コード例 #1
ファイル: ogrs57layer.cpp プロジェクト: samalone/gdal-ios
OGRFeature *OGRS57Layer::GetFeature( long nFeatureId )

    S57Reader   *poReader = poDS->GetModule(0); // not multi-reader aware

    if( poReader != NULL )
        OGRFeature      *poFeature;

        poFeature = poReader->ReadFeature( nFeatureId, poFeatureDefn );
        if( poFeature != NULL &&  poFeature->GetGeometryRef() != NULL )
                GetSpatialRef() );
        return poFeature;
        return NULL;
コード例 #2
ファイル: ogrs57layer.cpp プロジェクト: bbradbury/lib_gdal
OGRFeature *OGRS57Layer::GetFeature( GIntBig nFeatureId )

    S57Reader   *poReader = poDS->GetModule(0); // not multi-reader aware

    if( poReader != NULL && nFeatureId <= INT_MAX )
        OGRFeature *poFeature = poReader->ReadFeature(
            static_cast<int>(nFeatureId), poFeatureDefn );

        if( poFeature != NULL &&  poFeature->GetGeometryRef() != NULL )
                GetSpatialRef() );
        return poFeature;

    return NULL;
コード例 #3
ファイル: ogrs57layer.cpp プロジェクト: samalone/gdal-ios
OGRFeature *OGRS57Layer::GetNextUnfilteredFeature()

    OGRFeature  *poFeature = NULL;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Are we out of modules to request features from?                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( nCurrentModule >= poDS->GetModuleCount() )
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Set the current position on the current module and fetch a      */
/*      feature.                                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    S57Reader   *poReader = poDS->GetModule(nCurrentModule);
    if( poReader != NULL )
        poReader->SetNextFEIndex( nNextFEIndex, nRCNM );
        poFeature = poReader->ReadNextFeature( poFeatureDefn );
        nNextFEIndex = poReader->GetNextFEIndex( nRCNM );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      If we didn't get a feature we need to move onto the next file.  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( poFeature == NULL )
        poReader = poDS->GetModule(nCurrentModule);

        if( poReader != NULL && poReader->GetModule() == NULL )
            if( !poReader->Open( FALSE ) )
                return NULL;

        return GetNextUnfilteredFeature();
        if( poFeature->GetGeometryRef() != NULL )
                GetSpatialRef() );
    return poFeature;
コード例 #4
int OGRS57DataSource::Open( const char * pszFilename, int bTestOpen )

    int         iModule;
    pszName = CPLStrdup( pszFilename );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Check a few bits of the header to see if it looks like an       */
/*      S57 file (really, if it looks like an ISO8211 file).            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( bTestOpen )
        FILE    *fp;
        char    pachLeader[10];

        fp = VSIFOpenL( pszFilename, "rb" );
        if( fp == NULL )
            return FALSE;
        if( VSIFReadL( pachLeader, 1, 10, fp ) != 10
            || (pachLeader[5] != '1' && pachLeader[5] != '2'
                && pachLeader[5] != '3' )
            || pachLeader[6] != 'L'
            || (pachLeader[8] != '1' && pachLeader[8] != ' ') )
            VSIFCloseL( fp );
            return FALSE;

        VSIFCloseL( fp );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Setup reader options.                                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    char **papszReaderOptions = NULL;
    S57Reader   *poModule;

    poModule = new S57Reader( pszFilename );

    papszReaderOptions = CSLSetNameValue(papszReaderOptions, 
                                         S57O_LNAM_REFS, "ON" );
    if( GetOption(S57O_UPDATES) != NULL )
        papszReaderOptions = 
            CSLSetNameValue( papszReaderOptions, S57O_UPDATES, 
    if( GetOption(S57O_SPLIT_MULTIPOINT) != NULL )
        papszReaderOptions = 
            CSLSetNameValue( papszReaderOptions, S57O_SPLIT_MULTIPOINT,
                             GetOption(S57O_SPLIT_MULTIPOINT) );
    if( GetOption(S57O_ADD_SOUNDG_DEPTH) != NULL )
        papszReaderOptions = 
            CSLSetNameValue( papszReaderOptions, S57O_ADD_SOUNDG_DEPTH,
    if( GetOption(S57O_PRESERVE_EMPTY_NUMBERS) != NULL )
        papszReaderOptions = 
            CSLSetNameValue( papszReaderOptions, S57O_PRESERVE_EMPTY_NUMBERS,
                             GetOption(S57O_PRESERVE_EMPTY_NUMBERS) );
    if( GetOption(S57O_RETURN_PRIMITIVES) != NULL )
        papszReaderOptions = 
            CSLSetNameValue( papszReaderOptions, S57O_RETURN_PRIMITIVES,
                             GetOption(S57O_RETURN_PRIMITIVES) );
    if( GetOption(S57O_RETURN_LINKAGES) != NULL )
        papszReaderOptions = 
            CSLSetNameValue( papszReaderOptions, S57O_RETURN_LINKAGES,
                             GetOption(S57O_RETURN_LINKAGES) );
    if( GetOption(S57O_RETURN_DSID) != NULL )
        papszReaderOptions = 
            CSLSetNameValue( papszReaderOptions, S57O_RETURN_DSID,
                             GetOption(S57O_RETURN_DSID) );
    poModule->SetOptions( papszReaderOptions );
    CSLDestroy( papszReaderOptions );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Try opening.                                                    */
/*                                                                      */
/*      Eventually this should check for catalogs, and if found         */
/*      instantiate a whole series of modules.                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( !poModule->Open( bTestOpen ) )
        delete poModule;

        return FALSE;

    int bSuccess = TRUE;

    nModules = 1;
    papoModules = (S57Reader **) CPLMalloc(sizeof(void*));
    papoModules[0] = poModule;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Add the header layers if they are called for.                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( GetOption( S57O_RETURN_DSID ) == NULL 
        || CSLTestBoolean(GetOption( S57O_RETURN_DSID )) )
        OGRFeatureDefn  *poDefn;

        poDefn = S57GenerateDSIDFeatureDefn();
        AddLayer( new OGRS57Layer( this, poDefn ) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Add the primitive layers if they are called for.                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( GetOption( S57O_RETURN_PRIMITIVES ) != NULL )
        OGRFeatureDefn  *poDefn;

        poDefn = S57GenerateVectorPrimitiveFeatureDefn( RCNM_VI, poModule->GetOptionFlags());
        AddLayer( new OGRS57Layer( this, poDefn ) );

        poDefn = S57GenerateVectorPrimitiveFeatureDefn( RCNM_VC, poModule->GetOptionFlags());
        AddLayer( new OGRS57Layer( this, poDefn ) );

        poDefn = S57GenerateVectorPrimitiveFeatureDefn( RCNM_VE, poModule->GetOptionFlags());
        AddLayer( new OGRS57Layer( this, poDefn ) );

        poDefn = S57GenerateVectorPrimitiveFeatureDefn( RCNM_VF, poModule->GetOptionFlags());
        AddLayer( new OGRS57Layer( this, poDefn ) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize a layer for each type of geometry.  Eventually       */
/*      we will do this by object class.                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( OGRS57Driver::GetS57Registrar() == NULL )
        OGRFeatureDefn  *poDefn;

        poDefn = S57GenerateGeomFeatureDefn( wkbPoint, 
                                             poModule->GetOptionFlags() );
        AddLayer( new OGRS57Layer( this, poDefn ) );
        poDefn = S57GenerateGeomFeatureDefn( wkbLineString, 
                                             poModule->GetOptionFlags() );
        AddLayer( new OGRS57Layer( this, poDefn ) );
        poDefn = S57GenerateGeomFeatureDefn( wkbPolygon, 
                                             poModule->GetOptionFlags() );
        AddLayer( new OGRS57Layer( this, poDefn ) );
        poDefn = S57GenerateGeomFeatureDefn( wkbNone, 
                                             poModule->GetOptionFlags() );
        AddLayer( new OGRS57Layer( this, poDefn ) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize a feature definition for each class that actually    */
/*      occurs in the dataset.                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        OGRFeatureDefn  *poDefn;
        int             *panClassCount;
        int             iClass, bGeneric = FALSE;

        for( iModule = 0; iModule < nModules; iModule++ )
            papoModules[iModule]->SetClassBased( OGRS57Driver::GetS57Registrar() );
        panClassCount = (int *) CPLCalloc(sizeof(int),MAX_CLASSES);

        for( iModule = 0; iModule < nModules; iModule++ )
            bSuccess &= 

        for( iClass = 0; iClass < MAX_CLASSES; iClass++ )
            if( panClassCount[iClass] > 0 )
                poDefn = 
                    S57GenerateObjectClassDefn( OGRS57Driver::GetS57Registrar(), 
                                                poModule->GetOptionFlags() );

                if( poDefn != NULL )
                    AddLayer( new OGRS57Layer( this, poDefn, 
                                               panClassCount[iClass] ) );
                    bGeneric = TRUE;
                    CPLDebug( "S57", 
                              "Unable to find definition for OBJL=%d\n", 
                              iClass );

        if( bGeneric )
            poDefn = S57GenerateGeomFeatureDefn( wkbUnknown, 
                                                 poModule->GetOptionFlags() );
            AddLayer( new OGRS57Layer( this, poDefn ) );
        CPLFree( panClassCount );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Attach the layer definitions to each of the readers.            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    for( iModule = 0; iModule < nModules; iModule++ )
        for( int iLayer = 0; iLayer < nLayers; iLayer++ )
                papoLayers[iLayer]->GetLayerDefn() );
    return bSuccess;
コード例 #5
int OGRS57DataSource::Open( const char * pszFilename )

    pszName = CPLStrdup( pszFilename );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Setup reader options.                                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    char **papszReaderOptions = NULL;

    if( GetOption(S57O_LNAM_REFS) == NULL )
        papszReaderOptions = CSLSetNameValue( papszReaderOptions,
                                              S57O_LNAM_REFS, "ON" );
        papszReaderOptions =
            CSLSetNameValue( papszReaderOptions, S57O_LNAM_REFS,
                             GetOption(S57O_LNAM_REFS) );

    if( GetOption(S57O_UPDATES) != NULL )
        papszReaderOptions =
            CSLSetNameValue( papszReaderOptions, S57O_UPDATES,

    if( GetOption(S57O_SPLIT_MULTIPOINT) != NULL )
        papszReaderOptions =
            CSLSetNameValue( papszReaderOptions, S57O_SPLIT_MULTIPOINT,
                             GetOption(S57O_SPLIT_MULTIPOINT) );

    if( GetOption(S57O_ADD_SOUNDG_DEPTH) != NULL )
        papszReaderOptions =
            CSLSetNameValue( papszReaderOptions, S57O_ADD_SOUNDG_DEPTH,

    if( GetOption(S57O_PRESERVE_EMPTY_NUMBERS) != NULL )
        papszReaderOptions =
            CSLSetNameValue( papszReaderOptions, S57O_PRESERVE_EMPTY_NUMBERS,
                             GetOption(S57O_PRESERVE_EMPTY_NUMBERS) );

    if( GetOption(S57O_RETURN_PRIMITIVES) != NULL )
        papszReaderOptions =
            CSLSetNameValue( papszReaderOptions, S57O_RETURN_PRIMITIVES,
                             GetOption(S57O_RETURN_PRIMITIVES) );

    if( GetOption(S57O_RETURN_LINKAGES) != NULL )
        papszReaderOptions =
            CSLSetNameValue( papszReaderOptions, S57O_RETURN_LINKAGES,
                             GetOption(S57O_RETURN_LINKAGES) );

    if( GetOption(S57O_RETURN_DSID) != NULL )
        papszReaderOptions =
            CSLSetNameValue( papszReaderOptions, S57O_RETURN_DSID,
                             GetOption(S57O_RETURN_DSID) );

    if( GetOption(S57O_RECODE_BY_DSSI) != NULL )
        papszReaderOptions =
            CSLSetNameValue( papszReaderOptions, S57O_RECODE_BY_DSSI,
                             GetOption(S57O_RECODE_BY_DSSI) );

    S57Reader *poModule = new S57Reader( pszFilename );
    int bRet = poModule->SetOptions( papszReaderOptions );
    CSLDestroy( papszReaderOptions );

    if( !bRet )
        delete poModule;
        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Try opening.                                                    */
/*                                                                      */
/*      Eventually this should check for catalogs, and if found         */
/*      instantiate a whole series of modules.                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( !poModule->Open( TRUE ) )
        delete poModule;

        return FALSE;

    bool bSuccess = true;

    nModules = 1;
    papoModules = static_cast<S57Reader **>( CPLMalloc(sizeof(void*)) );
    papoModules[0] = poModule;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Add the header layers if they are called for.                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( GetOption( S57O_RETURN_DSID ) == NULL
        || CPLTestBool(GetOption( S57O_RETURN_DSID )) )
        OGRFeatureDefn  *poDefn = S57GenerateDSIDFeatureDefn();
        AddLayer( new OGRS57Layer( this, poDefn ) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Add the primitive layers if they are called for.                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( GetOption( S57O_RETURN_PRIMITIVES ) != NULL )
        OGRFeatureDefn  *poDefn
            = S57GenerateVectorPrimitiveFeatureDefn(
                RCNM_VI, poModule->GetOptionFlags());
        AddLayer( new OGRS57Layer( this, poDefn ) );

        poDefn = S57GenerateVectorPrimitiveFeatureDefn(
            RCNM_VC, poModule->GetOptionFlags());
        AddLayer( new OGRS57Layer( this, poDefn ) );

        poDefn = S57GenerateVectorPrimitiveFeatureDefn(
            RCNM_VE, poModule->GetOptionFlags());
        AddLayer( new OGRS57Layer( this, poDefn ) );

        poDefn = S57GenerateVectorPrimitiveFeatureDefn(
            RCNM_VF, poModule->GetOptionFlags());
        AddLayer( new OGRS57Layer( this, poDefn ) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize a layer for each type of geometry.  Eventually       */
/*      we will do this by object class.                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( OGRS57Driver::GetS57Registrar() == NULL )
        OGRFeatureDefn  *poDefn
            = S57GenerateGeomFeatureDefn( wkbPoint,
                                          poModule->GetOptionFlags() );
        AddLayer( new OGRS57Layer( this, poDefn ) );

        poDefn = S57GenerateGeomFeatureDefn( wkbLineString,
                                             poModule->GetOptionFlags() );
        AddLayer( new OGRS57Layer( this, poDefn ) );

        poDefn = S57GenerateGeomFeatureDefn( wkbPolygon,
                                             poModule->GetOptionFlags() );
        AddLayer( new OGRS57Layer( this, poDefn ) );

        poDefn = S57GenerateGeomFeatureDefn( wkbNone,
                                             poModule->GetOptionFlags() );
        AddLayer( new OGRS57Layer( this, poDefn ) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize a feature definition for each class that actually    */
/*      occurs in the dataset.                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        poClassContentExplorer =
            new S57ClassContentExplorer( OGRS57Driver::GetS57Registrar() );

        for( int iModule = 0; iModule < nModules; iModule++ )
                OGRS57Driver::GetS57Registrar(), poClassContentExplorer );

        std::vector<int> anClassCount;

        for( int iModule = 0; iModule < nModules; iModule++ )
            bSuccess &= CPL_TO_BOOL(
                papoModules[iModule]->CollectClassList(anClassCount) );

        bool bGeneric = false;

        for( unsigned int iClass = 0; iClass < anClassCount.size(); iClass++ )
            if( anClassCount[iClass] > 0 )
                OGRFeatureDefn  *poDefn =
                    S57GenerateObjectClassDefn( OGRS57Driver::GetS57Registrar(),
                                                poModule->GetOptionFlags() );

                if( poDefn != NULL )
                    AddLayer( new OGRS57Layer( this, poDefn,
                                               anClassCount[iClass] ) );
                    bGeneric = true;
                    CPLDebug( "S57",
                              "Unable to find definition for OBJL=%d\n",
                              iClass );

        if( bGeneric )
            OGRFeatureDefn  *poDefn
                = S57GenerateGeomFeatureDefn( wkbUnknown,
                                              poModule->GetOptionFlags() );
            AddLayer( new OGRS57Layer( this, poDefn ) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Attach the layer definitions to each of the readers.            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    for( int iModule = 0; iModule < nModules; iModule++ )
        for( int iLayer = 0; iLayer < nLayers; iLayer++ )
                papoLayers[iLayer]->GetLayerDefn() );

    return bSuccess;