コード例 #1
ファイル: LuaSystemPath.cpp プロジェクト: Luomu/pioneer
 * Method: GetStarSystem
 * Get a <StarSystem> object for the system that this path points to
 * > system = path:GetStarSystem()
 * Return:
 *   system - the <StarSystem>
 * Availability:
 *   alpha 10
 * Status:
 *   stable
static int l_sbodypath_get_star_system(lua_State *l)
	SystemPath *path = LuaObject<SystemPath>::CheckFromLua(1);
	RefCountedPtr<StarSystem> s = StarSystem::GetCached(path);
	// LuaObject<StarSystem> shares ownership of the StarSystem,
	// because LuaAcquirer<LuaObject<StarSystem>> uses IncRefCount and DecRefCount
	return 1;
コード例 #2
ファイル: LuaSystemPath.cpp プロジェクト: nozmajner/pioneer
 * Method: GetStarSystem
 * Get a <StarSystem> object for the system that this path points to
 * > system = path:GetStarSystem()
 * Return:
 *   system - the <StarSystem>
 * Availability:
 *   alpha 10
 * Status:
 *   stable
static int l_sbodypath_get_star_system(lua_State *l)
	SystemPath *path = LuaObject<SystemPath>::CheckFromLua(1);

	if (path->IsSectorPath())
		return luaL_error(l, "SystemPath:GetStarSystem() self argument does not refer to a system");

	RefCountedPtr<StarSystem> s = Pi::game->GetGalaxy()->GetStarSystem(path);
	// LuaObject<StarSystem> shares ownership of the StarSystem,
	// because LuaAcquirer<LuaObject<StarSystem>> uses IncRefCount and DecRefCount
	return 1;
コード例 #3
ファイル: GalaxyCache.cpp プロジェクト: giriko/pioneer
RefCountedPtr<T> GalaxyObjectCache<T,CompareT>::GetCached(const SystemPath& path)

	RefCountedPtr<T> s = this->GetIfCached(path);
	if (!s) {
		s = m_galaxyGenerator->Generate<T,GalaxyObjectCache<T,CompareT>>(path, this);
		m_attic.insert( std::make_pair(path, s.Get()));
	} else {
	return s;
コード例 #4
ファイル: SectorGenerator.cpp プロジェクト: Ikesters/pioneer
bool SectorCustomSystemsGenerator::Apply(Random& rng, RefCountedPtr<Galaxy> galaxy, RefCountedPtr<Sector> sector, GalaxyGenerator::SectorConfig* config)

	const int sx = sector->sx;
	const int sy = sector->sy;
	const int sz = sector->sz;

	if ((sx >= -m_customOnlyRadius) && (sx <= m_customOnlyRadius-1) &&
		(sy >= -m_customOnlyRadius) && (sy <= m_customOnlyRadius-1) &&
		(sz >= -m_customOnlyRadius) && (sz <= m_customOnlyRadius-1))
		config->isCustomOnly = true;

	const std::vector<const CustomSystem*> &systems = galaxy->GetCustomSystems()->GetCustomSystemsForSector(sx, sy, sz);
	if (systems.size() == 0) return true;

	Uint32 sysIdx = 0;
	for (std::vector<const CustomSystem*>::const_iterator it = systems.begin(); it != systems.end(); ++it, ++sysIdx) {
		const CustomSystem *cs = *it;
		Sector::System s(sector.Get(), sx, sy, sz, sysIdx);
		s.m_pos = Sector::SIZE*cs->pos;
		s.m_name = cs->name;
		for (s.m_numStars=0; s.m_numStars<cs->numStars; s.m_numStars++) {
			if (cs->primaryType[s.m_numStars] == 0) break;
			s.m_starType[s.m_numStars] = cs->primaryType[s.m_numStars];
		s.m_customSys = cs;
		s.m_seed = cs->seed;
		if (cs->want_rand_explored) {
			 * 0 - ~500ly from sol: explored
			 * ~500ly - ~700ly (65-90 sectors): gradual
			 * ~700ly+: unexplored
			int dist = isqrt(1 + sx*sx + sy*sy + sz*sz);
			if (((dist <= 90) && ( dist <= 65 || rng.Int32(dist) <= 40)) || galaxy->GetFactions()->IsHomeSystem(SystemPath(sx, sy, sz, sysIdx)))
				s.m_explored = StarSystem::eEXPLORED_AT_START;
				s.m_explored = StarSystem::eUNEXPLORED;
		} else {
			if (cs->explored)
				s.m_explored = StarSystem::eEXPLORED_AT_START;
				s.m_explored = StarSystem::eUNEXPLORED;
	return true;
コード例 #5
ファイル: LuaNameGen.cpp プロジェクト: Philbywhizz/pioneer
std::string LuaNameGen::Surname(RefCountedPtr<Random> &rng)
	lua_State *l = m_luaManager->GetLuaState();

	if (!GetNameGenFunc(l, "Surname"))

	pi_lua_protected_call(l, 1, 1);

	std::string surname = luaL_checkstring(l, -1);
	lua_pop(l, 1);

	return surname;
コード例 #6
ファイル: LuaNameGen.cpp プロジェクト: Philbywhizz/pioneer
std::string LuaNameGen::BodyName(SystemBody *body, RefCountedPtr<Random> &rng)
	lua_State *l = m_luaManager->GetLuaState();

	if (!GetNameGenFunc(l, "BodyName"))

	pi_lua_protected_call(l, 2, 1);

	std::string bodyname = luaL_checkstring(l, -1);
	lua_pop(l, 1);

	return bodyname;
コード例 #7
ファイル: LuaNameGen.cpp プロジェクト: Philbywhizz/pioneer
std::string LuaNameGen::FullName(bool isFemale, RefCountedPtr<Random> &rng)
	lua_State *l = m_luaManager->GetLuaState();

	if (!GetNameGenFunc(l, "FullName"))

	lua_pushboolean(l, isFemale);
	pi_lua_protected_call(l, 2, 1);

	std::string fullname = luaL_checkstring(l, -1);
	lua_pop(l, 1);

	return fullname;
コード例 #8
ファイル: StaticGeometry.cpp プロジェクト: lwho/pioneer
void StaticGeometry::DrawBoundingBox(const Aabb &bb)
	const vector3f min(bb.min.x, bb.min.y, bb.min.z);
	const vector3f max(bb.max.x, bb.max.y, bb.max.z);
	const vector3f fbl(min.x, min.y, min.z); //front bottom left
	const vector3f fbr(max.x, min.y, min.z); //front bottom right
	const vector3f ftl(min.x, max.y, min.z); //front top left
	const vector3f ftr(max.x, max.y, min.z); //front top right
	const vector3f rtl(min.x, max.y, max.z); //rear top left
	const vector3f rtr(max.x, max.y, max.z); //rear top right
	const vector3f rbl(min.x, min.y, max.z); //rear bottom left
	const vector3f rbr(max.x, min.y, max.z); //rear bottom right

	const Color c(Color::WHITE);

	std::unique_ptr<Graphics::VertexArray> vts(new Graphics::VertexArray(Graphics::ATTRIB_POSITION | Graphics::ATTRIB_DIFFUSE));

	//Front face
	vts->Add(ftr, c); //3
	vts->Add(fbr, c); //1
	vts->Add(fbl, c); //0

	vts->Add(fbl, c); //0
	vts->Add(ftl, c); //2
	vts->Add(ftr, c); //3

	//Rear face
	vts->Add(rbr, c); //7
	vts->Add(rtr, c); //5
	vts->Add(rbl, c); //6

	vts->Add(rbl, c); //6
	vts->Add(rtr, c); //5
	vts->Add(rtl, c); //4

	//Top face
	vts->Add(rtl, c); //4
	vts->Add(rtr, c); //5
	vts->Add(ftr, c); //3

	vts->Add(ftr, c); //3
	vts->Add(ftl, c); //2
	vts->Add(rtl, c); //4

	//bottom face
	vts->Add(fbr, c); //1
	vts->Add(rbr, c); //7
	vts->Add(rbl, c); //6

	vts->Add(rbl, c); //6
	vts->Add(fbl, c); //0
	vts->Add(fbr, c); //1

	//left face
	vts->Add(fbl, c); //0
	vts->Add(rbl, c); //6
	vts->Add(rtl, c); //4

	vts->Add(rtl, c); //4
	vts->Add(ftl, c); //2
	vts->Add(fbl, c); //0

	//right face
	vts->Add(rtr, c); //5
	vts->Add(rbr, c); //7
	vts->Add(fbr, c); //1

	vts->Add(fbr, c); //1
	vts->Add(ftr, c); //3
	vts->Add(rtr, c); //5

	Graphics::Renderer *r = GetRenderer();

	Graphics::RenderStateDesc rsd;
	rsd.cullMode = Graphics::CULL_NONE;

	RefCountedPtr<Graphics::VertexBuffer> vb;
	//create buffer and upload data
	Graphics::VertexBufferDesc vbd;
	vbd.attrib[0].semantic = Graphics::ATTRIB_POSITION;
	vbd.attrib[0].format   = Graphics::ATTRIB_FORMAT_FLOAT3;
	vbd.attrib[1].semantic = Graphics::ATTRIB_DIFFUSE;
	vbd.attrib[1].format   = Graphics::ATTRIB_FORMAT_UBYTE4;
	vbd.numVertices = vts->GetNumVerts();
	vbd.usage = Graphics::BUFFER_USAGE_STATIC;
	vb.Reset( m_renderer->CreateVertexBuffer(vbd) );
	vb->Populate( *vts );

	r->DrawBuffer(vb.Get(), r->CreateRenderState(rsd), Graphics::vtxColorMaterial);
コード例 #9
ファイル: SectorGenerator.cpp プロジェクト: irigi/pioneer
bool SectorRandomSystemsGenerator::Apply(Random& rng, RefCountedPtr<Galaxy> galaxy, RefCountedPtr<Sector> sector, GalaxyGenerator::SectorConfig* config)
	/* Always place random systems outside the core custom-only region */
	if (config->isCustomOnly)
		return true;

	const int sx = sector->sx;
	const int sy = sector->sy;
	const int sz = sector->sz;
	const int customCount = static_cast<Uint32>(sector->m_systems.size());
	const Sint64 dist = (1 + sx*sx + sy*sy + sz*sz);
	const Sint64 freq = (1 + sx * sx + sy * sy);

	const int numSystems = (rng.Int32(4,20) * galaxy->GetSectorDensity(sx, sy, sz)) >> 8;

	for (int i=0; i<numSystems; i++) {
		Sector::System s(sector.Get(), sx, sy, sz, customCount + i);

		switch (rng.Int32(15)) {
			case 0:
				s.m_numStars = 4; break;
			case 1: case 2:
				s.m_numStars = 3; break;
			case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6:
				s.m_numStars = 2; break;
				s.m_numStars = 1; break;

		s.m_pos.x = rng.Double(Sector::SIZE);
		s.m_pos.y = rng.Double(Sector::SIZE);
		s.m_pos.z = rng.Double(Sector::SIZE);

		 * 0 - ~500ly from sol: explored
		 * ~500ly - ~700ly (65-90 sectors): gradual
		 * ~700ly+: unexplored
		if (((dist <= Square(90)) && ( dist <= Square(65) || rng.Int32(dist) <= Square(40))) || galaxy->GetFactions()->IsHomeSystem(SystemPath(sx, sy, sz, customCount + i)))
			s.m_explored = StarSystem::eEXPLORED_AT_START;
			s.m_explored = StarSystem::eUNEXPLORED;

		// Frequencies are low enough that we probably don't need this anymore.
		if (freq > Square(10))
			const Uint32 weight = rng.Int32(1000000);
			if (weight < 1) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_IM_BH;  // These frequencies are made up
			} else if (weight < 3) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_S_BH;
			} else if (weight < 5) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_O_WF;
			} else if (weight < 8) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_B_WF;
			} else if (weight < 12) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M_WF;
			} else if (weight < 15) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_K_HYPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 18) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_G_HYPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 23) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_O_HYPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 28) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_A_HYPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 33) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_F_HYPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 41) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_B_HYPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 48) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M_HYPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 58) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_K_SUPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 68) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_G_SUPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 78) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_O_SUPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 88) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_A_SUPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 98) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_F_SUPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 108) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_B_SUPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 158) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M_SUPER_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 208) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_K_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 250) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_G_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 300) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_O_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 350) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_A_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 400) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_F_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 500) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_B_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 700) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M_GIANT;
			} else if (weight < 800) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_O;  // should be 1 but that is boring
			} else if (weight < 2000) { // weight < 1300 / 20500
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_B;
			} else if (weight < 8000) { // weight < 7300
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_A;
			} else if (weight < 37300) { // weight < 37300
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_F;
			} else if (weight < 113300) { // weight < 113300
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_G;
			} else if (weight < 234300) { // weight < 234300
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_K;
			} else if (weight < 250000) { // weight < 250000
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_WHITE_DWARF;
			} else if (weight < 900000) {  //weight < 900000
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M;
			} else {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_BROWN_DWARF;
		} else {
			const Uint32 weight = rng.Int32(1000000);
			if (weight < 100) { // should be 1 but that is boring
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_O;
			} else if (weight < 1300) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_B;
			} else if (weight < 7300) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_A;
			} else if (weight < 37300) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_F;
			} else if (weight < 113300) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_G;
			} else if (weight < 234300) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_K;
			} else if (weight < 250000) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_WHITE_DWARF;
			} else if (weight < 900000) {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M;
			} else {
				s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_BROWN_DWARF;
		//Output("%d: %d%\n", sx, sy);

		if (s.m_numStars > 1) {
			s.m_starType[1] = SystemBody::BodyType(rng.Int32(SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_MIN, s.m_starType[0]));
			if (s.m_numStars > 2) {
				s.m_starType[2] = SystemBody::BodyType(rng.Int32(SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_MIN, s.m_starType[0]));
				s.m_starType[3] = SystemBody::BodyType(rng.Int32(SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_MIN, s.m_starType[2]));

		if ((s.m_starType[0] <= SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_A) && (rng.Int32(10)==0)) {
			// make primary a giant. never more than one giant in a system
			if (freq > Square(10))
				const Uint32 weight = rng.Int32(1000);
				if (weight >= 999) {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_B_HYPER_GIANT;
				} else if (weight >= 998) {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_O_HYPER_GIANT;
				} else if (weight >= 997) {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_K_HYPER_GIANT;
				} else if (weight >= 995) {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_B_SUPER_GIANT;
				} else if (weight >= 993) {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_O_SUPER_GIANT;
				} else if (weight >= 990) {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_K_SUPER_GIANT;
				} else if (weight >= 985) {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_B_GIANT;
				} else if (weight >= 980) {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_O_GIANT;
				} else if (weight >= 975) {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_K_GIANT;
				} else if (weight >= 950) {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M_HYPER_GIANT;
				} else if (weight >= 875) {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M_SUPER_GIANT;
				} else {
					s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M_GIANT;
			} else if (freq > Square(5)) s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M_GIANT;
			else s.m_starType[0] = SystemBody::TYPE_STAR_M;

			//Output("%d: %d%\n", sx, sy);

		s.m_name = GenName(galaxy, *sector, s, customCount + i,  rng);
		//Output("%s: \n", s.m_name.c_str());

	return true;
コード例 #10
 * Method: GetNearbySystems
 * Get a list of nearby <StarSystems> that match some criteria
 * > systems = system:GetNearbySystems(range, filter)
 * Parameters:
 *   range - distance from this system to search, in light years
 *   filter - an optional function. If specified the function will be called
 *            once for each candidate system with the <StarSystem> object
 *            passed as the only parameter. If the filter function returns
 *            true then the system will be included in the array returned by
 *            <GetNearbySystems>, otherwise it will be omitted. If no filter
 *            function is specified then all systems in range are returned.
 * Return:
 *  systems - an array of systems in range that matched the filter
 * Availability:
 *   alpha 10
 * Status:
 *   experimental
static int l_starsystem_get_nearby_systems(lua_State *l)

	const StarSystem *s = LuaObject<StarSystem>::CheckFromLua(1);
	const double dist_ly = luaL_checknumber(l, 2);

	bool filter = false;
	if (lua_gettop(l) >= 3) {
		luaL_checktype(l, 3, LUA_TFUNCTION); // any type of function
		filter = true;


	const SystemPath &here = s->GetPath();

	const int here_x = here.sectorX;
	const int here_y = here.sectorY;
	const int here_z = here.sectorZ;
	const Uint32 here_idx = here.systemIndex;
	RefCountedPtr<const Sector> here_sec = Pi::GetGalaxy()->GetSector(here);

	const int diff_sec = int(ceil(dist_ly/Sector::SIZE));

	for (int x = here_x-diff_sec; x <= here_x+diff_sec; x++) {
		for (int y = here_y-diff_sec; y <= here_y+diff_sec; y++) {
			for (int z = here_z-diff_sec; z <= here_z+diff_sec; z++) {
				RefCountedPtr<const Sector> sec = Pi::GetGalaxy()->GetSector(SystemPath(x, y, z));

				for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < sec->m_systems.size(); idx++) {
					if (x == here_x && y == here_y && z == here_z && idx == here_idx)

					if (Sector::DistanceBetween(here_sec, here_idx, sec, idx) > dist_ly)

					RefCountedPtr<StarSystem> sys = Pi::GetGalaxy()->GetStarSystem(SystemPath(x, y, z, idx));
					if (filter) {
						lua_pushvalue(l, 3);
						lua_call(l, 1, 1);
						if (!lua_toboolean(l, -1)) {
							lua_pop(l, 1);
						lua_pop(l, 1);

					lua_pushinteger(l, lua_rawlen(l, -1)+1);
					lua_rawset(l, -3);


	return 1;
コード例 #11
ファイル: Gui.cpp プロジェクト: christiank/pioneer
	void DrawOutdent(const float size[2], Graphics::RenderState *state)

		// locals
		RefCountedPtr<Graphics::VertexBuffer> vb;
		RefCountedPtr<Graphics::IndexBuffer> ib[3];

		// see if we have this size of indent in the cache already
		const vector2f vsize(size[0], size[1]);
		MapOutdentBuffers::iterator bufIt = s_outdentBuffers.find(vsize);
		if (bufIt != s_outdentBuffers.end())
			// found it
			vb = bufIt->second.vb;
			ib[0] = bufIt->second.ib[0];
			ib[1] = bufIt->second.ib[1];
			ib[2] = bufIt->second.ib[2];
			// generate it
			const vector3f vertices[] = {
				/* 0 */	vector3f(0, 0, 0),
				/* 1 */	vector3f(0, size[1], 0),
				/* 2 */	vector3f(size[0], size[1], 0),
				/* 3 */	vector3f(size[0], 0, 0),
				/* 4 */	vector3f(BORDER_WIDTH, BORDER_WIDTH, 0),
				/* 5 */	vector3f(BORDER_WIDTH, size[1] - BORDER_WIDTH, 0),
				/* 6 */	vector3f(size[0] - BORDER_WIDTH, size[1] - BORDER_WIDTH, 0),
				/* 7 */	vector3f(size[0] - BORDER_WIDTH, BORDER_WIDTH, 0)
			const Uint32 indices[] = {
				0, 1, 5, 0, 5, 4, 0, 4, 7, 0, 7, 3,
				3, 7, 6, 3, 6, 2, 1, 2, 6, 1, 6, 5,
				4, 5, 6, 4, 6, 7 };

			// create buffer
			Graphics::VertexBufferDesc vbd;
			vbd.attrib[0].semantic = Graphics::ATTRIB_POSITION;
			vbd.attrib[0].format = Graphics::ATTRIB_FORMAT_FLOAT3;
			vbd.numVertices = 8;
			vbd.usage = Graphics::BUFFER_USAGE_STATIC;

			// Upload data
			TPos* vtxPtr = vb->Map<TPos>(Graphics::BUFFER_MAP_WRITE);
			assert(vb->GetDesc().stride == sizeof(TPos));
			for (Uint32 i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
				vtxPtr[i].pos = vertices[i];

			// indices
			Uint32 IndexStart = 0;
			Uint32 IndexEnd = 12;
			Uint32 NumIndices = 12;

			ib[0].Reset(CreateIndexBuffer(indices, IndexStart, IndexEnd, NumIndices));

			IndexStart += NumIndices;
			NumIndices = 12;
			IndexEnd += NumIndices;

			ib[1].Reset(CreateIndexBuffer(indices, IndexStart, IndexEnd, NumIndices));

			IndexStart += NumIndices;
			NumIndices = 6;
			IndexEnd += NumIndices;

			ib[2].Reset(CreateIndexBuffer(indices, IndexStart, IndexEnd, NumIndices));

			TOutdentBuffers tib;
			tib.vb = vb;
			tib.ib[0] = ib[0];
			tib.ib[1] = ib[1];
			tib.ib[2] = ib[2];
			s_outdentBuffers[vsize] = tib;

		// Draw it!
		Screen::flatColorMaterial->diffuse = Color(153,153,153,255);
		Screen::GetRenderer()->DrawBufferIndexed(vb.Get(), ib[0].Get(), state, Screen::flatColorMaterial);
		Screen::flatColorMaterial->diffuse = Colors::bgShadow;
		Screen::GetRenderer()->DrawBufferIndexed(vb.Get(), ib[1].Get(), state, Screen::flatColorMaterial);
		Screen::flatColorMaterial->diffuse = Colors::bg;
		Screen::GetRenderer()->DrawBufferIndexed(vb.Get(), ib[2].Get(), state, Screen::flatColorMaterial);
コード例 #12
ファイル: LuaStarSystem.cpp プロジェクト: gamebytes/pioneer
 * Method: GetNearbySystems
 * Get a list of nearby <StarSystems> that match some criteria
 * > systems = system:GetNearbySystems(range, filter)
 * Parameters:
 *   range - distance from this system to search, in light years
 *   filter - an optional function. If specified the function will be called
 *            once for each candidate system with the <StarSystem> object
 *            passed as the only parameter. If the filter function returns
 *            true then the system will be included in the array returned by
 *            <GetNearbySystems>, otherwise it will be omitted. If no filter
 *            function is specified then all systems in range are returned.
 * Return:
 *  systems - an array of systems in range that matched the filter
 * Availability:
 *   alpha 10
 * Status:
 *   experimental
static int l_starsystem_get_nearby_systems(lua_State *l)

	StarSystem *s = LuaStarSystem::GetFromLua(1);
	double dist_ly = luaL_checknumber(l, 2);

	bool filter = false;
	if (lua_gettop(l) >= 3) {
		luaL_checktype(l, 3, LUA_TFUNCTION); // any type of function
		filter = true;


	SystemPath here = s->GetPath();

	int here_x = here.sectorX;
	int here_y = here.sectorY;
	int here_z = here.sectorZ;
	Uint32 here_idx = here.systemIndex;
	Sector here_sec(here_x, here_y, here_z);

	int diff_sec = int(ceil(dist_ly/Sector::SIZE));

	for (int x = here_x-diff_sec; x <= here_x+diff_sec; x++) {
		for (int y = here_y-diff_sec; y <= here_y+diff_sec; y++) {
			for (int z = here_z-diff_sec; z <= here_z+diff_sec; z++) {
				Sector sec(x, y, z);

				for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < sec.m_systems.size(); idx++) {
					if (x == here_x && y == here_y && z == here_z && idx == here_idx)

					if (Sector::DistanceBetween(&here_sec, here_idx, &sec, idx) > dist_ly)

					RefCountedPtr<StarSystem> sys = StarSystem::GetCached(SystemPath(x, y, z, idx));
					if (filter) {
						lua_pushvalue(l, 3);
						lua_call(l, 1, 1);
						if (!lua_toboolean(l, -1)) {
							lua_pop(l, 1);
						lua_pop(l, 1);

					lua_pushinteger(l, lua_rawlen(l, -1)+1);
					lua_rawset(l, -3);


	return 1;