コード例 #1
ファイル: gop_mex.cpp プロジェクト: ILoveFree2/gop
static void ImageOverSegmentation_boundaryMap( MEX_ARGS ) {
    if( nrhs != 1 ) {
        mexErrMsgTxt( "Expected a ImageOverSegmentation" );
        return ;
    if( nlhs != 1 ) {
        mexErrMsgTxt( "Expected a single return argument" );
        return ;
    std::shared_ptr<ImageOverSegmentation> os = mat2Ptr<ImageOverSegmentation>( prhs[0] );
    RMatrixXf s = os->boundaryMap();
    // Create and write the resulting segmentation
    mwSize dims[2] = {(mwSize)s.rows(), (mwSize)s.cols()};
    plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray( 2, dims, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL );
    MatrixXf::Map( (float*)mxGetData(plhs[0]), s.rows(), s.cols() ) = s;
コード例 #2
RMatrixXf pairwiseDistance( const RMatrixXf & X, int N ) {
	static std::mt19937 gen;
	// Do a random pairwise projection
	const int M = X.cols();
	RMatrixXf r( X.rows(), N );
	std::vector<int> o1(N), o2(N);
	for( int i=0; i<N; i++ ) {
		int r = gen()%((M-1)*M/2);
		o1[i] = int(sqrt(0.25+2*r)-0.5 + 0.1/M/*for numeric stability*/);
		o2[i] = r - (o1[i]+1)*o1[i]/2;
	for( int i=0; i<X.rows(); i++ )
		for( int j=0; j<N; j++ )
			r(i,j) = ((X(i,o1[j]) == X(i,o2[j])));
	return r;
コード例 #3
VectorXf project1D( const RMatrixXf & Y, int * rep_label=NULL ) {
// 	const int MAX_SAMPLE = 20000;
	const bool fast = true, very_fast = true;
	// Remove the DC (Y : N x M)
	RMatrixXf dY = Y.rowwise() - Y.colwise().mean();
// 	RMatrixXf sY = dY;
// 	if( 0 < MAX_SAMPLE && MAX_SAMPLE < dY.rows() ) {
// 		VectorXi samples = randomChoose( dY.rows(), MAX_SAMPLE );
// 		std::sort( samples.data(), samples.data()+samples.size() );
// 		sY = RMatrixXf( samples.size(), dY.cols() );
// 		for( int i=0; i<samples.size(); i++ )
// 			sY.row(i) = dY.row( samples[i] );
// 	}
	// ... and use (pc > 0)
	VectorXf lbl = VectorXf::Zero( Y.rows() );
	// Find the largest PC of (dY.T * dY) and project onto it
	if( very_fast ) {
		// Find the largest PC using poweriterations
		VectorXf U = VectorXf::Random( dY.cols() );
		U = U.array() / U.norm()+std::numeric_limits<float>::min();
		for( int it=0; it<20; it++ ){
			// Normalize
			VectorXf s = dY.transpose()*(dY*U);
			s.array() /= s.norm()+std::numeric_limits<float>::min();
			if ( (U-s).norm() < 1e-6 )
			U = s;
		// Project onto the PC
		lbl = dY*U;
	else if(fast) {
		// Compute the eigen values of the covariance (and project onto the largest eigenvector)
		MatrixXf cov = dY.transpose()*dY;
		SelfAdjointEigenSolver<MatrixXf> eigensolver(0.5*(cov+cov.transpose()));
		MatrixXf ev = eigensolver.eigenvectors();
		lbl = dY * ev.col( ev.cols()-1 );
	else {
		// Use the SVD
		JacobiSVD<RMatrixXf> svd = dY.jacobiSvd(ComputeThinU | ComputeThinV );
		// Project onto the largest PC
		lbl = svd.matrixU().col(0) * svd.singularValues()[0];
	// Find the representative label
	if( rep_label )
		dY.array().square().rowwise().sum().minCoeff( rep_label );
	return (lbl.array() < 0).cast<float>();
コード例 #4
RMatrixXf evalBoundary( const RMatrixXf & d, const std::vector<RMatrixXb> & bnd, int nthres, double max_r, const RMatrixXb & mask ) {
	RMatrixXf r( nthres, 5 );
	for( int i=0; i<nthres; i++ ) {
		float t = 1.0 * i / nthres;
		r(i,0) = t;
		RMatrixXb tmp = d.array() > t;
		if ( t > 0 )
			thinningGuoHall( tmp );
		r.block(i,1,1,4) = evalBoundaryBinary( tmp, bnd, max_r, mask ).cast<float>().transpose();
	return r;
コード例 #5
void SeedFeatureFactory::train( const std::vector< std::shared_ptr<ImageOverSegmentation> > &ios, const std::vector<VectorXs> & lbl ) {
	printf("  * Training SeedFeature\n");
	static std::mt19937 rand;
	const int N_SAMPLES = 5000;
	int n_pos=0, n_neg=0;
	for( VectorXs l: lbl ) {
		n_pos += (l.array()>=0).cast<int>().sum();
		n_neg += (l.array()==-1).cast<int>().sum();
	// Collect training examples
	float sampling_freq[] = {0.5f*N_SAMPLES / n_neg, 0.5f*N_SAMPLES / n_pos};
	std::vector<RowVectorXf> f;
	std::vector<float> l;
#pragma omp parallel for
	for( int i=0; i<ios.size(); i++ ) {
		RMatrixXf ftr = SeedFeature::computeObjFeatures( *ios[i] );
		for( int j=0; j<ios[i]->Ns(); j++ )
			if( lbl[i][j] >= -1 && rand() < rand.max()*sampling_freq[ lbl[i][j]>=0 ] ) {
#pragma omp critical
					l.push_back( lbl[i][j]>=0 );
					f.push_back( ftr.row(j) );
	printf("    - Computing parameters\n");
	// Fit the ranking functions
	RMatrixXf A( f.size(), f[0].size() );
	VectorXf b( l.size() );
	for( int i=0; i<f.size(); i++ ) {
		A.row(i) = f[i];
		b[i] = l[i];
	// Solve A*x = b
	param_ = A.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(b);
	printf("    - done %f\n",(A*param_-b).array().abs().mean());
コード例 #6
ファイル: Word2Vec.cpp プロジェクト: beniz/word2vec
void Word2Vec::save_word2vec(string filename, const RMatrixXf& data, bool binary)
	IOFormat CommaInitFmt(StreamPrecision, DontAlignCols);

		std::ofstream out(filename, std::ios::binary);
		char blank = ' ';
		char enter = '\n'; 
		int size = sizeof(char);
		int r_size = data.cols() * sizeof(RMatrixXf::Scalar);

		std::string head = std::string(std::to_string(vocab.size()) + " " + std::to_string(data.cols()) + "\n");
		RMatrixXf::Index r = data.rows();
		RMatrixXf::Index c = data.cols();
		out.write((char*) &r, sizeof(RMatrixXf::Index));
		out.write(&blank, size);
		out.write((char*) &c, sizeof(RMatrixXf::Index));
		out.write(&enter, size);

		for(auto v: vocab)
			out.write(v->text.c_str(), v->text.size());
			out.write(&blank, size);
			out.write((char*) data.row(v->index).data(), r_size);
			out.write(&enter, size);
		ofstream out(filename);

		out << data.rows() << " " << data.cols() << std::endl;

		for(auto v: vocab)
			out << v->text << " " << data.row(v->index).format(CommaInitFmt) << endl;;
コード例 #7
RMatrixXf SeedFeature::computeObjFeatures( const ImageOverSegmentation & ios ) {
	Image rgb_im = ios.image();
	const RMatrixXs & s = ios.s();
	const Edges & g = ios.edges();
	const int Ns = ios.Ns();
	RMatrixXf r = RMatrixXf::Zero( Ns, N_OBJ_F );
	if( N_OBJ_F<=1 ) return r;
	VectorXf area  = bin( s, 1, [&](int x, int y){ return 1.f; } );
	VectorXf norm = (area.array()+1e-10).cwiseInverse();
	int o = 1;
	if (N_OBJ_COL>=6) {
		Image lab_im;
		rgb2lab( lab_im, rgb_im );
		r.middleCols(o,6) = norm.asDiagonal() * bin( s, 6, [&](int x, int y){ return makeArray<6>( lab_im(y,x,0), lab_im(y,x,1), lab_im(y,x,2), lab_im(y,x,0)*lab_im(y,x,0), lab_im(y,x,1)*lab_im(y,x,1), lab_im(y,x,2)*lab_im(y,x,2) ); } );
		RMatrixXf col = r.middleCols(o,3);
		if( N_OBJ_COL >= 9)
			r.middleCols(o+6,3) = col.array().square();
		o += N_OBJ_COL;
		// Add color difference features
		if( N_OBJ_COL_DIFF ) {
			RMatrixXf bcol = RMatrixXf::Ones( col.rows(), col.cols()+1 );
			bcol.leftCols(3) = col;
			for( int it=0; it*3+2<N_OBJ_COL_DIFF; it++ ) {
				// Apply a box filter on the graph
				RMatrixXf tmp = bcol;
				for( const auto & e: g ) {
					tmp.row(e.a) += bcol.row(e.b);
					tmp.row(e.b) += bcol.row(e.a);
				bcol = tmp.col(3).cwiseInverse().asDiagonal()*tmp;
				r.middleCols(o,3) = (bcol.leftCols(3)-col).array().abs();
				o += 3;
	if( N_OBJ_POS >= 2 ) {
		RMatrixXf xy = norm.asDiagonal() * bin( s, 2, [&](int x, int y){ return makeArray<2>( 1.0*x/(s.cols()-1)-0.5, 1.0*y/(s.rows()-1)-0.5 ); } );
		r.middleCols(o,2) = xy;
		if( N_OBJ_POS >=4 ) {
			r.middleCols(o,2) = xy.array().square();
	if( N_OBJ_EDGE ) {
		RMatrixXf edge_map = DirectedSobel().detect( rgb_im );
		for( int j=0; j<s.rows(); j++ )
			for( int i=0; i<s.cols(); i++ ) {
				const int id = s(j,i);
				int bin = edge_map(j,i)*N_OBJ_EDGE;
				if ( bin < 0 ) bin = 0;
				if ( bin >= N_OBJ_EDGE ) bin = N_OBJ_EDGE-1;
				r(id,o+bin) += norm[id];
		o += N_OBJ_EDGE;
	const int N_BASIC = o-1;
	// Add in context features
	for( int i=0; i<N_OBJ_CONTEXT; i++ ) {
		const int o0 = o - N_BASIC;
		// Box filter the edges
		RMatrixXf f = RMatrixXf::Ones( Ns, N_BASIC+1 ), bf = RMatrixXf::Zero( Ns, N_BASIC+1 );
		f.rightCols( N_BASIC ) = r.middleCols(o0,N_BASIC);
		for( Edge e: g ) {
			bf.row(e.a) += f.row(e.b);
			bf.row(e.b) += f.row(e.a);
		r.middleCols(o,N_BASIC) = bf.col(0).array().max(1e-10f).inverse().matrix().asDiagonal() * bf.rightCols(N_BASIC);
		o += N_BASIC;
	return r;
コード例 #8
RMatrixXf evalBoundary( const RMatrixXf & d, const std::vector<RMatrixXb> & bnd, int nthres, double max_r ) {
	return evalBoundary( d, bnd, nthres, max_r, RMatrixXb::Ones(d.rows(),d.cols()) );
コード例 #9
RMatrixXf GeodesicDistance::compute( const RMatrixXf &start ) const {
	RMatrixXf r = 0*start;
	for( int i=0; i<start.cols(); i++ )
		r.col(i) = compute( (VectorXf)start.col(i) );
	return r;
コード例 #10
	LabeledSplit( const RMatrixXf & lbl, const VectorXf & weight ): weight_(weight) {
		if( lbl.cols()!= 1 )
			throw std::invalid_argument( "Only 1d labels supported!" );
		lbl_ = lbl.cast<int>();
コード例 #11
ファイル: imgproc.cpp プロジェクト: CUAir/edges
static RMatrixXf exactGaussianFilter_m( const RMatrixXf & image, int rad, int R ) {
	RMatrixXf r( image.rows(), image.cols() );
	exactGaussianFilter( r.data(), image.data(), image.cols(), image.rows(), 1, rad, R );
	return r;
コード例 #12
ファイル: imgproc.cpp プロジェクト: CUAir/edges
/****************  filter.cpp  ****************/
static RMatrixXf percentileFilter_m( const RMatrixXf & image, int rad, float p ) {
	RMatrixXf r( image.rows(), image.cols() );
	percentileFilter( r.data(), image.data(), image.cols(), image.rows(), 1, rad, p );
	return r;