コード例 #1
ファイル: plane.cpp プロジェクト: carussell/nvvg
/// \param angles The orientation (unit) vector that you want to reflect
/// \return Euler angles that are reflected about the slope of the plane.
EulerAngles Plane::reflectOrientation(const EulerAngles& angles) const
  EulerAngles out;
  Vector3 look, up, right;  
  RotationMatrix rotMat;
  // get look and up vector from euler angles
  look = rotMat.objectToInertial(Vector3(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f));
  up = rotMat.objectToInertial(Vector3(0.0f,1.0f,0.0f));

  // reflect the look and up vectors over the plane
  look = reflectOrientation(look);
  up = -reflectOrientation(up); 
  // calculate right vector
  right = Vector3::crossProduct( up, look);
  // create a rotation matrix from right, up, and look
  rotMat.m11 = right.x; rotMat.m12 = right.y; rotMat.m13 = right.z;
  rotMat.m21 = up.x; rotMat.m22 = up.y; rotMat.m23 = up.z;
  rotMat.m31 = look.x; rotMat.m32 = look.y; rotMat.m33 = look.z;
  // calculate new euler angles from the matrix

  return out;
コード例 #2
ファイル: TetherCamera.cpp プロジェクト: carussell/nvvg
// Resets camera to behind target object
void TetherCamera::reset() 
  Vector3 target;
  float targetHeading;

  assert(m_objects); // object manager doesn't exist
  GameObject* obj = m_objects->getObjectPointer(m_targetObjectID);    
  assert(obj); // object to follow doesn't exist  
  targetHeading = obj->getOrientation().heading;
  target = obj->getPosition();

  target.y += 3.0f;

  cameraOrient.set(targetHeading, 0.0f,0.0f);

  RotationMatrix cameraMatrix;

  Vector3 bOffset(0.0f,0.0f, -maxDist);
  Vector3 iOffset = cameraMatrix.objectToInertial(bOffset);
  cameraPos = target + iOffset;
コード例 #3
RotationMatrix ForwardKinematics::calcChestFeetRotation(const KinematicChain& theKinematicChain)
  RotationMatrix calculatedRotation;

  // calculate rotation based on foot - torso transformation
  const Pose3D& footLeft = theKinematicChain.theLinks[KinematicChain::LFoot].M;
  const Pose3D& footRight = theKinematicChain.theLinks[KinematicChain::RFoot].M;
  const Pose3D& body = theKinematicChain.theLinks[KinematicChain::Torso].M;

  // local in chest
  Pose3D localFootLeft(body.local(footLeft));
  Pose3D localFootRight(body.local(footRight));
  if(abs(localFootLeft.translation.z - localFootRight.translation.z) < 3.f/* magic number */)
    // use average of the calculated rotation of each leg
    double meanX = (localFootLeft.rotation.getXAngle() + localFootRight.rotation.getXAngle())*0.5;
    double meanY = (localFootLeft.rotation.getYAngle() + localFootRight.rotation.getYAngle())*0.5;

    //calculatedRotation.fromKardanRPY(0.0, meanY, meanX);
  else if(localFootLeft.translation.z > localFootRight.translation.z)
    // use left foot
    calculatedRotation = localFootLeft.rotation;
    // use right foot
    calculatedRotation = localFootRight.rotation;

  return calculatedRotation.invert();
}//end calcChestFeetRotation
コード例 #4
void Matrix4x3::setupParentToLocal(const Vector3& pos, const EulerAngles& orient)
	RotationMatrix orientMatrix;

コード例 #5
ファイル: Coordinates.cpp プロジェクト: YounesN/GOMCHilbert
//Rotate by a random amount.
void Coordinates::RotateRand
(XYZArray & dest, uint & pStart, uint & pLen,
 const uint m, const uint b, const double max)
   //Rotate (-max, max) radians about a uniformly random vector
   //Not uniformly random, but symmetrical wrt detailed balance
   RotationMatrix matrix = RotationMatrix::FromAxisAngle(
      prngRef.Sym(max), prngRef.PickOnUnitSphere());

   XYZ center = comRef.Get(m);
   uint stop = 0;
   molRef.GetRange(pStart, stop, pLen, m);
   //Copy coordinates
   CopyRange(dest, pStart, 0, pLen);

   boxDimRef.UnwrapPBC(dest, b, center);
   //Do rotation
   for (uint p = 0; p < pLen; p++) //Rotate each point.
      dest.Add(p, -center);
      dest.Set(p, matrix.Apply(dest.Get(p)));
      dest.Add(p, center);
   boxDimRef.WrapPBC(dest, b);

コード例 #6
ファイル: KickModule.cpp プロジェクト: rdspring1/cs393r
void KickModule::commandLegsRelativeToTorso(float *command_angles, Pose3D left_target, Pose3D right_target, float /*tilt*/, float roll, float /*tilt_roll_factor*/, bool left_compliant, bool right_compliant) {

	RotationMatrix rot;
	RotationMatrix foot_rotation;
	if (left_compliant) {
		left_target.translation = rot * left_target.translation;
		left_target.rotation = left_target.rotation * foot_rotation;
	if (right_compliant) {
		right_target.translation = rot * right_target.translation;
		right_target.rotation = right_target.rotation * foot_rotation;
	bool isValid = false;

	//cout << "*** command legs relative to torso " << endl;
	//cout << "commandLegsRel() left foot x y z " << left_target.translation.x << ", " << left_target.translation.y << ", " << left_target.translation.z << endl;
	//cout << "left foot rotation x y z " << left_target.rotation.getXAngle() << ", " << left_target.rotation.getYAngle() << ", " << left_target.rotation.getZAngle() << endl;
	//cout << "commandLegsRel() right foot x y z " << right_target.translation.x << ", " << right_target.translation.y << ", " << right_target.translation.z << endl;
	//cout << "right foot rotation x y z " << right_target.rotation.getXAngle() << ", " << right_target.rotation.getXAngle() << ", " << right_target.rotation.getXAngle() << endl;

	isValid = inverse_kinematics_.calcLegJoints(left_target, right_target, command_angles, robot_info_->dimensions_);

	command_angles[LHipYawPitch] = 0.0;
	command_angles[RHipYawPitch] = 0.0;

コード例 #7
void BulletObject::updateRay()
  EulerAngles lookEuler = getOrientation();
  lookEuler.bank = 0.0f;
  RotationMatrix look;
  m_bulletRay = look.objectToInertial(Vector3(0.0f,0.0f,m_range));
コード例 #8
void KickEngineData::calcLegJoints(const JointData::Joint& joint, JointRequest& jointRequest, const RobotDimensions& theRobotDimensions)
  float sign = joint == JointData::LHipYawPitch ? 1.f : -1.f;
  float leg0, leg1, leg2, leg3, leg4, leg5;

  const Vector3<>& footPos = (sign > 0) ? positions[Phase::leftFootTra] : positions[Phase::rightFootTra];
  const Vector3<>& footRotAng = (sign > 0) ? positions[Phase::leftFootRot] : positions[Phase::rightFootRot];

  RotationMatrix rotateBodyTilt = RotationMatrix().rotateX(comOffset.x);
  Vector3<> anklePos = rotateBodyTilt * Vector3<>(footPos.x, footPos.y, footPos.z);
  //we need just the leg length x and y have to stay the same
  anklePos.y = footPos.y;
  anklePos.x = footPos.x;
  // for the translation of the footpos we only need to translate the anklepoint, which is the intersection of the axis leg4 and leg5
  // the rotation of the foot will be made later by rotating the footpos around the anklepoint
  anklePos -= Vector3<>(0.f, sign * (theRobotDimensions.lengthBetweenLegs / 2), -theRobotDimensions.heightLeg5Joint);

  RotationMatrix rotateBecauseOfHip = RotationMatrix().rotateZ(footRotAng.z).rotateX(-sign * pi_4);

  anklePos = rotateBecauseOfHip * anklePos;

  float diagonal = anklePos.abs();

  // upperLegLength, lowerLegLength, and diagonal form a triangle, use cosine theorem
  float a1 = (theRobotDimensions.upperLegLength * theRobotDimensions.upperLegLength -
              theRobotDimensions.lowerLegLength * theRobotDimensions.lowerLegLength + diagonal * diagonal) /
             (2 * theRobotDimensions.upperLegLength * diagonal);
  //if(abs(a1) > 1.f) OUTPUT(idText, text, "clipped a1");
  a1 = abs(a1) > 1.f ? 0.f : acos(a1);

  float a2 = (theRobotDimensions.upperLegLength * theRobotDimensions.upperLegLength +
              theRobotDimensions.lowerLegLength * theRobotDimensions.lowerLegLength - diagonal * diagonal) /
             (2 * theRobotDimensions.upperLegLength * theRobotDimensions.lowerLegLength);
  //if(abs(a2) > 1.f) OUTPUT(idText, text, "clipped a2");
  a2 = abs(a2) > 1.f ? pi : acos(a2);

  leg0 = footRotAng.z * sign;
  leg2 = -a1 - atan2(anklePos.x, Vector2<>(anklePos.y, anklePos.z).abs() * -sgn(anklePos.z));

  leg1 = anklePos.z == 0.0f ? 0.0f : atan(anklePos.y / -anklePos.z) * -sign;
  leg3 = pi - a2;

  RotationMatrix footRot = RotationMatrix().rotateX(leg1 * -sign).rotateY(leg2 + leg3);
  footRot = footRot.invert() * rotateBecauseOfHip;

  leg5 = asin(-footRot[2].y) * sign * -1;
  leg4 = -atan2(footRot[2].x, footRot[2].z) * -1;

  leg4 += footRotAng.y;
  leg5 += footRotAng.x;

  jointRequest.angles[joint] = leg0;
  jointRequest.angles[joint + 1] = -pi_4 + leg1;
  jointRequest.angles[joint + 2] = leg2;
  jointRequest.angles[joint + 3] = leg3;
  jointRequest.angles[joint + 4] = leg4;
  jointRequest.angles[joint + 5] = leg5;
コード例 #9
void KickEngineData::calcLegJoints(const Joints::Joint& joint, JointRequest& jointRequest, const RobotDimensions& theRobotDimensions, const DamageConfigurationBody& theDamageConfigurationBody)
  const int sign = joint == Joints::lHipYawPitch ? 1 : -1;

  const Vector3f& footPos = (sign > 0) ? positions[Phase::leftFootTra] : positions[Phase::rightFootTra];
  const Vector3f& footRotAng = (sign > 0) ? positions[Phase::leftFootRot] : positions[Phase::rightFootRot];

  const RotationMatrix rotateBodyTilt = RotationMatrix::aroundX(bodyAngle.x()).rotateY(bodyAngle.y());
  Vector3f anklePos = rotateBodyTilt * (footPos - Vector3f(0.f, 0, -theRobotDimensions.footHeight));
  anklePos -= Vector3f(0.f, sign * (theRobotDimensions.yHipOffset), 0);

  //const RotationMatrix zRot = RotationMatrix::aroundZ(footRotAng.z()).rotateX(sign * pi_4);
  //anklePos = zRot * anklePos;
  const float leg0 = 0;//std::atan2(-anklePos.x(), anklePos.y());
  const float diagonal = anklePos.norm();

  // upperLegLength, lowerLegLength, and diagonal form a triangle, use cosine theorem
  float a1 = (theRobotDimensions.upperLegLength * theRobotDimensions.upperLegLength -
              theRobotDimensions.lowerLegLength * theRobotDimensions.lowerLegLength + diagonal * diagonal) /
             (2 * theRobotDimensions.upperLegLength * diagonal);
  //if(std::abs(a1) > 1.f) OUTPUT_TEXT("clipped a1");
  a1 = std::abs(a1) > 1.f ? 0.f : std::acos(a1);

  float a2 = (theRobotDimensions.upperLegLength * theRobotDimensions.upperLegLength +
              theRobotDimensions.lowerLegLength * theRobotDimensions.lowerLegLength - diagonal * diagonal) /
             (2 * theRobotDimensions.upperLegLength * theRobotDimensions.lowerLegLength);
  //if(std::abs(a2) > 1.f) OUTPUT_TEXT("clipped a2");
  a2 = std::abs(a2) > 1.f ? pi : std::acos(a2);

  const float leg2 = -a1 - std::atan2(anklePos.x(), Vector2f(anklePos.y(), anklePos.z()).norm() * -sgn(anklePos.z()));
  const float leg1 = anklePos.z() == 0.0f ? 0.0f : (std::atan(anklePos.y() / -anklePos.z()));
  const float leg3 = pi - a2;

  const RotationMatrix rotateBecauseOfHip = RotationMatrix::aroundZ(0).rotateX(bodyAngle.x()).rotateY(bodyAngle.y());
  //calculate inverse foot rotation so that they are flat to the ground
  RotationMatrix footRot = RotationMatrix::aroundX(leg1).rotateY(leg2 + leg3);
  footRot = footRot.inverse() /* * zRot*/ * rotateBecauseOfHip;

  //and add additonal foot rotation (which is probably not flat to the ground)
  const float leg4 = std::atan2(footRot(0, 2), footRot(2, 2)) + footRotAng.y();
  const float leg5 = std::asin(-footRot(1, 2)) + footRotAng.x() ;

  jointRequest.angles[joint] = leg0;
  jointRequest.angles[joint + 1] = (/*-pi_4 * sign + */leg1);
  jointRequest.angles[joint + 2] = leg2;
  jointRequest.angles[joint + 3] = leg3;
  jointRequest.angles[joint + 4] = leg4;
  jointRequest.angles[joint + 5] = leg5;

  //quickhack which allows calibration, but works only if the left foot is the support foot in .kmc file
  Vector2f tiltCalibration = currentKickRequest.mirror ? theDamageConfigurationBody.startTiltRight : theDamageConfigurationBody.startTiltLeft;
    tiltCalibration.x() *= -1.f;
  jointRequest.angles[Joints::lAnkleRoll] += tiltCalibration.x();
  jointRequest.angles[Joints::lAnklePitch] += tiltCalibration.y();
コード例 #10
/// \param pos Specifies the position of the local space within the
///     parent space.
/// \param orient Specifies the orientation of the local space within
///     the parent space as an Euler angle triplet.
void	Matrix4x3::setupParentToLocal(const Vector3 &pos, const EulerAngles &orient) {

	// Create a rotation matrix.

	RotationMatrix orientMatrix;

	// Setup the 4x3 matrix.

	setupParentToLocal(pos, orientMatrix);
コード例 #11
ファイル: ViewBikeMath.cpp プロジェクト: Ambaboo/BHuman2013
bool ViewBikeMath::calcLegJoints(const Vector3<>& footPos, const Vector3<>& footRotAng, const bool& left, const RobotDimensions& robotDimensions, float& leg0, float& leg1, float& leg2, float& leg3, float& leg4, float& leg5)
  float sign = (left) ? 1.f : -1.f;
  bool legTooShort = false;

  Vector3<> anklePos; //FLOAT
  anklePos = Vector3<>(footPos.x,  footPos.y, footPos.z + robotDimensions.heightLeg5Joint);

  anklePos -= Vector3<>(0.f, sign * (robotDimensions.lengthBetweenLegs / 2.f), 0.f);

  RotationMatrix rotateBecauseOfHip = RotationMatrix().rotateZ(sign * footRotAng.z).rotateX(-sign * pi_4);
  Vector3<> rotatedFootRotAng;

  anklePos = rotateBecauseOfHip * anklePos;
  leg0 = footRotAng.z;
  rotatedFootRotAng = rotateBecauseOfHip * footRotAng;

  leg2 = -std::atan2(anklePos.x, Vector2<>(anklePos.y, anklePos.z).abs());

  float diagonal = anklePos.abs();

  // upperLegLength, lowerLegLength, and diagonal form a triangle, use cosine theorem
  float a1 = (robotDimensions.upperLegLength * robotDimensions.upperLegLength -
              robotDimensions.lowerLegLength * robotDimensions.lowerLegLength + diagonal * diagonal) /
             (2 * robotDimensions.upperLegLength * diagonal);
  a1 = std::abs(a1) > 1.f ? 0 : std::acos(a1);

  float a2 = (robotDimensions.upperLegLength * robotDimensions.upperLegLength +
              robotDimensions.lowerLegLength * robotDimensions.lowerLegLength - diagonal * diagonal) /
             (2 * robotDimensions.upperLegLength * robotDimensions.lowerLegLength);
  const Range<float> clipping(-1.f, 1.f);
    legTooShort = true;
  a2 = std::abs(a2) > 1.f ? pi : std::acos(a2);

  leg1 = (-sign * std::atan2(anklePos.y, std::abs(anklePos.z))) - (pi / 4);
  leg2 -= a1;
  leg3 = pi - a2;

  RotationMatrix footRot = RotationMatrix().rotateX(leg1 * -sign).rotateY(leg2 + leg3);
  footRot = footRot.invert() * rotateBecauseOfHip;
  leg5 = std::asin(-footRot[2].y) * -sign;
  leg4 = -std::atan2(footRot[2].x, footRot[2].z) * -1;
  leg4 += footRotAng.y;
  leg5 += footRotAng.x;

  return legTooShort;
コード例 #12
bool KickViewMath::calcLegJoints(const Vector3f& footPos, const Vector3f& footRotAng, const bool& left, const RobotDimensions& robotDimensions,
                            float& leg0, float& leg1, float& leg2, float& leg3, float& leg4, float& leg5)
  float sign = (left) ? 1.f : -1.f;
  bool legTooShort = false;

  Vector3f anklePos; //FLOAT
  anklePos = Vector3f(footPos.x(),  footPos.y(), footPos.z() + robotDimensions.footHeight);

  anklePos -= Vector3f(0.f, sign * (robotDimensions.yHipOffset), 0.f);

  const RotationMatrix rotateBecauseOfHip = RotationMatrix::aroundZ(sign * footRotAng.z()).rotateX(-sign * pi_4);
  Vector3f rotatedFootRotAng;

  anklePos = rotateBecauseOfHip * anklePos;
  leg0 = footRotAng.z();
  rotatedFootRotAng = rotateBecauseOfHip * footRotAng;

  leg2 = -std::atan2(anklePos.x(), Vector2f(anklePos.y(), anklePos.z()).norm());

  float diagonal = anklePos.norm();

  // upperLegLength, lowerLegLength, and diagonal form a triangle, use cosine theorem
  float a1 = (robotDimensions.upperLegLength * robotDimensions.upperLegLength -
              robotDimensions.lowerLegLength * robotDimensions.lowerLegLength + diagonal * diagonal) /
             (2 * robotDimensions.upperLegLength * diagonal);
  a1 = std::abs(a1) > 1.f ? 0 : std::acos(a1);

  float a2 = (robotDimensions.upperLegLength * robotDimensions.upperLegLength +
              robotDimensions.lowerLegLength * robotDimensions.lowerLegLength - diagonal * diagonal) /
             (2 * robotDimensions.upperLegLength * robotDimensions.lowerLegLength);
    legTooShort = true;
  a2 = std::abs(a2) > 1.f ? pi : std::acos(a2);

  leg1 = (-sign * std::atan2(anklePos.y(), std::abs(anklePos.z()))) - (pi / 4);
  leg2 -= a1;
  leg3 = pi - a2;

  RotationMatrix footRot = RotationMatrix::aroundX(leg1 * -sign).rotateY(leg2 + leg3);
  footRot = footRot.inverse() * rotateBecauseOfHip;
  leg5 = std::asin(-footRot.col(2).y()) * -sign;
  leg4 = -std::atan2(footRot.col(2).x(), footRot.col(2).z()) * -1;
  leg4 += footRotAng.y();
  leg5 += footRotAng.x();

  return legTooShort;
コード例 #13
/// \param pos Specifies the position of the local space within the
///     parent space.
/// \param orient Specifies the orientation of the local space within
///     the parent space as an Euler angle triplet.
void	Matrix4x3::setupLocalToParent(const Vector3 &pos, const EulerAngles &orient) {

	// Create a rotation matrix.

	RotationMatrix orientMatrix;

	// Setup the 4x3 matrix.  Note: if we were really concerned with
	// speed, we could create the matrix directly into these variables,
	// without using the temporary RotationMatrix object.  This would
	// save us a function call and a few copy operations.

	setupLocalToParent(pos, orientMatrix);
コード例 #14
bool InverseKinematics::calcLegJoints(const Pose3D& position, Joints jointAngles, float joint0, bool left, const RobotDimensions& robotDimensions) {
  Pose3D target(position);
  Joint firstJoint(left ? LHipYawPitch : RHipYawPitch);
  const int sign(left ? -1 : 1);
  target.translation.y += robotDimensions.values_[RobotDimensions::lengthBetweenLegs] / 2 * sign; // translate to origin of leg
  target = Pose3D().rotateZ(joint0 * -sign).rotateX(M_PI_4 * sign).conc(target); // compute residual transformation with fixed joint0

  // use cosine theorem and arctan to compute first three joints
  float length = target.translation.abs();
  float sqrLength = length * length;
  float upperLeg = robotDimensions.values_[RobotDimensions::upperLegLength];
  float sqrUpperLeg = upperLeg * upperLeg;
  float lowerLeg = robotDimensions.values_[RobotDimensions::lowerLegLength];
  float sqrLowerLeg = lowerLeg * lowerLeg;
  float cosUpperLeg = (sqrUpperLeg + sqrLength - sqrLowerLeg) / (2 * upperLeg * length);
  float cosKnee = (sqrUpperLeg + sqrLowerLeg - sqrLength) / (2 * upperLeg * lowerLeg);
  // clip for the case that target position is not reachable
  const Range<float> clipping(-1.0f, 1.0f);
  bool reachable = true;
  if(!clipping.isInside(cosKnee) || clipping.isInside(upperLeg))
    cosKnee = clipping.limit(cosKnee);
    cosUpperLeg = clipping.limit(cosUpperLeg);
    reachable = false;
  float joint1 = target.translation.z == 0.0f ? 0.0f : atanf(target.translation.y / -target.translation.z) * sign;
  float joint2 = -acos(cosUpperLeg);
  joint2 -= atan2(target.translation.x, Vector2<float>(target.translation.y, target.translation.z).abs() * -sgn(target.translation.z));
  float joint3 = M_PI - acos(cosKnee);
  RotationMatrix beforeFoot = RotationMatrix().rotateX(joint1 * sign).rotateY(joint2 + joint3);
  joint1 -= M_PI_4; // because of the strange hip of Nao

  // compute joints from rotation matrix using theorem of euler angles
  // see http://www.geometrictools.com/Documentation/EulerAngles.pdf
  // this is possible because of the known order of joints (y, x, z) where z is left open and is seen as failure
  RotationMatrix foot = beforeFoot.invert() * target.rotation;
  float joint5 = asin(-foot[2].y) * -sign * -1;
  float joint4 = -atan2(foot[2].x, foot[2].z) * -1;
  //float failure = atan2(foot[0].y, foot[1].y) * sign;

  // set computed joints in jointAngles
  jointAngles[firstJoint + 0] = joint0;
  jointAngles[firstJoint + 1] = joint1;
  jointAngles[firstJoint + 2] = joint2;
  jointAngles[firstJoint + 3] = joint3;
  jointAngles[firstJoint + 4] = joint4;
  jointAngles[firstJoint + 5] = joint5;

  return reachable;
コード例 #15
bool Ned3DObjectManager::interactPlaneTerrain(PlaneObject &plane, TerrainObject &terrain)
  Terrain *terr = terrain.getTerrain();
  if(terr == NULL) return false;

  //test for plane collision with terrain
  Vector3 planePos = plane.getPosition();
  EulerAngles planeOrient = plane.getOrientation();
  Vector3 disp = planePos - disp;
  RotationMatrix planeMatrix;
  planeMatrix.setup(plane.getOrientation()); // get plane's orientation

  float planeBottom = plane.getBoundingBox().min.y;
  float terrainHeight = terr->getHeight(planePos.x,planePos.z);
  if(plane.isPlaneAlive() && planeBottom < terrainHeight)
  { //collision
    Vector3 viewVector = planeMatrix.objectToInertial(Vector3(0,0,1));
    if(viewVector * terr->getNormal(planePos.x,planePos.z) < -0.5f // dot product
      || plane.isCrashing())
      int partHndl = gParticle.createSystem("planeexplosion");
      gParticle.setSystemPos(partHndl, plane.getPosition());
      int boomHndl = gSoundManager.requestSoundHandle("Boom.wav");
      int boomInst = gSoundManager.requestInstance(boomHndl);
      if(boomInst != SoundManager::NOINSTANCE)
      planePos += 2.0f * viewVector;
      planeOrient.pitch = kPi / 4.0f;
      planeOrient.bank = kPi / 4.0f;
    else planePos.y = terrainHeight + planePos.y - planeBottom;
    return true;
  return false;
コード例 #16
void PlaneObject::damage(int hp)
  // if god mode is on leave 
  if (!takeDamage)

  m_hp -= hp;
  setTextureAndSmoke(); // change to a texture with more damange on it
  if(m_isPlaneAlive && m_hp <= 0)
    m_planeState = PS_CRASHING;
    m_velocity = Vector3::kForwardVector;
    m_eaOrient[0].pitch = degToRad(20);
    RotationMatrix r; r.setup(m_eaOrient[0]);
    m_velocity = r.objectToInertial(m_velocity);
    m_velocity *= m_maxSpeed * m_speedRatio * 20.0f;
コード例 #17
bool Ned3DObjectManager::interactPlaneWater(PlaneObject &plane, WaterObject &water)
  Water *pWater = water.getWater();
  if(pWater == NULL) return false;
  // Test for plane collision with water
  Vector3 planePos = plane.getPosition();
  EulerAngles planeOrient = plane.getOrientation();
  Vector3 disp = planePos - disp;
  RotationMatrix planeMatrix;
  planeMatrix.setup(plane.getOrientation()); // get plane's orientation
  float planeBottom = plane.getBoundingBox().min.y;
  float waterHeight = pWater->getWaterHeight();
  if(plane.isPlaneAlive() && planeBottom < waterHeight)
  { //collision
    Vector3 viewVector = planeMatrix.objectToInertial(Vector3(0,0,1));
    planePos += 2.0f * viewVector;
    planeOrient.pitch = kPi / 4.0f;
    planeOrient.bank = kPi / 4.0f;
    int partHndl = gParticle.createSystem("planeexplosion");
    gParticle.setSystemPos(partHndl, plane.getPosition());
    int boomHndl = gSoundManager.requestSoundHandle("Boom.wav");
    int boomInst = gSoundManager.requestInstance(boomHndl);
    if(boomInst != SoundManager::NOINSTANCE)
    return true;
  return false;
コード例 #18
ファイル: Geometry.cpp プロジェクト: RomanMichna/diplomovka
bool Geometry::calculatePointByAngles
  const Vector2<>& angles,
  const CameraMatrix& cameraMatrix,
  const CameraInfo& cameraInfo,
  Vector2<int>& point
  Vector3<> vectorToPointWorld, vectorToPoint;
  vectorToPointWorld.x = (float) cos(angles.x);
  vectorToPointWorld.y = (float) sin(angles.x);
  vectorToPointWorld.z = (float) tan(angles.y);

  RotationMatrix rotationMatrix = cameraMatrix.rotation;
  vectorToPoint = rotationMatrix.invert() * vectorToPointWorld;

  float factor = cameraInfo.focalLength;

  float scale = factor / vectorToPoint.x;

  point.x = (int)(0.5f + cameraInfo.opticalCenter.x - vectorToPoint.y * scale);
  point.y = (int)(0.5f + cameraInfo.opticalCenter.y  - vectorToPoint.z * scale);
  return vectorToPoint.x > 0;
コード例 #19
void Motion::debugPlots()

  // some basic plots
  // plotting sensor data
  PLOT("Motion:GyrometerData:data:x", getGyrometerData().data.x);
  PLOT("Motion:GyrometerData:data:y", getGyrometerData().data.y);

  PLOT("Motion:GyrometerData:rawData:x", getGyrometerData().rawData.x);
  PLOT("Motion:GyrometerData:rawData:y", getGyrometerData().rawData.y);
  PLOT("Motion:GyrometerData:ref", getGyrometerData().ref);

  PLOT("Motion:AccelerometerData:x", getAccelerometerData().data.x);
  PLOT("Motion:AccelerometerData:y", getAccelerometerData().data.y);
  PLOT("Motion:AccelerometerData:z", getAccelerometerData().data.z);

  PLOT("Motion:InertialSensorData:x", sin(getInertialSensorData().data.x));
  PLOT("Motion:InertialSensorData:y", (getInertialSensorData().data.y));


    RotationMatrix calculatedRotation =

    // calculate expected acceleration sensor reading
    Vector2d inertialExpected(calculatedRotation.getXAngle(), calculatedRotation.getYAngle());

    PLOT("Motion:KinematicChain:oriantation:sensor:x", Math::toDegrees(inertialExpected.x) );
    PLOT("Motion:KinematicChain:oriantation:sensor:y", Math::toDegrees(inertialExpected.y) );
コード例 #20
GTEST_TEST(RotationMatrix, getPackedAngleAxisFaulty)
  Vector3f vec(1, 2, 3);
  AngleAxisf aa(pi - 0.0001f, Vector3f::UnitX());
  RotationMatrix r = aa;
  Vector3f r1 = aa * vec;
  Vector3f r2 = Rotation::AngleAxis::unpack(r.getPackedAngleAxisFaulty()) * vec;

  r = aa = AngleAxisf(pi - 0.0001f, Vector3f::UnitY());
  r1 = aa * vec;
  r2 = Rotation::AngleAxis::unpack(r.getPackedAngleAxisFaulty()) * vec;

  r = aa = AngleAxisf(pi - 0.0001f, Vector3f::UnitZ());
  r1 = aa * vec;
  r2 = Rotation::AngleAxis::unpack(r.getPackedAngleAxisFaulty()) * vec;

  r = aa = AngleAxisf(-pi + 0.0001f, Vector3f::UnitX());
  r1 = aa * vec;
  r2 = Rotation::AngleAxis::unpack(r.getPackedAngleAxisFaulty()) * vec;

  r = aa = AngleAxisf(-pi + 0.0001f, Vector3f::UnitY());
  r1 = aa * vec;
  r2 = Rotation::AngleAxis::unpack(r.getPackedAngleAxisFaulty()) * vec;

  r = aa = AngleAxisf(-pi + 0.0001f, Vector3f::UnitZ());
  r1 = aa * vec;
  r2 = Rotation::AngleAxis::unpack(r.getPackedAngleAxisFaulty()) * vec;

  r = aa = AngleAxisf(-3.14060259f, Vector3f(-0.496929348f, 0.435349584f, 0.750687659f));
  AngleAxisf aa3 = Rotation::AngleAxis::unpack(r.getPackedAngleAxis());
  r1 = aa * vec;
  r2 = Rotation::AngleAxis::unpack(r.getPackedAngleAxisFaulty()) * vec;
コード例 #21
GTEST_TEST(RotationMatrix, getYAngle)
  float angle = 0_deg;
  RotationMatrix r = RotationMatrix::aroundY(angle);
  float yAngle = r.getYAngle();
  EXPECT_TRUE(Approx::isEqual(yAngle, angle));

  angle = 90_deg;
  r = RotationMatrix::aroundY(angle);
  yAngle = r.getYAngle();
  EXPECT_TRUE(Approx::isEqual(yAngle, angle));

  angle = 180_deg;
  r = RotationMatrix::aroundY(angle);
  yAngle = r.getYAngle();
  EXPECT_TRUE(Approx::isEqual(Angle::normalize(yAngle), Angle::normalize(angle)));

  angle = -180_deg;
  r = RotationMatrix::aroundY(angle);
  yAngle = r.getYAngle();
  EXPECT_TRUE(Approx::isEqual(Angle::normalize(yAngle), Angle::normalize(angle)));

  angle = 360_deg;
  r = RotationMatrix::aroundY(angle);
  yAngle = r.getYAngle();
  EXPECT_TRUE(Approx::isEqual(yAngle, Angle::normalize(angle)));

  for(int i = 0; i < RUNS; ++i)
    const float angle = Random::uniform() * pi;
    const RotationMatrix r = RotationMatrix::aroundY(angle);
    float yAngle = r.getYAngle();
    if(!Approx::isEqual(yAngle, angle, 1e-3f))
      EXPECT_TRUE(Approx::isEqual(yAngle, angle, 1e-3f))
          << "yAngle:\n"
          << yAngle << "\n"
          << "angle\n"
          << angle << "\n";
コード例 #22
void Docking::setConfiguration(const ScoreConfiguration& scoreConfiguration, Protein &newReceptor, Protein &newLigand) const
	// rotate receptor
    RotationMatrix rotationMatrix;
    rotationMatrix.calculateMatrix(receptor_.getOrder(), RotationAngle(0.0, scoreConfiguration.gamma2));
	receptor_.rotateTo(newReceptor, rotationMatrix);
    rotationMatrix.calculateMatrix(receptor_.getOrder(), RotationAngle(scoreConfiguration.beta2, 0.0));

	// translate
	char buffer[100];
//	sprintf(buffer, "%s/%d/%.6lf.dat", "data/trans", receptor_.getOrder(), scoreConfiguration.R);
	sprintf(buffer, "%s/%d/%.6lf.dat", translationPath_.c_str(), receptor_.getOrder(), scoreConfiguration.R);
	TranslationMatrix translationmatrix(buffer);

    rotationMatrix.calculateMatrix(receptor_.getOrder(), RotationAngle(0.0, scoreConfiguration.gamma1));
	ligand_.rotateTo(newLigand, rotationMatrix);
    rotationMatrix.calculateMatrix(receptor_.getOrder(), RotationAngle(scoreConfiguration.beta1, 0.0));
    rotationMatrix.calculateMatrix(receptor_.getOrder(), RotationAngle(0.0, scoreConfiguration.alpha));
コード例 #23
// Write RotationMatrix object r values to global matrixData.
void writeMatrixData(RotationMatrix r)
   for (int i=0; i < 16; i++) matrixData[i] = r.getMatrixData(i);
コード例 #24
Vector2<double> AngleEstimator::RotationMatrix::operator-(const RotationMatrix& other) const
  //return ((const RotationMatrix&)(other.invert() * *this)).getAngleAxis();
  const Vector3<double>& result(other * ((const RotationMatrix&)(other.invert() * *this)).getAngleAxis());
  return Vector2<double>(result.x, result.y);
コード例 #25
/// Rendering the particles involves looping through every live particle
/// and writing it's relevant data to a vertex buffer, and then rendering
/// that vertex buffer.
void ParticleEffect::render()
    if(m_nLiveParticleCount == 0) // make sure we have something to render


    // save render states before starting
    DWORD lighting;
    DWORD alphablend;
    DWORD zwrite;
    DWORD zenable;
    DWORD srcblend;
    DWORD destblend;

    pD3DDevice->GetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, &lighting);
    pD3DDevice->GetRenderState(D3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, &alphablend);
    pD3DDevice->GetRenderState(D3DRS_ZWRITEENABLE, &zwrite);
    pD3DDevice->GetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, &zenable);
    pD3DDevice->GetRenderState(D3DRS_SRCBLEND, &srcblend);
    pD3DDevice->GetRenderState(D3DRS_DESTBLEND, &destblend);

    // set up particle engine states
    pD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, FALSE);
    pD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, TRUE);
        pD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZWRITEENABLE, FALSE);
        pD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZWRITEENABLE, FALSE);
    pD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, TRUE);
    pD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA);
    //pD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA);
    //pD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_ZERO);

    // set texture operations for alpha blending by setting the color
    // to texture color times diffuse color, and alpha taken entirely from
    // texture value

    // get camera right and up vectors to figure out how to orient the sprites
    D3DXMATRIXA16 view;
    pD3DDevice->GetTransform(D3DTS_VIEW, &view);

    Vector3 vecRight = Vector3(view._11, view._21, view._31);
    Vector3 vecUp = Vector3(view._12, view._22, view._32);
    Vector3 vecForward = Vector3(view._13, view._23, view._33);

    // precalculate corners
    Vector3 ul, ur, bl, br;
    //ul = -vecRight + vecUp; // upper left
    //ur = vecRight + vecUp;  // upper right
    //bl = -vecRight - vecUp; // bottom left
    //br = vecRight - vecUp;  // bottom right

    pD3DDevice->SetTexture(0, m_txtParticleTexture);


    // shorthand to the current vertex
    RenderVertexL *vert = &((*m_vertBuffer)[0]);

    // although these values are the same for all particles (except color.alpha),
    // you could implement some randomness, at which point there would be a
    // reason to assign to them with every iteration of the loop
    unsigned int color;
    float size = m_fPISize/2.0f; // half of m_fPISize in each direction
    float tTop = 0;
    float tBottom = 1.0f;
    float tLeft = 0;
    float tRight = 1.0f;

    // loop through all live particles to assign proper values to the vertices
    for (int i=0; i<m_nLiveParticleCount; i++)
        Vector3 pos = m_Particles[m_drawOrder[i]].position;
        color = m_Particles[m_drawOrder[i]].color;

        Vector3 myUp, myRight;
        Quaternion q;
        q.setToRotateAboutAxis(vecForward, m_Particles[m_drawOrder[i]].rotation);

        RotationMatrix r;

        myUp = r.objectToInertial(vecUp);
        myRight = r.objectToInertial(vecRight);

        ul = -myRight + myUp; // upper left
        ur = myRight + myUp;  // upper right
        bl = -myRight - myUp; // bottom left
        br = myRight - myUp;  // bottom right

        vert->p = pos + ul*size;
        vert->argb = color;
        vert->u = tLeft;
        vert->v = tTop;

        vert->p = pos + ur*size;
        vert->argb = color;
        vert->u = tRight;
        vert->v = tTop;

        vert->p = pos + bl*size;
        vert->argb = color;
        vert->u = tLeft;
        vert->v = tBottom;

        vert->p = pos + br*size;
        vert->argb = color;
        vert->u = tRight;
        vert->v = tBottom;


        m_nLiveParticleCount * 4,
        m_nLiveParticleCount * 2);

    // restore render states
    pD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, lighting);
    pD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, alphablend);
    pD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZWRITEENABLE, zwrite);
    pD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, zenable);
    pD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_SRCBLEND, srcblend);
    pD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_DESTBLEND, destblend);

コード例 #26
bool InverseKinematics::calcLegJoints(const Pose3D& position, Joints jointAngles, bool left, const RobotDimensions& robotDimensions) {
  Pose3D target(position);
  Joint firstJoint(left ? LHipYawPitch : RHipYawPitch);
  int sign(left ? -1 : 1);
  target.translation.y += (float) robotDimensions.values_[RobotDimensions::lengthBetweenLegs] / 2.f * sign; // translate to origin of leg
  // rotate by 45° around origin for Nao
  // calculating sqrtf(2) is faster than calculating the resp. rotation matrix with getRotationX()
  static const float sqrt2_2 = sqrtf(2.0f) * 0.5f;
  RotationMatrix rotationX_pi_4 = RotationMatrix(Vector3<float>(1, 0, 0), Vector3<float>(0, sqrt2_2, sqrt2_2 * sign), Vector3<float>(0, sqrt2_2 * -sign, sqrt2_2));
  target.translation = rotationX_pi_4 * target.translation;
  target.rotation = rotationX_pi_4 * target.rotation;

  target = target.invert(); // invert pose to get position of body relative to foot

  // use geometrical solution to compute last three joints
  float length = target.translation.abs();
  float sqrLength = length * length;
  float upperLeg = robotDimensions.values_[RobotDimensions::upperLegLength];
  float sqrUpperLeg = upperLeg * upperLeg;
  float lowerLeg = robotDimensions.values_[RobotDimensions::lowerLegLength];
  float sqrLowerLeg = lowerLeg * lowerLeg;
  float cosLowerLeg = (sqrLowerLeg + sqrLength - sqrUpperLeg) / (2 * lowerLeg * length);
  float cosKnee = (sqrUpperLeg + sqrLowerLeg - sqrLength) / (2 * upperLeg * lowerLeg);

  // clip for the case of unreachable position
  const Range<float> clipping(-1.0f, 1.0f);
  bool reachable = true;
  if(!clipping.isInside(cosKnee) || clipping.isInside(cosLowerLeg))
    cosKnee = clipping.limit(cosKnee);
    cosLowerLeg = clipping.limit(cosLowerLeg);
    reachable = false;
  float joint3 = M_PI - acosf(cosKnee); // implicitly solve discrete ambiguousness (knee always moves forward)
  float joint4 = -acosf(cosLowerLeg);
  joint4 -= atan2f(target.translation.x, Vector2<float>(target.translation.y, target.translation.z).abs());
  float joint5 = atan2f(target.translation.y, target.translation.z) * sign;

  // calulate rotation matrix before hip joints
  RotationMatrix hipFromFoot;
  hipFromFoot.rotateX(joint5 * -sign);
  hipFromFoot.rotateY(-joint4 - joint3);

  // compute rotation matrix for hip from rotation before hip and desired rotation
  RotationMatrix hip = hipFromFoot.invert() * target.rotation;

  // compute joints from rotation matrix using theorem of euler angles
  // see http://www.geometrictools.com/Documentation/EulerAngles.pdf
  // this is possible because of the known order of joints (z, x, y seen from body resp. y, x, z seen from foot)
  float joint1 = asinf(-hip[2].y) * -sign;
  joint1 -= M_PI_4; // because of the 45°-rotational construction of the Nao legs
  float joint2 = -atan2f(hip[2].x, hip[2].z);
  float joint0 = atan2f(hip[0].y, hip[1].y) * -sign;

  // set computed joints in jointAngles
  jointAngles[firstJoint + 0] = joint0;
  jointAngles[firstJoint + 1] = joint1;
  jointAngles[firstJoint + 2] = joint2;
  jointAngles[firstJoint + 3] = joint3;
  jointAngles[firstJoint + 4] = joint4;
  jointAngles[firstJoint + 5] = joint5;

  return reachable;
コード例 #27
ファイル: DCFreeHedron.cpp プロジェクト: zzzhe1990/Projects
   void DCFreeHedron::BuildOld(TrialMol& oldMol, uint molIndex)
      seed.BuildOld(oldMol, molIndex);
      PRNG& prng = data->prng;
      const CalculateEnergy& calc = data->calc;
      const Forcefield& ff = data->ff;
      uint nLJTrials = data->nLJTrialsNth;
      double* ljWeights = data->ljWeights;
      double* inter = data->inter;
	  double* real = data->real;
	  double* self = data->self;
	  double* corr = data->correction;

      //get info about existing geometry
      oldMol.SetBasis(hed.Focus(), hed.Prev());
      //Calculate OldMol Bond Energy &
      //Calculate phi weight for nTrials using actual theta of OldMol
      hed.ConstrainedAnglesOld(data->nAngleTrials - 1, oldMol);
      const XYZ center = oldMol.AtomPosition(hed.Focus());
      XYZArray* positions = data->multiPositions;
      double prevPhi[MAX_BONDS];
      for (uint i = 0; i < hed.NumBond(); ++i)
         //get position and shift to origin
         positions[i].Set(0, oldMol.AtomPosition(hed.Bonded(i)));
         data->axes.UnwrapPBC(positions[i], 0, 1, oldMol.GetBox(), center);
         positions[i].Add(0, -center);
      //add anchor atom
      positions[hed.NumBond()].Set(0, oldMol.AtomPosition(hed.Prev()));
      data->axes.UnwrapPBC(positions[hed.NumBond()], 0, 1,
			   oldMol.GetBox(), center);
      positions[hed.NumBond()].Add(0, -center);

      //counting backward to preserve prototype
      for (uint lj = nLJTrials; lj-- > 1;)
         //convert chosen torsion to 3D positions
         RotationMatrix spin =
            RotationMatrix::UniformRandom(prng(), prng(), prng());
         for (uint b = 0; b < hed.NumBond() + 1; ++b)
            //find positions
            positions[b].Set(lj, spin.Apply(positions[b][0]));
            positions[b].Add(lj, center);

      for (uint b = 0; b < hed.NumBond() + 1; ++b)
         positions[b].Add(0, center);
         data->axes.WrapPBC(positions[b], oldMol.GetBox());

      std::fill_n(inter, nLJTrials, 0.0);
      std::fill_n(real, nLJTrials, 0.0);
      std::fill_n(self, nLJTrials, 0.0);
	  std::fill_n(corr, nLJTrials, 0.0);
      for (uint b = 0; b < hed.NumBond(); ++b)
         calc.ParticleInter(inter, real, positions[b], hed.Bonded(b),
                            molIndex, oldMol.GetBox(), nLJTrials);
			 data->calc.SwapSelf(self, molIndex, hed.Bonded(b), oldMol.GetBox(), nLJTrials);
			data->calc.SwapCorrection(corr, oldMol, positions[b], hed.Bonded(b), oldMol.GetBox(), nLJTrials);
      double stepWeight = 0;
      calc.ParticleInter(inter, real, positions[hed.NumBond()], hed.Prev(),
                         molIndex, oldMol.GetBox(), nLJTrials);
		  data->calc.SwapSelf(self, molIndex, hed.Prev(), oldMol.GetBox(), nLJTrials);
		  data->calc.SwapCorrection(corr, oldMol, positions[hed.NumBond()], hed.Prev(), oldMol.GetBox(), nLJTrials);

      for (uint lj = 0; lj < nLJTrials; ++lj)
         stepWeight += exp(-ff.beta * inter[lj]);
      for(uint b = 0; b < hed.NumBond(); ++b)
      oldMol.AddEnergy(Energy(hed.GetEnergy(), 0, inter[0], real[0], 0, self[0], corr[0]));
コード例 #28
ファイル: DCFreeHedron.cpp プロジェクト: zzzhe1990/Projects
   void DCFreeHedron::BuildNew(TrialMol& newMol, uint molIndex)
      seed.BuildNew(newMol, molIndex);
      PRNG& prng = data->prng;
      const CalculateEnergy& calc = data->calc;
      const Forcefield& ff = data->ff;
      uint nLJTrials = data->nLJTrialsNth;
      double* ljWeights = data->ljWeights;
      double* inter = data->inter;
	  double* real = data->real;
	  double* self = data->self;
	  double* corr = data->correction;

      //get info about existing geometry
      const XYZ center = newMol.AtomPosition(hed.Focus());
      XYZArray* positions = data->multiPositions;
      for (uint i = 0; i < hed.NumBond(); ++i)
         positions[i].Set(0, newMol.RawRectCoords(hed.BondLength(i),
                                                  hed.Theta(i), hed.Phi(i)));
      //add anchor atom
      positions[hed.NumBond()].Set(0, newMol.RawRectCoords(anchorBond, 0, 0));

      //counting backward to preserve prototype
      for (uint lj = nLJTrials; lj-- > 0;)
         //convert chosen torsion to 3D positions
         RotationMatrix spin =
            RotationMatrix::UniformRandom(prng(), prng(), prng());
         for (uint b = 0; b < hed.NumBond() + 1; ++b)
               //find positions
               positions[b].Set(lj, spin.Apply(positions[b][0]));
               positions[b].Add(lj, center);

      for (uint b = 0; b < hed.NumBond() + 1; ++b)
         data->axes.WrapPBC(positions[b], newMol.GetBox());

      std::fill_n(inter, nLJTrials, 0.0);
      std::fill_n(real, nLJTrials, 0.0);
      std::fill_n(self, nLJTrials, 0.0);
	  std::fill_n(corr, nLJTrials, 0.0);
      for (uint b = 0; b < hed.NumBond(); ++b)
	 calc.ParticleInter(inter, real, positions[b], hed.Bonded(b), 
			    molIndex, newMol.GetBox(), nLJTrials);
		data->calc.SwapSelf(self, molIndex, hed.Bonded(b), newMol.GetBox(), nLJTrials);
		data->calc.SwapCorrection(corr, newMol, positions[b], hed.Bonded(b), newMol.GetBox(), nLJTrials);
      calc.ParticleInter(inter, real, positions[hed.NumBond()], hed.Prev(),
                         molIndex, newMol.GetBox(), nLJTrials);
		  data->calc.SwapSelf(self, molIndex, hed.Prev(), newMol.GetBox(), nLJTrials);
		  data->calc.SwapCorrection(corr, newMol, positions[hed.NumBond()], hed.Prev(), newMol.GetBox(), nLJTrials);
      double stepWeight = 0;
      for (uint lj = 0; lj < nLJTrials; ++lj)
         ljWeights[lj] = exp(-ff.beta * inter[lj]);
         stepWeight += ljWeights[lj];
      uint winner = prng.PickWeighted(ljWeights, nLJTrials, stepWeight);
      for(uint b = 0; b < hed.NumBond(); ++b)
         newMol.AddAtom(hed.Bonded(b), positions[b][winner]);
      newMol.AddAtom(hed.Prev(), positions[hed.NumBond()][winner]);
      newMol.AddEnergy(Energy(hed.GetEnergy(), 0, inter[winner], real[winner], 0, self[winner], corr[winner]));
コード例 #29
// TODO: Set the other camera matrix's isValid to false if use current camera
void ODECameraProvider::update(CameraMatrix* theCameraMatrix)
		int supfootLink = 0;
		RotationMatrix RHeadW;
		RotationMatrix RobotRotationW;
		if(theNaoStructure->supportingMode == NaoConfig::SUPPORT_MODE_LEFT || theNaoStructure->supportingMode == NaoConfig::SUPPORT_MODE_DOUBLE_LEFT)
			supfootLink = NaoStructure::lFootLink;
			supfootLink = NaoStructure::rFootLink;
		//RotationMatrix test = theNaoStructure->uLink[supfootLink].R.invert();
		RHeadW = /*RobotRotationW * */(theNaoStructure->uLink[NaoStructure::headEndLink].R * theNaoStructure->uLink[supfootLink].R.invert()); 
		//double rx = RHeadW.getXAngle();
		//double ry = RHeadW.getYAngle();
		//double rz = RHeadW.getZAngle();
		//rx = theNaoStructure->uLink[NaoStructure::headEndLink].R.getXAngle();
		//ry = theNaoStructure->uLink[NaoStructure::headEndLink].R.getYAngle();
		//rz = theNaoStructure->uLink[NaoStructure::headEndLink].R.getZAngle();
		theCameraMatrix->translation = RHeadW * Vector3<double>(CameraTopOffsetX, CameraTopOffsetY, CameraTopOffsetZ)
			+RobotRotationW * theNaoStructure->uLink[NaoStructure::headEndLink].p ;
		//now camera pos relative to support foot, translate to pos relative to robot coordinate
		Vector3<double> offset = (theNaoStructure->uLink[NaoStructure::bodyLink].p -theNaoStructure->uLink[supfootLink].p);
		offset.z = 0;
		theCameraMatrix->translation -= offset;
		theCameraMatrix->rotation = RHeadW.rotateY(CameraTopRotY);
		theCameraMatrix->isValid = true;
		int supfootLink = 0;
		RotationMatrix RHeadW;
		RotationMatrix RobotRotationW;
		if(theNaoStructure->supportingMode == NaoConfig::SUPPORT_MODE_LEFT || theNaoStructure->supportingMode == NaoConfig::SUPPORT_MODE_DOUBLE_LEFT)
			supfootLink = NaoStructure::lFootLink;
			supfootLink = NaoStructure::rFootLink;
		RHeadW = /*RobotRotationW **/ (theNaoStructure->uLink[NaoStructure::headEndLink].R * theNaoStructure->uLink[supfootLink].R.invert()); 
		theCameraMatrix->translation = RHeadW * Vector3<double>(CameraBottomOffsetX, CameraBottomOffsetY, CameraBottomOffsetZ)
			+ RobotRotationW * theNaoStructure->uLink[NaoStructure::headEndLink].p ;
		//now camera pos relative to support foot, translate to pos relative to robot coordinate
		Vector3<double> offset = (theNaoStructure->uLink[NaoStructure::bodyLink].p -theNaoStructure->uLink[supfootLink].p);
		offset.z = 0;
		theCameraMatrix->translation -= offset;
		theCameraMatrix->rotation = RHeadW.rotateY(CameraBottomRotY);
		theCameraMatrix->isValid = true;
コード例 #30
GTEST_TEST(RotationMatrix, getAngleAxis)
  Vector3f vec(1, 2, 3);
  AngleAxisf aa(pi, Vector3f::UnitX());
  RotationMatrix r = aa;
  Vector3f r1 = aa * vec;
  Vector3f r2 = r.getAngleAxis() * vec;

  r = aa = AngleAxisf(pi - 0.000001f, Vector3f::UnitY());
  r1 = aa * vec;
  r2 = r.getAngleAxis() * vec;

  r = aa = AngleAxisf(pi, Vector3f::UnitZ());
  r1 = aa * vec;
  r2 = r.getAngleAxis() * vec;

  r = aa = AngleAxisf(-pi, Vector3f::UnitX());
  r1 = aa * vec;
  r2 = r.getAngleAxis() * vec;

  r = aa = AngleAxisf(-pi + 0.00001f, Vector3f::UnitY());
  r1 = aa * vec;
  r2 = r.getAngleAxis() * vec;

  r = aa = AngleAxisf(-pi, Vector3f::UnitZ());
  r1 = aa * vec;
  r2 = r.getAngleAxis() * vec;

  r = aa = AngleAxisf(-3.14060259f, Vector3f(-0.496929348f, 0.435349584f, 0.750687659f));
  r1 = aa * vec;
  r2 = r.getAngleAxis() * vec;
  if(!r1.isApprox(r2, 1e-4f))
    EXPECT_TRUE(r1.isApprox(r2, 1e-4f));

  aa = AngleAxisf::Identity();
  r = RotationMatrix::Identity() * 0.99999f;
  r1 = aa * vec;
  r2 = r.getAngleAxis() * vec;

  for(int i = 0; i < RUNS; ++i)
    vec = Vector3f::Random();
    r = aa = AngleAxisf(Random::uniform(-pi, pi), Vector3f::Random().normalized());
    r1 = aa * vec;
    r2 = r.getAngleAxis() * vec;
    if(!r1.isApprox(r2, 1e-2f))
      EXPECT_TRUE(r1.isApprox(r2, 1e-2f))
          << "r1:\n"
          << r1 << "\n"
          << "r2\n"
          << r2 << "\n";