コード例 #1
// function that creates a roi map from glm and a previously defined roi in mni
void FunctionalConnectivity::createROIVolume(studyParams &vdb)
   // Bring MNI Mask to Subject Space
   char outputFile[500], name[500], regionExtractMapFile[500], roiVolumeFile[500];
   double correlationExtractPercent;
   char prefix[30]="_RFI2";
   extractFileName(vdb.mniMask, name);
   for (int t=0;t<strlen(name);t++)
      if (name[t] == '.') name[t] = '_';

   sprintf(outputFile, "%s%s%s.nii", vdb.inputDir, name, vdb.trainFeatureSuffix);
   MniToSubject(vdb.rfiFile, vdb.mniMask, vdb.mniTemplate, outputFile, prefix);

   // read Region extract map file and percentage
   correlationExtractPercent = vdb.readedIni.GetDoubleValue("FRIEND", "RegionExtractionMapPerc") / 100.0;
   strcpy(regionExtractMapFile, vdb.readedIni.GetValue("FRIEND", "RegionExtractionMapFile"));

   RegionExtraction extractor;

   // reading the mappings
   std::map<int, int> mappings;
   extractor.readMappings(regionExtractMapFile, mappings);
   sprintf(roiVolumeFile, "%s%s%s%s", vdb.outputDir, "ROIsMap", vdb.trainFeatureSuffix, ".nii");
   // Execute segmentation
   extractor.regionsExtraction(outputFile, vdb.glmTOutput, vdb.featuresAllTrainSuffix, roiVolumeFile, mappings, correlationExtractPercent);
コード例 #2
// function that creates a roi map from glm and a previously defined roi in mni
void emotionRoiProcessing::createROIVolume(studyParams &vdb)
	// Bring MNI Mask to Subject Space
	char compositeFile[500], outputFile[500], name[500], regionExtractMapFile[500], roiVolumeFile[500], meanFile[500];
	char pngFile[500];
	double correlationExtractPercent;
	stringstream CmdLn;
	char prefix[30] = "_RFI2";
	vector<vector<double>> timeseries;

	// generating the means file
	volume<float> v;

	// preparing timeseries variable
	for (int i = 0; i < timeseries.size(); i++)

	// calculating the means
	for (int i = 0; i < vdb.interval.maxIndex(); i++)
		loadVolume(vdb, v, i+1);

		for (int j = 0; j < meanCalculation.roiCount(); j++)
			timeseries[j][i] = meanCalculation.roiMean(j);

	// z normalized
	for (int j = 0; j < timeseries.size(); j++)	znormalise(timeseries[j]);

	// saving the result to file
	sprintf(meanFile, "%s%s_%s%s.txt", vdb.outputDir, vdb.subject, "means", vdb.trainFeatureSuffix);
	fstream Output(meanFile, fstream::in | fstream::out | fstream::trunc);
	for (int i = 0; i < vdb.interval.maxIndex(); i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < timeseries.size(); j++)
			Output << timeseries[j][i] << '\t';
		Output << '\n';

	// generating the roi means graph png
	fprintf(stderr, "Generating roi means graphic\n");
	changeFileExt(meanFile, ".png", pngFile);
	CmdLn << "fsl_tsplot -i " << meanFile << " -t \"z-normalised roi means plot\" -u 1 --start=1 --finish=" << meanCalculation.roiCount() << " -a ";

	vector<int> roiValues;
	// Building the labels with the intensities of the roi volume file
	int counter=0;
	CmdLn << '\"';
	for (int t = 0; t < roiValues.size(); t++)
		CmdLn << "Intensity " << roiValues[t];
		if (counter < meanCalculation.roiCount())
			CmdLn << ',';
	// completing the command
	CmdLn << '\"';
	CmdLn << " -w 640 -h 144 -o " << pngFile;
	fsl_tsplot((char *)CmdLn.str().c_str());

	extractFileName(vdb.mniMask, name);
	for (int t = 0; t<strlen(name); t++)
	if (name[t] == '.') name[t] = '_';

	sprintf(outputFile, "%s%s%s.nii", vdb.inputDir, name, vdb.trainFeatureSuffix);

	MniToSubject(vdb.maskFile, vdb.mniMask, vdb.mniTemplate, outputFile, prefix);

	// saving a composite file just to assure the side of the roi volume
	sprintf(compositeFile, "%s%s%s.nii", vdb.inputDir, "compositeFile", vdb.trainFeatureSuffix);
	uniteVolumes(vdb.rfiFile, outputFile, compositeFile);

	// read Region extract map file and percentage
	correlationExtractPercent = vdb.readedIni.GetDoubleValue("FRIEND", "PercentageOfBestVoxelsPerROI") / 100.0;
	strcpy(regionExtractMapFile, vdb.readedIni.GetValue("FRIEND", "ROIExtractionMapFile"));

	RegionExtraction extractor;

	// reading the mappings
	std::map<int, int> mappings;
	extractor.readMappings(regionExtractMapFile, mappings);

	sprintf(roiVolumeFile, "%s%s%s%s", vdb.outputDir, "ROIsMap", vdb.trainFeatureSuffix, ".nii");

	// Execute segmentation
	extractor.regionsExtraction(outputFile, vdb.glmTOutput, vdb.featuresAllTrainSuffix, roiVolumeFile, mappings, correlationExtractPercent);

	// calculate initial target values for positive and negative conditions
	if (fileExists(roiVolumeFile))
		positiveIndex = meanCalculation.roiIndex(3); // 3 in the intensity value of positive emotion ROI
		negativeIndex = meanCalculation.roiIndex(1); // 1 in the intensity value of negative emotion ROI

		for (int i=1; i <= vdb.interval.maxIndex(); i++)
			float classnum, projection;
			processVolume(vdb, i, classnum, projection);

		char negativeCurveFile[BUFF_SIZE], positiveCurveFile[BUFF_SIZE];
		sprintf(negativeCurveFile, "%s%c%s%s.txt", vdb.outputDir, PATHSEPCHAR, "negative_curve", vdb.trainFeatureSuffix);
		sprintf(positiveCurveFile, "%s%c%s%s.txt", vdb.outputDir, PATHSEPCHAR, "positive_curve", vdb.trainFeatureSuffix);


		vdb.readedIni.SetDoubleValue("FRIEND", "NegativeActivationLevel", negativeActivationLevel.mean);
		vdb.readedIni.SetDoubleValue("FRIEND", "PositiveActivationLevel", positiveActivationLevel.mean);