コード例 #1
ファイル: Manager.cpp プロジェクト: AdmiralCurtiss/dolphin
bool Remove(ResourcePack& pack)
  const auto result = pack.Uninstall(File::GetUserPath(D_USER_IDX));

  if (!result)
    return false;

  auto pack_iterator = std::find(packs.begin(), packs.end(), pack);

  if (pack_iterator == packs.end())
    return false;

  std::string filename;

  IniFile file = GetPackConfig();

  auto* order = file.GetOrCreateSection("Order");


  int offset = pack_iterator - packs.begin();

  for (int i = offset + 1; i < static_cast<int>(packs.size()); i++)
    order->Set(packs[i].GetManifest()->GetID(), i - 1);



  return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: VideoState.cpp プロジェクト: vazub/OpenXcom
	void operator()()
		while (_flcPlayer->getFrameCount() >= introSoundTrack[trackPosition].frameNumber)
			int command = introSoundTrack[trackPosition].sound;

			if (command & 0x200)
#ifndef __NO_MUSIC
				case 0x200:
					Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Playing gmintro1";
					m = rp->getMusic("GMINTRO1");
				case 0x201:
					Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Playing gmintro2";
					m = rp->getMusic("GMINTRO2");
				case 0x202:
					Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Playing gmintro3";
					m = rp->getMusic("GMINTRO3");
			else if (command & 0x400)
				int newSpeed = (command & 0xff);
				Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Frame delay now: " << newSpeed;
			else if (command <= 0x19)
				for (soundInFile **sounds = introSounds; *sounds; ++sounds) // try hybrid sound set, then intro.cat or sample3.cat alone
					soundInFile *sf = (*sounds) + command;
					int channel = trackPosition % 4; // use at most four channels to play sound effects
					double ratio = (double)Options::soundVolume / MIX_MAX_VOLUME;
					Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "playing: " << sf->catFile << ":" << sf->sound << " for index " << command; 
					s = rp->getSound(sf->catFile, sf->sound);
					if (s)
						Mix_Volume(channel, sf->volume * ratio);
					else Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Couldn't play " << sf->catFile << ":" << sf->sound;

コード例 #3
ファイル: StartState.cpp プロジェクト: Juju-Dredd/OpenXcom
	void operator ()()

		while (Flc::flc.FrameCount >= introSoundTrack[trackPosition].frameNumber)
			int command = introSoundTrack[trackPosition].sound;

			if (command & 0x200)
#ifndef __NO_MUSIC
				case 0x200:
					Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Playing gmintro1";
					m = rp->getMusic("GMINTRO1");
				case 0x201:
					Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Playing gmintro2";
					m = rp->getMusic("GMINTRO2");
				case 0x202:
					Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Playing gmintro3";
					m = rp->getMusic("GMINTRO3");
			else if (command & 0x400)
				Flc::flc.HeaderSpeed = (1000.0/70.0) * (command & 0xff);
				Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Frame delay now: " << Flc::flc.HeaderSpeed;
			else if (command <= 0x19)
				for (soundInFile **sounds = introSounds; *sounds; ++sounds) // try hybrid sound set, then intro.cat or sample3.cat alone
					soundInFile *sf = (*sounds) + command;
					int channel = trackPosition % 4; // use at most four channels to play sound effects
					Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "playing: " << sf->catFile << ":" << sf->sound << " for index " << command; 
					s = rp->getSound(sf->catFile, sf->sound);
					if (s)
						Mix_Volume(channel, sf->volume);
					else Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Couldn't play " << sf->catFile << ":" << sf->sound;

コード例 #4
ファイル: Manager.cpp プロジェクト: AdmiralCurtiss/dolphin
void SetInstalled(const ResourcePack& pack, bool installed)
  IniFile file = GetPackConfig();

  auto* install = file.GetOrCreateSection("Installed");

  if (installed)
    install->Set(pack.GetManifest()->GetID(), installed);

コード例 #5
ファイル: packimage.cpp プロジェクト: karlgluck/Evidyon
// Name:  obtainD3DTexture
// Desc:  Loads the image denoted by this class using the specified device
bool PackImage::obtainD3DTexture(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pd3dDevice, DWORD options, LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9* ppd3dTexture) const
    // Fail without a device or if something is wrong with the output pointer
    if (!pd3dDevice || !ppd3dTexture) return false;

    // Get the pack from which to load this image
    dc::dcTable<ResourcePack>::Element* packElement = ((PackImage*)this)->myResourcePack.getReferencedResource();
    if (!packElement) return false;
    ResourcePack* pack = packElement->getImplementation();
    if (!pack) return false;

    // Obtain the image in the pack
    dcBuffer buffer;
    if (APP_ERROR(!pack->openResource(myResourceIndex.getValue(), &buffer))
        ("Failed to open image %i in pack file", myResourceIndex))
        return false;

    // Obtain options flags
    bool managed = (options & D3DTEX_MANAGED) != 0;
    bool mipmap = (options & D3DTEX_MIPMAP) != 0;
    bool systemmem = (options & D3DTEX_SYSTEMMEM) != 0;
    D3DPOOL pool = systemmem ? D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM : (managed ? D3DPOOL_MANAGED : D3DPOOL_DEFAULT);

    // Holds return codes
    HRESULT hr;

    // Save a NULL first (just in case something goes wrong)
    *ppd3dTexture = NULL;

    // The destination for the texture interface
    LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 pd3dTexture;

    // Load the texture
    hr = D3DXCreateTextureFromFileInMemoryEx(pd3dDevice, buffer.getDataPointer(),
                   buffer.getDataSize(), D3DX_DEFAULT, D3DX_DEFAULT,
                   mipmap ? D3DX_DEFAULT : 1, 0, D3DFMT_UNKNOWN, pool,
                   D3DX_DEFAULT, D3DX_FILTER_POINT, 0, NULL, NULL, &pd3dTexture);

    // TODO:
    // buffer.destroy();

    // If there is a problem, there's not much more we can do
    if (APP_WARNING(FAILED(hr))("Couldn't load PackImage %i", myResourceIndex))
        return false;

    // Assign the output texture
    *ppd3dTexture = pd3dTexture;

    // Success
    return true;
コード例 #6
ファイル: CharAnimation.cpp プロジェクト: hoodwolf/Infraelly
//  load animation from a data pack
bool CharAnimation::load( const ResourcePack& pack, const std::string& filepath){
    std::string fixedFn = makeUnixFilePath(filepath);
    ResourceFile rcf;
    if( !pack.getResource(fixedFn, rcf) ){
        std::cerr << __FILE__ << ": " << __LINE__ << ": Requested file \"" << fixedFn << "\" not found in supplied pack" << std::endl;
        return false;

    filename_ = fixedFn;
    // read file into packet
    inp::INFPacket packet;
    packet.readBuf( const_cast<unsigned char*>(&pack.getRawData()[rcf.start]), rcf.size );

    return load(packet);
コード例 #7
ファイル: Manager.cpp プロジェクト: AdmiralCurtiss/dolphin
bool IsInstalled(const ResourcePack& pack)
  IniFile file = GetPackConfig();

  auto* install = file.GetOrCreateSection("Installed");

  bool installed;

  install->Get(pack.GetManifest()->GetID(), &installed, false);

  return installed;
コード例 #8
ファイル: packmesh.cpp プロジェクト: karlgluck/evidyon-2.10
// Name:  obtainSourceGeometry
// Desc:  Loads the geometry held by this class into the destination set
bool PackMesh::obtainSourceGeometry(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pd3dDevice, SubsetGeometry* subsetGeometry) const
    // Fail without a device or if something is wrong with the output pointer
    if (APP_ERROR(!pd3dDevice || !subsetGeometry)("Invalid parameter to obtainSourceGeometry"))
        return false;

    // Get the pack from which to load this mesh
    dc::dcTable<ResourcePack>::Element* packElement = ((PackMesh*)this)->myResourcePack.getReferencedResource();
    if (!packElement) return false;
    ResourcePack* pack = packElement->getImplementation();
    if (!pack) return false;

    // Obtain the mesh in the pack
    dcBuffer buffer;
    if (APP_ERROR(!pack->openResource(myResourceIndex.getValue(), &buffer))
        ("Failed to open image %i in pack file", myResourceIndex))
        return false;

    // Set up a buffer reader to scan data from the returned information
    dcBuffer::Reader bufferReader(&buffer);

    // Get the number of subsets in this mesh
    size_t subsets;
    if (!bufferReader.read(&subsets, sizeof(subsets))) return false;

    // Whether or not loading failed
    bool failed = false;

    // Load each of the subsets
    for (size_t s = 0; s < subsets; ++s)
        // Stores subset information while it is being loaded
        Geometry* geometry = NULL;
        SubsetIndex subset;
        DWORD vertices, indices;

        // Read the subset index information and the geometry data from the file
        if (APP_ERROR(!bufferReader.read(&subset, sizeof(subset)) ||
                       !bufferReader.read(&vertices, sizeof(vertices)) ||
                       !bufferReader.read(&indices, sizeof(indices)))
           ("Error while reading mesh data"))
            // We were unable to load this mesh
            failed = true;

            // Exit the subset loop

        // Create geometry for this mesh subset's data
       if (APP_FATAL(FAILED(AllocateGeometry(vertices, indices, &geometry)))
            ("Out of memory while allocating subset %i of %s (%i vertices/%i indices)",
              subset, getPathString().c_str(), vertices, indices))
           // Couldn't load the mesh
           failed = true;
           // Exit this loop

        // Load the geometry buffers
       if (APP_ERROR(!bufferReader.read(geometry->pVertices, sizeof(GeometryVertex) * vertices) ||
                      !bufferReader.read(geometry->pIndices, sizeof(GeometryIndex) * indices))
          ("Couldn't load geometry vertex/index data for subset %i of %s",
            subset, getPathString().c_str()))
           // Unable to load
           failed = true;

           // Quit the loading process

       // Add the data we just loaded as a mesh subset
       subsetGeometry->insert(SubsetGeometry::value_type(subset, geometry));

    // If we failed, get rid of anything that managed to be loaded
    if (failed)

    // Return whether or not this operation succeeded
    return !failed;