コード例 #1
static inline SVGInlineTextBoxQueryWalker executeTextQuery(const SVGTextContentElement* element, SVGInlineTextBoxQueryWalker::QueryMode mode,
                                                           long startPosition = 0, long length = 0, FloatPoint referencePoint = FloatPoint())
    SVGRootInlineBox* rootBox = rootInlineBoxForTextContentElement(element);
    if (!rootBox)
        return SVGInlineTextBoxQueryWalker(0, mode);

    // Find all inline text box associated with our renderer
    Vector<SVGInlineTextBox*> textBoxes = findInlineTextBoxInTextChunks(element, rootBox->svgTextChunks());

    // Walk text chunks to find chunks associated with our inline text box
    SVGInlineTextBoxQueryWalker walkerCallback(element, mode);
    walkerCallback.setQueryInputParameters(startPosition, length, referencePoint);

    SVGTextChunkWalker<SVGInlineTextBoxQueryWalker> walker(&walkerCallback, &SVGInlineTextBoxQueryWalker::chunkPortionCallback);

    Vector<SVGInlineTextBox*>::iterator it = textBoxes.begin();
    Vector<SVGInlineTextBox*>::iterator end = textBoxes.end();

    for (; it != end; ++it) {
        rootBox->walkTextChunks(&walker, *it);

        if (walkerCallback.stopProcessing())

    return walkerCallback;
コード例 #2
static void writeRenderSVGTextBox(TextStream& ts, const RenderBlock& text)
    SVGRootInlineBox* box = static_cast<SVGRootInlineBox*>(text.firstRootBox());

    if (!box)

    Vector<SVGTextChunk>& chunks = const_cast<Vector<SVGTextChunk>& >(box->svgTextChunks());
    ts << " at (" << text.x() << "," << text.y() << ") size " << box->width() << "x" << box->height() << " contains " << chunks.size() << " chunk(s)";

    if (text.parent() && (text.parent()->style()->color() != text.style()->color()))
        writeNameValuePair(ts, "color", text.style()->color().name());
コード例 #3
static TextStream& operator<<(TextStream& ts, const RenderSVGText& text)
    SVGRootInlineBox* box = static_cast<SVGRootInlineBox*>(text.firstRootBox());

    if (!box)
        return ts;

    Vector<SVGTextChunk>& chunks = const_cast<Vector<SVGTextChunk>& >(box->svgTextChunks());
    ts << " at (" << text.xPos() << "," << text.yPos() << ") size " << box->width() << "x" << box->height() << " contains " << chunks.size() << " chunk(s)";

    if (text.parent() && (text.parent()->style()->color() != text.style()->color()))
        ts << " [color=" << text.style()->color().name() << "]";

    return ts;
コード例 #4
static inline void writeSVGInlineTextBox(TextStream& ts, SVGInlineTextBox* textBox, int indent)
    SVGRootInlineBox* rootBox = textBox->svgRootInlineBox();
    if (!rootBox)

    Vector<SVGTextChunk>& chunks = const_cast<Vector<SVGTextChunk>& >(rootBox->svgTextChunks());

    Vector<SVGTextChunk>::iterator it = chunks.begin();
    Vector<SVGTextChunk>::iterator end = chunks.end();

    // Write text chunks
    unsigned int i = 1;
    for (; it != end; ++it) {
        SVGTextChunk& cur = *it;

        // Write inline box character ranges
        Vector<SVGInlineBoxCharacterRange>::iterator boxIt = cur.boxes.begin();
        Vector<SVGInlineBoxCharacterRange>::iterator boxEnd = cur.boxes.end();

        if (!containsInlineTextBox(cur, textBox)) {

        writeIndent(ts, indent + 1);

        unsigned int j = 1;
        ts << "chunk " << i << " ";

        if (cur.anchor == TA_MIDDLE) {
            ts << "(middle anchor";
            if (cur.isVerticalText)
                ts << ", vertical";
            ts << ") ";
        } else if (cur.anchor == TA_END) {
            ts << "(end anchor";
            if (cur.isVerticalText)
                ts << ", vertical";
            ts << ") ";
        } else if (cur.isVerticalText)
            ts << "(vertical) ";

        unsigned int totalOffset = 0;

        for (; boxIt != boxEnd; ++boxIt) {
            SVGInlineBoxCharacterRange& range = *boxIt;

            unsigned int offset = range.endOffset - range.startOffset;
            ASSERT(cur.start + totalOffset <= cur.end);
            totalOffset += offset;
            if (textBox != static_cast<SVGInlineTextBox*>(range.box)) {
            FloatPoint topLeft = topLeftPositionOfCharacterRange(cur.start + totalOffset - offset, cur.start + totalOffset);

            ts << "text run " << j << " at (" << topLeft.x() << "," << topLeft.y() << ") ";
            ts << "startOffset " << range.startOffset << " endOffset " << range.endOffset;

            if (cur.isVerticalText)
                ts << " height " << cummulatedHeightOfInlineBoxCharacterRange(range);
                ts << " width " << cummulatedWidthOfInlineBoxCharacterRange(range);

            if (textBox->direction() == RTL || textBox->m_dirOverride) {
                ts << (textBox->direction() == RTL ? " RTL" : " LTR");

                if (textBox->m_dirOverride)
                    ts << " override";

            ts << ": " << quoteAndEscapeNonPrintables(String(textBox->textRenderer()->text()).substring(textBox->start() + range.startOffset, offset)) << "\n";

