コード例 #1
void GetRelevantSampleTimes( ProcArgs &args, TimeSamplingPtr timeSampling,
                            size_t numSamples, SampleTimeSet &output )
    if ( numSamples < 2 )
        output.insert( 0.0 );

    chrono_t frameTime = args.frame / args.fps;

    chrono_t shutterOpenTime = ( args.frame + args.shutterOpen ) / args.fps;

    chrono_t shutterCloseTime = ( args.frame + args.shutterClose ) / args.fps;

    std::pair<index_t, chrono_t> shutterOpenFloor =
        timeSampling->getFloorIndex( shutterOpenTime, numSamples );

    std::pair<index_t, chrono_t> shutterCloseCeil =
        timeSampling->getCeilIndex( shutterCloseTime, numSamples );

    //TODO, what's a reasonable episilon?
    static const chrono_t epsilon = 1.0 / 10000.0;

    //check to see if our second sample is really the
    //floor that we want due to floating point slop
    //first make sure that we have at least two samples to work with
    if ( shutterOpenFloor.first < shutterCloseCeil.first )
        //if our open sample is less than open time,
        //look at the next index time
        if ( shutterOpenFloor.second < shutterOpenTime )
            chrono_t nextSampleTime =
                     timeSampling->getSampleTime( shutterOpenFloor.first + 1 );

            if ( fabs( nextSampleTime - shutterOpenTime ) < epsilon )
                shutterOpenFloor.first += 1;
                shutterOpenFloor.second = nextSampleTime;

    for ( index_t i = shutterOpenFloor.first; i < shutterCloseCeil.first; ++i )
        output.insert( timeSampling->getSampleTime( i ) );

    //no samples above? put frame time in there and get out
    if ( output.size() == 0 )
        output.insert( frameTime );

    chrono_t lastSample = *(output.rbegin() );

    //determine whether we need the extra sample at the end
    if ( ( fabs( lastSample - shutterCloseTime ) > epsilon )
         && lastSample < shutterCloseTime )
        output.insert( shutterCloseCeil.second );