コード例 #1
ファイル: RayTracer.cpp プロジェクト: wyrover/RayTracer
void RayTracer::DoRayTrace( Scene* pScene )
	Camera* cam = pScene->GetSceneCamera();
	Vector3 camRightVector = cam->GetRightVector();
	Vector3 camUpVector = cam->GetUpVector();
	Vector3 camViewVector = cam->GetViewVector();
	Vector3 centre = cam->GetViewCentre();
	Vector3 camPosition = cam->GetPosition();

	double sceneWidth = pScene->GetSceneWidth();
	double sceneHeight = pScene->GetSceneHeight();

	// Orthographic
	//double pixelDX = (sceneWidth / m_buffWidth) * 15;
	//double pixelDY = (sceneHeight / m_buffHeight) * 15;

	// Perspective - uncomment code in scene too
	double pixelDX = sceneWidth / m_buffWidth;
	double pixelDY = sceneHeight / m_buffHeight;
	int total = m_buffHeight*m_buffWidth;
	int done_count = 0;
	Vector3 start;

	start[0] = centre[0] - ((sceneWidth * camRightVector[0])
		+ (sceneHeight * camUpVector[0])) / 2.0;
	start[1] = centre[1] - ((sceneWidth * camRightVector[1])
		+ (sceneHeight * camUpVector[1])) / 2.0;
	start[2] = centre[2] - ((sceneWidth * camRightVector[2])
		+ (sceneHeight * camUpVector[2])) / 2.0;
	Colour scenebg = pScene->GetBackgroundColour();

	if (m_renderCount == 0)
		fprintf(stdout, "Trace start.\n");

		glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

		for (int i = 0; i < m_buffHeight; i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < m_buffWidth; j++) {
				//calculate the metric size of a pixel in the view plane (e.g. framebuffer)
				Vector3 pixel;

				Colour colour;

				// Anti-Aliasing WOOHOO - 16 total samples per pixel
				for (float x = 0.25f; x <= 1.f; x += 0.25f)
					for (float y = 0.25; y <= 1.f; y += 0.25f)
						pixel[0] = start[0] + (i + x) * camUpVector[0] * pixelDY
							+ (j + y) * camRightVector[0] * pixelDX;
						pixel[1] = start[1] + (i + x) * camUpVector[1] * pixelDY
							+ (j + y) * camRightVector[1] * pixelDX;
						pixel[2] = start[2] + (i + x) * camUpVector[2] * pixelDY
							+ (j + y) * camRightVector[2] * pixelDX;

						* setup view ray
						* In perspective projection, each view ray originates from the eye (camera) position
						* and pierces through a pixel in the view plane
						* TODO: For a little extra credit, set up the view rays to produce orthographic projection

						Ray viewray;
						viewray.SetRay(camPosition, (pixel - camPosition).Normalise());

						// Orthographic attempt
						//viewray.SetRay(pixel, camViewVector.Normalise());

						m_isReflecting = m_isRefracting = false;

						//trace the scene using the view ray
						//the default colour is the background colour, unless something is hit along the way
						colour+= this->TraceScene(pScene, viewray, scenebg, m_traceLevel);

				colour.red /= 16.f;
				colour.green /= 16.f;
				colour.blue /= 16.f;

				* The only OpenGL code we need
				* Draw the pixel as a coloured rectangle
				glColor3f(colour.red, colour.green, colour.blue);
				glRecti(j, i, j + 1, i + 1);

		fprintf(stdout, "Done!!!\n");
コード例 #2
ファイル: RayTracer.cpp プロジェクト: wyrover/RayTracer
Colour RayTracer::TraceScene(Scene* pScene, Ray& ray, Colour incolour, int tracelevel, bool shadowray)
	RayHitResult result;
	Colour outcolour = incolour;
	Colour reflectColour;
	Colour refractColour;

	std::vector<Light*>* light_list = pScene->GetLightList();

	if (tracelevel <= 0) // reach the MAX depth of the recursion.
		return outcolour;

	result = pScene->IntersectByRay(ray, shadowray);

	if (result.data) //the ray has hit something

		Vector3 start = ray.GetRayStart();

		if (!shadowray)
			outcolour = CalculateLighting(light_list,&start, &result);
			return outcolour * 0.3f;

		if(m_traceflag & TRACE_REFLECTION)
			//Only consider reflection for spheres and boxes
			if (((Primitive*)result.data)->m_primtype == Primitive::PRIMTYPE_Sphere || ((Primitive*)result.data)->m_primtype == Primitive::PRIMTYPE_Box)
				//TODO: Calculate reflection ray based on the current intersection result
				//Recursively call TraceScene with the reflection ray
				//Combine the returned colour with the current surface colour 

				// DONE
				m_isReflecting = true;

				ray.SetRay(result.point, ray.GetRay().Reflect(result.normal));
				outcolour *= TraceScene(pScene, ray, outcolour, --tracelevel, shadowray);

		if (m_traceflag & TRACE_REFRACTION)
			//Only consider refraction for spheres and boxes
			if (((Primitive*)result.data)->m_primtype == Primitive::PRIMTYPE_Sphere || ((Primitive*)result.data)->m_primtype == Primitive::PRIMTYPE_Box)
				//TODO: Calculate refraction ray based on the current intersection result
				//Recursively call TraceScene with the reflection ray
				//Combine the returned colour with the current surface colour

				// DONE

				double refractionIndex = 1;

				// Better refraction that using a constant
				if (m_isRefracting)
					refractionIndex = ((Primitive*)result.data)->GetMaterial()->GetRefractiveIndex() / AIR_REFRACTIVE_INDEX;
					refractionIndex = AIR_REFRACTIVE_INDEX / ((Primitive*)result.data)->GetMaterial()->GetRefractiveIndex();
				m_isRefracting = true;

				ray.SetRay(result.point + (result.normal * -0.0001), ray.GetRay().Refract((result.normal), 1));
				outcolour += TraceScene(pScene, ray, outcolour, --tracelevel, shadowray) * ((Primitive*)result.data)->GetMaterial()->GetTransparency();
		//Check if this is in shadow
		if ( m_traceflag & TRACE_SHADOW )
			std::vector<Light*>::iterator lit_iter = light_list->begin();
			while (lit_iter != light_list->end())
				//TODO: Calculate the shadow ray using the current intersection result and the light position
				//Recursively call TraceScene with the shadow ray

				// DONE

				Vector3 l_normal = ((*lit_iter)->GetLightPosition() - result.point).Normalise();
				Vector3 l = result.point + (l_normal * 0.0001);
				ray.SetRay(l, l_normal);

				outcolour = TraceScene(pScene, ray, outcolour, --tracelevel, true);

	return outcolour;