bool SVGTextLayoutEngine::currentLogicalCharacterMetrics(SVGTextLayoutAttributes*& logicalAttributes, SVGTextMetrics& logicalMetrics) { const Vector<SVGTextMetrics>* textMetricsValues = &logicalAttributes->textMetricsValues(); unsigned textMetricsSize = textMetricsValues->size(); while (true) { if (m_logicalMetricsListOffset == textMetricsSize) { if (!currentLogicalCharacterAttributes(logicalAttributes)) return false; textMetricsValues = &logicalAttributes->textMetricsValues(); textMetricsSize = textMetricsValues->size(); continue; } ASSERT(textMetricsSize); ASSERT(m_logicalMetricsListOffset < textMetricsSize); logicalMetrics = textMetricsValues->at(m_logicalMetricsListOffset); if (logicalMetrics.isEmpty() || (!logicalMetrics.width() && !logicalMetrics.height())) { advanceToNextLogicalCharacter(logicalMetrics); continue; } // Stop if we found the next valid logical text metrics object. return true; } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return true; }
bool SVGTextQuery::endPositionOfCharacterCallback(Data* queryData, const SVGTextFragment& fragment) const { EndPositionOfCharacterData* data = static_cast<EndPositionOfCharacterData*>(queryData); int startPosition = data->position; int endPosition = startPosition + 1; if (!mapStartEndPositionsIntoFragmentCoordinates(queryData, fragment, startPosition, endPosition)) return false; data->endPosition = FloatPoint(fragment.x, fragment.y); SVGTextMetrics metrics = SVGTextMetrics::measureCharacterRange(queryData->textRenderer, fragment.characterOffset, startPosition + 1); if (queryData->isVerticalText) data->endPosition.move(0, metrics.height()); else data->endPosition.move(metrics.width(), 0); AffineTransform fragmentTransform; fragment.buildFragmentTransform(fragmentTransform, SVGTextFragment::TransformIgnoringTextLength); if (fragmentTransform.isIdentity()) return true; data->endPosition = fragmentTransform.mapPoint(data->endPosition); return true; }
static void measureTextRenderer(RenderSVGInlineText* text, MeasureTextData* data, bool processRenderer) { ASSERT(text); SVGTextLayoutAttributes* attributes = text->layoutAttributes(); Vector<SVGTextMetrics>* textMetricsValues = &attributes->textMetricsValues(); if (processRenderer) { if (data->allCharactersMap) attributes->clear(); else textMetricsValues->clear(); } SVGTextMetricsCalculator calculator(text); bool preserveWhiteSpace = text->style()->whiteSpace() == PRE; unsigned surrogatePairCharacters = 0; unsigned skippedCharacters = 0; unsigned textPosition = 0; unsigned textLength = calculator.textLength(); SVGTextMetrics currentMetrics; for (; textPosition < textLength; textPosition += currentMetrics.length()) { currentMetrics = calculator.computeMetricsForCharacter(textPosition); if (!currentMetrics.length()) break; bool characterIsWhiteSpace = calculator.characterIsWhiteSpace(textPosition); if (characterIsWhiteSpace && !preserveWhiteSpace && data->lastCharacterWasWhiteSpace) { if (processRenderer) textMetricsValues->append(SVGTextMetrics(SVGTextMetrics::SkippedSpaceMetrics)); if (data->allCharactersMap) skippedCharacters += currentMetrics.length(); continue; } if (processRenderer) { if (data->allCharactersMap) { const SVGCharacterDataMap::const_iterator it = data->allCharactersMap->find(data->valueListPosition + textPosition - skippedCharacters - surrogatePairCharacters + 1); if (it != data->allCharactersMap->end()) attributes->characterDataMap().set(textPosition + 1, it->value); } textMetricsValues->append(currentMetrics); } if (data->allCharactersMap && calculator.characterStartsSurrogatePair(textPosition)) surrogatePairCharacters++; data->lastCharacterWasWhiteSpace = characterIsWhiteSpace; } if (!data->allCharactersMap) return; data->valueListPosition += textPosition - skippedCharacters; }
float SVGTextLayoutEngineBaseline::calculateGlyphAdvanceAndOrientation(bool isVerticalText, const SVGTextMetrics& metrics, float angle, float& xOrientationShift, float& yOrientationShift) const { bool orientationIsMultiplyOf180Degrees = glyphOrientationIsMultiplyOf180Degrees(angle); // The function is based on spec requirements: // // Spec: If the 'glyph-orientation-horizontal' results in an orientation angle that is not a multiple of // of 180 degrees, then the current text position is incremented according to the vertical metrics of the glyph. // // Spec: If if the 'glyph-orientation-vertical' results in an orientation angle that is not a multiple of // 180 degrees, then the current text position is incremented according to the horizontal metrics of the glyph. const FontMetrics& fontMetrics = m_font.fontMetrics(); float ascent = fontMetrics.floatAscent() / m_effectiveZoom; float descent = fontMetrics.floatDescent() / m_effectiveZoom; // Vertical orientation handling. if (isVerticalText) { float ascentMinusDescent = ascent - descent; if (!angle) { xOrientationShift = (ascentMinusDescent - metrics.width()) / 2; yOrientationShift = ascent; } else if (angle == 180) { xOrientationShift = (ascentMinusDescent + metrics.width()) / 2; } else if (angle == 270) { yOrientationShift = metrics.width(); xOrientationShift = ascentMinusDescent; } // Vertical advance calculation. if (angle && !orientationIsMultiplyOf180Degrees) return metrics.width(); return metrics.height(); } // Horizontal orientation handling. if (angle == 90) { yOrientationShift = -metrics.width(); } else if (angle == 180) { xOrientationShift = metrics.width(); yOrientationShift = -ascent; } else if (angle == 270) { xOrientationShift = metrics.width(); } // Horizontal advance calculation. if (angle && !orientationIsMultiplyOf180Degrees) return metrics.height(); return metrics.width(); }
void SVGTextLayoutAttributesBuilder::propagateLayoutAttributes(RenderObject* start, unsigned& atCharacter, UChar& lastCharacter) const { for (RenderObject* child = start->firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) { if (child->isSVGInlineText()) { RenderSVGInlineText* text = toRenderSVGInlineText(child); const UChar* characters = text->characters(); unsigned textLength = text->textLength(); bool preserveWhiteSpace = shouldPreserveAllWhiteSpace(text->style()); SVGTextLayoutAttributes attributes; attributes.reserveCapacity(textLength); unsigned valueListPosition = atCharacter; unsigned metricsLength = 1; for (unsigned textPosition = 0; textPosition < textLength; textPosition += metricsLength) { const UChar& currentCharacter = characters[textPosition]; SVGTextMetrics metrics = SVGTextMetrics::measureCharacterRange(text, textPosition, 1); metricsLength = metrics.length(); if (!preserveWhiteSpace && characterIsSpace(currentCharacter) && characterIsSpaceOrNull(lastCharacter)) { assignEmptyLayoutAttributesForCharacter(attributes); attributes.textMetricsValues().append(SVGTextMetrics::emptyMetrics()); continue; } assignLayoutAttributesForCharacter(attributes, metrics, valueListPosition); if (metricsLength > 1) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < metricsLength - 1; ++i) assignEmptyLayoutAttributesForCharacter(attributes); } lastCharacter = currentCharacter; valueListPosition += metricsLength; } #if DUMP_TEXT_LAYOUT_ATTRIBUTES > 0 fprintf(stderr, "\nDumping layout attributes for RenderSVGInlineText, renderer=%p, node=%p (atCharacter: %i)\n", text, text->node(), atCharacter); attributes.dump(); #endif text->storeLayoutAttributes(attributes); atCharacter = valueListPosition; continue; } if (!child->isSVGInline()) continue; propagateLayoutAttributes(child, atCharacter, lastCharacter); } }
bool SVGTextQuery::subStringLengthCallback(Data* queryData, const SVGTextFragment& fragment) const { SubStringLengthData* data = static_cast<SubStringLengthData*>(queryData); int startPosition = data->startPosition; int endPosition = startPosition + data->length; if (!mapStartEndPositionsIntoFragmentCoordinates(queryData, fragment, startPosition, endPosition)) return false; SVGTextMetrics metrics = SVGTextMetrics::measureCharacterRange(queryData->textRenderer, fragment.characterOffset + startPosition, endPosition - startPosition); data->subStringLength += queryData->isVerticalText ? metrics.height() : metrics.width(); return false; }
SVGTextMetrics SVGTextMetricsCalculator::computeMetricsForCharacter(unsigned textPosition) { if (m_bidiRun) { if (textPosition >= static_cast<unsigned>(m_bidiRun->stop())) { m_bidiRun = m_bidiRun->next(); // New BiDi run means new reference position for measurements, so reset |m_totalWidth|. m_totalWidth = 0; } ASSERT(m_bidiRun); ASSERT(static_cast<int>(textPosition) < m_bidiRun->stop()); m_textDirection = m_bidiRun->direction(); } unsigned metricsLength = characterStartsSurrogatePair(textPosition) ? 2 : 1; SVGTextMetrics metrics = SVGTextMetrics::measureCharacterRange(m_text, textPosition, metricsLength, m_textDirection); ASSERT(metrics.length() == metricsLength); unsigned startPosition = m_bidiRun ? m_bidiRun->start() : 0; ASSERT(startPosition <= textPosition); SVGTextMetrics complexStartToCurrentMetrics = SVGTextMetrics::measureCharacterRange(m_text, startPosition, textPosition - startPosition + metricsLength, m_textDirection); // Frequent case for Arabic text: when measuring a single character the arabic isolated form is taken // when laying out the glyph "in context" (with it's surrounding characters) it changes due to shaping. // So whenever currentWidth != currentMetrics.width(), we are processing a text run whose length is // not equal to the sum of the individual lengths of the glyphs, when measuring them isolated. float currentWidth = complexStartToCurrentMetrics.width() - m_totalWidth; if (currentWidth != metrics.width()) metrics.setWidth(currentWidth); m_totalWidth = complexStartToCurrentMetrics.width(); return metrics; }
static inline void calculateGlyphBoundaries(SVGTextQuery::Data* queryData, const SVGTextFragment& fragment, int startPosition, FloatRect& extent) { float scalingFactor = queryData->textRenderer->scalingFactor(); ASSERT(scalingFactor); extent.setLocation(FloatPoint(fragment.x, fragment.y - queryData->textRenderer->scaledFont().fontMetrics().floatAscent() / scalingFactor)); if (startPosition) { SVGTextMetrics metrics = SVGTextMetrics::measureCharacterRange(queryData->textRenderer, fragment.characterOffset, startPosition); if (queryData->isVerticalText) extent.move(0, metrics.height()); else extent.move(metrics.width(), 0); } SVGTextMetrics metrics = SVGTextMetrics::measureCharacterRange(queryData->textRenderer, fragment.characterOffset + startPosition, 1); extent.setSize(FloatSize(metrics.width(), metrics.height())); AffineTransform fragmentTransform; fragment.buildFragmentTransform(fragmentTransform, SVGTextFragment::TransformIgnoringTextLength); if (fragmentTransform.isIdentity()) return; extent = fragmentTransform.mapRect(extent); }
static FloatPoint calculateGlyphPositionWithoutTransform(const QueryData* queryData, const SVGTextFragment& fragment, int offsetInFragment) { float glyphOffsetInDirection = 0; if (offsetInFragment) { SVGTextMetrics metrics = SVGTextMetrics::measureCharacterRange(queryData->textLayoutObject, fragment.characterOffset, offsetInFragment, queryData->textBox->direction()); if (queryData->isVerticalText) glyphOffsetInDirection = metrics.height(); else glyphOffsetInDirection = metrics.width(); } if (!queryData->textBox->isLeftToRightDirection()) { float fragmentExtent = queryData->isVerticalText ? fragment.height : fragment.width; glyphOffsetInDirection = fragmentExtent - glyphOffsetInDirection; } FloatPoint glyphPosition(fragment.x, fragment.y); if (queryData->isVerticalText) glyphPosition.move(0, glyphOffsetInDirection); else glyphPosition.move(glyphOffsetInDirection, 0); return glyphPosition; }
SVGTextMetrics SVGTextMetricsCalculator::computeMetricsForCharacterComplex(unsigned textPosition) { unsigned metricsLength = characterStartsSurrogatePair(textPosition) ? 2 : 1; SVGTextMetrics metrics = SVGTextMetrics::measureCharacterRange(m_text, textPosition, metricsLength, m_textDirection); ASSERT(metrics.length() == metricsLength); unsigned startPosition = m_bidiRun ? m_bidiRun->start() : 0; ASSERT(startPosition <= textPosition); SVGTextMetrics complexStartToCurrentMetrics = SVGTextMetrics::measureCharacterRange(m_text, startPosition, textPosition - startPosition + metricsLength, m_textDirection); // Frequent case for Arabic text: when measuring a single character the arabic isolated form is taken // when rendering the glyph "in context" (with it's surrounding characters) it changes due to shaping. // So whenever currentWidth != currentMetrics.width(), we are processing a text run whose length is // not equal to the sum of the individual lengths of the glyphs, when measuring them isolated. float currentWidth = complexStartToCurrentMetrics.width() - m_totalWidth; if (currentWidth != metrics.width()) metrics.setWidth(currentWidth); m_totalWidth = complexStartToCurrentMetrics.width(); return metrics; }
void SVGTextLayoutEngine::advanceToNextLogicalCharacter(const SVGTextMetrics& logicalMetrics) { ++m_logicalMetricsListOffset; m_logicalCharacterOffset += logicalMetrics.length(); }
void SVGTextLayoutEngine::layoutTextOnLineOrPath(SVGInlineTextBox* textBox, RenderSVGInlineText* text, const RenderStyle* style) { SVGElement* lengthContext = static_cast<SVGElement*>(text->parent()->node()); RenderObject* textParent = text->parent(); bool definesTextLength = textParent ? parentDefinesTextLength(textParent) : false; const SVGRenderStyle* svgStyle = style->svgStyle(); ASSERT(svgStyle); m_visualMetricsListOffset = 0; m_visualCharacterOffset = 0; Vector<SVGTextMetrics>& textMetricsValues = text->layoutAttributes().textMetricsValues(); const UChar* characters = text->characters(); const Font& font = style->font(); SVGTextLayoutEngineSpacing spacingLayout(font); SVGTextLayoutEngineBaseline baselineLayout(font); bool didStartTextFragment = false; bool applySpacingToNextCharacter = false; float lastAngle = 0; float baselineShift = baselineLayout.calculateBaselineShift(svgStyle, lengthContext); baselineShift -= baselineLayout.calculateAlignmentBaselineShift(m_isVerticalText, text); // Main layout algorithm. while (true) { // Find the start of the current text box in this list, respecting ligatures. SVGTextMetrics visualMetrics = SVGTextMetrics::emptyMetrics(); if (!currentVisualCharacterMetrics(textBox, text, visualMetrics)) break; if (visualMetrics == SVGTextMetrics::emptyMetrics()) { advanceToNextVisualCharacter(visualMetrics); continue; } SVGTextLayoutAttributes logicalAttributes; if (!currentLogicalCharacterAttributes(logicalAttributes)) break; SVGTextMetrics logicalMetrics = SVGTextMetrics::emptyMetrics(); if (!currentLogicalCharacterMetrics(logicalAttributes, logicalMetrics)) break; Vector<float>& xValues = logicalAttributes.xValues(); Vector<float>& yValues = logicalAttributes.yValues(); Vector<float>& dxValues = logicalAttributes.dxValues(); Vector<float>& dyValues = logicalAttributes.dyValues(); Vector<float>& rotateValues = logicalAttributes.rotateValues(); float x =; float y =; // When we've advanced to the box start offset, determine using the original x/y values, // whether this character starts a new text chunk, before doing any further processing. if (m_visualCharacterOffset == textBox->start()) textBox->setStartsNewTextChunk(logicalAttributes.context()->characterStartsNewTextChunk(m_logicalCharacterOffset)); float angle = 0; if (!rotateValues.isEmpty()) { float newAngle =; if (newAngle != SVGTextLayoutAttributes::emptyValue()) angle = newAngle; } // Calculate glyph orientation angle. const UChar* currentCharacter = characters + m_visualCharacterOffset; float orientationAngle = baselineLayout.calculateGlyphOrientationAngle(m_isVerticalText, svgStyle, *currentCharacter); // Calculate glyph advance & x/y orientation shifts. float xOrientationShift = 0; float yOrientationShift = 0; float glyphAdvance = baselineLayout.calculateGlyphAdvanceAndOrientation(m_isVerticalText, visualMetrics, orientationAngle, xOrientationShift, yOrientationShift); // Assign current text position to x/y values, if needed. updateCharacerPositionIfNeeded(x, y); // Apply dx/dy value adjustments to current text position, if needed. updateRelativePositionAdjustmentsIfNeeded(dxValues, dyValues); // Calculate SVG Fonts kerning, if needed. float kerning = spacingLayout.calculateSVGKerning(m_isVerticalText, visualMetrics.glyph()); // Calculate CSS 'kerning', 'letter-spacing' and 'word-spacing' for next character, if needed. float spacing = spacingLayout.calculateCSSKerningAndSpacing(svgStyle, lengthContext, currentCharacter); float textPathOffset = 0; if (m_inPathLayout) { float scaledGlyphAdvance = glyphAdvance * m_textPathScaling; if (m_isVerticalText) { // If there's an absolute y position available, it marks the beginning of a new position along the path. if (y != SVGTextLayoutAttributes::emptyValue()) m_textPathCurrentOffset = y + m_textPathStartOffset; m_textPathCurrentOffset += m_dy - kerning; m_dy = 0; // Apply dx/dy correction and setup translations that move to the glyph midpoint. xOrientationShift += m_dx + baselineShift; yOrientationShift -= scaledGlyphAdvance / 2; } else { // If there's an absolute x position available, it marks the beginning of a new position along the path. if (x != SVGTextLayoutAttributes::emptyValue()) m_textPathCurrentOffset = x + m_textPathStartOffset; m_textPathCurrentOffset += m_dx - kerning; m_dx = 0; // Apply dx/dy correction and setup translations that move to the glyph midpoint. xOrientationShift -= scaledGlyphAdvance / 2; yOrientationShift += m_dy - baselineShift; } // Calculate current offset along path. textPathOffset = m_textPathCurrentOffset + scaledGlyphAdvance / 2; // Move to next character. m_textPathCurrentOffset += scaledGlyphAdvance + m_textPathSpacing + spacing * m_textPathScaling; // Skip character, if we're before the path. if (textPathOffset < 0) { advanceToNextLogicalCharacter(logicalMetrics); advanceToNextVisualCharacter(visualMetrics); continue; } // Stop processing, if the next character lies behind the path. if (textPathOffset > m_textPathLength) break; bool ok = false; FloatPoint point = m_textPath.pointAtLength(textPathOffset, ok); ASSERT(ok); x = point.x(); y = point.y(); angle = m_textPath.normalAngleAtLength(textPathOffset, ok); ASSERT(ok); // For vertical text on path, the actual angle has to be rotated 90 degrees anti-clockwise, not the orientation angle! if (m_isVerticalText) angle -= 90; } else { // Apply all previously calculated shift values. if (m_isVerticalText) { x += baselineShift; y -= kerning; } else { x -= kerning; y -= baselineShift; } x += m_dx; y += m_dy; } // Determine wheter we have to start a new fragment. bool shouldStartNewFragment = false; if (m_dx || m_dy) shouldStartNewFragment = true; if (!shouldStartNewFragment && (m_isVerticalText || m_inPathLayout)) shouldStartNewFragment = true; if (!shouldStartNewFragment && (angle || angle != lastAngle || orientationAngle)) shouldStartNewFragment = true; if (!shouldStartNewFragment && (kerning || applySpacingToNextCharacter || definesTextLength)) shouldStartNewFragment = true; // If we already started a fragment, close it now. if (didStartTextFragment && shouldStartNewFragment) { applySpacingToNextCharacter = false; recordTextFragment(textBox, textMetricsValues); } // Eventually start a new fragment, if not yet done. if (!didStartTextFragment || shouldStartNewFragment) { ASSERT(!m_currentTextFragment.characterOffset); ASSERT(!m_currentTextFragment.length); didStartTextFragment = true; m_currentTextFragment.characterOffset = m_visualCharacterOffset; m_currentTextFragment.metricsListOffset = m_visualMetricsListOffset; m_currentTextFragment.x = x; m_currentTextFragment.y = y; // Build fragment transformation. if (angle) m_currentTextFragment.transform.rotate(angle); if (xOrientationShift || yOrientationShift) m_currentTextFragment.transform.translate(xOrientationShift, yOrientationShift); if (orientationAngle) m_currentTextFragment.transform.rotate(orientationAngle); m_currentTextFragment.isTextOnPath = m_inPathLayout && m_textPathScaling != 1; if (m_currentTextFragment.isTextOnPath) { if (m_isVerticalText) m_currentTextFragment.lengthAdjustTransform.scaleNonUniform(1, m_textPathScaling); else m_currentTextFragment.lengthAdjustTransform.scaleNonUniform(m_textPathScaling, 1); } } // Update current text position, after processing of the current character finished. if (m_inPathLayout) updateCurrentTextPosition(x, y, glyphAdvance); else { // Apply CSS 'kerning', 'letter-spacing' and 'word-spacing' to next character, if needed. if (spacing) applySpacingToNextCharacter = true; float xNew = x - m_dx; float yNew = y - m_dy; if (m_isVerticalText) xNew -= baselineShift; else yNew += baselineShift; updateCurrentTextPosition(xNew, yNew, glyphAdvance + spacing); } advanceToNextLogicalCharacter(logicalMetrics); advanceToNextVisualCharacter(visualMetrics); lastAngle = angle; } if (!didStartTextFragment) return; // Close last open fragment, if needed. recordTextFragment(textBox, textMetricsValues); }
void SVGTextLayoutEngine::advanceToNextVisualCharacter(const SVGTextMetrics& visualMetrics) { ++m_visualMetricsListOffset; m_visualCharacterOffset += visualMetrics.length(); }
void SVGTextLayoutAttributesBuilder::propagateLayoutAttributes(RenderObject* start, Vector<SVGTextLayoutAttributes>& allAttributes, unsigned& atCharacter, UChar& lastCharacter) const { for (RenderObject* child = start->firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) { if (child->isSVGInlineText()) { RenderSVGInlineText* text = toRenderSVGInlineText(child); const UChar* characters = text->characters(); unsigned textLength = text->textLength(); bool preserveWhiteSpace = shouldPreserveAllWhiteSpace(text->style()); SVGTextLayoutAttributes attributes(text); attributes.reserveCapacity(textLength); unsigned valueListPosition = atCharacter; unsigned metricsLength = 1; SVGTextMetrics lastMetrics(SVGTextMetrics::SkippedSpaceMetrics); for (unsigned textPosition = 0; textPosition < textLength; textPosition += metricsLength) { const UChar& currentCharacter = characters[textPosition]; SVGTextMetrics startToCurrentMetrics; SVGTextMetrics currentMetrics; unsigned valueListAdvance = 0; if (U16_IS_LEAD(currentCharacter) && (textPosition + 1) < textLength && U16_IS_TRAIL(characters[textPosition + 1])) { // Handle surrogate pairs. startToCurrentMetrics = SVGTextMetrics::measureCharacterRange(text, 0, textPosition + 2); currentMetrics = SVGTextMetrics::measureCharacterRange(text, textPosition, 2); metricsLength = currentMetrics.length(); valueListAdvance = 1; } else { // Handle BMP characters. startToCurrentMetrics = SVGTextMetrics::measureCharacterRange(text, 0, textPosition + 1); currentMetrics = SVGTextMetrics::measureCharacterRange(text, textPosition, 1); metricsLength = currentMetrics.length(); valueListAdvance = metricsLength; } if (!metricsLength) break; // Frequent case for Arabic text: when measuring a single character the arabic isolated form is taken // when rendering the glyph "in context" (with it's surrounding characters) it changes due to shaping. // So whenever runWidthAdvance != currentMetrics.width(), we are processing a text run whose length is // not equal to the sum of the individual lengths of the glyphs, when measuring them isolated. float runWidthAdvance = startToCurrentMetrics.width() - lastMetrics.width(); if (runWidthAdvance != currentMetrics.width()) currentMetrics.setWidth(runWidthAdvance); lastMetrics = startToCurrentMetrics; if (!preserveWhiteSpace && characterIsSpace(currentCharacter) && characterIsSpaceOrNull(lastCharacter)) { attributes.positioningLists().appendEmptyValues(); attributes.textMetricsValues().append(SVGTextMetrics(SVGTextMetrics::SkippedSpaceMetrics)); continue; } SVGTextLayoutAttributes::PositioningLists& positioningLists = attributes.positioningLists(); positioningLists.appendValuesFromPosition(m_positioningLists, valueListPosition); attributes.textMetricsValues().append(currentMetrics); // Pad x/y/dx/dy/rotate value lists with empty values, if the metrics span more than one character. if (metricsLength > 1) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < metricsLength - 1; ++i) positioningLists.appendEmptyValues(); } lastCharacter = currentCharacter; valueListPosition += valueListAdvance; } #if DUMP_TEXT_LAYOUT_ATTRIBUTES > 0 fprintf(stderr, "\nDumping layout attributes for RenderSVGInlineText, renderer=%p, node=%p (atCharacter: %i)\n", text, text->node(), atCharacter); fprintf(stderr, "BiDi properties: unicode-bidi=%i, block direction=%i\n", text->style()->unicodeBidi(), text->style()->direction()); attributes.dump(); #endif text->storeLayoutAttributes(attributes); allAttributes.append(attributes); atCharacter = valueListPosition; continue; } if (!child->isSVGInline()) continue; propagateLayoutAttributes(child, allAttributes, atCharacter, lastCharacter); } }