コード例 #1
void RenderMathMLFraction::paint(PaintInfo& info, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    RenderMathMLBlock::paint(info, paintOffset);
    if (info.context->paintingDisabled() || info.phase != PaintPhaseForeground)
    RenderBox* denominatorWrapper = lastChildBox();
    if (!denominatorWrapper || !m_lineThickness)

    IntPoint adjustedPaintOffset = roundedIntPoint(paintOffset + location() + denominatorWrapper->location() + LayoutPoint(0, m_lineThickness / 2));
    GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(*info.context);
    info.context->setStrokeColor(style()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyColor), ColorSpaceSRGB);
    info.context->drawLine(adjustedPaintOffset, IntPoint(adjustedPaintOffset.x() + denominatorWrapper->pixelSnappedOffsetWidth(), adjustedPaintOffset.y()));
コード例 #2
void RenderSliderContainer::layout()
    HTMLInputElement* input = element()->shadowHost()->toInputElement();
    bool isVertical = hasVerticalAppearance(input);
    style().setFlexDirection(isVertical ? FlowColumn : FlowRow);
    TextDirection oldTextDirection = style().direction();
    if (isVertical) {
        // FIXME: Work around rounding issues in RTL vertical sliders. We want them to
        // render identically to LTR vertical sliders. We can remove this work around when
        // subpixel rendering is enabled on all ports.

    RenderBox* thumb = input->sliderThumbElement() ? input->sliderThumbElement()->renderBox() : 0;
    RenderBox* track = input->sliderTrackElement() ? input->sliderTrackElement()->renderBox() : 0;
    // Force a layout to reset the position of the thumb so the code below doesn't move the thumb to the wrong place.
    // FIXME: Make a custom Render class for the track and move the thumb positioning code there.
    if (track)


    // These should always exist, unless someone mutates the shadow DOM (e.g., in the inspector).
    if (!thumb || !track)

    double percentageOffset = sliderPosition(input).toDouble();
    LayoutUnit availableExtent = isVertical ? track->contentHeight() : track->contentWidth();
    availableExtent -= isVertical ? thumb->height() : thumb->width();
    LayoutUnit offset = percentageOffset * availableExtent;
    LayoutPoint thumbLocation = thumb->location();
    if (isVertical)
        thumbLocation.setY(thumbLocation.y() + track->contentHeight() - thumb->height() - offset);
    else if (style().isLeftToRightDirection())
        thumbLocation.setX(thumbLocation.x() + offset);
        thumbLocation.setX(thumbLocation.x() - offset);
コード例 #3
void RenderTextControlSingleLine::layout()
    StackStats::LayoutCheckPoint layoutCheckPoint;

    // FIXME: We should remove the height-related hacks in layout() and
    // styleDidChange(). We need them because
    // - Center the inner elements vertically if the input height is taller than
    //   the intrinsic height of the inner elements.
    // - Shrink the inner elment heights if the input height is samller than the
    //   intrinsic heights of the inner elements.

    // We don't honor paddings and borders for textfields without decorations
    // and type=search if the text height is taller than the contentHeight()
    // because of compability.

    RenderTextControlInnerBlock* innerTextRenderer = innerTextElement()->renderer();
    RenderBox* innerBlockRenderer = innerBlockElement() ? innerBlockElement()->renderBox() : 0;

    // To ensure consistency between layouts, we need to reset any conditionally overriden height.
    if (innerTextRenderer && !innerTextRenderer->style().logicalHeight().isAuto()) {
        setNeedsLayoutOnAncestors(innerTextRenderer, this);
    if (innerBlockRenderer && !innerBlockRenderer->style().logicalHeight().isAuto()) {
        setNeedsLayoutOnAncestors(innerBlockRenderer, this);


    HTMLElement* container = containerElement();
    RenderBox* containerRenderer = container ? container->renderBox() : 0;

    // Set the text block height
    LayoutUnit desiredLogicalHeight = textBlockLogicalHeight();
    LayoutUnit logicalHeightLimit = computeLogicalHeightLimit();
    if (innerTextRenderer && innerTextRenderer->logicalHeight() > logicalHeightLimit) {
        if (desiredLogicalHeight != innerTextRenderer->logicalHeight())

        m_desiredInnerTextLogicalHeight = desiredLogicalHeight;

        innerTextRenderer->style().setLogicalHeight(Length(desiredLogicalHeight, Fixed));
        if (innerBlockRenderer) {
            innerBlockRenderer->style().setLogicalHeight(Length(desiredLogicalHeight, Fixed));
    // The container might be taller because of decoration elements.
    if (containerRenderer) {
        LayoutUnit containerLogicalHeight = containerRenderer->logicalHeight();
        if (containerLogicalHeight > logicalHeightLimit) {
            containerRenderer->style().setLogicalHeight(Length(logicalHeightLimit, Fixed));
        } else if (containerRenderer->logicalHeight() < contentLogicalHeight()) {
            containerRenderer->style().setLogicalHeight(Length(contentLogicalHeight(), Fixed));
        } else
            containerRenderer->style().setLogicalHeight(Length(containerLogicalHeight, Fixed));

    // If we need another layout pass, we have changed one of children's height so we need to relayout them.
    if (needsLayout())

    // Center the child block in the block progression direction (vertical centering for horizontal text fields).
    if (!container && innerTextRenderer && innerTextRenderer->height() != contentLogicalHeight())

    // Ignores the paddings for the inner spin button.
    if (RenderBox* innerSpinBox = innerSpinButtonElement() ? innerSpinButtonElement()->renderBox() : 0) {
        RenderBox* parentBox = innerSpinBox->parentBox();
        if (containerRenderer && !containerRenderer->style().isLeftToRightDirection())
            innerSpinBox->setLogicalLocation(LayoutPoint(-paddingLogicalLeft(), -paddingBefore()));
            innerSpinBox->setLogicalLocation(LayoutPoint(parentBox->logicalWidth() - innerSpinBox->logicalWidth() + paddingLogicalRight(), -paddingBefore()));
        innerSpinBox->setLogicalHeight(logicalHeight() - borderBefore() - borderAfter());

    HTMLElement* placeholderElement = inputElement().placeholderElement();
    if (RenderBox* placeholderBox = placeholderElement ? placeholderElement->renderBox() : 0) {
        LayoutSize innerTextSize;
        if (innerTextRenderer)
            innerTextSize = innerTextRenderer->size();
        placeholderBox->style().setWidth(Length(innerTextSize.width() - placeholderBox->horizontalBorderAndPaddingExtent(), Fixed));
        placeholderBox->style().setHeight(Length(innerTextSize.height() - placeholderBox->verticalBorderAndPaddingExtent(), Fixed));
        bool neededLayout = placeholderBox->needsLayout();
        bool placeholderBoxHadLayout = placeholderBox->everHadLayout();
        LayoutPoint textOffset;
        if (innerTextRenderer)
            textOffset = innerTextRenderer->location();
        if (innerBlockElement() && innerBlockElement()->renderBox())
            textOffset += toLayoutSize(innerBlockElement()->renderBox()->location());
        if (containerRenderer)
            textOffset += toLayoutSize(containerRenderer->location());

        if (!placeholderBoxHadLayout && placeholderBox->checkForRepaintDuringLayout()) {
            // This assumes a shadow tree without floats. If floats are added, the
            // logic should be shared with RenderBlock::layoutBlockChild.
        // The placeholder gets layout last, after the parent text control and its other children,
        // so in order to get the correct overflow from the placeholder we need to recompute it now.
        if (neededLayout)

    // FIXME: We should not be adjusting styles during layout. <rdar://problem/7675493>
    if (inputElement().isSearchField())
        RenderThemeIOS::adjustRoundBorderRadius(style(), *this);
コード例 #4
ファイル: RenderListItem.cpp プロジェクト: kjthegod/WebKit
void RenderListItem::positionListMarker()
    if (m_marker && m_marker->parent()->isBox() && !m_marker->isInside() && m_marker->inlineBoxWrapper()) {
        LayoutUnit markerOldLogicalLeft = m_marker->logicalLeft();
        LayoutUnit blockOffset = 0;
        LayoutUnit lineOffset = 0;
        for (RenderBox* o = m_marker->parentBox(); o != this; o = o->parentBox()) {
            blockOffset += o->logicalTop();
            lineOffset += o->logicalLeft();

        bool adjustOverflow = false;
        LayoutUnit markerLogicalLeft;
        RootInlineBox& root = m_marker->inlineBoxWrapper()->root();
        bool hitSelfPaintingLayer = false;

        LayoutUnit lineTop = root.lineTop();
        LayoutUnit lineBottom = root.lineBottom();

        // FIXME: Need to account for relative positioning in the layout overflow.
        if (style()->isLeftToRightDirection()) {
            LayoutUnit leftLineOffset = logicalLeftOffsetForLine(blockOffset, logicalLeftOffsetForLine(blockOffset, false), false);
            markerLogicalLeft = leftLineOffset - lineOffset - paddingStart() - borderStart() + m_marker->marginStart();
            m_marker->inlineBoxWrapper()->adjustLineDirectionPosition((markerLogicalLeft - markerOldLogicalLeft).toFloat());
            for (InlineFlowBox* box = m_marker->inlineBoxWrapper()->parent(); box; box = box->parent()) {
                LayoutRect newLogicalVisualOverflowRect = box->logicalVisualOverflowRect(lineTop, lineBottom);
                LayoutRect newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect = box->logicalLayoutOverflowRect(lineTop, lineBottom);
                if (markerLogicalLeft < newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.x() && !hitSelfPaintingLayer) {
                    newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.setWidth(newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.maxX() - markerLogicalLeft);
                    if (box == root)
                        adjustOverflow = true;
                if (markerLogicalLeft < newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.x()) {
                    newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.setWidth(newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.maxX() - markerLogicalLeft);
                    if (box == root)
                        adjustOverflow = true;
                box->setOverflowFromLogicalRects(newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect, newLogicalVisualOverflowRect, lineTop, lineBottom);
                if (box->boxModelObject()->hasSelfPaintingLayer())
                    hitSelfPaintingLayer = true;
        } else {
            LayoutUnit rightLineOffset = logicalRightOffsetForLine(blockOffset, logicalRightOffsetForLine(blockOffset, false), false);
            markerLogicalLeft = rightLineOffset - lineOffset + paddingStart() + borderStart() + m_marker->marginEnd();
            m_marker->inlineBoxWrapper()->adjustLineDirectionPosition((markerLogicalLeft - markerOldLogicalLeft).toFloat());
            for (InlineFlowBox* box = m_marker->inlineBoxWrapper()->parent(); box; box = box->parent()) {
                LayoutRect newLogicalVisualOverflowRect = box->logicalVisualOverflowRect(lineTop, lineBottom);
                LayoutRect newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect = box->logicalLayoutOverflowRect(lineTop, lineBottom);
                if (markerLogicalLeft + m_marker->logicalWidth() > newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.maxX() && !hitSelfPaintingLayer) {
                    newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.setWidth(markerLogicalLeft + m_marker->logicalWidth() - newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.x());
                    if (box == root)
                        adjustOverflow = true;
                if (markerLogicalLeft + m_marker->logicalWidth() > newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.maxX()) {
                    newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.setWidth(markerLogicalLeft + m_marker->logicalWidth() - newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.x());
                    if (box == root)
                        adjustOverflow = true;
                box->setOverflowFromLogicalRects(newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect, newLogicalVisualOverflowRect, lineTop, lineBottom);

                if (box->boxModelObject()->hasSelfPaintingLayer())
                    hitSelfPaintingLayer = true;

        if (adjustOverflow) {
            LayoutRect markerRect(LayoutPoint(markerLogicalLeft + lineOffset, blockOffset), m_marker->size());
            if (!style()->isHorizontalWritingMode())
                markerRect = markerRect.transposedRect();
            RenderBox* o = m_marker;
            bool propagateVisualOverflow = true;
            bool propagateLayoutOverflow = true;
            do {
                o = o->parentBox();
                if (o->isRenderBlock()) {
                    if (propagateVisualOverflow)
                    if (propagateLayoutOverflow)
                if (o->hasOverflowClip()) {
                    propagateLayoutOverflow = false;
                    propagateVisualOverflow = false;
                if (o->hasSelfPaintingLayer())
                    propagateVisualOverflow = false;
            } while (o != this && propagateVisualOverflow && propagateLayoutOverflow);
コード例 #5
void RenderTextControlSingleLine::layout()
    // FIXME: We should remove the height-related hacks in layout() and
    // styleDidChange(). We need them because
    // - Center the inner elements vertically if the input height is taller than
    //   the intrinsic height of the inner elements.
    // - Shrink the inner elment heights if the input height is samller than the
    //   intrinsic heights of the inner elements.

    // We don't honor paddings and borders for textfields without decorations
    // and type=search if the text height is taller than the contentHeight()
    // because of compability.

    LayoutUnit oldHeight = height();

    LayoutUnit oldWidth = width();

    bool relayoutChildren = oldHeight != height() || oldWidth != width();

    RenderBox* innerTextRenderer = innerTextElement()->renderBox();
    RenderBox* innerBlockRenderer = innerBlockElement() ? innerBlockElement()->renderBox() : 0;
    HTMLElement* container = containerElement();
    RenderBox* containerRenderer = container ? container->renderBox() : 0;

    // Set the text block height
    LayoutUnit desiredHeight = textBlockHeight();
    LayoutUnit currentHeight = innerTextRenderer->height();

    LayoutUnit heightLimit = (inputElement()->isSearchField() || !container) ? height() : contentHeight();
    if (currentHeight > heightLimit) {
        if (desiredHeight != currentHeight)
            relayoutChildren = true;
        innerTextRenderer->style()->setHeight(Length(desiredHeight, Fixed));
        m_desiredInnerTextHeight = desiredHeight;
        if (innerBlockRenderer)
            innerBlockRenderer->style()->setHeight(Length(desiredHeight, Fixed));
    // The container might be taller because of decoration elements.
    if (containerRenderer) {
        LayoutUnit containerHeight = containerRenderer->height();
        if (containerHeight > heightLimit) {
            containerRenderer->style()->setHeight(Length(heightLimit, Fixed));
            relayoutChildren = true;
        } else if (containerRenderer->height() < contentHeight()) {
            containerRenderer->style()->setHeight(Length(contentHeight(), Fixed));
            relayoutChildren = true;
        } else
            containerRenderer->style()->setHeight(Length(containerHeight, Fixed));


    // Center the child block vertically
    currentHeight = innerTextRenderer->height();
    if (!container && currentHeight != contentHeight()) {
        LayoutUnit heightDiff = currentHeight - contentHeight();
        innerTextRenderer->setY(innerTextRenderer->y() - (heightDiff / 2 + layoutMod(heightDiff, 2)));
    } else if (inputElement()->isSearchField() && containerRenderer && containerRenderer->height() > contentHeight()) {
        // A quirk for find-in-page box on Safari Windows.
        // http://webkit.org/b/63157
        LayoutUnit heightDiff = containerRenderer->height() - contentHeight();
        containerRenderer->setY(containerRenderer->y() - (heightDiff / 2 + layoutMod(heightDiff, 2)));

    // Ignores the paddings for the inner spin button.
    if (RenderBox* innerSpinBox = innerSpinButtonElement() ? innerSpinButtonElement()->renderBox() : 0) {
        RenderBox* parentBox = innerSpinBox->parentBox();
        if (containerRenderer && !containerRenderer->style()->isLeftToRightDirection())
            innerSpinBox->setLocation(LayoutPoint(-paddingLeft(), -paddingTop()));
            innerSpinBox->setLocation(LayoutPoint(parentBox->width() - innerSpinBox->width() + paddingRight(), -paddingTop()));
        innerSpinBox->setHeight(height() - borderTop() - borderBottom());

    HTMLElement* placeholderElement = inputElement()->placeholderElement();
    if (RenderBox* placeholderBox = placeholderElement ? placeholderElement->renderBox() : 0) {
        placeholderBox->style()->setWidth(Length(innerTextRenderer->width() - placeholderBox->borderAndPaddingWidth(), Fixed));
        placeholderBox->style()->setHeight(Length(innerTextRenderer->height() - placeholderBox->borderAndPaddingHeight(), Fixed));
        LayoutPoint textOffset = innerTextRenderer->location();
        if (innerBlockElement() && innerBlockElement()->renderBox())
            textOffset += toLayoutSize(innerBlockElement()->renderBox()->location());
        if (containerRenderer)
            textOffset += toLayoutSize(containerRenderer->location());
コード例 #6
void RenderTextControlSingleLine::layout()
    SubtreeLayoutScope layoutScope(this);

    // FIXME: We should remove the height-related hacks in layout() and
    // styleDidChange(). We need them because
    // - Center the inner elements vertically if the input height is taller than
    //   the intrinsic height of the inner elements.
    // - Shrink the inner elment heights if the input height is samller than the
    //   intrinsic heights of the inner elements.

    // We don't honor paddings and borders for textfields without decorations
    // and type=search if the text height is taller than the contentHeight()
    // because of compability.

    RenderBox* innerTextRenderer = innerTextElement()->renderBox();
    RenderBox* viewPortRenderer = editingViewPortElement() ? editingViewPortElement()->renderBox() : 0;

    // To ensure consistency between layouts, we need to reset any conditionally overriden height.
    if (innerTextRenderer && !innerTextRenderer->style()->logicalHeight().isAuto()) {
    if (viewPortRenderer && !viewPortRenderer->style()->logicalHeight().isAuto()) {


    Element* container = containerElement();
    RenderBox* containerRenderer = container ? container->renderBox() : 0;

    // Set the text block height
    LayoutUnit desiredLogicalHeight = textBlockLogicalHeight();
    LayoutUnit logicalHeightLimit = computeLogicalHeightLimit();
    if (innerTextRenderer && innerTextRenderer->logicalHeight() > logicalHeightLimit) {
        if (desiredLogicalHeight != innerTextRenderer->logicalHeight())

        m_desiredInnerTextLogicalHeight = desiredLogicalHeight;

        innerTextRenderer->style()->setLogicalHeight(Length(desiredLogicalHeight, Fixed));
        if (viewPortRenderer) {
            viewPortRenderer->style()->setLogicalHeight(Length(desiredLogicalHeight, Fixed));
    // The container might be taller because of decoration elements.
    if (containerRenderer) {
        LayoutUnit containerLogicalHeight = containerRenderer->logicalHeight();
        if (containerLogicalHeight > logicalHeightLimit) {
            containerRenderer->style()->setLogicalHeight(Length(logicalHeightLimit, Fixed));
        } else if (containerRenderer->logicalHeight() < contentLogicalHeight()) {
            containerRenderer->style()->setLogicalHeight(Length(contentLogicalHeight(), Fixed));
        } else
            containerRenderer->style()->setLogicalHeight(Length(containerLogicalHeight, Fixed));

    // If we need another layout pass, we have changed one of children's height so we need to relayout them.
    if (needsLayout())

    // Center the child block in the block progression direction (vertical centering for horizontal text fields).
    if (!container && innerTextRenderer && innerTextRenderer->height() != contentLogicalHeight()) {
        LayoutUnit logicalHeightDiff = innerTextRenderer->logicalHeight() - contentLogicalHeight();
        innerTextRenderer->setLogicalTop(innerTextRenderer->logicalTop() - (logicalHeightDiff / 2 + layoutMod(logicalHeightDiff, 2)));
    } else

    HTMLElement* placeholderElement = inputElement()->placeholderElement();
    if (RenderBox* placeholderBox = placeholderElement ? placeholderElement->renderBox() : 0) {
        LayoutSize innerTextSize;

        if (innerTextRenderer)
            innerTextSize = innerTextRenderer->size();
        placeholderBox->style()->setWidth(Length(innerTextSize.width() - placeholderBox->borderAndPaddingWidth(), Fixed));
        placeholderBox->style()->setHeight(Length(innerTextSize.height() - placeholderBox->borderAndPaddingHeight(), Fixed));
        bool neededLayout = placeholderBox->needsLayout();
        bool placeholderBoxHadLayout = placeholderBox->everHadLayout();
        LayoutPoint textOffset;
        if (innerTextRenderer)
            textOffset = innerTextRenderer->location();
        if (editingViewPortElement() && editingViewPortElement()->renderBox())
            textOffset += toLayoutSize(editingViewPortElement()->renderBox()->location());
        if (containerRenderer)
            textOffset += toLayoutSize(containerRenderer->location());

        if (!placeholderBoxHadLayout && placeholderBox->checkForRepaintDuringLayout()) {
            // This assumes a shadow tree without floats. If floats are added, the
            // logic should be shared with RenderBlockFlow::layoutBlockChild.
        // The placeholder gets layout last, after the parent text control and its other children,
        // so in order to get the correct overflow from the placeholder we need to recompute it now.
        if (neededLayout)
コード例 #7
void RenderTextControlSingleLine::layout()
    StackStats::LayoutCheckPoint layoutCheckPoint;

    // FIXME: We should remove the height-related hacks in layout() and
    // styleDidChange(). We need them because
    // - Center the inner elements vertically if the input height is taller than
    //   the intrinsic height of the inner elements.
    // - Shrink the inner elment heights if the input height is samller than the
    //   intrinsic heights of the inner elements.

    // We don't honor paddings and borders for textfields without decorations
    // and type=search if the text height is taller than the contentHeight()
    // because of compability.

    RenderBox* innerTextRenderer = innerTextElement()->renderBox();
    RenderBox* innerBlockRenderer = innerBlockElement() ? innerBlockElement()->renderBox() : 0;

    // To ensure consistency between layouts, we need to reset any conditionally overriden height.
    if (innerBlockRenderer)


    HTMLElement* container = containerElement();
    RenderBox* containerRenderer = container ? container->renderBox() : 0;

    // Set the text block height
    LayoutUnit desiredHeight = textBlockHeight();
    LayoutUnit currentHeight = innerTextRenderer->height();

    LayoutUnit heightLimit = computeHeightLimit();
    if (currentHeight > heightLimit) {
        if (desiredHeight != currentHeight)
            setNeedsLayout(true, MarkOnlyThis);

        innerTextRenderer->style()->setHeight(Length(desiredHeight, Fixed));
        m_desiredInnerTextHeight = desiredHeight;
        if (innerBlockRenderer)
            innerBlockRenderer->style()->setHeight(Length(desiredHeight, Fixed));
    // The container might be taller because of decoration elements.
    if (containerRenderer) {
        LayoutUnit containerHeight = containerRenderer->height();
        if (containerHeight > heightLimit) {
            containerRenderer->style()->setHeight(Length(heightLimit, Fixed));
            setNeedsLayout(true, MarkOnlyThis);
        } else if (containerRenderer->height() < contentHeight()) {
            containerRenderer->style()->setHeight(Length(contentHeight(), Fixed));
            setNeedsLayout(true, MarkOnlyThis);
        } else
            containerRenderer->style()->setHeight(Length(containerHeight, Fixed));

    // If we need another layout pass, we have changed one of children's height so we need to relayout them.
    if (needsLayout())

    // Center the child block vertically
    currentHeight = innerTextRenderer->height();
    if (!container && currentHeight != contentHeight()) {
        LayoutUnit heightDiff = currentHeight - contentHeight();
        innerTextRenderer->setY(innerTextRenderer->y() - (heightDiff / 2 + layoutMod(heightDiff, 2)));
    } else

    // Ignores the paddings for the inner spin button.
    if (RenderBox* innerSpinBox = innerSpinButtonElement() ? innerSpinButtonElement()->renderBox() : 0) {
        RenderBox* parentBox = innerSpinBox->parentBox();
        if (containerRenderer && !containerRenderer->style()->isLeftToRightDirection())
            innerSpinBox->setLocation(LayoutPoint(-paddingLeft(), -paddingTop()));
            innerSpinBox->setLocation(LayoutPoint(parentBox->width() - innerSpinBox->width() + paddingRight(), -paddingTop()));
        innerSpinBox->setHeight(height() - borderTop() - borderBottom());

    HTMLElement* placeholderElement = inputElement()->placeholderElement();
    if (RenderBox* placeholderBox = placeholderElement ? placeholderElement->renderBox() : 0) {
        placeholderBox->style()->setWidth(Length(innerTextRenderer->width() - placeholderBox->borderAndPaddingWidth(), Fixed));
        placeholderBox->style()->setHeight(Length(innerTextRenderer->height() - placeholderBox->borderAndPaddingHeight(), Fixed));
        bool neededLayout = placeholderBox->needsLayout();
        bool placeholderBoxHadLayout = placeholderBox->everHadLayout();
        LayoutPoint textOffset = innerTextRenderer->location();
        if (innerBlockElement() && innerBlockElement()->renderBox())
            textOffset += toLayoutSize(innerBlockElement()->renderBox()->location());
        if (containerRenderer)
            textOffset += toLayoutSize(containerRenderer->location());

        if (!placeholderBoxHadLayout && placeholderBox->checkForRepaintDuringLayout()) {
            // This assumes a shadow tree without floats. If floats are added, the
            // logic should be shared with RenderBlock::layoutBlockChild.
        // The placeholder gets layout last, after the parent text control and its other children,
        // so in order to get the correct overflow from the placeholder we need to recompute it now.
        if (neededLayout)
コード例 #8
void RenderMathMLRow::layoutRowItems(LayoutUnit& ascent, LayoutUnit& descent)
    // We first stretch the vertical operators.
    // For inline formulas, we can then calculate the logical width.
    LayoutUnit width = borderAndPaddingStart();
    for (RenderBox* child = firstChildBox(); child; child = child->nextSiblingBox()) {
        if (child->isOutOfFlowPositioned())

        if (is<RenderMathMLBlock>(child)) {
            auto renderOperator = downcast<RenderMathMLBlock>(child)->unembellishedOperator();
            if (renderOperator && renderOperator->hasOperatorFlag(MathMLOperatorDictionary::Stretchy) && renderOperator->isVertical())
                renderOperator->stretchTo(ascent, descent);


        width += child->marginStart() + child->logicalWidth() + child->marginEnd();

    width += borderEnd() + paddingEnd();
    // FIXME: RenderMathMLRoot classes should also recalculate the exact logical width instead of using the preferred width.
    // See http://webkit.org/b/153987
    if ((!isRenderMathMLMath() || style().display() == INLINE) && !isRenderMathMLRoot())

    LayoutUnit verticalOffset = borderTop() + paddingTop();
    LayoutUnit maxAscent = 0, maxDescent = 0; // Used baseline alignment.
    LayoutUnit horizontalOffset = borderAndPaddingStart();
    bool shouldFlipHorizontal = !style().isLeftToRightDirection();
    for (RenderBox* child = firstChildBox(); child; child = child->nextSiblingBox()) {
        if (child->isOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
        LayoutUnit childHorizontalExtent = child->logicalWidth();
        LayoutUnit ascent = ascentForChild(*child);
        LayoutUnit descent = child->verticalMarginExtent() + child->logicalHeight() - ascent;
        maxAscent = std::max(maxAscent, ascent);
        maxDescent = std::max(maxDescent, descent);
        LayoutUnit childVerticalMarginBoxExtent = maxAscent + maxDescent;

        horizontalOffset += child->marginStart();

        setLogicalHeight(std::max(logicalHeight(), verticalOffset + borderBottom() + paddingBottom() + childVerticalMarginBoxExtent + horizontalScrollbarHeight()));

        LayoutPoint childLocation(shouldFlipHorizontal ? logicalWidth() - horizontalOffset - childHorizontalExtent : horizontalOffset, verticalOffset + child->marginTop());

        horizontalOffset += childHorizontalExtent + child->marginEnd();

    LayoutUnit centerBlockOffset = 0;
    // FIXME: Remove the FLEX when it is not required by the css.
    if (style().display() == BLOCK || style().display() == FLEX)
        centerBlockOffset = std::max<LayoutUnit>(0, (logicalWidth() - (horizontalOffset + borderEnd() + paddingEnd())) / 2);

    if (shouldFlipHorizontal && centerBlockOffset > 0)
        centerBlockOffset = -centerBlockOffset;

    for (RenderBox* child = firstChildBox(); child; child = child->nextSiblingBox()) {
        LayoutUnit ascent = ascentForChild(*child);
        LayoutUnit startOffset = maxAscent - ascent;
        child->setLocation(child->location() + LayoutPoint(centerBlockOffset, startOffset));

    ascent = maxAscent;
    descent = maxDescent;
コード例 #9
bool ContainerNode::getUpperLeftCorner(FloatPoint& point) const
    if (!renderer())
        return false;
    // What is this code really trying to do?
    RenderObject* o = renderer();
    RenderObject* p = o;

    if (!o->isInline() || o->isReplaced()) {
        point = o->localToAbsolute(FloatPoint(), UseTransforms);
        return true;

    // find the next text/image child, to get a position
    while (o) {
        p = o;
        if (o->firstChild())
            o = o->firstChild();
        else if (o->nextSibling())
            o = o->nextSibling();
        else {
            RenderObject* next = 0;
            while (!next && o->parent()) {
                o = o->parent();
                next = o->nextSibling();
            o = next;

            if (!o)

        if (!o->isInline() || o->isReplaced()) {
            point = o->localToAbsolute(FloatPoint(), UseTransforms);
            return true;

        if (p->node() && p->node() == this && o->isText() && !o->isBR() && !toRenderText(o)->firstTextBox()) {
            // do nothing - skip unrendered whitespace that is a child or next sibling of the anchor
        } else if ((o->isText() && !o->isBR()) || o->isReplaced()) {
            point = FloatPoint();
            if (o->isText() && toRenderText(o)->firstTextBox()) {
                point.move(toRenderText(o)->linesBoundingBox().x(), toRenderText(o)->firstTextBox()->root()->lineTop());
            } else if (o->isBox()) {
                RenderBox* box = toRenderBox(o);
            point = o->container()->localToAbsolute(point, UseTransforms);
            return true;
    // If the target doesn't have any children or siblings that could be used to calculate the scroll position, we must be
    // at the end of the document. Scroll to the bottom. FIXME: who said anything about scrolling?
    if (!o && document().view()) {
        point = FloatPoint(0, document().view()->contentsHeight());
        return true;
    return false;
コード例 #10
bool RenderTextControlSingleLine::nodeAtPoint(const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result, const IntPoint& pointInContainer, const IntPoint& accumulatedOffset, HitTestAction hitTestAction)
    // If we're within the text control, we want to act as if we've hit the inner text block element, in case the point
    // was on the control but not on the inner element (see Radar 4617841).

    // In a search field, we want to act as if we've hit the results block if we're to the left of the inner text block,
    // and act as if we've hit the close block if we're to the right of the inner text block.

    if (!RenderTextControl::nodeAtPoint(request, result, pointInContainer, accumulatedOffset, hitTestAction))
        return false;

    // If we hit a node inside the inner text element, say that we hit that element,
    // and if we hit our node (e.g. we're over the border or padding), also say that we hit the
    // inner text element so that it gains focus.
    if (result.innerNode()->isDescendantOf(innerTextElement()) || result.innerNode() == node())
        hitInnerTextElement(result, pointInContainer, accumulatedOffset);

    // If we found a spin button, we're done.
    HTMLElement* innerSpinButton = innerSpinButtonElement();
    if (innerSpinButton && result.innerNode() == innerSpinButton)
        return true;
    HTMLElement* speechButton = speechButtonElement();
    if (speechButton && result.innerNode() == speechButton)
        return true;
    // If we're not a search field, or we already found the speech, results or cancel buttons, we're done.
    HTMLElement* innerBlock = innerBlockElement();
    HTMLElement* resultsButton = resultsButtonElement();
    HTMLElement* cancelButton = cancelButtonElement();
    if (!innerBlock || result.innerNode() == resultsButton || result.innerNode() == cancelButton)
        return true;

    Node* innerNode = 0;
    RenderBox* innerBlockRenderer = innerBlock->renderBox();
    RenderBox* innerTextRenderer = innerTextElement()->renderBox();

    IntPoint localPoint = result.localPoint();

    int textLeft = accumulatedOffset.x() + x() + innerBlockRenderer->x() + innerTextRenderer->x();
    if (resultsButton && resultsButton->renderer() && pointInContainer.x() < textLeft)
        innerNode = resultsButton;

    if (!innerNode && speechButtonElement() && speechButtonElement()->renderer()) {
        int buttonLeft = accumulatedOffset.x() + x() + innerBlockRenderer->x() + innerBlockRenderer->width() - speechButtonElement()->renderBox()->width();
        if (pointInContainer.x() >= buttonLeft)
            innerNode = speechButtonElement();

    if (!innerNode) {
        int textRight = textLeft + innerTextRenderer->width();
        if (cancelButton && cancelButton->renderer() && pointInContainer.x() > textRight)
            innerNode = cancelButton;

    if (innerNode) {

    return true;
コード例 #11
void RenderListItem::positionListMarker()
    if (!m_marker || !m_marker->parent() || !m_marker->parent()->isBox())

    if (m_marker->isInside() || !m_marker->inlineBoxWrapper())

    LayoutUnit markerOldLogicalLeft = m_marker->logicalLeft();
    LayoutUnit blockOffset = 0;
    LayoutUnit lineOffset = 0;
    for (RenderBox* o = m_marker->parentBox(); o != this; o = o->parentBox()) {
        blockOffset += o->logicalTop();
        lineOffset += o->logicalLeft();

    bool adjustOverflow = false;
    LayoutUnit markerLogicalLeft;
    bool hitSelfPaintingLayer = false;

    const RootInlineBox& rootBox = m_marker->inlineBoxWrapper()->root();
    LayoutUnit lineTop = rootBox.lineTop();
    LayoutUnit lineBottom = rootBox.lineBottom();

    // FIXME: Need to account for relative positioning in the layout overflow.
    if (style().isLeftToRightDirection()) {
        markerLogicalLeft = m_marker->lineOffsetForListItem() - lineOffset - paddingStart() - borderStart() + m_marker->marginStart();
        m_marker->inlineBoxWrapper()->adjustLineDirectionPosition(markerLogicalLeft - markerOldLogicalLeft);
        for (InlineFlowBox* box = m_marker->inlineBoxWrapper()->parent(); box; box = box->parent()) {
            LayoutRect newLogicalVisualOverflowRect = box->logicalVisualOverflowRect(lineTop, lineBottom);
            LayoutRect newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect = box->logicalLayoutOverflowRect(lineTop, lineBottom);
            if (markerLogicalLeft < newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.x() && !hitSelfPaintingLayer) {
                newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.setWidth(newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.maxX() - markerLogicalLeft);
                if (box == &rootBox)
                    adjustOverflow = true;
            if (markerLogicalLeft < newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.x()) {
                newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.setWidth(newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.maxX() - markerLogicalLeft);
                if (box == &rootBox)
                    adjustOverflow = true;
            box->setOverflowFromLogicalRects(newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect, newLogicalVisualOverflowRect, lineTop, lineBottom);
            if (box->renderer().hasSelfPaintingLayer())
                hitSelfPaintingLayer = true;
    } else {
        markerLogicalLeft = m_marker->lineOffsetForListItem() - lineOffset + paddingStart() + borderStart() + m_marker->marginEnd();
        m_marker->inlineBoxWrapper()->adjustLineDirectionPosition(markerLogicalLeft - markerOldLogicalLeft);
        for (InlineFlowBox* box = m_marker->inlineBoxWrapper()->parent(); box; box = box->parent()) {
            LayoutRect newLogicalVisualOverflowRect = box->logicalVisualOverflowRect(lineTop, lineBottom);
            LayoutRect newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect = box->logicalLayoutOverflowRect(lineTop, lineBottom);
            if (markerLogicalLeft + m_marker->logicalWidth() > newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.maxX() && !hitSelfPaintingLayer) {
                newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.setWidth(markerLogicalLeft + m_marker->logicalWidth() - newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.x());
                if (box == &rootBox)
                    adjustOverflow = true;
            if (markerLogicalLeft + m_marker->logicalWidth() > newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.maxX()) {
                newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.setWidth(markerLogicalLeft + m_marker->logicalWidth() - newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.x());
                if (box == &rootBox)
                    adjustOverflow = true;
            box->setOverflowFromLogicalRects(newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect, newLogicalVisualOverflowRect, lineTop, lineBottom);
            if (box->renderer().hasSelfPaintingLayer())
                hitSelfPaintingLayer = true;

    if (adjustOverflow) {
        LayoutRect markerRect(markerLogicalLeft + lineOffset, blockOffset, m_marker->width(), m_marker->height());
        if (!style().isHorizontalWritingMode())
            markerRect = markerRect.transposedRect();
        RenderBox* o = m_marker;
        bool propagateVisualOverflow = true;
        bool propagateLayoutOverflow = true;
        do {
            o = o->parentBox();
            if (o->hasOverflowClip())
                propagateVisualOverflow = false;
            if (is<RenderBlock>(*o)) {
                if (propagateVisualOverflow)
                if (propagateLayoutOverflow)
            if (o->hasOverflowClip())
                propagateLayoutOverflow = false;
            if (o->hasSelfPaintingLayer())
                propagateVisualOverflow = false;
        } while (o != this && propagateVisualOverflow && propagateLayoutOverflow);