コード例 #1
  \return a marker's line style
  \param key Marker key
QwtMarker::LineStyle QwtPlot::markerLineStyle(long key) const
    QwtPlotMarker *m = d_markers->find(key);
    if (m)
        return m->lineStyle();
        return QwtMarker::NoLine;
コード例 #2
  \brief Find the marker which is closest to a given point.
  \param xpos
  \param ypos coordinates of a point in the plotting region
  \retval dist Distance in points between the marker and the specified point.
  \return Key of the closest marker or 0 if no marker was found
long QwtPlot::closestMarker(int xpos, int ypos, int &dist) const
    QwtDiMap map[axisCnt];
    for ( int axis = 0; axis < axisCnt; axis++ )
        map[axis] = canvasMap(axis);

    long rv = 0;
    double dmin = 1.0e10;
    QwtPlotMarkerIterator itm = markerIterator();
    for (QwtPlotMarker *m = itm.toFirst(); m != 0; m = ++itm )
        double cx = map[m->xAxis()].xTransform(m->xValue());
        double cy = map[m->yAxis()].xTransform(m->yValue());

        if (m->lineStyle() == QwtMarker::HLine)
            if (m->symbol().style() == QwtSymbol::None)
               cx = double(xpos);
        else if (m->lineStyle() == QwtMarker::VLine)
            if (m->symbol().style() == QwtSymbol::None)
               cy = double(ypos);
        double f = qwtSqr(cx - double(xpos)) + qwtSqr(cy - double(ypos));
        if (f < dmin)
            dmin = f;
            rv = itm.currentKey();

    dist = int(sqrt(dmin));
    return rv;