コード例 #1
void QgsUniqueValueDialog::apply()
  QgsDebugMsg( "called." );
  QgsUniqueValueRenderer *renderer = new QgsUniqueValueRenderer( mVectorLayer->geometryType() );

  //go through mValues and add the entries to the renderer
  for ( QMap<QString, QgsSymbol*>::iterator it = mValues.begin(); it != mValues.end(); ++it )
    QgsSymbol* symbol = it.value();
    QgsSymbol* newsymbol = new QgsSymbol( mVectorLayer->geometryType(), symbol->lowerValue(), symbol->upperValue(), symbol->label() );
    newsymbol->setPen( symbol->pen() );
    newsymbol->setCustomTexture( symbol->customTexture() );
    newsymbol->setBrush( symbol->brush() );
    newsymbol->setNamedPointSymbol( symbol->pointSymbolName() );
    newsymbol->setPointSize( symbol->pointSize() );
    newsymbol->setPointSizeUnits( symbol->pointSizeUnits() );
    newsymbol->setScaleClassificationField( symbol->scaleClassificationField() );
    newsymbol->setRotationClassificationField( symbol->rotationClassificationField() );
    renderer->insertValue( it.key(), newsymbol );

  QgsVectorDataProvider *provider = dynamic_cast<QgsVectorDataProvider *>( mVectorLayer->dataProvider() );
  if ( provider )
    int fieldIndex = mClassificationComboBox->itemData( mClassificationComboBox->currentIndex() ).toInt();
    if ( fieldIndex != -1 )
      renderer->setClassificationField( fieldIndex );
      mVectorLayer->setRenderer( renderer );

  delete renderer; //something went wrong
コード例 #2
QgsUniqueValueDialog::QgsUniqueValueDialog( QgsVectorLayer* vl ): QDialog(), mVectorLayer( vl ), sydialog( vl, true )
  setupUi( this );
  setOrientation( Qt::Vertical );

  //find out the fields of mVectorLayer
  if ( mVectorLayer )
    //we cannot use unique values for not-commited fields because QgsVectorLayer has no 'unique values' method...
    QgsVectorDataProvider* provider = mVectorLayer->dataProvider();
    if ( provider )
      const QgsFieldMap & fields = provider->fields();
      QString str;

      for ( QgsFieldMap::const_iterator it = fields.begin(); it != fields.end(); ++it )
        str = ( *it ).name();
        str = mVectorLayer->attributeDisplayName( it.key() );
        mClassificationComboBox->addItem( str, it.key() );

  mClassListWidget->setSelectionMode( QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection );
  mClassListWidget->setEditTriggers( QAbstractItemView::DoubleClicked | QAbstractItemView::EditKeyPressed | QAbstractItemView::AnyKeyPressed );
  mClassListWidget->setSortingEnabled( true );

  if ( mVectorLayer )
    const QgsUniqueValueRenderer* renderer = dynamic_cast<const QgsUniqueValueRenderer *>( mVectorLayer->renderer() );

    if ( renderer )
      QString field = mVectorLayer->attributeDisplayName( renderer->classificationField() );
      mOldClassificationAttribute = field;
      mClassificationComboBox->setCurrentIndex( mClassificationComboBox->findText( field ) );

      const QList<QgsSymbol*> list = renderer->symbols();
      //fill the items of the renderer into mValues
      for ( QList<QgsSymbol*>::const_iterator iter = list.begin(); iter != list.end(); ++iter )
        QgsSymbol* symbol = *iter;
        QString symbolvalue = symbol->lowerValue();
        QgsSymbol* sym = new QgsSymbol( mVectorLayer->geometryType(), symbol->lowerValue(), symbol->upperValue(), symbol->label() );
        sym->setPen( symbol->pen() );
        sym->setCustomTexture( symbol->customTexture() );
        sym->setBrush( symbol->brush() );
        sym->setNamedPointSymbol( symbol->pointSymbolName() );
        sym->setPointSize( symbol->pointSize() );
        sym->setPointSizeUnits( symbol->pointSizeUnits() );
        sym->setScaleClassificationField( symbol->scaleClassificationField() );
        sym->setRotationClassificationField( symbol->rotationClassificationField() );
        mValues.insert( symbolvalue, sym );

        QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem( symbolvalue );
        mClassListWidget->addItem( item );
        updateEntryIcon( symbol, item );
        item->setFlags( Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
        item->setData( Qt::UserRole, symbol->lowerValue() );
        item->setToolTip( symbol->label() );

  mDeletePushButton->setEnabled( false );

  connect( mClassifyButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( changeClassificationAttribute() ) );
  connect( mAddButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( addClass() ) );
  connect( mDeletePushButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( deleteSelectedClasses() ) );
  connect( mRandomizeColors, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( randomizeColors() ) );
  connect( mResetColors, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( resetColors() ) );
  connect( mClassListWidget, SIGNAL( itemSelectionChanged() ), this, SLOT( selectionChanged() ) );
  connect( mCommonPropertyLock, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( selectionChanged() ) );
  connect( mClassListWidget, SIGNAL( itemChanged( QListWidgetItem * ) ), this, SLOT( itemChanged( QListWidgetItem * ) ) );
  connect( &sydialog, SIGNAL( settingsChanged() ), this, SLOT( applySymbologyChanges() ) );
  mSymbolWidgetStack->addWidget( &sydialog );
  mSymbolWidgetStack->setCurrentWidget( &sydialog );