コード例 #1
// returns the number of comparisons completed, throws on failure.
Size Tester::compareResults(const ResultSet& leftResultSet, const ResultSet& rightResultSet,
		                    const boost::property_tree::ptree& pt) // will throw on failure

	Size comparisonsDone = 0;
	writeDiagnostics("Comparing results with: \nleft result:\n" + toString(leftResultSet)
		             + "right result:\n"                        + toString(rightResultSet) 
					 + "and property tree:\n"                   + toString(pt),
					 high, "Tester::compareResults");

	boost::property_tree::ptree::const_iterator iter = pt.begin();
    while(iter != pt.end())
	    if(iter->first == "comparison")
			std::string categoryStr = pt_get<std::string>(iter->second, "category");
			ResultCategory category = stringToResultCategory(categoryStr);
			Real leftVal = leftResultSet.getValue(category);
			std::string comparison  = pt_get<std::string>(iter->second, "comparison_type");
			Real        tol         = pt_get<Real>       (iter->second, "tolerance");    
			std::string rightSource = pt_get<std::string>(iter->second, "right_source");

			Real rightVal;
			if(rightSource == "right_leg")
				rightVal = rightResultSet.getValue(category);
			else if( rightSource == "constant")
				rightVal = pt_get<Real>(iter->second, "constant");
			else QL_FAIL("'right_source' must be either 'right_leg' or 'constant'. Here it is: " 
				         << rightSource);

			std::string msg = m_currentTestID + "\ncategory:   " + categoryStr; // used when exception is thrown
			doComparison(leftVal, rightVal, comparison, tol, msg); // throws on failure
    // when there are no comparisons done, i.e. comparisonsDone == 0,
	// there may have been a problem readin the xml
	// so we will use a diagnostic level of 'low'
	// making it more likely the message will be shown to the user.
	writeDiagnostics("For test: " + m_currentTestID 
		             + ",\nthe number of comparisons done was: " + toString(comparisonsDone)+ "\n", 
		             comparisonsDone > 0 ? high : low, "Tester::compareResults");

	return comparisonsDone;