コード例 #1
ファイル: rkobjectlistview.cpp プロジェクト: KDE/rkward
bool RKObjectListViewSettings::filterAcceptsRow (int source_row, const QModelIndex& source_parent) const {

	// So I tried to use a KRecursiveFilterProxyModel, but
	// a) we don't really want recursion to the full depth. Thus limiting it, here.
	// b) While we don't handle insertions / removals of source indices in the presence of a filter, correctly, with KRecursiveFilterProxyModel
	//    I got crashes on this (arguably with the depth-limit in place)
	if (acceptRow (source_row, source_parent)) return true;

	RObject *parent = static_cast<RObject*> (source_parent.internalPointer ());
	if (!parent) {
		RK_ASSERT (parent);    // should have been accepted, above
		return true;
	RObject *object = parent->findChildByObjectModelIndex (source_row);
	if (!object) {
		RK_ASSERT (object);    // should have been accepted, above
		RK_DEBUG (APP, DL_ERROR, "row %d of %d in %s", source_row, sourceModel ()->rowCount (source_parent), qPrintable (parent->getShortName ()));
		return false;

	if (object->isType (RObject::ToplevelEnv | RObject::Workspace) || ((depth_limit > 0) && parent->isType (RObject::ToplevelEnv | RObject::Workspace))) {
		QModelIndex source_index = sourceModel ()->index (source_row, 0, source_parent);
		for (int row = 0, rows = sourceModel()->rowCount (source_index); row < rows; ++row) {
			if (filterAcceptsRow (row, source_index)) return true;

	return false;
コード例 #2
ファイル: rkobjectlistview.cpp プロジェクト: KDE/rkward
bool RKObjectListViewSettings::acceptRow (int source_row, const QModelIndex& source_parent) const {

	// always show the root item
	if (!source_parent.isValid ()) return true;

	RObject* object = static_cast<RObject*> (source_parent.internalPointer ());
	// always show global env and search path
	if (!object) return true;
	if (!object->findChildByObjectModelIndex (source_row)) {
		return true;
	object = object->findChildByObjectModelIndex (source_row);
	RK_ASSERT (object);

	if (!persistent_settings[ShowObjectsHidden]) {
		if (object->getShortName ().startsWith ('.')) return false;
		if (object == reinterpret_cast<RObject*> (RObjectList::getObjectList ()->orphanNamespacesObject ())) return false;

	if (hide_functions && object->isType (RObject::Function)) return false;
	if (hide_non_functions && !object->isType (RObject::Function)) return false;

	if (filterRegExp ().isEmpty ()) return true;
	if (filter_on_name && object->getShortName ().contains (filterRegExp ())) return true;
	if (filter_on_label && object->getLabel ().contains (filterRegExp ())) return true;
	if (filter_on_class) {
		QStringList cnames = object->classNames ();
		for (int i = cnames.length () - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
			if (cnames[i].contains (filterRegExp ())) return true;

	return false;