgsFeature overlayFeature;

  QList<QgsFeatureId> intersects = index->intersects( featureGeometry.boundingBox() );
  QgsFeatureRequest req = QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterFids( intersects.toSet() );
  QgsFeatureIterator intersectIt = vl->getFeatures( req );
  QgsFeature outFeature;
  while ( intersectIt.nextFeature( overlayFeature ) )
    if ( featureGeometry.intersects( overlayFeature.geometry() ) )
      intersectGeometry = featureGeometry.intersection( overlayFeature.geometry() );

      outFeature.setGeometry( intersectGeometry );
      QgsAttributes attributesA = f.attributes();
      QgsAttributes attributesB = overlayFeature.attributes();
      combineAttributeMaps( attributesA, attributesB );
      outFeature.setAttributes( attributesA );

      //add it to vector file writer
      if ( vfw )
        vfw->addFeature( outFeature );
コード例 #22
void QgsGeometryHoleCheck::collectErrors( QList<QgsGeometryCheckError*>& errors, QStringList &/*messages*/, QAtomicInt* progressCounter , const QgsFeatureIds &ids ) const
  const QgsFeatureIds& featureIds = ids.isEmpty() ? mFeaturePool->getFeatureIds() : ids;
  Q_FOREACH ( QgsFeatureId featureid, featureIds )
    if ( progressCounter ) progressCounter->fetchAndAddRelaxed( 1 );
    QgsFeature feature;
    if ( !mFeaturePool->get( featureid, feature ) )

    QgsGeometry featureGeom = feature.geometry();
    QgsAbstractGeometry* geom = featureGeom.geometry();
    for ( int iPart = 0, nParts = geom->partCount(); iPart < nParts; ++iPart )
      // Rings after the first one are interiors
      for ( int iRing = 1, nRings = geom->ringCount( iPart ); iRing < nRings; ++iRing )
        errors.append( new QgsGeometryCheckError( this, featureid, QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::getGeomPart( geom, iPart )->centroid(), QgsVertexId( iPart, iRing ) ) );
コード例 #23
ファイル: qgswfsdata.cpp プロジェクト: afrigeo/Quantum-GIS
void QgsWFSData::calculateExtentFromFeatures() const
  if ( mFeatures.size() < 1 )

  QgsRectangle bbox;

  QgsFeature* currentFeature = 0;
  QgsGeometry* currentGeometry = 0;
  bool bboxInitialised = false; //gets true once bbox has been set to the first geometry

  for ( int i = 0; i < mFeatures.size(); ++i )
    currentFeature = mFeatures[i];
    if ( !currentFeature )
    currentGeometry = currentFeature->geometry();
    if ( currentGeometry )
      if ( !bboxInitialised )
        bbox = currentGeometry->boundingBox();
        bboxInitialised = true;
        bbox.unionRect( currentGeometry->boundingBox() );
  ( *mExtent ) = bbox;
コード例 #24
ファイル: topolTest.cpp プロジェクト: spatialthoughts/QGIS
ErrorList topolTest::checkMultipart( double tolerance, QgsVectorLayer *layer1, QgsVectorLayer *layer2, bool isExtent )
  Q_UNUSED( tolerance );
  Q_UNUSED( layer2 );
  Q_UNUSED( layer1 );
  Q_UNUSED( isExtent );

  int i = 0;
  ErrorList errorList;
  QList<FeatureLayer>::Iterator it;
  for ( it = mFeatureList1.begin(); it != mFeatureList1.end(); ++it )
    if ( !( ++i % 100 ) )
      emit progress( ++i );
    if ( testCancelled() )
    QgsGeometry* g = it->feature.geometry();
    if ( !g )
      QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Missing geometry in multipart check." ), tr( "Topology plugin" ) );
    if ( !g->asGeos() )
    if ( g->isMultipart() )
      QgsRectangle r = g->boundingBox();
      QList<FeatureLayer> fls;
      fls << *it << *it;
      QgsGeometry* conflict = new QgsGeometry( *g );
      TopolErroMultiPart* err = new TopolErroMultiPart( r, conflict, fls );
      errorList << err;
  return errorList;
コード例 #25
QgsPoint QgsGeometryAnalyzer::createPointOffset( double x, double y, double dist, const QgsGeometry& lineGeom ) const
  QgsPoint p( x, y );
  QgsPoint minDistPoint;
  int afterVertexNr;
  lineGeom.closestSegmentWithContext( p, minDistPoint, afterVertexNr );

  int beforeVertexNr = afterVertexNr - 1;
  QgsPoint beforeVertex = lineGeom.vertexAt( beforeVertexNr );
  QgsPoint afterVertex = lineGeom.vertexAt( afterVertexNr );

  //get normal vector
  double dx = afterVertex.x() - beforeVertex.x();
  double dy = afterVertex.y() - beforeVertex.y();
  double normalX = -dy;
  double normalY = dx;
  double normalLength = sqrt( normalX * normalX + normalY * normalY );
  normalX *= ( dist / normalLength );
  normalY *= ( dist / normalLength );

  double debugLength = sqrt( normalX * normalX + normalY * normalY ); //control
  Q_UNUSED( debugLength );
  return QgsPoint( x - normalX, y - normalY ); //negative values -> left side, positive values -> right side
コード例 #26
QgsFeature QgsFixGeometriesAlgorithm::processFeature( const QgsFeature &feature, QgsProcessingFeedback *feedback )
  if ( !feature.hasGeometry() )
    return feature;

  QgsFeature outputFeature = feature;

  QgsGeometry outputGeometry = outputFeature.geometry().makeValid();
  if ( !outputGeometry )
    feedback->pushInfo( QObject::tr( "makeValid failed for feature %1 " ).arg( feature.id() ) );
    return outputFeature;

  if ( outputGeometry.wkbType() == QgsWkbTypes::Unknown ||
       QgsWkbTypes::flatType( outputGeometry.wkbType() ) == QgsWkbTypes::GeometryCollection )
    // keep only the parts of the geometry collection with correct type
    const QVector< QgsGeometry > tmpGeometries = outputGeometry.asGeometryCollection();
    QVector< QgsGeometry > matchingParts;
    for ( const QgsGeometry &g : tmpGeometries )
      if ( g.type() == feature.geometry().type() )
        matchingParts << g;
    if ( !matchingParts.empty() )
      outputGeometry = QgsGeometry::collectGeometry( matchingParts );
      outputGeometry = QgsGeometry();

  outputFeature.setGeometry( outputGeometry );
  return outputFeature;
コード例 #27
ファイル: qgszonalstatistics.cpp プロジェクト: exlimit/QGIS
void QgsZonalStatistics::statisticsFromPreciseIntersection( const QgsGeometry &poly, int pixelOffsetX,
    int pixelOffsetY, int nCellsX, int nCellsY, double cellSizeX, double cellSizeY, const QgsRectangle &rasterBBox, FeatureStats &stats )

  double currentY = rasterBBox.yMaximum() - pixelOffsetY * cellSizeY - cellSizeY / 2;
  QgsGeometry pixelRectGeometry;

  double hCellSizeX = cellSizeX / 2.0;
  double hCellSizeY = cellSizeY / 2.0;
  double pixelArea = cellSizeX * cellSizeY;
  double weight = 0;

  QgsRectangle featureBBox = poly.boundingBox().intersect( &rasterBBox );
  QgsRectangle intersectBBox = rasterBBox.intersect( &featureBBox );

  QgsRasterBlock *block = mRasterProvider->block( mRasterBand, intersectBBox, nCellsX, nCellsY );
  for ( int i = 0; i < nCellsY; ++i )
    double currentX = rasterBBox.xMinimum() + cellSizeX / 2.0 + pixelOffsetX * cellSizeX;
    for ( int j = 0; j < nCellsX; ++j )
      if ( !validPixel( block->value( i, j ) ) )

      pixelRectGeometry = QgsGeometry::fromRect( QgsRectangle( currentX - hCellSizeX, currentY - hCellSizeY, currentX + hCellSizeX, currentY + hCellSizeY ) );
      if ( !pixelRectGeometry.isNull() )
        QgsGeometry intersectGeometry = pixelRectGeometry.intersection( poly );
        if ( !intersectGeometry.isNull() )
          double intersectionArea = intersectGeometry.area();
          if ( intersectionArea >= 0.0 )
            weight = intersectionArea / pixelArea;
            stats.addValue( block->value( i, j ), weight );
        pixelRectGeometry = QgsGeometry();
      currentX += cellSizeX;
    currentY -= cellSizeY;
  delete block;
コード例 #28
ファイル: testqgsexpression.cpp プロジェクト: AaronGaim/QGIS
    void eval_geometry_method_data()
      QTest::addColumn<QString>( "string" );
      QTest::addColumn<void*>( "geomptr" );
      QTest::addColumn<bool>( "evalError" );
      QTest::addColumn<bool>( "needGeom" );
      QTest::addColumn<void*>( "resultptr" );

      QgsPolyline polygon_ring;
      polygon_ring << QgsPoint( 0, 0 ) << QgsPoint( 10, 10 ) << QgsPoint( 10, 0 ) << QgsPoint( 0, 0 );
      QgsPolygon polygon;
      polygon << polygon_ring;

      QgsGeometry* geom = QgsGeometry::fromPolygon( polygon );

      QTest::newRow( "buffer" ) << "buffer( $geometry, 1.0, 3)" << ( void* ) geom << false << true << ( void* ) geom->buffer( 1.0, 3 );
      geom = QgsGeometry::fromPolygon( polygon );
      QTest::newRow( "buffer" ) << "buffer( $geometry, 2.0)" << ( void* ) geom << false << true << ( void* ) geom->buffer( 2.0, 8 );

      QgsPoint point1( 10, 20 );
      QgsPoint point2( 30, 20 );
      QgsGeometry* pnt1 = QgsGeometry::fromPoint( point1 );
      QgsGeometry* pnt2 = QgsGeometry::fromPoint( point2 );
      QTest::newRow( "union" ) << "union( $geometry, geomFromWKT('" + pnt2->exportToWkt() + "') )" << ( void* ) pnt1 << false << true << ( void* ) pnt1->combine( pnt2 );

      geom = QgsGeometry::fromPolygon( polygon );
      QTest::newRow( "intersection" ) << "intersection( $geometry, geomFromWKT('POLYGON((0 0, 0 10, 10 0, 0 0))') )" << ( void* ) geom << false << true << ( void* ) QgsGeometry::fromWkt( "POLYGON ((0 0,5 5,10 0,0 0))" );
      geom = QgsGeometry::fromPolygon( polygon );
      QTest::newRow( "difference" ) << "difference( $geometry, geomFromWKT('POLYGON((0 0, 0 10, 10 0, 0 0))') )" << ( void* ) geom << false << true << ( void* ) QgsGeometry::fromWkt( "POLYGON ((5 5,10 10,10 0,5 5))" );
      geom = QgsGeometry::fromPolygon( polygon );
      QTest::newRow( "symDifference" ) << "symDifference( $geometry, geomFromWKT('POLYGON((0 0, 0 10, 10 0, 0 0))') )" << ( void* ) geom << false << true << ( void* ) QgsGeometry::fromWkt( "MULTIPOLYGON(((5 5,0 0,0 10,5 5)),((5 5,10 10,10 0,5 5)))" );

      geom = QgsGeometry::fromPolygon( polygon );
      QTest::newRow( "centroid polygon" ) << "centroid( $geometry )" << ( void* ) geom << false << true << ( void* ) geom->centroid();
      geom = QgsGeometry::fromPolygon( polygon );
      QTest::newRow( "centroid self intersecting polygon" ) << "centroid( geomFromWKT('POLYGON((0 0, 0 2, 2 -0.1, 2 2.1, 0 0))') )" << ( void* ) geom << false << false << ( void* ) QgsGeometry::fromWkt( "POINT (8.0 1.0)" );
      geom = QgsGeometry::fromPolygon( polygon );
      QTest::newRow( "centroid multi polygon" ) << "centroid( geomFromWKT('MULTIPOLYGON(((0 0,0 1,1 1,1 0,0 0)),((2 0,2 1,3 1,3 0,2 0)))') )" << ( void* ) geom << false << false << ( void* ) QgsGeometry::fromWkt( "POINT (1.5 0.5)" );
      geom = QgsGeometry::fromPolygon( polygon );
      QTest::newRow( "convexHull simple" ) << "convexHull( $geometry )" << ( void* ) geom << false << true << ( void* ) geom->convexHull();
      geom = QgsGeometry::fromPolygon( polygon );
      QTest::newRow( "convexHull multi" ) << "convexHull( geomFromWKT('GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POINT(0 1), POINT(0 0), POINT(1 0), POINT(1 1))') )" << ( void* ) geom << false << false << ( void* ) QgsGeometry::fromWkt( "POLYGON ((0 0,0 1,1 1,1 0,0 0))" );
      geom = QgsGeometry::fromPolygon( polygon );
      QTest::newRow( "bounds" ) << "bounds( $geometry )" << ( void* ) geom << false << true << ( void* ) QgsGeometry::fromRect( geom->boundingBox() );
コード例 #29
QVector<QgsPoint> QgsMapToolSimplify::getPointList( QgsFeature& f )
  QgsGeometry* line = f.geometry();
  if (( line->type() != QGis::Line && line->type() != QGis::Polygon ) || line->isMultipart() )
    return QVector<QgsPoint>();
  if (( line->type() == QGis::Line ) )
    return line->asPolyline();
    if ( line->asPolygon().size() > 1 )
      return QVector<QgsPoint>();
    return line->asPolygon()[0];
コード例 #30
int QgsMapToolDeleteRing::ringNumInMultiPolygon( const QgsGeometry &g, int vertexNr, int &partNum )
  QgsMultiPolygon mpolygon = g.asMultiPolygon();
  for ( int part = 0; part < mpolygon.count(); part++ )
    const QgsPolygon &polygon = mpolygon[part];
    for ( int ring = 0; ring < polygon.count(); ring++ )
      if ( vertexNr < polygon[ring].count() )
        partNum = part;
        return ring;

      vertexNr -= polygon[ring].count();
  return -1;