コード例 #1
ファイル: Scene.cpp プロジェクト: zhzhxtrrk/Urho3D
void Scene::PreloadResources(File* file, bool isSceneFile)
    ResourceCache* cache = GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>();

    // Read node ID (not needed)
    /*unsigned nodeID = */file->ReadUInt();

    // Read Node or Scene attributes; these do not include any resources
    const Vector<AttributeInfo>* attributes = context_->GetAttributes(isSceneFile ? Scene::GetTypeStatic() : Node::GetTypeStatic());

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < attributes->Size(); ++i)
        const AttributeInfo& attr = attributes->At(i);
        if (!(attr.mode_ & AM_FILE))
        Variant varValue = file->ReadVariant(attr.type_);

    // Read component attributes
    unsigned numComponents = file->ReadVLE();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < numComponents; ++i)
        VectorBuffer compBuffer(*file, file->ReadVLE());
        StringHash compType = compBuffer.ReadStringHash();
        // Read component ID (not needed)
        /*unsigned compID = */compBuffer.ReadUInt();

        attributes = context_->GetAttributes(compType);
        if (attributes)
            for (unsigned j = 0; j < attributes->Size(); ++j)
                const AttributeInfo& attr = attributes->At(j);
                if (!(attr.mode_ & AM_FILE))
                Variant varValue = compBuffer.ReadVariant(attr.type_);
                if (attr.type_ == VAR_RESOURCEREF)
                    const ResourceRef& ref = varValue.GetResourceRef();
                    // Sanitate resource name beforehand so that when we get the background load event, the name matches exactly
                    String name = cache->SanitateResourceName(ref.name_);
                    bool success = cache->BackgroundLoadResource(ref.type_, name);
                    if (success)
                else if (attr.type_ == VAR_RESOURCEREFLIST)
                    const ResourceRefList& refList = varValue.GetResourceRefList();
                    for (unsigned k = 0; k < refList.names_.Size(); ++k)
                        String name = cache->SanitateResourceName(refList.names_[k]);
                        bool success = cache->BackgroundLoadResource(refList.type_, name);
                        if (success)

    // Read child nodes
    unsigned numChildren = file->ReadVLE();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i)
        PreloadResources(file, false);
コード例 #2
ファイル: Scene.cpp プロジェクト: zhzhxtrrk/Urho3D
void Scene::PreloadResourcesXML(const XMLElement& element)
    ResourceCache* cache = GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>();

    // Node or Scene attributes do not include any resources; therefore skip to the components
    XMLElement compElem = element.GetChild("component");
    while (compElem)
        String typeName = compElem.GetAttribute("type");
        const Vector<AttributeInfo>* attributes = context_->GetAttributes(StringHash(typeName));
        if (attributes)
            XMLElement attrElem = compElem.GetChild("attribute");
            unsigned startIndex = 0;

            while (attrElem)
                String name = attrElem.GetAttribute("name");
                unsigned i = startIndex;
                unsigned attempts = attributes->Size();

                while (attempts)
                    const AttributeInfo& attr = attributes->At(i);
                    if ((attr.mode_ & AM_FILE) && !attr.name_.Compare(name, true))
                        if (attr.type_ == VAR_RESOURCEREF)
                            ResourceRef ref = attrElem.GetVariantValue(attr.type_).GetResourceRef();
                            String name = cache->SanitateResourceName(ref.name_);
                            bool success = cache->BackgroundLoadResource(ref.type_, name);
                            if (success)
                        else if (attr.type_ == VAR_RESOURCEREFLIST)
                            ResourceRefList refList = attrElem.GetVariantValue(attr.type_).GetResourceRefList();
                            for (unsigned k = 0; k < refList.names_.Size(); ++k)
                                String name = cache->SanitateResourceName(refList.names_[k]);
                                bool success = cache->BackgroundLoadResource(refList.type_, name);
                                if (success)

                        startIndex = (i + 1) % attributes->Size();
                        i = (i + 1) % attributes->Size();

                attrElem = attrElem.GetNext("attribute");

        compElem = compElem.GetNext("component");

    XMLElement childElem = element.GetChild("node");
    while (childElem)
        childElem = childElem.GetNext("node");
コード例 #3
ファイル: Scene.cpp プロジェクト: ClockTeam/Clockwork
void Scene::PreloadResourcesJSON(const JSONValue& value)
    // If not threaded, can not background load resources, so rather load synchronously later when needed
    ResourceCache* cache = GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>();

    // Node or Scene attributes do not include any resources; therefore skip to the components
    JSONArray componentArray = value.Get("components").GetArray();

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < componentArray.Size(); i++)
        const JSONValue& compValue = componentArray.At(i);
        String typeName = compValue.Get("type").GetString();

        const Vector<AttributeInfo>* attributes = context_->GetAttributes(StringHash(typeName));
        if (attributes)
            JSONArray attributesArray = compValue.Get("attributes").GetArray();

            unsigned startIndex = 0;

            for (unsigned j = 0; j < attributesArray.Size(); j++)
                const JSONValue& attrVal = attributesArray.At(j);
                String name = attrVal.Get("name").GetString();
                unsigned i = startIndex;
                unsigned attempts = attributes->Size();

                while (attempts)
                    const AttributeInfo& attr = attributes->At(i);
                    if ((attr.mode_ & AM_FILE) && !attr.name_.Compare(name, true))
                        if (attr.type_ == VAR_RESOURCEREF)
                            ResourceRef ref = attrVal.Get("value").GetVariantValue(attr.type_).GetResourceRef();
                            String name = cache->SanitateResourceName(ref.name_);
                            bool success = cache->BackgroundLoadResource(ref.type_, name);
                            if (success)
                        else if (attr.type_ == VAR_RESOURCEREFLIST)
                            ResourceRefList refList = attrVal.Get("value").GetVariantValue(attr.type_).GetResourceRefList();
                            for (unsigned k = 0; k < refList.names_.Size(); ++k)
                                String name = cache->SanitateResourceName(refList.names_[k]);
                                bool success = cache->BackgroundLoadResource(refList.type_, name);
                                if (success)

                        startIndex = (i + 1) % attributes->Size();
                        i = (i + 1) % attributes->Size();



    JSONArray childrenArray = value.Get("children").GetArray();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < childrenArray.Size(); i++)
        const JSONValue& childVal = childrenArray.At(i);