コード例 #1
// . m_key bitmap in statsdb:
//   tttttttt tttttttt tttttttt tttttttt  t = time in milliseconds, t1
//   tttttttt tttttttt tttttttt tttttttt
//   hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh  h = hash32 of m_title
// . returns false if could not add stat, true otherwise
// . do not set g_errno if we return false just to keep things simple
// . we only add the stat to our local statsdb rdb, but because
//   we might be dumping statsdb to disk or something it is possible
//   we get an ETRYAGAIN error, so we try to accumulate stats in a
//   local buffer in that case
// . "label" is something like "queryLatency" or whatever
// . [t1,t2] are the time endpoints for the operation being measured
// . "value" is usually "numBytes", or a quantity indicator of whatever
//   was processed.
// . oldVal, newVal are reflect a state change, like maybe changing the
//   value of a parm. typically for such things t1 equals t2
bool Statsdb::addStat ( long        niceness ,
			char       *label    ,
			long long   t1Arg    ,
			long long   t2Arg    ,
			float       value    , // y-value really, "numBytes"
			long        parmHash ,
			float       oldVal   ,
			float       newVal   ,
			long        userId32 ) {

	if ( ! g_conf.m_useStatsdb ) return true;

	// so Process.cpp can turn it off when dumping core
	if ( m_disabled ) return true;

	// not thread safe!
	//if ( g_threads.amThread() ) { 
	//	log("statsdb: called from thread");
	//	char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; 

	// . for now we can only add stats if we are synced with host #0 clock
	// . this is kinda a hack and it would be nice to not miss stats!
	if ( ! isClockInSync() ) return true;

	RdbTree *tree = &m_rdb.m_tree;
	// do not add stats to our tree if it is loading
	if ( tree->m_isLoading ) return true;

	// convert into host #0 synced time
	t1Arg = localToGlobalTimeMilliseconds ( t1Arg );
	t2Arg = localToGlobalTimeMilliseconds ( t2Arg );

	// sanity check
	if ( ! label ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	long labelHash;
	if ( parmHash ) labelHash = parmHash;
	else            labelHash = hash32n ( label );

	// fix it for parm changes, and docs_indexed stat, etc.
	if ( t1Arg == t2Arg ) t2Arg++;

	// how many SECONDS did the op take? (convert from ms to secs)
	float dtms   = (t2Arg - t1Arg);
	float dtSecs = dtms / 1000.0;

	// we have already flushed stats 30+ seconds old, so if this op took
	// 30 seconds, discard it!
	if ( dtSecs >= 30 ) {
		//log("statsdb: stat is %li secs > 30 secs old, discarding.",
		//   (long)dtSecs);
		return true;

	long long nextup;

	// loop over all "second" buckets
	for ( long long tx = t1Arg ; tx < t2Arg ; tx = nextup ) {
		// get next second-aligned point in milliseconds
		nextup = ((tx +1000)/ 1000) * 1000;
		// truncate if we need to
		if ( nextup > t2Arg ) nextup = t2Arg;
		// . how much of the stat is in this time interval?
		// . like if operation took 3 seconds, we might cover
		//   50% of the first 1-second interval. so we use this
		//   as a weight for the stats we keep for that particular
		//   second. then we can plot a point for each second
		//   in time which is an average of all the queries that
		//   were in progress at that second.
		float fractionTime = ((float)(nextup - tx)) / dtms;

		// . get the time point bucket in which this stat belongs
		// . every "second" in time has a bucket
		unsigned long t1 = tx / 1000;

		StatKey sk;
		sk.m_zero      = 0x01; // make it a positive key
		sk.m_time1     = t1;
		sk.m_labelHash = labelHash;

		// so we can show just the stats for a particular user...
		if ( userId32 ) {
			sk.m_zero = userId32;
			// make it positive
			sk.m_zero |= 0x01; 

		// if we already have added a bucket for this "second" then
		// get it from the tree so we can add to its accumulated stats.
		long node1 = tree->getNode ( 0 , (char *)&sk );
		long node2;

		StatData *sd;

		// get that stat, see if we are accumulating it already
		if ( node1 >= 0 ) 
			sd = (StatData *)tree->getData ( node1 );

		// make a new one if not there
		else {
			StatData tmp;
			// init it
			tmp.m_totalOps      = 0.0;
			tmp.m_totalQuantity = 0.0;
			tmp.m_totalTime     = 0.0;

			// save this
			long saved = g_errno;
			// need to add using rdb so it can memcpy the data
			if ( ! m_rdb.addRecord ( (collnum_t)0 ,
						 (char *)&sk,
						 (char *)&tmp,
						 niceness ) ) {
				if ( g_errno != ETRYAGAIN )
				log("statsdb: add rec failed: %s",
				// caller does not care about g_errno
				g_errno = saved;
				return false;
			// caller does not care about g_errno
			g_errno = saved;
			// get the node in the tree
			//sd = (StatData *)tree->getData ( node1 );
			// must be there!
			node2 = tree->getNode ( 0 , (char *)&sk );
			// must be there!
			if ( node2 < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
			// point to it
			sd = (StatData *)tree->getData ( node2 );

		// use the milliseconds elapsed as the value if none given
		//if ( value == 0 && ! parmHash )
		//	value = t2Arg - t1Arg;

		// if we got it for this time, accumulate it
		// convert x into pixel position
		sd->m_totalOps      += 1      * fractionTime;
		sd->m_totalQuantity += value  * fractionTime;
		sd->m_totalTime     += dtSecs * fractionTime;
		if ( ! parmHash ) continue;

		sd->m_totalOps = 0;
		sd->m_totalQuantity = oldVal;
		sd->m_newVal        = newVal;
		// no fractions for this!

	//logf(LOG_DEBUG,"statsdb: sp=0x%lx",(long)sp);

	return true;
コード例 #2
// . ***** META LIST ADD LOOP *****
// . add meta lists corresponding to the keys in m_addme[]
// . call msg5 in case some got dumped to disk!
// . never add zids out of order for the same sid
// . returns false if blocked, sets g_errno on error and returns true
bool Syncdb::loop2 ( ) {
	// sanity check
	if ( ! m_calledLoop1 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
	// breathe just in case
	// return if done!
	if ( m_ia >= m_na ) { m_calledLoop2 = true ; return true; }
	// . check the tree for the next key to add first!!!
	// . most of the time this should be the case!
	RdbTree *stree = &m_rdb.m_tree;
	// get the key
	key128_t k = m_addMe[m_ia];
	// is it there?
	long n = stree->getNode ( 0 , (char *)&k );
	// yes! easy add...
	if ( n >= 0 ) {
		//long  reqSize = stree->getDataSize ( n );
		char   *req     = stree->getData     ( n );
		// get zid from key
		uint64_t zid1 = getZid ( &k );
		// get zid from request
		uint64_t zid2 = *(uint64_t *)(req+4);
		// must match!
		if ( zid1 != zid2 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
		// . add away using Msg4.cpp
		// . return with g_errno set on error
		if ( ! addMetaList ( req ) ) return true;
		// success, delete the key from QUICK TREE
		m_qt.deleteNode ( 0 , (char *)&k , true );
		// . and delete that node (freeData = true)
		// . no! not until we got all the checkoff requests in!
		// stree->deleteNode ( n , true );
		// advance on success
		// go back for more
		goto loop;
	// make the key range
	key128_t sk = k;
	key128_t ek = k;
	// make negative
	sk.n0 &= 0xfffffffffffffffeLL;
	// do not let sleep ticker call bigLoop
	m_outstanding = true;
	// get the meta list from on disk i guess, if not in tree
	if ( ! m_msg5.getList ( RDB_SYNCDB     ,
				(collnum_t)0           , // coll
				&m_list        ,
				(char *)&sk    , // startKey
				(char *)&ek    , // endKey
				999            , // minRecSizes
				true           , // includeTree?
				false          , // addToCache
				0              , // maxCacheAge
				0              , // startFielNum
				-1             , // numFiles
				NULL           , // state
				gotListWrapper ,
				true           )) // do error correction?
		return false;
	// process it. loop back up for another on success!
	if ( gotList ( ) ) goto loop;
	// bad. g_errno must be set
	return false;