コード例 #1

int mxAppMain()
	SetupBaseUtil	setupBase;
	//FileLogUtil		fileLog;
	SetupCoreUtil	setupCore;

	const String	srcFileName(

	FileReader	srcFile( srcFileName );
	CHK_VRET_X_IF_NOT( srcFile.IsOpen(), -1 );

	StaticTriangleMeshData	staticMeshData;

		SDKMesh		sdkMesh;
		if( FAILED(sdkMesh.Create(mxTO_UNICODE( srcFileName ))) ) {
			return -1;

		const SDKMESH_HEADER& header = *sdkMesh.GetHeader();

		const UINT numMeshes = sdkMesh.GetNumMeshes();
		Assert(numMeshes == 1);
		const UINT iFirstMesh = 0;

		const UINT numSubsets = sdkMesh.GetNumSubsets( iFirstMesh );
		Assert( numSubsets == 1 );
		const UINT iFirstSubset = 0;

		const SDKMESH_SUBSET* pSubset = sdkMesh.GetSubset( iFirstMesh, iFirstSubset );
		const UINT numVertices = pSubset->VertexCount;
		const UINT numIndices = pSubset->IndexCount;

		const UINT numVBs = sdkMesh.GetNumVBs();
		Assert( numVBs == 1 );

		const UINT numIBs = sdkMesh.GetNumIBs();
		Assert( numIBs == 1 );

		const SDKMeshVertex* srcVertices = (const SDKMeshVertex*) sdkMesh.GetRawVerticesAt(0);

		const SDKMESH_INDEX_TYPE indexType = sdkMesh.GetIndexType( iFirstMesh );
		Assert( indexType == SDKMESH_INDEX_TYPE::IT_16BIT );

		const UINT16* srcIndices = (const UINT16*) sdkMesh.GetRawIndicesAt(0);

			TList< Vec3D > &	positions	= staticMeshData.positions;
			TList< Vec2D > &	texCoords	= staticMeshData.texCoords;
			TList< Vec3D > &	normals		= staticMeshData.normals;
			//TList< Vec3D > &	binormals	= staticMeshData.binormals;
			TList< Vec3D > &	tangents	= staticMeshData.tangents;

			positions.SetNum( numVertices );
			texCoords.SetNum( numVertices );
			normals.SetNum( numVertices );
			tangents.SetNum( numVertices );


			for( UINT iVertex = 0; iVertex < numVertices; iVertex++ )
				const SDKMeshVertex & srcVertex = srcVertices[ iVertex ];

				Assert( srcVertex.normal.IsNormalized() );
				Assert( srcVertex.tangent.IsNormalized() );

				positions[ iVertex ] = srcVertex.position;
				texCoords[ iVertex ] = srcVertex.texCoord;
				normals[ iVertex ] = srcVertex.normal;
				tangents[ iVertex ] = srcVertex.tangent;

				staticMeshData.localBounds.AddPoint( srcVertex.position );

			staticMeshData.indices.AddBytes( srcIndices, numIndices * sizeof srcIndices[0] );
			staticMeshData.indexStride = sizeof srcIndices[0];

			MeshPart & firstBatch = staticMeshData.batches.Add();
				firstBatch.baseVertex = pSubset->VertexStart;
				firstBatch.startIndex = pSubset->IndexStart;
				firstBatch.indexCount = pSubset->IndexCount;
				firstBatch.vertexCount = pSubset->VertexCount;

	const String	dstPathName(

	String	dstFileName(
	//srcFileName.ExtractFileBase( dstFileName );
	dstFileName += ".static_mesh";

	FileWriter	dstFile( dstPathName + dstFileName );
	CHK_VRET_X_IF_NOT( dstFile.IsOpen(), -1 );

	ArchivePODWriter	archive( dstFile );

	staticMeshData.Serialize( archive );

	return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Model.cpp プロジェクト: TheRealMJP/SamplePattern
void Model::CreateFromSDKMeshFile(ID3D11Device* device, LPCWSTR fileName)

    // Use the SDKMesh class to load in the data
    SDKMesh sdkMesh;

    wstring directory = GetDirectoryFromFileName(fileName);

    // Make materials
    UINT numMaterials = sdkMesh.GetNumMaterials();
    for (UINT i = 0; i < numMaterials; ++i)
        MeshMaterial material;
        SDKMESH_MATERIAL* mat = sdkMesh.GetMaterial(i);
        memcpy(&material.AmbientAlbedo, &mat->Ambient, sizeof(D3DXVECTOR4));
        memcpy(&material.DiffuseAlbedo, &mat->Diffuse, sizeof(D3DXVECTOR4));
        memcpy(&material.SpecularAlbedo, &mat->Specular, sizeof(D3DXVECTOR4));
        memcpy(&material.Emissive, &mat->Emissive, sizeof(D3DXVECTOR4));
        material.Alpha = mat->Diffuse.w;
        material.SpecularPower = mat->Power;
        material.DiffuseMapName = AnsiToWString(mat->DiffuseTexture);
        material.NormalMapName = AnsiToWString(mat->NormalTexture);

        LoadMaterialResources(material, directory, device);


    // Make a D3D9 device
    IDirect3DDevice9Ptr d3d9Device = CreateD3D9Device();

    UINT numMeshes = sdkMesh.GetNumMeshes();
    for (UINT meshIdx = 0; meshIdx < numMeshes; ++meshIdx)
        // Figure out the index type
        UINT ops = D3DXMESH_MANAGED;
        UINT indexSize = 2;
        Mesh::IndexType indexType = Mesh::Index16Bit;
        if (sdkMesh.GetIndexType(meshIdx) == IT_32BIT)
            ops |= D3DXMESH_32BIT;
            indexSize = 4;
            indexType = Mesh::Index32Bit;

        // Make a D3DX mesh
        ID3DXMesh* d3dxMesh = NULL;
        UINT numPrims = static_cast<UINT>(sdkMesh.GetNumIndices(meshIdx) / 3);
        UINT numVerts = static_cast<UINT>(sdkMesh.GetNumVertices(meshIdx, 0));
        UINT vbIndex = sdkMesh.GetMesh(meshIdx)->VertexBuffers[0];
        UINT ibIndex = sdkMesh.GetMesh(meshIdx)->IndexBuffer;
        const D3DVERTEXELEMENT9* vbElements = sdkMesh.VBElements(vbIndex);
        DXCall(D3DXCreateMesh(numPrims, numVerts, ops, vbElements, d3d9Device, &d3dxMesh));
        IUnknownReleaser<ID3DXMesh> meshReleaser(d3dxMesh);

        // Copy in vertex data
        BYTE* verts = NULL;
        BYTE* srcVerts = reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(sdkMesh.GetRawVerticesAt(vbIndex));
        UINT vbStride = sdkMesh.GetVertexStride(meshIdx, 0);
        UINT declStride = D3DXGetDeclVertexSize(vbElements, 0);
        DXCall(d3dxMesh->LockVertexBuffer(0, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&verts)));
        for (UINT vertIdx = 0; vertIdx < numVerts; ++vertIdx)
            memcpy(verts, srcVerts, declStride);
            verts += declStride;
            srcVerts += vbStride;

        // Copy in index data
        void* indices = NULL;
        void* srcIndices = sdkMesh.GetRawIndicesAt(ibIndex);
        DXCall(d3dxMesh->LockIndexBuffer(0, &indices));
        memcpy(indices, srcIndices, numPrims * 3 * indexSize);

        // Set up the attribute table
        DWORD* attributeBuffer = NULL;
        DXCall(d3dxMesh->LockAttributeBuffer(0, &attributeBuffer));

        UINT numSubsets = sdkMesh.GetNumSubsets(meshIdx);
        D3DXATTRIBUTERANGE* attributes = new D3DXATTRIBUTERANGE[numSubsets];
        ArrayDeleter<D3DXATTRIBUTERANGE> attributeDeleter(attributes);
        for (UINT i = 0; i < numSubsets; ++i)
            SDKMESH_SUBSET* subset = sdkMesh.GetSubset(meshIdx, i);
            attributes[i].AttribId = subset->MaterialID;
            attributes[i].FaceStart = static_cast<DWORD>(subset->IndexStart / 3);
            attributes[i].FaceCount = static_cast<DWORD>(subset->IndexCount / 3);
            attributes[i].VertexStart = static_cast<DWORD>(subset->VertexStart);
            // attributes[i].VertexCount = static_cast<DWORD>(subset->VertexCount);
            attributes[i].VertexCount = numVerts;

            for (UINT faceIdx = attributes[i].FaceStart; faceIdx < attributes[i].FaceStart + attributes[i].FaceCount; ++faceIdx)
                attributeBuffer[faceIdx] = subset->MaterialID;


        d3dxMesh->SetAttributeTable(attributes, numSubsets);

        // Generate initial adjacency
        vector<DWORD> initialAdjacency;
        initialAdjacency.resize(d3dxMesh->GetNumFaces() * 3);
        DXCall(d3dxMesh->GenerateAdjacency(0.0001f, &initialAdjacency[0]));

        // Make the mesh
        Mesh mesh;
        mesh.CreateFromD3DXMesh(directory, device, d3d9Device, d3dxMesh, false, false, &initialAdjacency[0], indexType);