コード例 #1
// Function Name:  CHeadlineSheet::OnPaint
// Description:    WM_PAINT handler
// Returns:        VOID
// Exceptions:	   None
void CHeadlineSheet::OnPaint( )
	HDC hdc = ::BeginPaint( GetSafeHwnd( ), &ps );

	// Put it in a DcDrawingSurface
	RDcDrawingSurface drawingSurface;
	drawingSurface.Initialize( hdc );

	// Create a transform
	R2dTransform transform;

	// Scale to the device DPI
	RRealSize deviceDPI = drawingSurface.GetDPI( );
	transform.PreScale( (YFloatType)deviceDPI.m_dx / kSystemDPI, (YFloatType)deviceDPI.m_dy / kSystemDPI );

	// Get the preview rectangle
	RRealRect previewRect;
	GetPreviewRect( &previewRect );

	// Offset the transform by the top left corner of the preview rect
	transform.PreTranslate( previewRect.m_Left, previewRect.m_Top );

	// Render the preview headline
	m_pPreviewHeadline->Render( drawingSurface, transform, RRealRect( previewRect.WidthHeight( ) ), previewRect.WidthHeight( ) );

	drawingSurface.DetachDCs( );

	::EndPaint( GetSafeHwnd( ), &ps );
コード例 #2
void	RRotateDialog::RotateDisplay( int iPos )
	if ( iPos == m_iPrevPos )

	// We need to use the RBitmap::Rotate() function, so to do that, convert to
	// Renaissance types.
	CClientDC			clientDC( &m_staticDisplay );
	HDC					hClientDC = clientDC.GetSafeHdc();

	RDcDrawingSurface	drawSurface;
	drawSurface.Initialize( hClientDC, hClientDC );

	R2dTransform transform;

	// Prepare the image on an offscreen DC
	RAutoDrawingSurface	drawSurfaceOffscreen;
	RRealRect				rRealStaticRect(m_rectStaticDisplay);
	BOOLEAN					fPrepared = drawSurfaceOffscreen.Prepare( &drawSurface, transform, rRealStaticRect );
	RDrawingSurface*		pSurface	= ( (fPrepared)? &drawSurfaceOffscreen : &drawSurface );

	// Paint the offscreen DC white
	RColor rColor = RSolidColor( kWhite );
	pSurface->SetFillColor( rColor );
	pSurface->SetPenColor( rColor );
	pSurface->FillRectangle( m_rectStaticDisplay );

	YAngle	flRadiansRotation = ::DegreesToRadians( YFloatType( iPos ) );

	// The rotation leaves a black background, so blit with a mask.  The mask
	// has to be created the same size as the original (not rotated) bitmap
	// size, so create it and then rotate it.
	RBitmapImage		bmpRotated;
	RBitmapImage		bmpMaskRotated;
	RImageLibrary rLibrary;
	rLibrary.Rotate( m_rBitmapImage, bmpRotated, bmpMaskRotated, flRadiansRotation );

	RIntSize				sizeBmpRotated;
	sizeBmpRotated.m_dx = bmpRotated.GetWidthInPixels();
	sizeBmpRotated.m_dy = bmpRotated.GetHeightInPixels();

	RIntRect				rectSource;
	RIntRect				rectDest;
	DeriveSourceAndDestinationRects( sizeBmpRotated, rectSource, rectDest );

	bmpRotated.RenderWithMask( *pSurface, bmpMaskRotated, rectSource, rectDest );

	if ( fPrepared )

	m_iPrevPos = iPos;
コード例 #3
ファイル: PaintCap.cpp プロジェクト: jimmccurdy/ArchiveGit
void CCaptionPainter::DrawCustomNcBtn( UINT btnType, int state )
	CRect rcSrc, rcDest;
	CPImageControl *curImgCtrl = NULL;

	switch (btnType)
				rcSrc = rcDest = m_rcCloseBtn;
				// make src rectangle zero based
				rcSrc -= CPoint(m_rcCloseBtn.left, m_rcCloseBtn.top);
				curImgCtrl = m_pCloseBxImgCtrl;

				rcSrc = rcDest = m_rcMinBtn;
				// make src rectangle zero based
				rcSrc -= CPoint(m_rcMinBtn.left, m_rcMinBtn.top);
				curImgCtrl = m_pMinBxImgCtrl;

				rcSrc = rcDest = m_rcMaxBtn;
				// make src rectangle zero based
				rcSrc -= CPoint(m_rcMaxBtn.left, m_rcMaxBtn.top);
				curImgCtrl = (m_pParentDlg->IsZoomed() ? m_pRestoreBxImgCtrl : m_pMaxBxImgCtrl);

	if (curImgCtrl)
		CWindowDC dcWin((CWnd*)m_pParentDlg);					// window DC
		//create a drawing surface from my dc
		RDcDrawingSurface destDS;
		destDS.Initialize(dcWin.m_hDC, dcWin.m_hAttribDC);

		curImgCtrl->Draw(state, destDS, rcSrc, rcDest);
コード例 #4
void RWinColorPaletteWell::OnPaint( )
	CPaintDC dc( this );

	CRect rect;
	GetClientRect( rect );

	if (m_crColor.GetFillMethod() != RColor::kTransparent)
		// The bounding rect is in logical units, so we
		// need to create a transform to scale from logical
		// units to device units.  We also divide by 2 to
		// account for the scaling in the bounding rect to
		// make the texture more visible in such a small area.
		RRealSize dpi( ::GetScreenDPI() );
		R2dTransform transform;
			dpi.m_dx / kSystemDPI * 0.5, 
			dpi.m_dy / kSystemDPI * 0.5 );

		RColor crFillColor = m_crColor;
		crFillColor *= transform;

		RIntRect rRect( rect );
		RDcDrawingSurface ds;
		ds.Initialize( (HDC) dc );

		RColor oldColor = ds.GetFillColor();
		ds.SetFillColor( crFillColor );
		ds.FillRectangle( rRect );
		ds.SetFillColor( oldColor );
		dc.FillSolidRect( rect, RGB( 255, 255, 255 ) );

		CString strText ;
		GetWindowText( strText );
		CRect rcTextRect( rect );
		rcTextRect.DeflateRect( 1, 1 );

		CFont* pFont = dc.SelectObject( GetParent()->GetFont() );
		dc.DrawText( strText, rcTextRect, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER );
		dc.SelectObject( pFont );

	dc.MoveTo( rect.left, rect.bottom - 1 );
	dc.LineTo( rect.left, rect.top );
	dc.LineTo( rect.right, rect.top );
コード例 #5
ファイル: PaintCap.cpp プロジェクト: jimmccurdy/ArchiveGit
// Draw min, max/restore, close buttons.
// Returns total width of buttons drawn.
int CCaptionPainter::DrawCustomButtons(CDC* dc, CRect& capRect)
	CWnd& wnd = (CWnd&)*m_pParentDlg;
	DWORD dwStyle = wnd.GetStyle();
	if (!(dwStyle & WS_CAPTION))
		return 0;

	if (!(dwStyle & WS_SYSMENU)) // does it contain controls in the title bar?
		return 0;

	RDcDrawingSurface destDS;
	destDS.Initialize(dc->m_hDC, dc->m_hAttribDC);

	// do the close box
	int btnDim = capRect.Height() - (2 * kCtrlInset);
	CRect rcSrc(0, 0, btnDim, btnDim);
	CRect rcDest(rcSrc);
	rcDest.OffsetRect(capRect.left + capRect.Width() - (btnDim + kCtrlInset) , capRect.top + kCtrlInset);	// move right
	m_rcCloseBtn = rcDest;
	m_pCloseBxImgCtrl->SetControlSize(rcSrc, m_pTitleBkImgCtrl);
	m_pCloseBxImgCtrl->Draw(CPImageControl::UP, destDS, rcSrc, rcDest);

	// Max/restore button is like close box; just shift rectangle left
	// Also does help button, if any.
	BOOL bMaxBox = dwStyle & WS_MAXIMIZEBOX;
	if (bMaxBox || (wnd.GetExStyle() & WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP)) 
		rcDest.OffsetRect(-(btnDim + kCtrlInset), 0);
		CPImageControl* pImgCtrl;
		if ( bMaxBox != FALSE )
			pImgCtrl = (wnd.IsZoomed() ? m_pRestoreBxImgCtrl : m_pMaxBxImgCtrl);
			ASSERT(0);//pImgCtrl = m_pHelpBxImgCtrl;

		if (pImgCtrl)
			pImgCtrl->SetControlSize(rcSrc, m_pTitleBkImgCtrl);
			pImgCtrl->Draw(CPImageControl::UP, destDS, rcSrc, rcDest);
		m_rcMaxBtn = rcDest;

	// Minimize button has 2 pixel border on all sides but right.
	if (dwStyle & WS_MINIMIZEBOX) 
		rcDest -= CPoint(btnDim, 0);
		m_pMinBxImgCtrl->SetControlSize(rcSrc, m_pTitleBkImgCtrl);
		m_pMinBxImgCtrl->Draw(CPImageControl::UP, destDS, rcSrc, rcDest);
		m_rcMinBtn = rcDest;

	destDS.RestoreDefaults( );
	return capRect.Width() - rcDest.left - 2;

コード例 #6
void RWinColorPalette::OnPaint( )
	CPaintDC dc( this );
	RDcDrawingSurface ds;
	ds.Initialize( (HDC) dc ) ;

	CRect rcWindow;
	GetClientRect( rcWindow );
	RIntRect rcClient( rcWindow );

	RBitmapImage&	biPalette	= GetPaletteBitmapImage();
	biPalette.LockImage( );
	biPalette.Render( ds, rcClient );
	biPalette.UnlockImage( );

	CClientDC dcClient( this );
	ds.Initialize( (HDC) dcClient ) ;

	RColor crOldFill = ds.GetFillColor();
	RColor crOldPen  = ds.GetPenColor();

	if (m_ptSelected.m_x >= 0 && m_ptSelected.m_y >= 0)
		// Draw selected cell

		RIntRect rcSelected( 
			m_ptSelected.m_x + 1,
			m_ptSelected.m_y + 1,
			m_ptSelected.m_x + kCellSize.m_dx - 1,
			m_ptSelected.m_y + kCellSize.m_dy - 1 );

		RSolidColor crBlack( kBlack );
		RSolidColor crHilight( GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNHILIGHT ) );
		ds.Draw3dRect( rcSelected, crBlack, crHilight );

		RSolidColor crShadow( GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNSHADOW ) );
		rcSelected.m_Top -= 1; rcSelected.m_Left -= 1;
		ds.Draw3dRect( rcSelected, crShadow, crHilight );

		if (GetFocus() == this)
			RSolidColor rSolid = GetSysColor( COLOR_HIGHLIGHT );
			RColor rSelected( rSolid );

			rcSelected.Inflate( RIntSize( 1, 1 ), RIntSize( 2, 2 ) );
			ds.SetPenColor( RColor( rSelected ) );
			ds.FrameRectangle( rcSelected );

	if (m_crHilited != (COLORREF) -1L)
		// Draw color chip
		m_rcColorChip = RIntRect( 
			m_ptHilited.m_x + 2 * kCellSize.m_dx,
			m_ptHilited.m_y + 2 * kCellSize.m_dy );

		YIntDimension xOffset( 2 * kCellSize.m_dx );
		YIntDimension yOffset( 2 * kCellSize.m_dy );

		if (m_rcColorChip.m_Right + xOffset > rcWindow.right)
			xOffset = -3 * kCellSize.m_dx;

		if (m_rcColorChip.m_Bottom + yOffset > rcWindow.bottom)
			yOffset = -3 * kCellSize.m_dy;

		m_rcColorChip.Offset( RIntSize( xOffset, yOffset ) );

		RColor crFill = RSolidColor( m_crHilited );
		RColor crPen = RSolidColor( kWhite );

		ds.SetPenColor( crPen );
		ds.SetFillColor( crFill );
		ds.FillRectangle( m_rcColorChip );
		ds.FrameRectangle( m_rcColorChip );
		m_rcColorChip = RIntRect( 0, 0, 1, 1 );

	ds.SetPenColor( crOldPen );
	ds.SetFillColor( crOldFill );