コード例 #1
 * Extract all capture groups of the first/last occurrence
 * of a regex pattern in each string
 * @param str character vector
 * @param pattern character vector
 * @param opts_regex list
 * @param first logical - search for the first or the last occurrence?
 * @param cg_missing single string
 * @return character matrix
 * @version 0.1-??? (Marek Gagolewski, 2013-06-22)
 * @version 0.3-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-11-05)
 *    Issue #112: str_prepare_arg* retvals were not PROTECTed from gc
 * @version 0.4-1 (Marek Gagolewski, 2014-12-06)
 *    new arg: cg_missing
 * @version 1.0-2 (Marek Gagolewski, 2016-01-29)
 *    Issue #214: allow a regex pattern like `.*`  to match an empty string
SEXP stri__match_firstlast_regex(SEXP str, SEXP pattern, SEXP cg_missing, SEXP opts_regex, bool first)
   // @TODO: capture_groups arg (integer vector/set - which capture groups to extract)
   PROTECT(str = stri_prepare_arg_string(str, "str")); // prepare string argument
   PROTECT(pattern = stri_prepare_arg_string(pattern, "pattern")); // prepare string argument
   PROTECT(cg_missing = stri_prepare_arg_string_1(cg_missing, "cg_missing"));
   R_len_t vectorize_length = stri__recycling_rule(true, 2, LENGTH(str), LENGTH(pattern));

   uint32_t pattern_flags = StriContainerRegexPattern::getRegexFlags(opts_regex);

   UText* str_text = NULL; // may potentially be slower, but definitely is more convenient!
   StriContainerUTF8 str_cont(str, vectorize_length);
   StriContainerRegexPattern pattern_cont(pattern, vectorize_length, pattern_flags);
   StriContainerUTF8 cg_missing_cont(cg_missing, 1);
   STRI__PROTECT(cg_missing = STRING_ELT(cg_missing, 0));

   // we don't know how many capture groups are there:
   vector< vector< pair<const char*, const char*> > > occurrences(vectorize_length);
   R_len_t occurrences_max = 1;

   for (R_len_t i = pattern_cont.vectorize_init();
         i != pattern_cont.vectorize_end();
         i = pattern_cont.vectorize_next(i))
      STRI__CONTINUE_ON_EMPTY_OR_NA_PATTERN(str_cont, pattern_cont,
         /*do nothing*/;      )

      UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
      RegexMatcher *matcher = pattern_cont.getMatcher(i); // will be deleted automatically
      int pattern_cur_groups = matcher->groupCount();
      if (occurrences_max < pattern_cur_groups+1) occurrences_max=pattern_cur_groups+1;
      str_text = utext_openUTF8(str_text, str_cont.get(i).c_str(), str_cont.get(i).length(), &status);
      STRI__CHECKICUSTATUS_THROW(status, {/* do nothing special on err */})