void assign_blame(const RestraintsTemp &rs, const ParticlesTemp &ps, FloatKey attribute) { IMP_FUNCTION_LOG; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ps.size(); ++i) { if (ps[i]->has_attribute(attribute)) { ps[i]->set_value(attribute, 0); } else { ps[i]->add_attribute(attribute, 0, false); } } Restraints drs; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rs.size(); ++i) { Pointer<Restraint> rd = rs[i]->create_decomposition(); if (rd) { drs.push_back(rd); } } IMP_NEW(RestraintsScoringFunction, rsf, (drs)); rsf->evaluate(false); DependencyGraph dg = get_dependency_graph(IMP::internal::get_model(rs)); // attempt to get around boost/gcc bug and the most vexing parse DependencyGraphVertexIndex dgi((IMP::get_vertex_index(dg))); ControlledBy controlled_by; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ps.size(); ++i) { ParticlesTemp cps = get_dependent_particles(ps[i], ps, dg, dgi); IMP_INTERNAL_CHECK(cps.size() > 0, "No dependent particles for " << ps[i]); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < cps.size(); ++j) { controlled_by[cps[j]] = ps[i]; } } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < drs.size(); ++i) { distribute_blame(drs[i], controlled_by, attribute, 1.0); } }
void RestraintCache::save_cache(const ParticlesTemp &particle_ordering, const RestraintsTemp &restraints, RMF::HDF5::Group group, unsigned int max_entries) { RMF::HDF5::FloatDataSet1Ds scores; RMF::HDF5::IntDataSet2Ds assignments; boost::unordered_map<Restraint *, int> restraint_index; ParticleIndex particle_index = get_particle_index(particle_ordering); Orders orders = get_orders(known_restraints_, restraints, particle_ordering); // create data sets for restraints for (unsigned int i = 0; i < restraints.size(); ++i) { Restraint *r = restraints[i]; RestraintID rid = get_restraint_id(particle_index, known_restraints_.find(r)->second, restraint_index_.find(r)->second); RMF::HDF5::Group g = group.add_child_group(r->get_name()); g.set_attribute<RMF::HDF5::IndexTraits>( "restraint", RMF::HDF5::Indexes(1, rid.get_restraint_index())); g.set_attribute<RMF::HDF5::IndexTraits>( "particles", RMF::HDF5::Indexes(rid.get_particle_indexes().begin(), rid.get_particle_indexes().end())); scores.push_back(g.add_child_data_set<RMF::HDF5::FloatTraits, 1>("scores")); assignments.push_back( g.add_child_data_set<RMF::HDF5::IntTraits, 2>("assignments")); restraint_index[r] = i; } // finally start saving them unsigned int count = 0; for (Cache::ContentIterator it = cache_.contents_begin(); it != cache_.contents_end(); ++it) { int ri = restraint_index.find(it->key.get_restraint())->second; Ints ord = orders[ri].get_list_ordered(it->key.get_assignment()); double score = it->value; RMF::HDF5::DataSetIndexD<2> asz = assignments[ri].get_size(); RMF::HDF5::DataSetIndexD<1> row(asz[0]); asz[1] = ord.size(); ++asz[0]; assignments[ri].set_size(asz); assignments[ri].set_row(row, RMF::HDF5::Ints(ord.begin(), ord.end())); RMF::HDF5::DataSetIndexD<1> ssz = scores[ri].get_size(); RMF::HDF5::DataSetIndexD<1> nsz = ssz; ++nsz[0]; scores[ri].set_size(nsz); scores[ri].set_value(ssz, score); ++count; if (count > max_entries) break; } }
IncrementalScoringFunction::Data IncrementalScoringFunction::create_data( ParticleIndex pi, RestraintsTemp cr, const boost::unordered_map<Restraint *, int> &all, const Restraints &dummies) const { IMP_LOG_TERSE("Dependent restraints for particle " << get_model()->get_particle_name(pi) << " are " << cr << std::endl); Data ret; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < cr.size(); ++j) { if (all.find(cr[j]) != all.end()) { int index = all.find(cr[j])->second; IMP_INTERNAL_CHECK( std::find(ret.indexes.begin(), ret.indexes.end(), index) == ret.indexes.end(), "Found duplicate restraint " << Showable(cr[j]) << " in list " << cr); ret.indexes.push_back(index); } } cr += RestraintsTemp(dummies.begin(), dummies.end()); ret.sf = new IncrementalRestraintsScoringFunction( cr, 1.0, NO_MAX, get_model()->get_particle_name(pi) + " restraints"); return ret; }
SubsetGraph get_restraint_graph(ScoringFunctionAdaptor in, const ParticleStatesTable *pst) { RestraintsTemp rs = IMP::create_decomposition(in->create_restraints()); // ScoreStatesTemp ss= get_required_score_states(rs); SubsetGraph ret(rs.size()); // + ss.size()); IMP_LOG_TERSE("Creating restraint graph on " << rs.size() << " restraints." << std::endl); boost::unordered_map<Particle *, int> map; SubsetGraphVertexName pm = boost::get(boost::vertex_name, ret); DependencyGraph dg = get_dependency_graph(rs[0]->get_model()); DependencyGraphVertexIndex index = IMP::get_vertex_index(dg); /*IMP_IF_LOG(VERBOSE) { IMP_LOG_VERBOSE( "dependency graph is \n"); IMP::internal::show_as_graphviz(dg, std::cout); }*/ Subset ps = pst->get_subset(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ps.size(); ++i) { ParticlesTemp t = get_dependent_particles( ps[i], ParticlesTemp(ps.begin(), ps.end()), dg, index); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < t.size(); ++j) { IMP_USAGE_CHECK(map.find(t[j]) == map.end(), "Currently particles which depend on more " << "than one particle " << "from the input set are not supported." << " Particle \"" << t[j]->get_name() << "\" depends on \"" << ps[i]->get_name() << "\" and \"" << ps[map.find(t[j])->second]->get_name() << "\""); map[t[j]] = i; } IMP_IF_LOG(VERBOSE) { IMP_LOG_VERBOSE("Particle \"" << ps[i]->get_name() << "\" controls "); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i) { IMP_LOG_VERBOSE("\"" << t[i]->get_name() << "\" "); } IMP_LOG_VERBOSE(std::endl); } } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rs.size(); ++i) { ParticlesTemp pl = IMP::get_input_particles(rs[i]->get_inputs()); std::sort(pl.begin(), pl.end()); pl.erase(std::unique(pl.begin(), pl.end()), pl.end()); Subset os(pl); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < pl.size(); ++j) { pl[j] = ps[map[pl[j]]]; } std::sort(pl.begin(), pl.end()); pl.erase(std::unique(pl.begin(), pl.end()), pl.end()); Subset s(pl); IMP_LOG_VERBOSE("Subset for restraint " << rs[i]->get_name() << " is " << s << " from " << os << std::endl); pm[i] = s; } /*ScoreStatesTemp ss= get_required_score_states(rs); for (ScoreStatesTemp::const_iterator it= ss.begin(); it != ss.end(); ++it) { ParticlesTemp pl= (*it)->get_input_particles(); add_edges(ps, pl, map, *it, ret); ParticlesTemp opl= (*it)->get_output_particles(); add_edges(ps, opl, map, *it, ret); } IMP_INTERNAL_CHECK(boost::num_vertices(ret) == ps.size(), "Wrong number of vertices " << boost::num_vertices(ret) << " vs " << ps.size());*/ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < boost::num_vertices(ret); ++i) { for (unsigned int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { if (get_intersection(pm[i], pm[j]).size() > 0) { boost::add_edge(i, j, ret); IMP_LOG_VERBOSE("Connecting " << rs[i]->get_name() << " with " << rs[j]->get_name() << std::endl); } } } return ret; }
double get_slack_estimate(const ParticlesTemp& ps, double upper_bound, double step, const RestraintsTemp &restraints, bool derivatives, Optimizer *opt, ClosePairContainer *cpc) { std::vector<Data> datas; for (double slack=0; slack< upper_bound; slack+= step) { IMP_LOG(VERBOSE, "Computing for " << slack << std::endl); datas.push_back(Data()); datas.back().slack=slack; { boost::timer imp_timer; int count=0; base::SetLogState sl(opt->get_model(), SILENT); do { cpc->set_slack(slack); cpc->update(); ++count; } while (imp_timer.elapsed()==0); datas.back().ccost= imp_timer.elapsed()/count; IMP_LOG(VERBOSE, "Close pair finding cost " << datas.back().ccost << std::endl); } { boost::timer imp_timer; double score=0; int count=0; int iters=1; base::SetLogState sl(opt->get_model(), SILENT); do { for ( int j=0; j< iters; ++j) { for (unsigned int i=0; i< restraints.size(); ++i) { score+=restraints[i]->evaluate(derivatives); // should restore } } count += iters; iters*=2; } while (imp_timer.elapsed()==0); datas.back().rcost= imp_timer.elapsed()/count; IMP_LOG(VERBOSE, "Restraint evaluation cost " << datas.back().rcost << std::endl); } } int ns=100; int last_ns=1; int opt_i=-1; std::vector<Floats > dists(1, Floats(1,0.0)); std::vector< std::vector<algebra::Vector3D> > pos(1, std::vector<algebra::Vector3D>(ps.size())); for (unsigned int j=0; j< ps.size(); ++j) { pos[0][j]=core::XYZ(ps[j]).get_coordinates(); } do { IMP_LOG(VERBOSE, "Stepping from " << last_ns << " to " << ns << std::endl); dists.resize(ns, Floats(ns, 0.0)); for ( int i=0; i< last_ns; ++i) { dists[i].resize(ns, 0.0); } pos.resize(ns, std::vector<algebra::Vector3D>(ps.size())); base::SetLogState sl(opt->get_model(), SILENT); for ( int i=last_ns; i< ns; ++i) { opt->optimize(1); for (unsigned int j=0; j< ps.size(); ++j) { pos[i][j]=core::XYZ(ps[j]).get_coordinates(); } } for ( int i=last_ns; i< ns; ++i) { for ( int j=0; j< i; ++j) { double md=0; for (unsigned int k=0; k< ps.size(); ++k) { md= std::max(md, algebra::get_distance(pos[i][k], pos[j][k])); } dists[i][j]=md; dists[j][i]=md; } } // estimate lifetimes from slack for (unsigned int i=0; i< datas.size(); ++i) { Ints deaths; for ( int j=0; j< ns; ++j) { for ( int k=j+1; k < ns; ++k) { if (dists[j][k]> datas[i].slack) { deaths.push_back(k-j); break; } } } std::sort(deaths.begin(), deaths.end()); // kaplan meier estimator double ml=0; if (deaths.empty()) { ml= ns; } else { //double l=1; IMP_INTERNAL_CHECK(deaths.size() < static_cast<unsigned int>(ns), "Too much death"); double S=1; for (unsigned int j=0; j< deaths.size(); ++j) { double n= ns-j; double t=(n-1.0)/n; ml+=(S-t*S)*deaths[j]; S*=t; } } datas[i].lifetime=ml; IMP_LOG(VERBOSE, "Expected life of " << datas[i].slack << " is " << datas[i].lifetime << std::endl); } /** C(s) is cost to compute R(s) is const to eval restraints L(s) is lifetime of slack minimize C(s)/L(s)+R(s) */ // smooth for (unsigned int i=1; i< datas.size()-1; ++i) { datas[i].rcost=(datas[i].rcost+ datas[i-1].rcost+datas[i+1].rcost)/3.0; datas[i].ccost=(datas[i].ccost+ datas[i-1].ccost+datas[i+1].ccost)/3.0; datas[i].lifetime=(datas[i].lifetime + datas[i-1].lifetime+datas[i+1].lifetime)/3.0; } double min= std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); for (unsigned int i=0; i< datas.size(); ++i) { double v= datas[i].rcost+ datas[i].ccost/datas[i].lifetime; IMP_LOG(VERBOSE, "Cost of " << datas[i].slack << " is " << v << " from " << datas[i].rcost << " " << datas[i].ccost << " " << datas[i].lifetime << std::endl); if (v < min) { min=v; opt_i=i; } } last_ns=ns; ns*=2; IMP_LOG(VERBOSE, "Opt is " << datas[opt_i].slack << std::endl); // 2 for the value, 2 for the doubling // if it more than 1000, just decide that is enough } while (datas[opt_i].lifetime > ns/4.0 && ns <1000); return datas[opt_i].slack; }