void RAS_StorageIM::TexCoord(const RAS_TexVert &tv) { int unit; if (GLEW_ARB_multitexture) { for (unit = 0; unit < *m_texco_num; unit++) { switch (m_texco[unit]) { case RAS_IRasterizer::RAS_TEXCO_ORCO: case RAS_IRasterizer::RAS_TEXCO_GLOB: glMultiTexCoord3fvARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + unit, tv.getXYZ()); break; case RAS_IRasterizer::RAS_TEXCO_UV: glMultiTexCoord2fvARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + unit, tv.getUV(unit)); break; case RAS_IRasterizer::RAS_TEXCO_NORM: glMultiTexCoord3fvARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + unit, tv.getNormal()); break; case RAS_IRasterizer::RAS_TEXTANGENT: glMultiTexCoord4fvARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + unit, tv.getTangent()); break; default: break; } } } if (GLEW_ARB_vertex_program) { for (unit = 0; unit < *m_attrib_num; unit++) { switch (m_attrib[unit]) { case RAS_IRasterizer::RAS_TEXCO_ORCO: case RAS_IRasterizer::RAS_TEXCO_GLOB: glVertexAttrib3fvARB(unit, tv.getXYZ()); break; case RAS_IRasterizer::RAS_TEXCO_UV: glVertexAttrib2fvARB(unit, tv.getUV(m_attrib_layer[unit])); break; case RAS_IRasterizer::RAS_TEXCO_NORM: glVertexAttrib3fvARB(unit, tv.getNormal()); break; case RAS_IRasterizer::RAS_TEXTANGENT: glVertexAttrib4fvARB(unit, tv.getTangent()); break; case RAS_IRasterizer::RAS_TEXCO_VCOL: glVertexAttrib4ubvARB(unit, tv.getRGBA()); break; default: break; } } } }
PyObject *KX_MeshProxy::PyTransformUV(PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { int matindex; PyObject *pymat; int uvindex = -1; int uvindex_from = -1; bool ok = false; MT_Matrix4x4 transform; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"iO|iii:transformUV", &matindex, &pymat, &uvindex, &uvindex_from) || !PyMatTo(pymat, transform)) { return NULL; } if (uvindex < -1 || uvindex > 1) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "mesh.transformUV(...): invalid uv_index %d", uvindex); return NULL; } if (uvindex_from < -1 || uvindex_from > 1) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "mesh.transformUV(...): invalid uv_index_from %d", uvindex); return NULL; } if (uvindex_from == uvindex) { uvindex_from = -1; } /* transform mesh verts */ unsigned int mit_index = 0; for (list<RAS_MeshMaterial>::iterator mit = m_meshobj->GetFirstMaterial(); (mit != m_meshobj->GetLastMaterial()); ++mit, ++mit_index) { if (matindex == -1) { /* always transform */ } else if (matindex == mit_index) { /* we found the right index! */ } else { continue; } RAS_MeshSlot *slot = mit->m_baseslot; RAS_MeshSlot::iterator it; ok = true; for (slot->begin(it); !slot->end(it); slot->next(it)) { size_t i; for (i = it.startvertex; i < it.endvertex; i++) { RAS_TexVert *vert = &it.vertex[i]; if (uvindex_from != -1) { if (uvindex_from == 0) vert->SetUV(1, vert->getUV(0)); else vert->SetUV(0, vert->getUV(1)); } switch (uvindex) { case 0: vert->TransformUV(0, transform); break; case 1: vert->TransformUV(1, transform); break; case -1: vert->TransformUV(0, transform); vert->TransformUV(1, transform); break; } } } /* if we set a material index, quit when done */ if (matindex == mit_index) { break; } } if (ok == false) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "mesh.transformUV(...): invalid material index %d", matindex); return NULL; } m_meshobj->SetMeshModified(true); Py_RETURN_NONE; }
void RAS_StorageIM::IndexPrimitivesInternal(RAS_MeshSlot& ms, bool multi) { bool obcolor = ms.m_bObjectColor; bool wireframe = m_drawingmode <= RAS_IRasterizer::KX_WIREFRAME; MT_Vector4& rgba = ms.m_RGBAcolor; RAS_MeshSlot::iterator it; if (ms.m_pDerivedMesh) { // mesh data is in derived mesh, current_bucket = ms.m_bucket; current_polymat = current_bucket->GetPolyMaterial(); current_ms = &ms; current_mesh = ms.m_mesh; current_wireframe = wireframe; // MCol *mcol = (MCol*)ms.m_pDerivedMesh->getFaceDataArray(ms.m_pDerivedMesh, CD_MCOL); /* UNUSED */ // handle two-side if (current_polymat->GetDrawingMode() & RAS_IRasterizer::KX_BACKCULL) this->SetCullFace(true); else this->SetCullFace(false); if (current_polymat->GetFlag() & RAS_BLENDERGLSL) { // GetMaterialIndex return the original mface material index, // increment by 1 to match what derived mesh is doing current_blmat_nr = current_polymat->GetMaterialIndex()+1; // For GLSL we need to retrieve the GPU material attribute Material* blmat = current_polymat->GetBlenderMaterial(); Scene* blscene = current_polymat->GetBlenderScene(); if (!wireframe && blscene && blmat) GPU_material_vertex_attributes(GPU_material_from_blender(blscene, blmat), ¤t_gpu_attribs); else memset(¤t_gpu_attribs, 0, sizeof(current_gpu_attribs)); // DM draw can mess up blending mode, restore at the end int current_blend_mode = GPU_get_material_alpha_blend(); ms.m_pDerivedMesh->drawFacesGLSL(ms.m_pDerivedMesh, CheckMaterialDM); GPU_set_material_alpha_blend(current_blend_mode); } else { //ms.m_pDerivedMesh->drawMappedFacesTex(ms.m_pDerivedMesh, CheckTexfaceDM, mcol); current_blmat_nr = current_polymat->GetMaterialIndex(); current_image = current_polymat->GetBlenderImage(); ms.m_pDerivedMesh->drawFacesTex(ms.m_pDerivedMesh, CheckTexDM, NULL, NULL, DM_DRAW_USE_ACTIVE_UV); } return; } // iterate over display arrays, each containing an index + vertex array for (ms.begin(it); !ms.end(it); ms.next(it)) { RAS_TexVert *vertex; size_t i, j, numvert; numvert = it.array->m_type; if (it.array->m_type == RAS_DisplayArray::LINE) { // line drawing glBegin(GL_LINES); for (i = 0; i < it.totindex; i += 2) { vertex = &it.vertex[it.index[i]]; glVertex3fv(vertex->getXYZ()); vertex = &it.vertex[it.index[i+1]]; glVertex3fv(vertex->getXYZ()); } glEnd(); } else { // triangle and quad drawing if (it.array->m_type == RAS_DisplayArray::TRIANGLE) glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); else glBegin(GL_QUADS); for (i = 0; i < it.totindex; i += numvert) { if (obcolor) glColor4d(rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2], rgba[3]); for (j = 0; j < numvert; j++) { vertex = &it.vertex[it.index[i+j]]; if (!wireframe) { if (!obcolor) glColor4ubv((const GLubyte *)(vertex->getRGBA())); glNormal3fv(vertex->getNormal()); if (multi) TexCoord(*vertex); else glTexCoord2fv(vertex->getUV(0)); } glVertex3fv(vertex->getXYZ()); } } glEnd(); } } }
void RAS_OpenGLRasterizer::IndexPrimitives_3DText(RAS_MeshSlot& ms, class RAS_IPolyMaterial* polymat) { bool obcolor = ms.m_bObjectColor; MT_Vector4& rgba = ms.m_RGBAcolor; RAS_MeshSlot::iterator it; const STR_String& mytext = ((CValue*)m_clientobject)->GetPropertyText("Text"); // handle object color if (obcolor) { glDisableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); glColor4d(rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2], rgba[3]); } else glEnableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); for (ms.begin(it); !ms.end(it); ms.next(it)) { RAS_TexVert *vertex; size_t i, j, numvert; numvert = it.array->m_type; if (it.array->m_type == RAS_DisplayArray::LINE) { // line drawing, no text glBegin(GL_LINES); for (i=0; i<it.totindex; i+=2) { vertex = &it.vertex[it.index[i]]; glVertex3fv(vertex->getXYZ()); vertex = &it.vertex[it.index[i+1]]; glVertex3fv(vertex->getXYZ()); } glEnd(); } else { // triangle and quad text drawing for (i=0; i<it.totindex; i+=numvert) { float v[4][3]; const float *v_ptr[4] = {NULL}; const float *uv_ptr[4] = {NULL}; int glattrib, unit; for (j=0; j<numvert; j++) { vertex = &it.vertex[it.index[i+j]]; v[j][0] = vertex->getXYZ()[0]; v[j][1] = vertex->getXYZ()[1]; v[j][2] = vertex->getXYZ()[2]; v_ptr[j] = v[j]; uv_ptr[j] = vertex->getUV(0); } // find the right opengl attribute glattrib = -1; if (GLEW_ARB_vertex_program) for (unit=0; unit<m_attrib_num; unit++) if (m_attrib[unit] == RAS_TEXCO_UV) glattrib = unit; GPU_render_text( polymat->GetMTexPoly(), polymat->GetDrawingMode(), mytext, mytext.Length(), polymat->GetMCol(), v_ptr, uv_ptr, glattrib); ClearCachingInfo(); } } } glDisableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); }