コード例 #1
TEST (EssentialMatrixFactor, testData) {

    // Check E matrix
    Matrix expected(3, 3);
    expected << 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.1, 0.1, 0, 0;
    Matrix aEb_matrix = skewSymmetric(c1Tc2.x(), c1Tc2.y(), c1Tc2.z())
                        * c1Rc2.matrix();
    EXPECT(assert_equal(expected, aEb_matrix, 1e-8));

    // Check some projections
    EXPECT(assert_equal(Point2(0, 0), pA(0), 1e-8));
    EXPECT(assert_equal(Point2(0, 0.1), pB(0), 1e-8));
    EXPECT(assert_equal(Point2(0, -1), pA(4), 1e-8));
    EXPECT(assert_equal(Point2(-1, 0.2), pB(4), 1e-8));

    // Check homogeneous version
    EXPECT(assert_equal(Vector3(-1, 0.2, 1), vB(4), 1e-8));

    // Check epipolar constraint
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        EXPECT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(0, vA(i).transpose() * aEb_matrix * vB(i), 1e-8);

    // Check epipolar constraint
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        EXPECT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(0, trueE.error(vA(i), vB(i)), 1e-7);
コード例 #2
ファイル: Rot3.cpp プロジェクト: haidai/gtsam
/* ************************************************************************* */
pair<Matrix3, Vector3> RQ(const Matrix3& A) {

  double x = -atan2(-A(2, 1), A(2, 2));
  Rot3 Qx = Rot3::Rx(-x);
  Matrix3 B = A * Qx.matrix();

  double y = -atan2(B(2, 0), B(2, 2));
  Rot3 Qy = Rot3::Ry(-y);
  Matrix3 C = B * Qy.matrix();

  double z = -atan2(-C(1, 0), C(1, 1));
  Rot3 Qz = Rot3::Rz(-z);
  Matrix3 R = C * Qz.matrix();

  Vector xyz = Vector3(x, y, z);
  return make_pair(R, xyz);
コード例 #3
void ManifoldPreintegration::update(const Vector3& measuredAcc,
    const Vector3& measuredOmega, const double dt, Matrix9* A, Matrix93* B,
    Matrix93* C) {

  // Correct for bias in the sensor frame
  Vector3 acc = biasHat_.correctAccelerometer(measuredAcc);
  Vector3 omega = biasHat_.correctGyroscope(measuredOmega);

  // Possibly correct for sensor pose
  Matrix3 D_correctedAcc_acc, D_correctedAcc_omega, D_correctedOmega_omega;
  if (p().body_P_sensor)
    boost::tie(acc, omega) = correctMeasurementsBySensorPose(acc, omega,
        D_correctedAcc_acc, D_correctedAcc_omega, D_correctedOmega_omega);

  // Save current rotation for updating Jacobians
  const Rot3 oldRij = deltaXij_.attitude();

  // Do update
  deltaTij_ += dt;
  deltaXij_ = deltaXij_.update(acc, omega, dt, A, B, C); // functional

  if (p().body_P_sensor) {
    // More complicated derivatives in case of non-trivial sensor pose
    *C *= D_correctedOmega_omega;
    if (!p().body_P_sensor->translation().isZero())
      *C += *B * D_correctedAcc_omega;
    *B *= D_correctedAcc_acc; // NOTE(frank): needs to be last

  // Update Jacobians
  // TODO(frank): Try same simplification as in new approach
  Matrix3 D_acc_R;
  oldRij.rotate(acc, D_acc_R);
  const Matrix3 D_acc_biasOmega = D_acc_R * delRdelBiasOmega_;

  const Vector3 integratedOmega = omega * dt;
  Matrix3 D_incrR_integratedOmega;
  const Rot3 incrR = Rot3::Expmap(integratedOmega, D_incrR_integratedOmega); // expensive !!
  const Matrix3 incrRt = incrR.transpose();
  delRdelBiasOmega_ = incrRt * delRdelBiasOmega_ - D_incrR_integratedOmega * dt;

  double dt22 = 0.5 * dt * dt;
  const Matrix3 dRij = oldRij.matrix(); // expensive
  delPdelBiasAcc_ += delVdelBiasAcc_ * dt - dt22 * dRij;
  delPdelBiasOmega_ += dt * delVdelBiasOmega_ + dt22 * D_acc_biasOmega;
  delVdelBiasAcc_ += -dRij * dt;
  delVdelBiasOmega_ += D_acc_biasOmega * dt;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Rot3M.cpp プロジェクト: exoter-rover/slam-gtsam
/* ************************************************************************* */
Vector3 Rot3::CayleyChart::Local(const Rot3& R, OptionalJacobian<3,3> H) {
  if (H) throw std::runtime_error("Rot3::CayleyChart::Local Derivative");
  // Create a fixed-size matrix
  Matrix3 A = R.matrix();
  // Mathematica closed form optimization (procrastination?) gone wild:
  const double a = A(0, 0), b = A(0, 1), c = A(0, 2);
  const double d = A(1, 0), e = A(1, 1), f = A(1, 2);
  const double g = A(2, 0), h = A(2, 1), i = A(2, 2);
  const double di = d * i, ce = c * e, cd = c * d, fg = f * g;
  const double M = 1 + e - f * h + i + e * i;
  const double K = -4.0 / (cd * h + M + a * M - g * (c + ce) - b * (d + di - fg));
  const double x = a * f - cd + f;
  const double y = b * f - ce - c;
  const double z = fg - di - d;
  return K * Vector3(x, y, z);
コード例 #5
void PreintegrationBase::update(const Vector3& j_measuredAcc,
    const Vector3& j_measuredOmega, const double dt,
    Matrix3* D_incrR_integratedOmega, Matrix9* D_updated_current,
    Matrix93* D_updated_measuredAcc, Matrix93* D_updated_measuredOmega) {

  // Save current rotation for updating Jacobians
  const Rot3 oldRij = deltaXij_.attitude();

  // Do update
  deltaTij_ += dt;
  deltaXij_ = updatedDeltaXij(j_measuredAcc, j_measuredOmega, dt,
      D_updated_current, D_updated_measuredAcc, D_updated_measuredOmega); // functional

  // Update Jacobians
  // TODO(frank): we are repeating some computation here: accessible in F ?
  Vector3 j_correctedAcc, j_correctedOmega;
  boost::tie(j_correctedAcc, j_correctedOmega) =
      correctMeasurementsByBiasAndSensorPose(j_measuredAcc, j_measuredOmega);

  Matrix3 D_acc_R;
  oldRij.rotate(j_correctedAcc, D_acc_R);
  const Matrix3 D_acc_biasOmega = D_acc_R * delRdelBiasOmega_;

  const Vector3 integratedOmega = j_correctedOmega * dt;
  const Rot3 incrR = Rot3::Expmap(integratedOmega, D_incrR_integratedOmega); // expensive !!
  const Matrix3 incrRt = incrR.transpose();
  delRdelBiasOmega_ = incrRt * delRdelBiasOmega_
      - *D_incrR_integratedOmega * dt;

  double dt22 = 0.5 * dt * dt;
  const Matrix3 dRij = oldRij.matrix(); // expensive
  delPdelBiasAcc_ += delVdelBiasAcc_ * dt - dt22 * dRij;
  delPdelBiasOmega_ += dt * delVdelBiasOmega_ + dt22 * D_acc_biasOmega;
  delVdelBiasAcc_ += -dRij * dt;
  delVdelBiasOmega_ += D_acc_biasOmega * dt;
コード例 #6
ファイル: masseuse.cpp プロジェクト: arpg/masseuse
void Masseuse::Relax() {

  if(!graph->size() || !values->size()){
    std::cerr << "Pose graph not loaded. Load poses using 'LoadPosesFromFile'" <<
                 " before calling Relax()" << std::endl;
    throw runtime_error("Initial values or graph empty. Nothing to relax.");


  // Global problem
  ceres::Problem problem;

  // Build the problem with the given pose graph

  if(options.enable_prior_at_origin && !options.fix_first_pose){
    // Add a prior at the origin:
    Point3 p = origin.head<3>();
    Rot3 rot(origin[3], origin[4], origin[5]);
    Pose3 orig(rot, p);

    Eigen::Vector6d cov_vec;
    cov_vec << 1e-6, 1e-6, 1e-6, 1e-4, 1e-4, 1e-4;
    Eigen::MatrixXd m = cov_vec.asDiagonal();

    Matrix sqrt_information_matrix = inverseSqrt(m);

    ceres::CostFunction* prior_cost_function =
        new ceres::AutoDiffCostFunction<PriorPoseCostFunctor<double>,
        (new PriorPoseCostFunctor<double>(orig, sqrt_information_matrix));

    problem.AddResidualBlock(prior_cost_function, NULL,


  // Now add a binary constraint for all relative and loop closure constraints
  for(Factor& f : *graph){

    Pose3& T_a = values->at(f.id1);
    Pose3& T_b = values->at(f.id2);

    Matrix sqrt_information_matrix = inverseSqrt(f.cov);

    if(options.enable_switchable_constraints && f.isLCC){
      // Use switchable constraints to selectively disable bad LCC's
      // during the optimization, see:
      // 'Switchable Constraints for Robust Pose Graph SLAM'
      ceres::CostFunction* binary_cost_function =
          new ceres::AutoDiffCostFunction<SwitchableBinaryPoseCostFunctor
          <double>, Sophus::SE3::DoF,
          (new SwitchableBinaryPoseCostFunctor<double>(f.rel_pose,

      HuberLoss* loss = new HuberLoss(options.huber_loss_delta);

      problem.AddResidualBlock(binary_cost_function, loss,

      // Constrain the switch variable to be between 0 and 1
      problem.SetParameterLowerBound(&f.switch_variable, 0, 0.0);
      problem.SetParameterUpperBound(&f.switch_variable, 0, 1.0);

      // Add a prior to anchor the switch variable at its initial value
      ceres::CostFunction* prior_cost_function =
          new ceres::AutoDiffCostFunction<PriorCostFunctor<double>,
          1, 1>(new PriorCostFunctor<double>(f.switch_variable,

      problem.AddResidualBlock(prior_cost_function, NULL,


      Matrix sqrt_information_matrix = inverseSqrt(f.cov);

      ceres::CostFunction* binary_cost_function =
          new ceres::AutoDiffCostFunction<BinaryPoseCostFunctor
          <double>, Sophus::SE3::DoF,
          (new BinaryPoseCostFunctor<double>(f.rel_pose, sqrt_information_matrix));

      HuberLoss* loss = new HuberLoss(options.huber_loss_delta);

      problem.AddResidualBlock(binary_cost_function, loss,

      // Add a prior on z so that it anchors the height to the initial value
      // this assumes roughly planar motion to avoid the z drift.

      double initial_z = origin[2]; // first three elements are x, y, z

      // The last parameter is the index of the z in the SO3 data structure
      // It is [i j k w x y z]
      ceres::CostFunction* prior_cost_function =
          new ceres::AutoDiffCostFunction<PriorCostFunctor<double>,
          1, 7>(new PriorCostFunctor<double>(initial_z,

      problem.AddResidualBlock(prior_cost_function, NULL,



  if(options.fix_first_pose && problem.HasParameterBlock(values->begin()->second.data())){

  ceres::LocalParameterization* local_param =
      new ceres::AutoDiffLocalParameterization
      <Sophus::masseuse::AutoDiffLocalParamSE3, 7, 6>;

  for(auto &pair : *values){

  ceres::Solver::Options ceres_options;
  ceres_options.linear_solver_type = ceres::SPARSE_NORMAL_CHOLESKY;
  ceres_options.trust_region_strategy_type = ceres::LEVENBERG_MARQUARDT;
  ceres_options.minimizer_progress_to_stdout = options.print_minimizer_progress;
  ceres_options.max_num_iterations = options.num_iterations;
  ceres_options.update_state_every_iteration =
  ceres_options.check_gradients = options.check_gradients;
  ceres_options.function_tolerance = options.function_tolearnce;
  ceres_options.parameter_tolerance = options.parameter_tolerance;
  ceres_options.gradient_tolerance = options.gradient_tolerance;

    std::cerr << "BEFORE RELAXATION:" << std::endl;
    std::cerr << std::endl;

    //    if(options.enable_switchable_constraints){
    //      std::cerr << "switch variables BEFORE optimizing: " << std::endl;
    //      for(const Factor& f : *graph){
    //        if(f.isLCC){
    //          fprintf(stderr, "%1.3f ",
    //                  f.switch_variable);
    //        }
    //      }
    //      std::cerr << std::endl;
    //    }

    //    double initial_cost = 0.0;
    //    std::vector<double> residuals(problem.NumResiduals());
    //    problem.Evaluate(Problem::EvaluateOptions(), &initial_cost, &residuals
    //                     , NULL, NULL);

    //    std::cerr << "num residual blocks: " << problem.NumResidualBlocks() <<
    //                 std::endl;
    //    std::cerr << "Cost BEFORE optimizing: " << initial_cost << std::endl;


  ceres::Solver::Summary summary;

  std::cerr << "Relaxing graph...." << std::endl;
  double ceres_time = masseuse::Tic();
  ceres::Solve(ceres_options, &problem, &summary);
  ceres_time = masseuse::Toc(ceres_time);
  fprintf(stderr, "Optimization finished in %fs \n",

    std::cerr << summary.FullReport() << std::endl;

    std::cerr << summary.BriefReport() << std::endl;

    std::cerr << std::endl << "AFTER REALXATION:" << std::endl;

    //    if(options.enable_switchable_constraints){
    //      std::cerr << "switch variables AFTER optimizing: " << std::endl;
    //      for(const Factor& f : *graph){
    //        if(f.isLCC){
    //          fprintf(stderr, "%1.3f ",
    //                  f.switch_variable);
    //        }
    //      }
    //      std::cerr << std::endl;
    //    }

    //    double final_cost = 0.0;
    //    std::vector<double> residuals(problem.NumResiduals());
    //    problem.Evaluate(Problem::EvaluateOptions(), &final_cost, &residuals,
    //                     NULL, NULL);

    //std::cerr << "Cost AFTER optimizing: " << final_cost << std::endl;
    //    Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> vec_residuals(residuals.data(), residuals.size());
    //    std::cerr << "Residuals: " << vec_residuals << std::endl;


  // Save optimization result in a binary file

    Eigen::Vector6d absPoseVec;
    ceres::Covariance::Options cov_options;
    ceres::Covariance covariance(cov_options);
    vector<pair<const double*, const double*> > covariance_blocks;

    for(const auto& kvp : *values){
      const Pose3& pose = kvp.second;
      Point3 p = pose.translation();
      Rot3 R = pose.so3();
      absPoseVec.head<3>() = p;
      // unpack Euler angles: roll, pitch, yaw
      absPoseVec.tail<3>() = R.matrix().eulerAngles(0, 1, 2);

      // Now get the covariance for this pose
      covariance_blocks.push_back(std::make_pair(pose.data(), pose.data()));

      CHECK(covariance.Compute(covariance_blocks, &problem));

      double cov[6*6];

      // convert to an Eigen matrix
      Eigen::Map < Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6, Eigen::RowMajor> > cov_mat(

      AbsPose absPose(kvp.first, absPoseVec, cov_mat);


コード例 #7
ファイル: Rot3.cpp プロジェクト: haidai/gtsam
/* ************************************************************************* */
bool Rot3::equals(const Rot3 & R, double tol) const {
  return equal_with_abs_tol(matrix(), R.matrix(), tol);