// get_player_control(self) int ObjectRef::l_get_player_control(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; ObjectRef *ref = checkobject(L, 1); RemotePlayer *player = getplayer(ref); if (player == NULL) { lua_pushlstring(L, "", 0); return 1; } const PlayerControl &control = player->getPlayerControl(); lua_newtable(L); lua_pushboolean(L, control.up); lua_setfield(L, -2, "up"); lua_pushboolean(L, control.down); lua_setfield(L, -2, "down"); lua_pushboolean(L, control.left); lua_setfield(L, -2, "left"); lua_pushboolean(L, control.right); lua_setfield(L, -2, "right"); lua_pushboolean(L, control.jump); lua_setfield(L, -2, "jump"); lua_pushboolean(L, control.aux1); lua_setfield(L, -2, "aux1"); lua_pushboolean(L, control.sneak); lua_setfield(L, -2, "sneak"); lua_pushboolean(L, control.LMB); lua_setfield(L, -2, "LMB"); lua_pushboolean(L, control.RMB); lua_setfield(L, -2, "RMB"); return 1; }
// get_sky(self) int ObjectRef::l_get_sky(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; ObjectRef *ref = checkobject(L, 1); RemotePlayer *player = getplayer(ref); if (player == NULL) return 0; video::SColor bgcolor(255, 255, 255, 255); std::string type; std::vector<std::string> params; bool clouds; player->getSky(&bgcolor, &type, ¶ms, &clouds); type = type == "" ? "regular" : type; push_ARGB8(L, bgcolor); lua_pushlstring(L, type.c_str(), type.size()); lua_newtable(L); s16 i = 1; for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = params.begin(); it != params.end(); ++it) { lua_pushlstring(L, it->c_str(), it->size()); lua_rawseti(L, -2, i); i++; } lua_pushboolean(L, clouds); return 3; }
// get_sky(self) int ObjectRef::l_get_sky(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; ObjectRef *ref = checkobject(L, 1); RemotePlayer *player = getplayer(ref); if (player == NULL) return 0; video::SColor bgcolor(255, 255, 255, 255); std::string type; std::vector<std::string> params; bool clouds; player->getSky(&bgcolor, &type, ¶ms, &clouds); type = type.empty() ? "regular" : type; push_ARGB8(L, bgcolor); lua_pushlstring(L, type.c_str(), type.size()); lua_newtable(L); s16 i = 1; for (const std::string ¶m : params) { lua_pushlstring(L, param.c_str(), param.size()); lua_rawseti(L, -2, i++); } lua_pushboolean(L, clouds); return 4; }
int ObjectRef::l_get_clouds(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; ObjectRef *ref = checkobject(L, 1); RemotePlayer *player = getplayer(ref); if (!player) return 0; const CloudParams &cloud_params = player->getCloudParams(); lua_newtable(L); lua_pushnumber(L, cloud_params.density); lua_setfield(L, -2, "density"); push_ARGB8(L, cloud_params.color_bright); lua_setfield(L, -2, "color"); push_ARGB8(L, cloud_params.color_ambient); lua_setfield(L, -2, "ambient"); lua_pushnumber(L, cloud_params.height); lua_setfield(L, -2, "height"); lua_pushnumber(L, cloud_params.thickness); lua_setfield(L, -2, "thickness"); lua_newtable(L); lua_pushnumber(L, cloud_params.speed.X); lua_setfield(L, -2, "x"); lua_pushnumber(L, cloud_params.speed.Y); lua_setfield(L, -2, "y"); lua_setfield(L, -2, "speed"); return 1; }
void ClientInterface::UpdatePlayerList() { if (m_env) { std::vector<u16> clients = getClientIDs(); m_clients_names.clear(); if(!clients.empty()) infostream<<"Players:"<<std::endl; for (u16 i : clients) { RemotePlayer *player = m_env->getPlayer(i); if (player == NULL) continue; infostream << "* " << player->getName() << "\t"; { MutexAutoLock clientslock(m_clients_mutex); RemoteClient* client = lockedGetClientNoEx(i); if (client) client->PrintInfo(infostream); } m_clients_names.emplace_back(player->getName()); } } }
// is_player_connected(self) int ObjectRef::l_is_player_connected(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; ObjectRef *ref = checkobject(L, 1); RemotePlayer *player = getplayer(ref); lua_pushboolean(L, (player != NULL && player->getPeerId() != PEER_ID_INEXISTENT)); return 1; }
// get_look_yaw2(self) int ObjectRef::l_get_look_horizontal(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; ObjectRef *ref = checkobject(L, 1); RemotePlayer *player = getplayer(ref); if (player == NULL) return 0; // Do it lua_pushnumber(L, player->getRadYaw()); return 1; }
// hud_get_hotbar_itemcount(self) int ObjectRef::l_hud_get_hotbar_itemcount(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; ObjectRef *ref = checkobject(L, 1); RemotePlayer *player = getplayer(ref); if (player == NULL) return 0; lua_pushnumber(L, player->getHotbarItemcount()); return 1; }
// hud_get_hotbar_selected_image(self) int ObjectRef::l_hud_get_hotbar_selected_image(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; ObjectRef *ref = checkobject(L, 1); RemotePlayer *player = getplayer(ref); if (player == NULL) return 0; const std::string &name = player->getHotbarSelectedImage(); lua_pushlstring(L, name.c_str(), name.size()); return 1; }
// get_player_name(self) int ObjectRef::l_get_player_name(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; ObjectRef *ref = checkobject(L, 1); RemotePlayer *player = getplayer(ref); if (player == NULL) { lua_pushlstring(L, "", 0); return 1; } // Do it lua_pushstring(L, player->getName()); return 1; }
// get_look_dir(self) int ObjectRef::l_get_look_dir(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; ObjectRef *ref = checkobject(L, 1); RemotePlayer *player = getplayer(ref); if (player == NULL) return 0; // Do it float pitch = player->getRadPitchDep(); float yaw = player->getRadYawDep(); v3f v(cos(pitch)*cos(yaw), sin(pitch), cos(pitch)*sin(yaw)); push_v3f(L, v); return 1; }
// set_inventory_formspec(self, formspec) int ObjectRef::l_set_inventory_formspec(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; ObjectRef *ref = checkobject(L, 1); RemotePlayer *player = getplayer(ref); if (player == NULL) return 0; std::string formspec = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); player->inventory_formspec = formspec; getServer(L)->reportInventoryFormspecModified(player->getName()); lua_pushboolean(L, true); return 1; }
// get_player_velocity(self) int ObjectRef::l_get_player_velocity(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; ObjectRef *ref = checkobject(L, 1); RemotePlayer *player = getplayer(ref); if (player == NULL) { lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } // Do it push_v3f(L, player->getSpeed() / BS); return 1; }
// DEPRECATED // get_look_yaw(self) int ObjectRef::l_get_look_yaw(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; log_deprecated(L, "Deprecated call to get_look_yaw, use get_look_horizontal instead"); ObjectRef *ref = checkobject(L, 1); RemotePlayer *player = getplayer(ref); if (player == NULL) return 0; // Do it lua_pushnumber(L, player->getRadYawDep()); return 1; }
// hud_get(self, id) int ObjectRef::l_hud_get(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; ObjectRef *ref = checkobject(L, 1); RemotePlayer *player = getplayer(ref); if (player == NULL) return 0; u32 id = lua_tonumber(L, -1); HudElement *e = player->getHud(id); if (!e) return 0; lua_newtable(L); lua_pushstring(L, es_HudElementType[(u8)e->type].str); lua_setfield(L, -2, "type"); push_v2f(L, e->pos); lua_setfield(L, -2, "position"); lua_pushstring(L, e->name.c_str()); lua_setfield(L, -2, "name"); push_v2f(L, e->scale); lua_setfield(L, -2, "scale"); lua_pushstring(L, e->text.c_str()); lua_setfield(L, -2, "text"); lua_pushnumber(L, e->number); lua_setfield(L, -2, "number"); lua_pushnumber(L, e->item); lua_setfield(L, -2, "item"); lua_pushnumber(L, e->dir); lua_setfield(L, -2, "direction"); // Deprecated, only for compatibility's sake lua_pushnumber(L, e->dir); lua_setfield(L, -2, "dir"); push_v3f(L, e->world_pos); lua_setfield(L, -2, "world_pos"); return 1; }
// hud_get(self, id) int ObjectRef::l_hud_get(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; ObjectRef *ref = checkobject(L, 1); RemotePlayer *player = getplayer(ref); if (player == NULL) return 0; u32 id = lua_tonumber(L, -1); HudElement *e = player->getHud(id); if (!e) return 0; push_hud_element(L, e); return 1; }
// set_clouds(self, {density=, color=, ambient=, height=, thickness=, speed=}) int ObjectRef::l_set_clouds(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; ObjectRef *ref = checkobject(L, 1); RemotePlayer *player = getplayer(ref); if (!player) return 0; if (!lua_istable(L, 2)) return 0; CloudParams cloud_params = player->getCloudParams(); cloud_params.density = getfloatfield_default(L, 2, "density", cloud_params.density); lua_getfield(L, 2, "color"); if (!lua_isnil(L, -1)) read_color(L, -1, &cloud_params.color_bright); lua_pop(L, 1); lua_getfield(L, 2, "ambient"); if (!lua_isnil(L, -1)) read_color(L, -1, &cloud_params.color_ambient); lua_pop(L, 1); cloud_params.height = getfloatfield_default(L, 2, "height", cloud_params.height ); cloud_params.thickness = getfloatfield_default(L, 2, "thickness", cloud_params.thickness); lua_getfield(L, 2, "speed"); if (lua_istable(L, -1)) { v2f new_speed; new_speed.X = getfloatfield_default(L, -1, "x", 0); new_speed.Y = getfloatfield_default(L, -1, "y", 0); cloud_params.speed = new_speed; } lua_pop(L, 1); if (!getServer(L)->setClouds(player, cloud_params.density, cloud_params.color_bright, cloud_params.color_ambient, cloud_params.height, cloud_params.thickness, cloud_params.speed)) return 0; player->setCloudParams(cloud_params); lua_pushboolean(L, true); return 1; }
void Game::injectPlayerJoined(NetworkMessage::PlayerJoined *message){ if(!mGameRunning){ Ogre::LogManager::getSingletonPtr()->logMessage("Adding new player"); RemotePlayer *rp = new RemotePlayer(message->getNickname(), mWorld, mBombManager); rp->setStartingPosition( message->getX(), message->getY(), message->getZ() ); mPlayerList->addPlayer(rp); } }
// get_day_night_ratio(self) int ObjectRef::l_get_day_night_ratio(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; ObjectRef *ref = checkobject(L, 1); RemotePlayer *player = getplayer(ref); if (player == NULL) return 0; bool do_override; float ratio; player->getDayNightRatio(&do_override, &ratio); if (do_override) lua_pushnumber(L, ratio); else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; }
// get_local_animation(self) int ObjectRef::l_get_local_animation(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED ObjectRef *ref = checkobject(L, 1); RemotePlayer *player = getplayer(ref); if (player == NULL) return 0; v2s32 frames[4]; float frame_speed; player->getLocalAnimations(frames, &frame_speed); for (const v2s32 &frame : frames) { push_v2s32(L, frame); } lua_pushnumber(L, frame_speed); return 5; }
// get_player_by_name(name) int ModApiEnvMod::l_get_player_by_name(lua_State *L) { GET_ENV_PTR; // Do it const char *name = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); RemotePlayer *player = dynamic_cast<RemotePlayer *>(env->getPlayer(name)); if (player == NULL){ lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } PlayerSAO *sao = player->getPlayerSAO(); if(sao == NULL){ lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } // Put player on stack getScriptApiBase(L)->objectrefGetOrCreate(L, sao); return 1; }
// get_player_ip() int ModApiServer::l_get_player_ip(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; const char * name = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); RemotePlayer *player = dynamic_cast<ServerEnvironment *>(getEnv(L))->getPlayer(name); if(player == NULL) { lua_pushnil(L); // no such player return 1; } try { Address addr = getServer(L)->getPeerAddress(player->getPeerId()); std::string ip_str = addr.serializeString(); lua_pushstring(L, ip_str.c_str()); return 1; } catch (const con::PeerNotFoundException &) { dstream << FUNCTION_NAME << ": peer was not found" << std::endl; lua_pushnil(L); // error return 1; } }
// hud_change(self, id, stat, data) int ObjectRef::l_hud_change(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; ObjectRef *ref = checkobject(L, 1); RemotePlayer *player = getplayer(ref); if (player == NULL) return 0; u32 id = lua_isnumber(L, 2) ? lua_tonumber(L, 2) : -1; HudElement *e = player->getHud(id); if (!e) return 0; void *value = NULL; HudElementStat stat = read_hud_change(L, e, &value); getServer(L)->hudChange(player, id, stat, value); lua_pushboolean(L, true); return 1; }
// kick_player(name, [reason]) -> success int ModApiServer::l_kick_player(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; const char *name = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); std::string message; if (lua_isstring(L, 2)) { message = std::string("Kicked: ") + lua_tostring(L, 2); } else { message = "Kicked."; } RemotePlayer *player = dynamic_cast<ServerEnvironment *>(getEnv(L))->getPlayer(name); if (player == NULL) { lua_pushboolean(L, false); // No such player return 1; } getServer(L)->DenyAccess_Legacy(player->getPeerId(), utf8_to_wide(message)); lua_pushboolean(L, true); return 1; }
// hud_change(self, id, stat, data) int ObjectRef::l_hud_change(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; ObjectRef *ref = checkobject(L, 1); RemotePlayer *player = getplayer(ref); if (player == NULL) return 0; u32 id = lua_isnumber(L, 2) ? lua_tonumber(L, 2) : -1; HudElement *e = player->getHud(id); if (!e) return 0; HudElementStat stat = HUD_STAT_NUMBER; if (lua_isstring(L, 3)) { int statint; std::string statstr = lua_tostring(L, 3); stat = string_to_enum(es_HudElementStat, statint, statstr) ? (HudElementStat)statint : HUD_STAT_NUMBER; } void *value = NULL; switch (stat) { case HUD_STAT_POS: e->pos = read_v2f(L, 4); value = &e->pos; break; case HUD_STAT_NAME: e->name = luaL_checkstring(L, 4); value = &e->name; break; case HUD_STAT_SCALE: e->scale = read_v2f(L, 4); value = &e->scale; break; case HUD_STAT_TEXT: e->text = luaL_checkstring(L, 4); value = &e->text; break; case HUD_STAT_NUMBER: e->number = luaL_checknumber(L, 4); value = &e->number; break; case HUD_STAT_ITEM: e->item = luaL_checknumber(L, 4); value = &e->item; break; case HUD_STAT_DIR: e->dir = luaL_checknumber(L, 4); value = &e->dir; break; case HUD_STAT_ALIGN: e->align = read_v2f(L, 4); value = &e->align; break; case HUD_STAT_OFFSET: e->offset = read_v2f(L, 4); value = &e->offset; break; case HUD_STAT_WORLD_POS: e->world_pos = read_v3f(L, 4); value = &e->world_pos; break; case HUD_STAT_SIZE: e->size = read_v2s32(L, 4); value = &e->size; break; } getServer(L)->hudChange(player, id, stat, value); lua_pushboolean(L, true); return 1; }
void RemoteClient::GetNextBlocks ( ServerEnvironment *env, EmergeManager * emerge, float dtime, std::vector<PrioritySortedBlockTransfer> &dest) { DSTACK(FUNCTION_NAME); // Increment timers m_nothing_to_send_pause_timer -= dtime; m_nearest_unsent_reset_timer += dtime; if(m_nothing_to_send_pause_timer >= 0) return; RemotePlayer *player = env->getPlayer(peer_id); // This can happen sometimes; clients and players are not in perfect sync. if (!player) return; PlayerSAO *sao = player->getPlayerSAO(); if (!sao) return; // Won't send anything if already sending if(m_blocks_sending.size() >= g_settings->getU16 ("max_simultaneous_block_sends_per_client")) { //infostream<<"Not sending any blocks, Queue full."<<std::endl; return; } v3f playerpos = sao->getBasePosition(); const v3f &playerspeed = player->getSpeed(); v3f playerspeeddir(0,0,0); if(playerspeed.getLength() > 1.0*BS) playerspeeddir = playerspeed / playerspeed.getLength(); // Predict to next block v3f playerpos_predicted = playerpos + playerspeeddir*MAP_BLOCKSIZE*BS; v3s16 center_nodepos = floatToInt(playerpos_predicted, BS); v3s16 center = getNodeBlockPos(center_nodepos); // Camera position and direction v3f camera_pos = sao->getEyePosition(); v3f camera_dir = v3f(0,0,1); camera_dir.rotateYZBy(sao->getPitch()); camera_dir.rotateXZBy(sao->getYaw()); /*infostream<<"camera_dir=("<<camera_dir.X<<","<<camera_dir.Y<<"," <<camera_dir.Z<<")"<<std::endl;*/ /* Get the starting value of the block finder radius. */ if(m_last_center != center) { m_nearest_unsent_d = 0; m_last_center = center; } /*infostream<<"m_nearest_unsent_reset_timer=" <<m_nearest_unsent_reset_timer<<std::endl;*/ // Reset periodically to workaround for some bugs or stuff if(m_nearest_unsent_reset_timer > 20.0) { m_nearest_unsent_reset_timer = 0; m_nearest_unsent_d = 0; //infostream<<"Resetting m_nearest_unsent_d for " // <<server->getPlayerName(peer_id)<<std::endl; } //s16 last_nearest_unsent_d = m_nearest_unsent_d; s16 d_start = m_nearest_unsent_d; //infostream<<"d_start="<<d_start<<std::endl; u16 max_simul_sends_setting = g_settings->getU16 ("max_simultaneous_block_sends_per_client"); u16 max_simul_sends_usually = max_simul_sends_setting; /* Check the time from last addNode/removeNode. Decrease send rate if player is building stuff. */ m_time_from_building += dtime; if(m_time_from_building < g_settings->getFloat( "full_block_send_enable_min_time_from_building")) { max_simul_sends_usually = LIMITED_MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_BLOCK_SENDS; } /* Number of blocks sending + number of blocks selected for sending */ u32 num_blocks_selected = m_blocks_sending.size(); /* next time d will be continued from the d from which the nearest unsent block was found this time. This is because not necessarily any of the blocks found this time are actually sent. */ s32 new_nearest_unsent_d = -1; // get view range and camera fov from the client s16 wanted_range = sao->getWantedRange(); float camera_fov = sao->getFov(); // if FOV, wanted_range are not available (old client), fall back to old default if (wanted_range <= 0) wanted_range = 1000; if (camera_fov <= 0) camera_fov = (72.0*M_PI/180) * 4./3.; const s16 full_d_max = MYMIN(g_settings->getS16("max_block_send_distance"), wanted_range); const s16 d_opt = MYMIN(g_settings->getS16("block_send_optimize_distance"), wanted_range); const s16 d_blocks_in_sight = full_d_max * BS * MAP_BLOCKSIZE; //infostream << "Fov from client " << camera_fov << " full_d_max " << full_d_max << std::endl; s16 d_max = full_d_max; s16 d_max_gen = MYMIN(g_settings->getS16("max_block_generate_distance"), wanted_range); // Don't loop very much at a time s16 max_d_increment_at_time = 2; if(d_max > d_start + max_d_increment_at_time) d_max = d_start + max_d_increment_at_time; s32 nearest_emerged_d = -1; s32 nearest_emergefull_d = -1; s32 nearest_sent_d = -1; //bool queue_is_full = false; const v3s16 cam_pos_nodes = floatToInt(camera_pos, BS); const bool occ_cull = g_settings->getBool("server_side_occlusion_culling"); s16 d; for(d = d_start; d <= d_max; d++) { /* Get the border/face dot coordinates of a "d-radiused" box */ std::vector<v3s16> list = FacePositionCache::getFacePositions(d); std::vector<v3s16>::iterator li; for(li = list.begin(); li != list.end(); ++li) { v3s16 p = *li + center; /* Send throttling - Don't allow too many simultaneous transfers - EXCEPT when the blocks are very close Also, don't send blocks that are already flying. */ // Start with the usual maximum u16 max_simul_dynamic = max_simul_sends_usually; // If block is very close, allow full maximum if(d <= BLOCK_SEND_DISABLE_LIMITS_MAX_D) max_simul_dynamic = max_simul_sends_setting; // Don't select too many blocks for sending if (num_blocks_selected >= max_simul_dynamic) { //queue_is_full = true; goto queue_full_break; } // Don't send blocks that are currently being transferred if (m_blocks_sending.find(p) != m_blocks_sending.end()) continue; /* Do not go over max mapgen limit */ if (blockpos_over_max_limit(p)) continue; // If this is true, inexistent block will be made from scratch bool generate = d <= d_max_gen; /* Don't generate or send if not in sight FIXME This only works if the client uses a small enough FOV setting. The default of 72 degrees is fine. */ f32 dist; if (!isBlockInSight(p, camera_pos, camera_dir, camera_fov, d_blocks_in_sight, &dist)) { continue; } /* Don't send already sent blocks */ { if(m_blocks_sent.find(p) != m_blocks_sent.end()) { continue; } } /* Check if map has this block */ MapBlock *block = env->getMap().getBlockNoCreateNoEx(p); bool surely_not_found_on_disk = false; bool block_is_invalid = false; if (block) { // Reset usage timer, this block will be of use in the future. block->resetUsageTimer(); // Block is dummy if data doesn't exist. // It means it has been not found from disk and not generated if (block->isDummy()) { surely_not_found_on_disk = true; } if (!block->isGenerated()) block_is_invalid = true; /* If block is not close, don't send it unless it is near ground level. Block is near ground level if night-time mesh differs from day-time mesh. */ if (d >= d_opt) { if (!block->getDayNightDiff()) continue; } if (occ_cull && !block_is_invalid && env->getMap().isBlockOccluded(block, cam_pos_nodes)) { continue; } } /* If block has been marked to not exist on disk (dummy) and generating new ones is not wanted, skip block. */ if (!generate && surely_not_found_on_disk) { // get next one. continue; } /* Add inexistent block to emerge queue. */ if(block == NULL || surely_not_found_on_disk || block_is_invalid) { if (emerge->enqueueBlockEmerge(peer_id, p, generate)) { if (nearest_emerged_d == -1) nearest_emerged_d = d; } else { if (nearest_emergefull_d == -1) nearest_emergefull_d = d; goto queue_full_break; } // get next one. continue; } if(nearest_sent_d == -1) nearest_sent_d = d; /* Add block to send queue */ PrioritySortedBlockTransfer q((float)dist, p, peer_id); dest.push_back(q); num_blocks_selected += 1; } } queue_full_break: // If nothing was found for sending and nothing was queued for // emerging, continue next time browsing from here if(nearest_emerged_d != -1){ new_nearest_unsent_d = nearest_emerged_d; } else if(nearest_emergefull_d != -1){ new_nearest_unsent_d = nearest_emergefull_d; } else { if(d > full_d_max){ new_nearest_unsent_d = 0; m_nothing_to_send_pause_timer = 2.0; } else { if(nearest_sent_d != -1) new_nearest_unsent_d = nearest_sent_d; else new_nearest_unsent_d = d; } } if(new_nearest_unsent_d != -1) m_nearest_unsent_d = new_nearest_unsent_d; }
// get_player_information(name) int ModApiServer::l_get_player_information(lua_State *L) { NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; const char * name = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); RemotePlayer *player = dynamic_cast<ServerEnvironment *>(getEnv(L))->getPlayer(name); if (player == NULL) { lua_pushnil(L); // no such player return 1; } Address addr; try { addr = getServer(L)->getPeerAddress(player->getPeerId()); } catch(const con::PeerNotFoundException &) { dstream << FUNCTION_NAME << ": peer was not found" << std::endl; lua_pushnil(L); // error return 1; } float min_rtt,max_rtt,avg_rtt,min_jitter,max_jitter,avg_jitter; ClientState state; u32 uptime; u16 prot_vers; u8 ser_vers,major,minor,patch; std::string vers_string; #define ERET(code) \ if (!(code)) { \ dstream << FUNCTION_NAME << ": peer was not found" << std::endl; \ lua_pushnil(L); /* error */ \ return 1; \ } ERET(getServer(L)->getClientConInfo(player->getPeerId(), con::MIN_RTT, &min_rtt)) ERET(getServer(L)->getClientConInfo(player->getPeerId(), con::MAX_RTT, &max_rtt)) ERET(getServer(L)->getClientConInfo(player->getPeerId(), con::AVG_RTT, &avg_rtt)) ERET(getServer(L)->getClientConInfo(player->getPeerId(), con::MIN_JITTER, &min_jitter)) ERET(getServer(L)->getClientConInfo(player->getPeerId(), con::MAX_JITTER, &max_jitter)) ERET(getServer(L)->getClientConInfo(player->getPeerId(), con::AVG_JITTER, &avg_jitter)) ERET(getServer(L)->getClientInfo(player->getPeerId(), &state, &uptime, &ser_vers, &prot_vers, &major, &minor, &patch, &vers_string)) lua_newtable(L); int table = lua_gettop(L); lua_pushstring(L,"address"); lua_pushstring(L, addr.serializeString().c_str()); lua_settable(L, table); lua_pushstring(L,"ip_version"); if (addr.getFamily() == AF_INET) { lua_pushnumber(L, 4); } else if (addr.getFamily() == AF_INET6) { lua_pushnumber(L, 6); } else { lua_pushnumber(L, 0); } lua_settable(L, table); lua_pushstring(L,"min_rtt"); lua_pushnumber(L, min_rtt); lua_settable(L, table); lua_pushstring(L,"max_rtt"); lua_pushnumber(L, max_rtt); lua_settable(L, table); lua_pushstring(L,"avg_rtt"); lua_pushnumber(L, avg_rtt); lua_settable(L, table); lua_pushstring(L,"min_jitter"); lua_pushnumber(L, min_jitter); lua_settable(L, table); lua_pushstring(L,"max_jitter"); lua_pushnumber(L, max_jitter); lua_settable(L, table); lua_pushstring(L,"avg_jitter"); lua_pushnumber(L, avg_jitter); lua_settable(L, table); lua_pushstring(L,"connection_uptime"); lua_pushnumber(L, uptime); lua_settable(L, table); lua_pushstring(L,"protocol_version"); lua_pushnumber(L, prot_vers); lua_settable(L, table); #ifndef NDEBUG lua_pushstring(L,"serialization_version"); lua_pushnumber(L, ser_vers); lua_settable(L, table); lua_pushstring(L,"major"); lua_pushnumber(L, major); lua_settable(L, table); lua_pushstring(L,"minor"); lua_pushnumber(L, minor); lua_settable(L, table); lua_pushstring(L,"patch"); lua_pushnumber(L, patch); lua_settable(L, table); lua_pushstring(L,"version_string"); lua_pushstring(L, vers_string.c_str()); lua_settable(L, table); lua_pushstring(L,"state"); lua_pushstring(L,ClientInterface::state2Name(state).c_str()); lua_settable(L, table); #endif #undef ERET return 1; }
void RadarRenderer::render(SceneRenderer& renderer, bool blank) { const int ox = renderer.getWindow().getOriginX(); const int oy = renderer.getWindow().getOriginY(); float opacity = renderer.getPanelOpacity(); if ((opacity < 1.0f) && (opacity > 0.0f)) { glScissor(ox + x - 2, oy + y - 2, w + 4, h + 4); glColor4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, opacity); glRectf((float) x, (float) y, (float)(x + w), (float)(y + h)); } glScissor(ox + x, oy + y, w, h); LocalPlayer *myTank = LocalPlayer::getMyTank(); if (opacity == 1.0f) { // glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); // glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); } if (blank) return; // prepare transforms float worldSize = BZDB.eval(StateDatabase::BZDB_WORLDSIZE); float range = BZDB.eval("displayRadarRange") * worldSize; // when burrowed, limit radar range if (myTank && (myTank->getFlag() == Flags::Burrow) && (myTank->getPosition()[2] < 0.0f)) { #ifdef _MSC_VER range = min(range, worldSize / 4.0f); #else range = std::min(range, worldSize / 4.0f); #endif } glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); const int xSize = renderer.getWindow().getWidth(); const int ySize = renderer.getWindow().getHeight(); const double xCenter = double(x) + 0.5 * double(w); const double yCenter = double(y) + 0.5 * double(h); const double xUnit = 2.0 * range / double(w); const double yUnit = 2.0 * range / double(h); glOrtho(-xCenter * xUnit, (xSize - xCenter) * xUnit, -yCenter * yUnit, (ySize - yCenter) * yUnit, -1.0, 1.0); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); OpenGLGState::resetState(); TextureManager &tm = TextureManager::instance(); int noiseTexture = tm.getTextureID( "noise" ); // if jammed then draw white noise. occasionally draw a good frame. if (jammed && bzfrand() > decay) { glColor3f(1.0,1.0,1.0); if (noiseTexture >= 0 && renderer.useQuality() > 0) { const int sequences = 10; static float np[] = { 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.5f, 1.5f, 1.5f, 1.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.25f, 0.25f, 1.25f, 1.25f, 1.25f, 1.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f, 0, 0.5f, 1, 1.5f, 1, 1.5f, 0, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0, 1.5f, 1, 1.4f, 1, 0.5f, 0, 0.75f, 0.75f, 1.75f, 1.75f, 1.75f, 1.75f, 0.75f, 0.75f, }; int noisePattern = 4 * int(floor(sequences * bzfrand())); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); tm.bind(noiseTexture); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glTexCoord2f(np[noisePattern+0],np[noisePattern+1]); glVertex2f(-range,-range); glTexCoord2f(np[noisePattern+2],np[noisePattern+1]); glVertex2f( range,-range); glTexCoord2f(np[noisePattern+2],np[noisePattern+3]); glVertex2f( range, range); glTexCoord2f(np[noisePattern+0],np[noisePattern+3]); glVertex2f(-range, range); glEnd(); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); } else if (noiseTexture >= 0 && BZDBCache::texture && renderer.useQuality() == 0) { glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); tm.bind(noiseTexture); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glTexCoord2f(0,0); glVertex2f(-range,-range); glTexCoord2f(1,0); glVertex2f( range,-range); glTexCoord2f(1,1); glVertex2f( range, range); glTexCoord2f(0,1); glVertex2f(-range, range); glEnd(); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); } if (decay > 0.015f) decay *= 0.5f; } else if (myTank) // only draw if there's a local player { // if decay is sufficiently small then boost it so it's more // likely a jammed radar will get a few good frames closely // spaced in time. value of 1 guarantees at least two good // frames in a row. if (decay <= 0.015f) decay = 1.0f; else decay *= 0.5f; // get size of pixel in model space (assumes radar is square) ps = 2.0f * range / GLfloat(w); // relative to my tank const LocalPlayer* myTank = LocalPlayer::getMyTank(); const float* pos = myTank->getPosition(); float angle = myTank->getAngle(); // draw the view angle blewow stuff // view frustum edges glColor3f(1.0f, 0.625f, 0.125f); const float fovx = renderer.getViewFrustum().getFOVx(); const float viewWidth = range * tanf(0.5f * fovx); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); glVertex2f(-viewWidth, range); glVertex2f(0.0f, 0.0f); glVertex2f(viewWidth, range); glEnd(); glPushMatrix(); glRotatef(90.0f - angle * 180.0f / M_PI, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(-pos[0], -pos[1], 0.0f); // Redraw buildings makeList( renderer); // draw my shots int maxShots = world.getMaxShots(); int i; float muzzleHeight = BZDB.eval(StateDatabase::BZDB_MUZZLEHEIGHT); for (i = 0; i < maxShots; i++) { const ShotPath* shot = myTank->getShot(i); if (shot) { const float cs = colorScale(shot->getPosition()[2], muzzleHeight, BZDBCache::enhancedRadar); glColor3f(1.0f * cs, 1.0f * cs, 1.0f * cs); shot->radarRender(); } } //draw world weapon shots WorldPlayer *worldWeapons = World::getWorld()->getWorldWeapons(); maxShots = worldWeapons->getMaxShots(); for (i = 0; i < maxShots; i++) { const ShotPath* shot = worldWeapons->getShot(i); if (shot) { const float cs = colorScale(shot->getPosition()[2], muzzleHeight, BZDBCache::enhancedRadar); glColor3f(1.0f * cs, 1.0f * cs, 1.0f * cs); shot->radarRender(); } } // draw other tanks (and any flags on them) // note about flag drawing. each line segment is drawn twice // (once in each direction); this degrades the antialiasing // but on systems that don't do correct filtering of endpoints // not doing it makes (half) the endpoints jump wildly. const int curMaxPlayers = world.getCurMaxPlayers(); for (i = 0; i < curMaxPlayers; i++) { RemotePlayer* player = world.getPlayer(i); if (!player || !player->isAlive() || ((player->getFlag() == Flags::Stealth) && (myTank->getFlag() != Flags::Seer))) continue; GLfloat x = player->getPosition()[0]; GLfloat y = player->getPosition()[1]; GLfloat z = player->getPosition()[2]; if (player->getFlag() != Flags::Null) { glColor3fv(player->getFlag()->getColor()); drawFlagOnTank(x, y, z); } if (player->isPaused() || player->isNotResponding()) { const float dimfactor = 0.4f; const float *color = Team::getRadarColor(myTank->getFlag() == Flags::Colorblindness ? RogueTeam : player->getTeam()); float dimmedcolor[3]; dimmedcolor[0] = color[0] * dimfactor; dimmedcolor[1] = color[1] * dimfactor; dimmedcolor[2] = color[2] * dimfactor; glColor3fv(dimmedcolor); } else { glColor3fv(Team::getRadarColor(myTank->getFlag() == Flags::Colorblindness ? RogueTeam : player->getTeam())); } // If this tank is hunted flash it on the radar if (player->isHunted() && myTank->getFlag() != Flags::Colorblindness) { if (flashTank.isOn()) { if (!toggleTank) { float flashcolor[3]; flashcolor[0] = 0.0f; flashcolor[1] = 0.8f; flashcolor[2] = 0.9f; glColor3fv(flashcolor); } } else { toggleTank = !toggleTank; flashTank.setClock(0.2f); } } drawTank(x, y, z); } bool coloredShot = BZDB.isTrue("coloredradarshots"); // draw other tanks' shells maxShots = World::getWorld()->getMaxShots(); for (i = 0; i < curMaxPlayers; i++) { RemotePlayer* player = world.getPlayer(i); if (!player) continue; for (int j = 0; j < maxShots; j++) { const ShotPath* shot = player->getShot(j); if (shot && shot->getFlag() != Flags::InvisibleBullet) { const float *shotcolor; if (coloredShot) { if (myTank->getFlag() == Flags::Colorblindness) shotcolor = Team::getRadarColor(RogueTeam); else shotcolor = Team::getRadarColor(player->getTeam()); const float cs = colorScale(shot->getPosition()[2], muzzleHeight, BZDBCache::enhancedRadar); glColor3f(shotcolor[0] * cs, shotcolor[1] * cs, shotcolor[2] * cs); } else { glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); } shot->radarRender(); } } } // draw flags not on tanks. const int maxFlags = world.getMaxFlags(); const bool drawNormalFlags = BZDB.isTrue("displayRadarFlags"); for (i = 0; i < maxFlags; i++) { const Flag& flag = world.getFlag(i); // don't draw flags that don't exist or are on a tank if (flag.status == FlagNoExist || flag.status == FlagOnTank) continue; // don't draw normal flags if we aren't supposed to if (flag.type->flagTeam == NoTeam && !drawNormalFlags) continue; // Flags change color by height const float cs = colorScale(flag.position[2], muzzleHeight, BZDBCache::enhancedRadar); const float *flagcolor = flag.type->getColor(); glColor3f(flagcolor[0] * cs, flagcolor[1] * cs, flagcolor[2] * cs); drawFlag(flag.position[0], flag.position[1], flag.position[2]); } // draw antidote flag const float* antidotePos = LocalPlayer::getMyTank()->getAntidoteLocation(); if (antidotePos) { glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); drawFlag(antidotePos[0], antidotePos[1], antidotePos[2]); } // draw these markers above all others always centered glPopMatrix(); // north marker GLfloat ns = 0.05f * range, ny = 0.9f * range; glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); glVertex2f(-ns, ny - ns); glVertex2f(-ns, ny + ns); glVertex2f(ns, ny - ns); glVertex2f(ns, ny + ns); glEnd(); // always up glPopMatrix(); // get size of pixel in model space (assumes radar is square) GLfloat ps = 2.0f * range / GLfloat(w); // forward tick glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex2f(0.0f, range - ps); glVertex2f(0.0f, range - 4.0f * ps); glEnd(); // my tank glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); drawTank(0.0f, 0.0f, myTank->getPosition()[2]); // my flag if (myTank->getFlag() != Flags::Null) { glColor3fv(myTank->getFlag()->getColor()); drawFlagOnTank(0.0f, 0.0f, myTank->getPosition()[2]); } } // restore GL state glPopMatrix(); }
void Server::handleCommand_Init_Legacy(NetworkPacket* pkt) { const auto peer_id = pkt->getPeerId(); auto & packet = *(pkt->packet); RemoteClient* client = getClient(pkt->getPeerId(), CS_Created); std::string addr_s; try { addr_s = getPeerAddress(pkt->getPeerId()).serializeString(); } catch (std::exception &e) { /* * no peer for this packet found * most common reason is peer timeout, e.g. peer didn't * respond for some time, your server was overloaded or * things like that. */ infostream << "Server::ProcessData(): Canceling: peer " << pkt->getPeerId() << " not found : " << e.what() << std::endl; return; } // If net_proto_version is set, this client has already been handled if(client->getState() > CS_Created) { verbosestream << "Server: Ignoring multiple TOSERVER_INITs from " << addr_s << " (peer_id=" << peer_id << ")" << std::endl; return; } verbosestream << "Server: Got TOSERVER_INIT from " << addr_s << " (peer_id=" << peer_id << ")" << std::endl; // Do not allow multiple players in simple singleplayer mode. // This isn't a perfect way to do it, but will suffice for now if(m_simple_singleplayer_mode && m_clients.getClientIDs().size() > 1) { infostream << "Server: Not allowing another client (" << addr_s << ") to connect in simple singleplayer mode" << std::endl; DenyAccess(peer_id, "Running in simple singleplayer mode."); return; } // First byte after command is maximum supported // serialization version u8 client_max; packet[TOSERVER_INIT_LEGACY_FMT].convert(client_max); u8 our_max = SER_FMT_VER_HIGHEST_READ; // Use the highest version supported by both int deployed = std::min(client_max, our_max); // If it's lower than the lowest supported, give up. if (deployed < SER_FMT_VER_LOWEST_READ) deployed = SER_FMT_VER_INVALID; if (deployed == SER_FMT_VER_INVALID) { actionstream << "Server: A mismatched client tried to connect from " << addr_s << std::endl; infostream << "Server: Cannot negotiate serialization version with " << addr_s << std::endl; DenyAccess(peer_id, std::string( "Your client's version is not supported.\n" "Server version is ") + (g_version_string) + "." ); return; } client->setPendingSerializationVersion(deployed); /* Read and check network protocol version */ u16 min_net_proto_version = 0; packet[TOSERVER_INIT_LEGACY_PROTOCOL_VERSION_MIN].convert(min_net_proto_version); u16 max_net_proto_version = min_net_proto_version; packet[TOSERVER_INIT_LEGACY_PROTOCOL_VERSION_MAX].convert(max_net_proto_version); packet.convert_safe(TOSERVER_INIT_LEGACY_PROTOCOL_VERSION_FM, client->net_proto_version_fm); // Start with client's maximum version u16 net_proto_version = max_net_proto_version; // Figure out a working version if it is possible at all if(max_net_proto_version >= SERVER_PROTOCOL_VERSION_MIN || min_net_proto_version <= SERVER_PROTOCOL_VERSION_MAX) { // If maximum is larger than our maximum, go with our maximum if(max_net_proto_version > SERVER_PROTOCOL_VERSION_MAX) net_proto_version = SERVER_PROTOCOL_VERSION_MAX; // Else go with client's maximum else net_proto_version = max_net_proto_version; } verbosestream << "Server: " << addr_s << ": Protocol version: min: " << min_net_proto_version << ", max: " << max_net_proto_version << ", chosen: " << net_proto_version << std::endl; client->net_proto_version = net_proto_version; if(net_proto_version < SERVER_PROTOCOL_VERSION_MIN || net_proto_version > SERVER_PROTOCOL_VERSION_MAX) { actionstream << "Server: A mismatched client tried to connect from " << addr_s << std::endl; DenyAccess(peer_id, std::string( "Your client's version is not supported.\n" "Server version is ") + (g_version_string) + ",\n" + "server's PROTOCOL_VERSION is " + itos(SERVER_PROTOCOL_VERSION_MIN) + "..." + itos(SERVER_PROTOCOL_VERSION_MAX) + ", client's PROTOCOL_VERSION is " + itos(min_net_proto_version) + "..." + itos(max_net_proto_version) ); return; } if(g_settings->getBool("strict_protocol_version_checking")) { if(net_proto_version != LATEST_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { actionstream << "Server: A mismatched (strict) client tried to " << "connect from " << addr_s << std::endl; DenyAccess(peer_id, std::string( "Your client's version is not supported.\n" "Server version is ") + (g_version_string) + ",\n" + "server's PROTOCOL_VERSION (strict) is " + itos(LATEST_PROTOCOL_VERSION) + ", client's PROTOCOL_VERSION is " + itos(min_net_proto_version) + "..." + itos(max_net_proto_version) ); return; } } /* Set up player */ // Get player name std::string playername; packet[TOSERVER_INIT_LEGACY_NAME].convert(playername); if(playername.empty()) { actionstream << "Server: Player with an empty name " << "tried to connect from " << addr_s << std::endl; DenyAccess(peer_id, "Empty name"); return; } if(!g_settings->getBool("enable_any_name") && string_allowed(playername, PLAYERNAME_ALLOWED_CHARS) == false) { actionstream << "Server: Player with an invalid name [" << playername << "] tried to connect from " << addr_s << std::endl; DenyAccess(peer_id, "Name contains unallowed characters"); return; } if(!isSingleplayer() && playername == "singleplayer") { actionstream << "Server: Player with the name \"singleplayer\" " << "tried to connect from " << addr_s << std::endl; DenyAccess(peer_id, "Name is not allowed"); return; } { std::string reason; if(m_script->on_prejoinplayer(playername, addr_s, &reason)) { actionstream << "Server: Player with the name \"" << playername << "\" " << "tried to connect from " << addr_s << " " << "but it was disallowed for the following reason: " << reason << std::endl; DenyAccess(peer_id, reason); return; } } infostream << "Server: New connection: \"" << playername << "\" from " << addr_s << " (peer_id=" << peer_id << ")" << std::endl; // Get password std::string given_password; packet[TOSERVER_INIT_LEGACY_PASSWORD].convert(given_password); if(!base64_is_valid(given_password.c_str())) { actionstream << "Server: " << playername << " supplied invalid password hash" << std::endl; DenyAccess(peer_id, "Invalid password hash"); return; } // Enforce user limit. // Don't enforce for users that have some admin right if(m_clients.getClientIDs(CS_Created).size() >= g_settings->getU16("max_users") && !checkPriv(playername, "server") && !checkPriv(playername, "ban") && !checkPriv(playername, "privs") && !checkPriv(playername, "password") && playername != g_settings->get("name")) { actionstream << "Server: " << playername << " tried to join, but there" << " are already max_users=" << g_settings->getU16("max_users") << " players." << std::endl; DenyAccess(peer_id, "Too many users."); return; } std::string checkpwd; // Password hash to check against bool has_auth = m_script->getAuth(playername, &checkpwd, NULL); // If no authentication info exists for user, create it if(!has_auth) { if(!isSingleplayer() && g_settings->getBool("disallow_empty_password") && given_password == "") { actionstream << "Server: " << playername << " supplied empty password" << std::endl; DenyAccess(peer_id, "Empty passwords are " "disallowed. Set a password and try again."); return; } std::string raw_default_password = g_settings->get("default_password"); std::string initial_password = translate_password(playername, raw_default_password); // If default_password is empty, allow any initial password if (raw_default_password.length() == 0) initial_password = given_password; m_script->createAuth(playername, initial_password); } has_auth = m_script->getAuth(playername, &checkpwd, NULL); if(!has_auth) { actionstream << "Server: " << playername << " cannot be authenticated" << " (auth handler does not work?)" << std::endl; DenyAccess(peer_id, "Not allowed to login"); return; } if(given_password != checkpwd) { actionstream << "Server: " << playername << " supplied wrong password" << " at " << addr_s << std::endl; DenyAccess(peer_id, "Wrong password"); return; } RemotePlayer *player = static_cast<RemotePlayer*>(m_env->getPlayer(playername.c_str())); if (player && player->peer_id != 0) { if (given_password.size()) { actionstream << "Server: " << playername << " rejoining" << std::endl; DenyAccessVerCompliant(player->peer_id, player->protocol_version, SERVER_ACCESSDENIED_ALREADY_CONNECTED); player->getPlayerSAO()->removingFromEnvironment(); m_env->removePlayer(player); player = nullptr; } else { errorstream << "Server: " << playername << ": Failed to emerge player" << " (player allocated to an another client)" << std::endl; DenyAccess(peer_id, "Another client is connected with this " "name. If your client closed unexpectedly, try again in " "a minute."); } } m_clients.setPlayerName(peer_id, playername); /* Answer with a TOCLIENT_INIT */ { MSGPACK_PACKET_INIT(TOCLIENT_INIT_LEGACY, 6); PACK(TOCLIENT_INIT_DEPLOYED, deployed); PACK(TOCLIENT_INIT_SEED, m_env->getServerMap().getSeed()); PACK(TOCLIENT_INIT_STEP, g_settings->getFloat("dedicated_server_step")); //if (player) //todo : remake me // PACK(TOCLIENT_INIT_POS, player->getPosition()); Settings params; m_emerge->params.save(params); PACK(TOCLIENT_INIT_MAP_PARAMS, params); PACK(TOCLIENT_INIT_PROTOCOL_VERSION_FM, SERVER_PROTOCOL_VERSION_FM); PACK(TOCLIENT_INIT_WEATHER, g_settings->getBool("weather")); // Send as reliable m_clients.send(peer_id, 0, buffer, true); m_clients.event(peer_id, CSE_InitLegacy); } return; }