コード例 #1
ファイル: Constraint.cpp プロジェクト: lanigb/FreeCAD
Quantity Constraint::getPresentationValue() const
    Quantity quantity;
    switch (Type) {
    case Distance:
    case Radius:
    case DistanceX:
    case DistanceY:
    case Angle:
    case SnellsLaw:

    QuantityFormat format = quantity.getFormat();
    format.option = QuantityFormat::None;
    format.format = QuantityFormat::Default;
    format.precision = 6; // QString's default
    return quantity;
コード例 #2
QString UnitsSchemaImperialBuilding::schemaTranslate(const Quantity &quant, double &factor, QString &unitString)
    // this schema expresses distances in feet + inches + fractions
    // ex: 3'- 4 1/4" with proper rounding
    Unit unit = quant.getUnit();
    if (unit == Unit::Length) {
        unitString = QString::fromLatin1("in");
        factor = 25.4;

        // Total number of inches to format
        double totalInches = std::abs(quant.getValue())/factor;

        // minimum denominator (8 for 1/8, 16 for 1/16, etc)
        int       minden;

        // Outputs
        int       feet;    // whole feet
        int       inches;  // whole inches
        int       num,den; // numerator and denominator of fractional val
        std::stringstream output; // output stream

        // Intermediate values
        int       ntot;    // total fractional units
        int       a,b,d;   // used to compute greatest common denominator
        int       tmp;     // temporary variable for GCD

        // Get the current user specified minimum denominator
        minden = quant.getFormat().getDenominator();

        // Compute and round the total number of fractional units
        ntot = (int)std::round(totalInches * (double)minden);

        // If this is zero, nothing to do but return
        if( ntot==0 )
            return QString::fromLatin1("0");

        // Compute the whole number of feet and remaining units
        feet = (int)std::floor(ntot / (12*minden));
        ntot = ntot - 12*minden*feet;

        // Compute the remaining number of whole inches
        inches = (int)std::floor(ntot/minden);

        // Lastly the fractional quantities
        num = ntot - inches*minden;
        den = minden;

        // If numerator is not zero, compute greatest common divisor and reduce
        // fraction
        if( num!=0 )
            // initialize
            a = num;
            b = den;
            while (b != 0)
                tmp = a % b;

                a = b;
                b = tmp;
            d = a;

            num /= d;
            den /= d;

        // Process into string. Start with negative sign if quantity is less
        // than zero
        if( quant.getValue() < 0 )
            output << "-";

        // Print feet if we have any
        if( feet!=0 )
            output << feet << "'";

            // if there is to be trailing numbers, add space
            if( inches!=0 || num!=0 )
                output << " ";

        // Three cases:
        //   1. Whole inches, no fraction
        //   2. Whole inches, fraction
        //   3. Fraction only
        if( inches>0 && num==0 ) // case 1.
            output << inches << "\"";
        else if( inches>0 && num!=0 ) // case 2
            output << inches << "+" << num << "/" << den << "\"";
        else if( inches==0 && num!=0 ) // case 3
            output << num << "/" << den << "\"";

        // Done!
        return QString::fromLatin1(output.str().c_str());
    else if (unit == Unit::Area) {
        unitString = QString::fromLatin1("sqft");
        factor = 92903.04;
    else if (unit == Unit::Volume) {
        unitString = QString::fromLatin1("cuft");
        factor = 28316846.592;
    else if (unit == Unit::Velocity) {
        unitString = QString::fromLatin1("in/min");
        factor = 25.4/60;
    else {
        unitString = quant.getUnit().getString();
        factor = 1.0;

    return toLocale(quant, factor, unitString);