コード例 #1
/*! \brief Given two robot states, determine how many interpolation steps there
 * should be. The delta step size is based on the RPY resolution of the object
 * pose and the XYZ spatial resolution. 
int RobotState::numInterpSteps(const RobotState& start, const RobotState& end){
    ContObjectState start_obj = start.getObjectStateRelBody();
    ContObjectState end_obj = end.getObjectStateRelBody();
    ContBaseState start_base = start.base_state();
    ContBaseState end_base = end.base_state();
    double droll = shortest_angular_distance(start_obj.roll(), end_obj.roll());
    double dpitch = shortest_angular_distance(start_obj.pitch(), end_obj.pitch());
    double dyaw = shortest_angular_distance(start_obj.yaw(), end_obj.yaw());
    double d_rot = max(fabs(droll), fabs(dpitch));
    double dbase_theta = shortest_angular_distance(start_base.theta(),

    ROS_DEBUG_NAMED(MPRIM_LOG, "droll %f, dpitch %f, dyaw %f, dbase_theta %f",
                               droll, dpitch, dyaw, dbase_theta);
    d_rot = max(d_rot, fabs(dyaw));
    d_rot = max(d_rot, fabs(dbase_theta));

    double d_object = ContObjectState::distance(start_obj, end_obj);
    double d_base = ContBaseState::distance(ContBaseState(start.base_state()), 
    ROS_DEBUG_NAMED(MPRIM_LOG, "dobject %f, dbase %f", d_object, d_base);
    double d_dist = max(d_object, d_base);

    int rot_steps = static_cast<int>(d_rot/ContObjectState::getRPYResolution());
    int dist_steps = static_cast<int>(d_dist/ContBaseState::getXYZResolution());

    ROS_DEBUG_NAMED(MPRIM_LOG, "rot steps %d, dist_steps %d", rot_steps, dist_steps);

    int num_interp_steps = max(rot_steps, dist_steps);
    return num_interp_steps;
コード例 #2
/*! \brief Given two robot states, we interpolate all steps in between them. The
 * delta step size is based on the RPY resolution of the object pose and the XYZ
 * resolution of the base. This returns a vector of RobotStates, which are
 * discretized to the grid (meaning if the arms move a lot, but the base barely
 * moves, the base discrete values will likely stay the same). This determines
 * the number of interpolation steps based on which part of the robot moves more
 * (arms or base).
 * TODO need to test this a lot more
bool RobotState::workspaceInterpolate(const RobotState& start, const RobotState& end,
                                      vector<RobotState>* interp_steps){
    ContObjectState start_obj = start.getObjectStateRelBody();
    ContObjectState end_obj = end.getObjectStateRelBody();
    ContBaseState start_base = start.base_state();
    ContBaseState end_base = end.base_state();

    int num_interp_steps = numInterpSteps(start, end);
    vector<ContObjectState> interp_obj_steps;
    vector<ContBaseState> interp_base_steps;
    ROS_DEBUG_NAMED(MPRIM_LOG, "start obj");
    ROS_DEBUG_NAMED(MPRIM_LOG, "end obj");
    interp_obj_steps = ContObjectState::interpolate(start_obj, end_obj, 
    interp_base_steps = ContBaseState::interpolate(start_base, end_base, 
    assert(interp_obj_steps.size() == interp_base_steps.size());
    ROS_DEBUG_NAMED(MPRIM_LOG, "size of returned interp %lu", interp_obj_steps.size());

    // should at least return the same start and end poses
    if (num_interp_steps < 2){
        assert(interp_obj_steps.size() == 2);
    } else {
        assert(interp_obj_steps.size() == static_cast<size_t>(num_interp_steps));

    for (size_t i=0; i < interp_obj_steps.size(); i++){
        RobotState seed(interp_base_steps[i], start.right_arm(), start.left_arm());
        RobotPosePtr new_robot_state;
        if (!computeRobotPose(interp_obj_steps[i], seed, new_robot_state)){
            return false;

    return true;
コード例 #3
FullBodyState PathPostProcessor::createFBState(const RobotState& robot){
    vector<double> l_arm, r_arm, base;
    vector<double> obj(6,0);
    ContBaseState c_base = robot.base_state();
    FullBodyState state;
    state.left_arm = l_arm;
    state.right_arm = r_arm;
    state.base = base;
    ContObjectState obj_state = robot.getObjectStateRelMap();
    obj[0] = obj_state.x();
    obj[1] = obj_state.y();
    obj[2] = obj_state.z();
    obj[3] = obj_state.roll();
    obj[4] = obj_state.pitch();
    obj[5] = obj_state.yaw();
    state.obj = obj;
    return state;
コード例 #4
// this is a bit weird at the moment, but we use the arm angles as seed angles
// disc_obj_state is in body frame : Torso_lift_link?
bool RobotState::computeRobotPose(const DiscObjectState& disc_obj_state,
                                 const RobotState& seed_robot_pose,
                                 RobotPosePtr& new_robot_pose,
                                 bool free_angle_search){
    ContObjectState obj_state = disc_obj_state.getContObjectState();
    RightContArmState seed_r_arm = seed_robot_pose.right_arm();
    LeftContArmState seed_l_arm = seed_robot_pose.left_arm();

    KDL::Frame obj_frame;
    obj_frame.M = KDL::Rotation::RPY(obj_state.roll(), 
    KDL::Frame r_obj_to_wrist_offset = seed_robot_pose.right_arm().getObjectOffset();
    KDL::Frame l_obj_to_wrist_offset = seed_robot_pose.left_arm().getObjectOffset();

    KDL::Frame r_wrist_frame = obj_frame * r_obj_to_wrist_offset;
    KDL::Frame l_wrist_frame = obj_frame * l_obj_to_wrist_offset;

    // store the seed angles as the actual angles in case we don't compute for
    // the other arm. otherwise, computing a new robot pose would reset the
    // unused arm to angles of 0
    vector<double> r_seed(7,0), r_angles(7,0), l_seed(7,0), l_angles(7,0);
    r_angles = r_seed;
    l_angles = l_seed;

    struct timeval tv_b;
    struct timeval tv_a;
    gettimeofday(&tv_b, NULL);
    double before = tv_b.tv_usec + (tv_b.tv_sec * 1000000);
    gettimeofday(&tv_a, NULL);

    // decide which arms we need to run IK for
    bool use_right_arm = (m_planning_mode == PlanningModes::RIGHT_ARM ||
                          m_planning_mode == PlanningModes::DUAL_ARM ||
                          m_planning_mode == PlanningModes::RIGHT_ARM_MOBILE ||
                          m_planning_mode == PlanningModes::DUAL_ARM_MOBILE);
    bool use_left_arm = (m_planning_mode == PlanningModes::LEFT_ARM ||
                          m_planning_mode == PlanningModes::DUAL_ARM ||
                          m_planning_mode == PlanningModes::LEFT_ARM_MOBILE ||
                          m_planning_mode == PlanningModes::DUAL_ARM_MOBILE);
    if (!(use_right_arm || use_left_arm)){
        ROS_ERROR("what! not using any arm for IK??");

    if (use_right_arm) {
        SBPLArmModelPtr arm_model = seed_r_arm.getArmModel();
        bool ik_success = arm_model->computeFastIK(r_wrist_frame, r_seed, r_angles);
        if (!ik_success) {
            ROS_DEBUG_NAMED(MPRIM_LOG, "IK failed for right arm");
            return false;

    if (use_left_arm) {
        SBPLArmModelPtr arm_model = seed_l_arm.getArmModel();
        bool ik_success = arm_model->computeFastIK(l_wrist_frame, l_seed, l_angles);
        if (!ik_success){
            ROS_DEBUG_NAMED(MPRIM_LOG, "IK failed for left arm");
            return false;
    if (use_right_arm){
        double r_free_angle = r_seed[Joints::UPPER_ARM_ROLL];
        if (!m_ikfast_solver.ikRightArm(r_wrist_frame, r_free_angle, &r_angles)){
            return false;
    if (use_left_arm){
        double l_free_angle = l_seed[Joints::UPPER_ARM_ROLL];
        if (!m_ikfast_solver.ikLeftArm(l_wrist_frame, l_free_angle, &l_angles)){
            return false;
    double after = tv_a.tv_usec + (tv_a.tv_sec * 1000000);
    ik_time += after - before;

    new_robot_pose = make_shared<RobotState>(seed_robot_pose.base_state(),

    return true;