コード例 #1
QgsSpatiaLiteFeatureIterator::QgsSpatiaLiteFeatureIterator( QgsSpatiaLiteFeatureSource* source, bool ownSource, const QgsFeatureRequest& request )
    : QgsAbstractFeatureIteratorFromSource<QgsSpatiaLiteFeatureSource>( source, ownSource, request )
    , sqliteStatement( NULL )
    , mExpressionCompiled( false )

  mHandle = QgsSpatiaLiteConnPool::instance()->acquireConnection( mSource->mSqlitePath );

  mFetchGeometry = !mSource->mGeometryColumn.isNull() && !( mRequest.flags() & QgsFeatureRequest::NoGeometry );
  mHasPrimaryKey = !mSource->mPrimaryKey.isEmpty();
  mRowNumber = 0;

  QStringList whereClauses;
  bool useFallbackWhereClause = false;
  QString fallbackWhereClause;
  QString whereClause;

  //beware - limitAtProvider needs to be set to false if the request cannot be completely handled
  //by the provider (eg utilising QGIS expression filters)
  bool limitAtProvider = ( mRequest.limit() >= 0 );

  if ( !request.filterRect().isNull() && !mSource->mGeometryColumn.isNull() )
    // some kind of MBR spatial filtering is required
    whereClause = whereClauseRect();
    if ( ! whereClause.isEmpty() )
      whereClauses.append( whereClause );

  if ( !mSource->mSubsetString.isEmpty() )
    whereClause = "( " + mSource->mSubsetString + ')';
    if ( ! whereClause.isEmpty() )
      whereClauses.append( whereClause );

  if ( request.filterType() == QgsFeatureRequest::FilterFid )
    whereClause = whereClauseFid();
    if ( ! whereClause.isEmpty() )
      whereClauses.append( whereClause );
  else if ( request.filterType() == QgsFeatureRequest::FilterFids )
    whereClause = whereClauseFids();
    if ( ! whereClause.isEmpty() )
      whereClauses.append( whereClause );
  //IMPORTANT - this MUST be the last clause added!
  else if ( request.filterType() == QgsFeatureRequest::FilterExpression )
    if ( QSettings().value( "/qgis/compileExpressions", true ).toBool() )
      QgsSpatiaLiteExpressionCompiler compiler = QgsSpatiaLiteExpressionCompiler( source );

      QgsSqlExpressionCompiler::Result result = compiler.compile( request.filterExpression() );

      if ( result == QgsSqlExpressionCompiler::Complete || result == QgsSqlExpressionCompiler::Partial )
        whereClause = compiler.result();
        if ( !whereClause.isEmpty() )
          useFallbackWhereClause = true;
          fallbackWhereClause = whereClauses.join( " AND " );
          whereClauses.append( whereClause );
          //if only partial success when compiling expression, we need to double-check results using QGIS' expressions
          mExpressionCompiled = ( result == QgsSqlExpressionCompiler::Complete );
      if ( result != QgsSqlExpressionCompiler::Complete )
        //can't apply limit at provider side as we need to check all results using QGIS expressions
        limitAtProvider = false;
      limitAtProvider = false;

  whereClause = whereClauses.join( " AND " );

  // preparing the SQL statement
  bool success = prepareStatement( whereClause, limitAtProvider ? mRequest.limit() : -1 );
  if ( !success && useFallbackWhereClause )
    //try with the fallback where clause, eg for cases when using compiled expression failed to prepare
    mExpressionCompiled = false;
    success = prepareStatement( fallbackWhereClause, -1 );

  if ( !success )
    // some error occurred
    sqliteStatement = NULL;
コード例 #2
QgsSpatiaLiteFeatureIterator::QgsSpatiaLiteFeatureIterator( QgsSpatiaLiteFeatureSource* source, bool ownSource, const QgsFeatureRequest& request )
    : QgsAbstractFeatureIteratorFromSource<QgsSpatiaLiteFeatureSource>( source, ownSource, request )
    , sqliteStatement( nullptr )
    , mExpressionCompiled( false )

  mHandle = QgsSpatiaLiteConnPool::instance()->acquireConnection( mSource->mSqlitePath );

  mFetchGeometry = !mSource->mGeometryColumn.isNull() && !( mRequest.flags() & QgsFeatureRequest::NoGeometry );
  mHasPrimaryKey = !mSource->mPrimaryKey.isEmpty();
  mRowNumber = 0;

  QStringList whereClauses;
  bool useFallbackWhereClause = false;
  QString fallbackWhereClause;
  QString whereClause;

  //beware - limitAtProvider needs to be set to false if the request cannot be completely handled
  //by the provider (eg utilising QGIS expression filters)
  bool limitAtProvider = ( mRequest.limit() >= 0 );

  if ( !request.filterRect().isNull() && !mSource->mGeometryColumn.isNull() )
    // some kind of MBR spatial filtering is required
    whereClause = whereClauseRect();
    if ( ! whereClause.isEmpty() )
      whereClauses.append( whereClause );

  if ( !mSource->mSubsetString.isEmpty() )
    whereClause = "( " + mSource->mSubsetString + ')';
    if ( ! whereClause.isEmpty() )
      whereClauses.append( whereClause );

  if ( request.filterType() == QgsFeatureRequest::FilterFid )
    whereClause = whereClauseFid();
    if ( ! whereClause.isEmpty() )
      whereClauses.append( whereClause );
  else if ( request.filterType() == QgsFeatureRequest::FilterFids )
    whereClause = whereClauseFids();
    if ( ! whereClause.isEmpty() )
      whereClauses.append( whereClause );
  //IMPORTANT - this MUST be the last clause added!
  else if ( request.filterType() == QgsFeatureRequest::FilterExpression )
    // ensure that all attributes required for expression filter are being fetched
    if ( mRequest.flags() & QgsFeatureRequest::SubsetOfAttributes && request.filterType() == QgsFeatureRequest::FilterExpression )
      QgsAttributeList attrs = request.subsetOfAttributes();
      Q_FOREACH ( const QString& field, request.filterExpression()->referencedColumns() )
        int attrIdx = mSource->mFields.fieldNameIndex( field );
        if ( !attrs.contains( attrIdx ) )
          attrs << attrIdx;
      mRequest.setSubsetOfAttributes( attrs );

    if ( QSettings().value( "/qgis/compileExpressions", true ).toBool() )
      QgsSpatiaLiteExpressionCompiler compiler = QgsSpatiaLiteExpressionCompiler( source );

      QgsSqlExpressionCompiler::Result result = compiler.compile( request.filterExpression() );

      if ( result == QgsSqlExpressionCompiler::Complete || result == QgsSqlExpressionCompiler::Partial )
        whereClause = compiler.result();
        if ( !whereClause.isEmpty() )
          useFallbackWhereClause = true;
          fallbackWhereClause = whereClauses.join( " AND " );
          whereClauses.append( whereClause );
          //if only partial success when compiling expression, we need to double-check results using QGIS' expressions
          mExpressionCompiled = ( result == QgsSqlExpressionCompiler::Complete );
      if ( result != QgsSqlExpressionCompiler::Complete )
        //can't apply limit at provider side as we need to check all results using QGIS expressions
        limitAtProvider = false;
      limitAtProvider = false;
コード例 #3
QgsSpatiaLiteFeatureIterator::QgsSpatiaLiteFeatureIterator( QgsSpatiaLiteFeatureSource* source, bool ownSource, const QgsFeatureRequest& request )
    : QgsAbstractFeatureIteratorFromSource<QgsSpatiaLiteFeatureSource>( source, ownSource, request )
    , sqliteStatement( nullptr )
    , mExpressionCompiled( false )

  mHandle = QgsSpatiaLiteConnPool::instance()->acquireConnection( mSource->mSqlitePath );

  mFetchGeometry = !mSource->mGeometryColumn.isNull() && !( mRequest.flags() & QgsFeatureRequest::NoGeometry );
  mHasPrimaryKey = !mSource->mPrimaryKey.isEmpty();
  mRowNumber = 0;

  QStringList whereClauses;
  bool useFallbackWhereClause = false;
  QString fallbackWhereClause;
  QString whereClause;

  //beware - limitAtProvider needs to be set to false if the request cannot be completely handled
  //by the provider (eg utilising QGIS expression filters)
  bool limitAtProvider = ( mRequest.limit() >= 0 );

  if ( !request.filterRect().isNull() && !mSource->mGeometryColumn.isNull() )
    // some kind of MBR spatial filtering is required
    whereClause = whereClauseRect();
    if ( ! whereClause.isEmpty() )
      whereClauses.append( whereClause );

  if ( !mSource->mSubsetString.isEmpty() )
    whereClause = "( " + mSource->mSubsetString + ')';
    if ( ! whereClause.isEmpty() )
      whereClauses.append( whereClause );

  if ( request.filterType() == QgsFeatureRequest::FilterFid )
    whereClause = whereClauseFid();
    if ( ! whereClause.isEmpty() )
      whereClauses.append( whereClause );
  else if ( request.filterType() == QgsFeatureRequest::FilterFids )
    whereClause = whereClauseFids();
    if ( ! whereClause.isEmpty() )
      whereClauses.append( whereClause );
  //IMPORTANT - this MUST be the last clause added!
  else if ( request.filterType() == QgsFeatureRequest::FilterExpression )
    if ( QSettings().value( "/qgis/compileExpressions", true ).toBool() )
      QgsSpatiaLiteExpressionCompiler compiler = QgsSpatiaLiteExpressionCompiler( source );

      QgsSqlExpressionCompiler::Result result = compiler.compile( request.filterExpression() );

      if ( result == QgsSqlExpressionCompiler::Complete || result == QgsSqlExpressionCompiler::Partial )
        whereClause = compiler.result();
        if ( !whereClause.isEmpty() )
          useFallbackWhereClause = true;
          fallbackWhereClause = whereClauses.join( " AND " );
          whereClauses.append( whereClause );
          //if only partial success when compiling expression, we need to double-check results using QGIS' expressions
          mExpressionCompiled = ( result == QgsSqlExpressionCompiler::Complete );
      if ( result != QgsSqlExpressionCompiler::Complete )
        //can't apply limit at provider side as we need to check all results using QGIS expressions
        limitAtProvider = false;
      limitAtProvider = false;

  whereClause = whereClauses.join( " AND " );

  // Setup the order by
  QStringList orderByParts;

  mOrderByCompiled = true;

  if ( QSettings().value( "/qgis/compileExpressions", true ).toBool() )
    Q_FOREACH ( const QgsFeatureRequest::OrderByClause& clause, request.orderBy() )
      QgsSpatiaLiteExpressionCompiler compiler = QgsSpatiaLiteExpressionCompiler( source );
      QgsExpression expression = clause.expression();
      if ( compiler.compile( &expression ) == QgsSqlExpressionCompiler::Complete )
        QString part;
        part = compiler.result();

        if ( clause.nullsFirst() )
          orderByParts << QString( "%1 IS NOT NULL" ).arg( part );
          orderByParts << QString( "%1 IS NULL" ).arg( part );

        part += clause.ascending() ? " COLLATE NOCASE ASC" : " COLLATE NOCASE DESC";
        orderByParts << part;
        // Bail out on first non-complete compilation.
        // Most important clauses at the beginning of the list
        // will still be sent and used to pre-sort so the local
        // CPU can use its cycles for fine-tuning.
        mOrderByCompiled = false;
コード例 #4
QgsSpatiaLiteFeatureIterator::QgsSpatiaLiteFeatureIterator( QgsSpatiaLiteFeatureSource* source, bool ownSource, const QgsFeatureRequest& request )
    : QgsAbstractFeatureIteratorFromSource<QgsSpatiaLiteFeatureSource>( source, ownSource, request )
    , sqliteStatement( NULL )
    , mExpressionCompiled( false )

  mHandle = QgsSpatiaLiteConnPool::instance()->acquireConnection( mSource->mSqlitePath );

  mFetchGeometry = !mSource->mGeometryColumn.isNull() && !( mRequest.flags() & QgsFeatureRequest::NoGeometry );
  mHasPrimaryKey = !mSource->mPrimaryKey.isEmpty();
  mRowNumber = 0;

  QStringList whereClauses;
  QString whereClause;
  if ( !request.filterRect().isNull() && !mSource->mGeometryColumn.isNull() )
    // some kind of MBR spatial filtering is required
    whereClause = whereClauseRect();
    if ( ! whereClause.isEmpty() )
      whereClauses.append( whereClause );

  if ( request.filterType() == QgsFeatureRequest::FilterFid )
    whereClause = whereClauseFid();
    if ( ! whereClause.isEmpty() )
      whereClauses.append( whereClause );
  else if ( request.filterType() == QgsFeatureRequest::FilterFids )
    whereClause = whereClauseFids();
    if ( ! whereClause.isEmpty() )
      whereClauses.append( whereClause );
  else if ( request.filterType() == QgsFeatureRequest::FilterExpression
            && QSettings().value( "/qgis/compileExpressions", true ).toBool() )
    QgsSpatiaLiteExpressionCompiler compiler = QgsSpatiaLiteExpressionCompiler( source );

    QgsSqlExpressionCompiler::Result result = compiler.compile( request.filterExpression() );

    if ( result == QgsSqlExpressionCompiler::Complete || result == QgsSqlExpressionCompiler::Partial )
      whereClause = compiler.result();
      if ( !whereClause.isEmpty() )
        whereClauses.append( whereClause );
        //if only partial success when compiling expression, we need to double-check results using QGIS' expressions
        mExpressionCompiled = ( result == QgsSqlExpressionCompiler::Complete );

  if ( !mSource->mSubsetString.isEmpty() )
    whereClause = "( " + mSource->mSubsetString + ')';
    if ( ! whereClause.isEmpty() )
      whereClauses.append( whereClause );

  whereClause = whereClauses.join( " AND " );

  // preparing the SQL statement
  if ( !prepareStatement( whereClause ) )
    // some error occurred
    sqliteStatement = NULL;