コード例 #1
ファイル: CCP4File.C プロジェクト: PierFio/ball
	bool CCP4File::read(RegularData3D& density_map)

		// first read the header
		if (!readHeader())
			Log.error() << "CCP4File::read(): readHeader() failed. Aborting read." << std::endl;
			return false;

		// then try to read symmetry records if present
		if (!readSymmetryRecords())
			Log.error() << "CCP4File::read(): readSymmteryRecords() failed. Aborting read." << std::endl;
			return false;
		if (int(getSize()) > int(4*(extent_.x*extent_.y*extent_.z)))
			Log.info() << "CCP4File::read(): Warning: datablock bigger than expected. But continuing anyway." << std::endl;
		Size global_index = 0;

		RegularData3D::IndexType size_crs;
		size_crs.x = (Size) extent_[(Position) col_axis_];
		size_crs.y = (Size) extent_[(Position) row_axis_];
		size_crs.z = (Size) extent_[(Position) sec_axis_];
		RegularData3D::IndexType size;
		size.x = (Size) extent_.x;
		size.y = (Size) extent_.y;
		size.z = (Size) extent_.z;
		density_map = RegularData3D(origin_, xaxis_, yaxis_, zaxis_, size);
		density_map.setDimension(Vector3(xaxis_.x, yaxis_.y, zaxis_.z));
		char* rowblock = new char[4*int(size_crs.x)];	
		Size crs[3];
		for(crs[2]=0; crs[2] < size_crs.z; crs[2]++)
			for(crs[1]=0; crs[1] < size_crs.y; crs[1]++)
				std::fstream::read(rowblock, 4*(int(size_crs.x)));
				for(crs[0]=0; crs[0] < size_crs.x; crs[0]++)
					global_index = (Size)(crs[col_axis_]+ crs[row_axis_]*size.x + crs[sec_axis_]*size.x*size.y);
					density_map[global_index] = readBinValueasFloat_(rowblock,crs[0]); 

		delete [] rowblock;

		return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: ContourSurface_test.C プロジェクト: HeyJJ/ball
using namespace BALL;

ContourSurface* cs_ptr = 0;
CHECK(TContourSurface() throw())
	cs_ptr = new ContourSurface;
	TEST_NOT_EQUAL(cs_ptr, 0)

CHECK(~TContourSurface() throw())
	delete cs_ptr;

CHECK(TContourSurface<T>::operator << (TRegularData3D<T>& data))
	// Create a grid with just the middle point at 1.0 and the
	// remainder at -1.0.
	RegularData3D data(RegularData3D::IndexType(5, 5, 5), Vector3(-2.0), Vector3(4.0));
	STATUS("grid size: " << data.getSize().x << "/" << data.getSize().y << "/" << data.getSize().z)
	for (Position i = 0; i < data.size(); i++)
		data[i] = -1.0;
	data[2 + 2 * 5 + 2 * 25] = 1.0;
	STATUS("Coordinate: " << data.getCoordinates(62))
	STATUS("min: " << data.getOrigin())
	STATUS("max: " << data.getOrigin() + data.getDimension())

	STATUS("grid constructed")

	ContourSurface cs;
	STATUS("ContourSurface constructed.")
コード例 #3
ファイル: DSN6File.C プロジェクト: Indicator/raptorx-zy
	bool DSN6File::read(RegularData3D& density_map)

		// first read the header
		if (!readHeader())
			Log.error() << "DSN6File::read(): readHeader() failed. Aborting read." << std::endl;
			return false;

		// and then the individual bricks. each brick contains 8^3 grid points, stored as bytes
		// which are converted to floats using the formula 
		// density = (byte_value - plus) / prod
		float factor = 1./prod_;

		// how many bricks do we have?
		Size number_of_bricks_x = (Size) ceil(extent_.x / 8.0);
		Size number_of_bricks_y = (Size) ceil(extent_.y / 8.0);
		Size number_of_bricks_z = (Size) ceil(extent_.z / 8.0);
		Size global_index = 0;
		Size brick_index = 0;
		char brick[512];
		unsigned char* brick_pointer;

		RegularData3D::IndexType size;
		size.x = (Size) extent_.x;
		size.y = (Size) extent_.y;
		size.z = (Size) extent_.z;
		density_map = RegularData3D(origin_, xaxis_, yaxis_, zaxis_, size);

		// NOTE: this currently only works for orthogonal maps!!!
		// TODO: implement a simple volumetric data type. all we need to do currently
		//       is to set a matrix converting between the given coordinate system of
		//       the volumetric data set and 3D space
		density_map.setDimension(Vector3(xaxis_.x, yaxis_.y, zaxis_.z));

		Size brick_x, brick_y, brick_z;
		// the ordering in both the individual bricks and the whole filw
		// is (fastest to slowest) x - y - z
		for (brick_z = 0; brick_z < number_of_bricks_z; brick_z++)
			for (brick_y = 0; brick_y < number_of_bricks_y; brick_y++)
				for (brick_x = 0; brick_x < number_of_bricks_x; brick_x++)
					brick_index = 0;
					// read the next brick
					std::fstream::read(brick, 512);
					brick_pointer = (unsigned char*)brick;

					if (gcount() != 512)
						Log.error() << "DSN6File::read(): Could not read next brick. Aborting read." << std::endl;
						return false;

					// and swap its bytes

					// code is inspired by the VMD code :-)
					Size x, y, z;
					for (z=0; z<8; z++) // iterate over z of the current brick
						if ((z + brick_z*8) >= extent_.z)
							global_index += (Size)((8-z)*extent_.x*extent_.y);
						for (y=0; y<8; y++)
							if ((y + brick_y*8) >= extent_.y)
								global_index += (Size)((8-y)*extent_.x);
								brick_index  += (Size)((8-y)*8);
							for (x=0; x<8; x++)
								if ((x + brick_x*8) >= extent_.x)
									global_index += (Size)(8 - x);
									brick_index  += (Size)(8 - x);
								float brick_value = (float)(*(brick_pointer+brick_index));
								density_map[global_index] = factor * (brick_value - plus_);

							} // for x...

							global_index += (Size)(extent_.x - 8);
						} // for y...

						global_index += (Size)(extent_.x*extent_.y - 8*extent_.x);
					} // for z...

					global_index += (Size)(8 - 8*extent_.x*extent_.y);
				} // for brick_x

				global_index += (Size)(8 * (extent_.x - number_of_bricks_x));
			}	// for brick_y	

			global_index += (Size)(8 * (extent_.x*extent_.y - extent_.x*brick_y));
		}	 // for brick_z

		// done.
		return true;
コード例 #4
ファイル: CCP4File_test.C プロジェクト: HeyJJ/ball
CCP4File* cf = 0;
CHECK(CCP4File() throw())
	cf = new CCP4File;

CHECK(~CCP4File() throw())
	delete cf;

CHECK(CCP4File(const String& filename, File::OpenMode open_mode = std::ios::in) throw(Exception::FileNotFound))
	CCP4File f(BALL_TEST_DATA_PATH(2ovc.ccp4), std::ios::in);
	RegularData3D map;
	TEST_EXCEPTION(Exception::FileNotFound, CCP4File f2("2ovc.ccp4"))

CHECK(bool open(const String& name, File::OpenMode open_mode) throw(Exception::FileNotFound))
	CCP4File f5;
	bool f5_result = f5.open(BALL_TEST_DATA_PATH(2ovc.ccp4), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
	TEST_EQUAL(f5_result, true)
	CCP4File f6;
	TEST_EXCEPTION(Exception::FileNotFound, f6.open(BALL_TEST_DATA_PATH(file_does_not.exist), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary));
	CCP4File f7;
	bool f7_result = f7.open(BALL_TEST_DATA_PATH(AG.pdb), std::ios::binary);
	TEST_EQUAL(f7_result, false)