コード例 #1
void CubeTetMeshFactory::buildTetsOnHex(const Teuchos::Tuple<int,3> & meshDesc,
                                        const Teuchos::Tuple<int,3> & element,
                                        stk_classic::mesh::Part * block,
                                        const std::vector<stk_classic::mesh::EntityId> & h_nodes, 
                                        STK_Interface & mesh) const
   Teuchos::FancyOStream out(Teuchos::rcpFromRef(std::cout));

   int totalXElems = meshDesc[0]; int totalYElems = meshDesc[1]; int totalZElems = meshDesc[2];
   int nx = element[0]; int ny = element[1]; int nz = element[2];

   stk_classic::mesh::EntityId hex_id = totalXElems*totalYElems*nz+totalXElems*ny+nx+1;
   stk_classic::mesh::EntityId gid_0 = 12*(hex_id-1)+1;
   std::vector<stk_classic::mesh::EntityId> nodes(4);

   // add centroid node
   stk_classic::mesh::EntityId centroid = 0;
      stk_classic::mesh::EntityId largestNode = (totalXElems+1)*(totalYElems+1)*(totalZElems+1);
      centroid = hex_id+largestNode;

      // compute average of coordinates
      std::vector<double> coord(3,0.0);
      for(std::size_t i=0;i<h_nodes.size();i++) {
         const double * node_coord = mesh.getNodeCoordinates(h_nodes[i]);
         coord[0] += node_coord[0];
         coord[1] += node_coord[1];
         coord[2] += node_coord[2];
      coord[0] /= 8.0;
      coord[1] /= 8.0;
      coord[2] /= 8.0;

   int idSet[][3] = { { 0, 1, 2}, // back
                      { 0, 2, 3}, 
                      { 0, 5, 1}, // bottom
                      { 0, 4, 5},
                      { 0, 7, 4}, // left
                      { 0, 3, 7},
                      { 6, 1, 5}, // right
                      { 6, 2, 1},
                      { 6, 3, 2}, // top
                      { 6, 7, 3},
                      { 6, 4, 7}, // front
                      { 6, 5, 4} };

   for(int i=0;i<12;i++) {
      nodes[0] = h_nodes[idSet[i][0]];
      nodes[1] = h_nodes[idSet[i][1]];
      nodes[2] = h_nodes[idSet[i][2]];
      nodes[3] = centroid;

      // add element to mesh
      mesh.addElement(rcp(new ElementDescriptor(gid_0+i,nodes)),block);