bool Viewport::isContainedInFrustum(const Renderable& r) const { AABB bb = r.getObject().transformAABB(r.getMesh()->getBounds()); Vector halfSize = (bb.max - bb.min) * 0.5f; Vector worldPos = r.getObject().getWorldPosition(); //for each plane, check where the AABB is placed for (auto&& i : range(4)) { if (mWorldFrustumPlanes[i].getSide(worldPos, halfSize) < 0) { return false; } } return true; }
void Renderer::renderElement( Viewport& viewport, Renderable& elem ) { DEBUG_ASSERT( frameStarted, "Tried to render an element but the frame wasn't started" ); DEBUG_ASSERT(elem.getMesh()->isLoaded(), "Rendering with a mesh with no GPU data!"); DEBUG_ASSERT(elem.getMesh()->getVertexCount() > 0, "Rendering a mesh with no vertices"); #ifndef PUBLISH frameVertexCount += elem.getMesh()->getVertexCount(); frameTriCount += elem.getMesh()->getPrimitiveCount(); //each renderable is a single batch ++frameBatchCount; #endif // !PUBLISH = elem.getWorldTransform(); currentState.worldView = currentState.view *; glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadMatrixf( glm::value_ptr( currentState.worldView ) ); #ifdef DOJO_SHADERS_AVAILABLE if( elem.getShader() ) { currentState.worldViewProjection = currentState.projection * currentState.worldView; elem.getShader()->use( elem ); } else glUseProgram( 0 ); #endif //I'm not sure this actually makes sense #ifndef USING_OPENGLES glColorMaterial( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT ); #endif glMaterialfv( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, (float*)(&elem.color) ); glEnable( GL_COLOR_MATERIAL ); elem.commitChanges(); static const GLenum glModeMap[] = { GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, //TriangleStrip, GL_TRIANGLES, //TriangleList, GL_LINE_STRIP, //LineStrip, GL_LINES, //LineList GL_POINTS }; Mesh* m = elem.getMesh(); GLenum mode = glModeMap[(byte)m->getTriangleMode()]; if( !m->isIndexed() ) glDrawArrays( mode, 0, m->getVertexCount() ); else { DEBUG_ASSERT(m->getIndexCount() > 0, "Rendering an indexed mesh with no indices"); glDrawElements(mode, m->getIndexCount(), m->getIndexGLType(), 0); //on OpenGLES, we have max 65536 indices!!! } #ifndef DOJO_DISABLE_VAOS glBindVertexArray( 0 ); #endif #ifdef DOJO_SHADERS_AVAILABLE //HACK //TODO remove fixed function pipeline (it breaks if generic arrays are set) if( elem.getShader() ) { for( auto& attr : elem.getShader()->getAttributes() ) glDisableVertexAttribArray( attr.second.location ); } #endif }