コード例 #1
ファイル: gfpcrypt.cpp プロジェクト: axxapp/winxgui
void DL_GroupParameters_DSA::GenerateRandom(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const NameValuePairs &alg)
	Integer p, q, g;

	if (alg.GetValue("Modulus", p) && alg.GetValue("SubgroupGenerator", g))
		q = alg.GetValueWithDefault("SubgroupOrder", ComputeGroupOrder(p)/2);
		int modulusSize = 1024;
		alg.GetIntValue("ModulusSize", modulusSize) || alg.GetIntValue("KeySize", modulusSize);

		if (!DSA::IsValidPrimeLength(modulusSize))
			throw InvalidArgument("DSA: not a valid prime length");

		SecByteBlock seed(SHA::DIGESTSIZE);
		Integer h;
		int c;

			rng.GenerateBlock(seed, SHA::DIGESTSIZE);
		} while (!DSA::GeneratePrimes(seed, SHA::DIGESTSIZE*8, c, p, modulusSize, q));

			h.Randomize(rng, 2, p-2);
			g = a_exp_b_mod_c(h, (p-1)/q, p);
		} while (g <= 1);

	Initialize(p, q, g);
コード例 #2
ファイル: oaep.cpp プロジェクト: ChunHungLiu/Qt-SESAM
void OAEP_Base::Pad(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const byte *input, size_t inputLength, byte *oaepBlock, size_t oaepBlockLen, const NameValuePairs &parameters) const
	CRYPTOPP_ASSERT (inputLength <= MaxUnpaddedLength(oaepBlockLen));
	using CryptoPP::auto_ptr;
	auto_ptr<HashTransformation> pHash(NewHash());

	// convert from bit length to byte length
	if (oaepBlockLen % 8 != 0)
		oaepBlock[0] = 0;
	oaepBlockLen /= 8;

	const size_t hLen = pHash->DigestSize();
	const size_t seedLen = hLen, dbLen = oaepBlockLen-seedLen;
	byte *const maskedSeed = oaepBlock;
	byte *const maskedDB = oaepBlock+seedLen;

	ConstByteArrayParameter encodingParameters;
	parameters.GetValue(Name::EncodingParameters(), encodingParameters);

	// DB = pHash || 00 ... || 01 || M
	pHash->CalculateDigest(maskedDB, encodingParameters.begin(), encodingParameters.size());
	memset(maskedDB+hLen, 0, dbLen-hLen-inputLength-1);
	maskedDB[dbLen-inputLength-1] = 0x01;
	memcpy(maskedDB+dbLen-inputLength, input, inputLength);

	auto_ptr<MaskGeneratingFunction> pMGF(NewMGF());
	rng.GenerateBlock(maskedSeed, seedLen);
	pMGF->GenerateAndMask(*pHash, maskedDB, dbLen, maskedSeed, seedLen);
	pMGF->GenerateAndMask(*pHash, maskedSeed, seedLen, maskedDB, dbLen);
コード例 #3
ファイル: oaep.cpp プロジェクト: axxapp/winxgui
void OAEP<H,MGF,P,PLen>::Pad(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const byte *input, unsigned int inputLength, byte *oaepBlock, unsigned int oaepBlockLen) const
	assert (inputLength <= MaxUnpaddedLength(oaepBlockLen));

	// convert from bit length to byte length
	if (oaepBlockLen % 8 != 0)
		oaepBlock[0] = 0;
	oaepBlockLen /= 8;

	const unsigned int hLen = H::DIGESTSIZE;
	const unsigned int seedLen = hLen, dbLen = oaepBlockLen-seedLen;
	byte *const maskedSeed = oaepBlock;
	byte *const maskedDB = oaepBlock+seedLen;

	// DB = pHash || 00 ... || 01 || M
	memcpy(maskedDB, PHash<H,P,PLen>(), hLen);
	memset(maskedDB+hLen, 0, dbLen-hLen-inputLength-1);
	maskedDB[dbLen-inputLength-1] = 0x01;
	memcpy(maskedDB+dbLen-inputLength, input, inputLength);

	rng.GenerateBlock(maskedSeed, seedLen);
	H h;
	MGF mgf;
	mgf.GenerateAndMask(h, maskedDB, dbLen, maskedSeed, seedLen);
	mgf.GenerateAndMask(h, maskedSeed, seedLen, maskedDB, dbLen);
コード例 #4
ファイル: bench1.cpp プロジェクト: KayEss/fost-crypto
void BenchMark(const char *name, RandomNumberGenerator &rng, double timeTotal)
	const int BUF_SIZE = 2048U;
	AlignedSecByteBlock buf(BUF_SIZE);
	Test::GlobalRNG().GenerateBlock(buf, BUF_SIZE);

	SymmetricCipher * cipher = dynamic_cast<SymmetricCipher*>(&rng);
	if (cipher != NULLPTR)
		const size_t size = cipher->DefaultKeyLength();
		if (cipher->IsResynchronizable())
			cipher->SetKeyWithIV(buf, size, buf+size);
			cipher->SetKey(buf, size);

	unsigned long long blocks = 1;
	double timeTaken;

	clock_t start = ::clock();
		rng.GenerateBlock(buf, buf.size());
		timeTaken = double(::clock() - start) / CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND;
	} while (timeTaken < timeTotal);

	OutputResultBytes(name, double(blocks) * BUF_SIZE, timeTaken);
コード例 #5
ファイル: gf2n.cpp プロジェクト: prakhs123/cryptopp
void PolynomialMod2::Randomize(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, size_t nbits)
	const size_t nbytes = nbits/8 + 1;
	SecByteBlock buf(nbytes);
	rng.GenerateBlock(buf, nbytes);
	buf[0] = (byte)Crop(buf[0], nbits % 8);
	Decode(buf, nbytes);
コード例 #6
EncryptParams::EncryptParams(EncryptionMode encryptMode, PaddingScheme paddingScheme, uint8_t ivLength = 0)
  : m_encryptMode(encryptMode)
  , m_paddingScheme(paddingScheme)
  if (ivLength != 0){
    RandomNumberGenerator rng;
    rng.GenerateBlock(m_iv.buf(), m_iv.size());
コード例 #7
ファイル: rsa.cpp プロジェクト: bohrasd/windowsrtdev
void RSA_BlockType2::Pad(const byte *input, word32 inputLen, byte *pkcsBlock,
                         word32 pkcsBlockLen, RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const
    // convert from bit length to byte length
    if (pkcsBlockLen % 8 != 0)
        pkcsBlock[0] = 0;
    pkcsBlockLen /= 8;

    pkcsBlock[0] = 2;  // block type 2

    // pad with non-zero random bytes
    word32 padLen = pkcsBlockLen - inputLen - 1;
    rng.GenerateBlock(&pkcsBlock[1], padLen);
    for (word32 i = 1; i < padLen; i++)
        if (pkcsBlock[i] == 0) pkcsBlock[i] = 0x01;
    pkcsBlock[pkcsBlockLen-inputLen-1] = 0;     // separator
    memcpy(pkcsBlock+pkcsBlockLen-inputLen, input, inputLen);
void PSSR_MEM_Base::ComputeMessageRepresentative(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, 
	const byte *recoverableMessage, size_t recoverableMessageLength,
	HashTransformation &hash, HashIdentifier hashIdentifier, bool messageEmpty,
	byte *representative, size_t representativeBitLength) const
	assert(representativeBitLength >= MinRepresentativeBitLength(hashIdentifier.second, hash.DigestSize()));

	const size_t u = hashIdentifier.second + 1;
	const size_t representativeByteLength = BitsToBytes(representativeBitLength);
	const size_t digestSize = hash.DigestSize();
	const size_t saltSize = SaltLen(digestSize);
	byte *const h = representative + representativeByteLength - u - digestSize;

	SecByteBlock digest(digestSize), salt(saltSize);
	rng.GenerateBlock(salt, saltSize);

	// compute H = hash of M'
	byte c[8];
	PutWord(false, BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER, c, (word32)SafeRightShift<29>(recoverableMessageLength));
	PutWord(false, BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER, c+4, word32(recoverableMessageLength << 3));
	hash.Update(c, 8);
	hash.Update(recoverableMessage, recoverableMessageLength);
	hash.Update(digest, digestSize);
	hash.Update(salt, saltSize);

	// compute representative
	GetMGF().GenerateAndMask(hash, representative, representativeByteLength - u - digestSize, h, digestSize, false);
	byte *xorStart = representative + representativeByteLength - u - digestSize - salt.size() - recoverableMessageLength - 1;
	xorStart[0] ^= 1;
	xorbuf(xorStart + 1, recoverableMessage, recoverableMessageLength);
	xorbuf(xorStart + 1 + recoverableMessageLength, salt, salt.size());
	memcpy(representative + representativeByteLength - u, hashIdentifier.first, hashIdentifier.second);
	representative[representativeByteLength - 1] = hashIdentifier.second ? 0xcc : 0xbc;
	if (representativeBitLength % 8 != 0)
		representative[0] = (byte)Crop(representative[0], representativeBitLength % 8);
コード例 #9
ファイル: cryptlib.cpp プロジェクト: 13971643458/qtum
void SimpleKeyingInterface::GetNextIV(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, byte *IV)
	rng.GenerateBlock(IV, IVSize());