コード例 #1
ファイル: Database.cpp プロジェクト: gregaai/INFOATM
// Account: Create, Update, Retrieve
Account *Database::createAccount(int customerId, double balance,string accountStatus, string accountType){

	// create and open database
	SQLiteDatabase *pDatabase = this->connect();
	SQLiteStatement *pStmt = this->createStatement(pDatabase);

	pStmt->Sql("INSERT INTO Account (customerId, balance, accountStatus, accountType) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?);");
	pStmt->BindInt(1, customerId);
	pStmt->BindDouble(2, balance);
	pStmt->BindString(3, accountStatus);
	pStmt->BindString(4, accountType);

	// executes the INSERT statement and cleans-up automatically

	// get the customer ID (the last row id)
	pStmt->Sql("SELECT last_insert_rowid();");
	int accountId = pStmt->GetColumnInt(0); // get the int value at the zeroth column 
	// return the account to the calling function

	Database *dbObject = new Database();

	//Write this transaction to the database
	dbObject->createTransaction(accountId, balance, "Deposit", "Time", "Opening Account Deposit");

	//Build and return an account object to the calling function
	return new Account(accountId, customerId, balance,accountStatus, accountType);
コード例 #2
ファイル: Database.cpp プロジェクト: gregaai/INFOATM
//Update a customer account (ie deposit, withdrawal)
Account *Database::updateAccount(double balance, int accountId){

	// create and open database
	SQLiteDatabase *pDatabase = this->connect();
	SQLiteStatement *pStmt = this->createStatement(pDatabase);

	//Update account balance by accountId
	pStmt->Sql("UPDATE Account SET balance = ? where accountId = ?");
	pStmt->BindDouble(1, balance);
	pStmt->BindInt(2, accountId);


	//Use the getAccount function to return the updated account object
	return getAccount(accountId);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Database.cpp プロジェクト: gregaai/INFOATM
Transaction *Database::createTransaction(int accountId, double amount, string tType, string tDate, string tDescript){

	//Open database
	SQLiteDatabase *pDatabase = this->connect();
	SQLiteStatement *pStmt = this->createStatement(pDatabase);

	//Build new transaction query
	pStmt->Sql("INSERT INTO Transactions1 (accountId, amount, transactionType, transactionDate, transactionDescription) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?);");
	pStmt->BindInt(1, accountId);
	pStmt->BindDouble(2, amount);
	pStmt->BindString(3, tType);
	pStmt->BindString(4, tDate);
	pStmt->BindString(5, tDescript);

	// executes the INSERT statement and cleans-up automatically

	return new Transaction();