void CNcdNodeFolder::ExpireAndRemoveChildrenL() { DLTRACEIN(("")); TInt count = iChildren.Count(); CNcdNode* node = NULL; RPointerArray<CNcdExpiredNode> expiredNodes; CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL( expiredNodes ); expiredNodes.ReserveL( count ); while( count-- ) { node = NodeManager().NodePtrL( iChildren[ count ]->Identifier() ); if ( node ) { NodeManager().SetNodeExpiredL( *node, EFalse, EFalse, expiredNodes ); } } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &expiredNodes ); // Delete child metadatas from disk cache NodeManager().RemoveChildrenMetadataL( *this ); // Empty children lists RemoveChildren(); }
void CIAUpdateNodeDetails::GetDependenciesL( RPointerArray< CIAUpdateNodeDependency >& aDependencies ) const { aDependencies.ReserveL( iDependencies.Count() ); for( TInt i = 0; i < iDependencies.Count(); ++i ) { aDependencies.AppendL( iDependencies[ i ] ); } }
void CActiveSocket::NewL(RSocketServ& aSocketServ, RPointerArray<CActiveSocket>& aActiveSockets, Wap::TBearer aBearer, TWapMessageType aType, MProgressNotify* aNotify, const TSockAddr& aRemoteAddr, RConnection* aConnection) /** The static new function instanciates corresponding Bearers in terms of the input bearer type. This function is used by Fully specified Wap APIs which will open a socket with a single, named remote host. @internalComponent @released @since v8.0 @param aSocketServ the shared RSocketServ instance used in the Wap messaging API which owns this bearer @param aActiveSockets the bearer array used in the Wap messaging API which owns the bearer @param aBearer the bearer to listen on (use EAll for all bearers) @param aType the type of the wap message that will received @param aNotify the instance to be notified when a wap message is received @param aRemoteAddr the remote host to be communicate with @param aConnection the shared connection from Wap messaging API client */ { //Instanciate the corresponding switch(aBearer) { case Wap::ESMS7: case Wap::ESMS: case Wap::EWAPSMS7: case Wap::EWAPSMS: { CActiveSocket* me = new(ELeave) CActiveSocketSMS(aSocketServ, aNotify, aBearer, aRemoteAddr); CleanupStack::PushL(me); me->ConstructL(aType); aActiveSockets.AppendL(me); CleanupStack::Pop(me); break; } case Wap::EIP: { CActiveSocket* me = new(ELeave) CActiveSocketUDP(aSocketServ, aNotify, aBearer, aRemoteAddr, aConnection); CleanupStack::PushL(me); me->ConstructL(aType); aActiveSockets.AppendL(me); CleanupStack::Pop(me); break; } case Wap::EAll: { CActiveSocket* me = new(ELeave) CActiveSocketUDP(aSocketServ, aNotify, aBearer, aRemoteAddr, aConnection); CleanupStack::PushL(me); me->ConstructL(aType); CActiveSocket* me1 = new(ELeave) CActiveSocketSMS(aSocketServ, aNotify, aBearer, aRemoteAddr); CleanupStack::PushL(me1); me1->ConstructL(aType); aActiveSockets.ReserveL(2); // pre-allocate the memory aActiveSockets.AppendL(me1); CleanupStack::Pop(me1); aActiveSockets.AppendL(me); CleanupStack::Pop(me); break; } default: { OstTraceDef0(OST_TRACE_CATEGORY_DEBUG, TRACE_INTERNALS, CACTIVESOCKET_NEWL_1_1, "CActiveSocket::NewL Unknown Bearer Type"); User::Leave(Wap::EBearerError); } } }