ScalarList NewtonPolySolve::FindRoots(const CPolynomial& poly, const ScalarList& guessListIn) { if (poly.Degree() == 0) { if (poly[0] == Scalar(0)) return ScalarList(1,0); else throw Exception("No solution"); } Scalar x(0); ScalarList guessList = guessListIn; if (!guessList.empty()) { x = guessList.back(); guessList.pop_back(); } bool converged; x = NextRoot(poly, x, &converged); ScalarList answers; if (poly.Degree() > 1) ScalarList answers = FindRoots(poly.RemoveRoot(x), guessList); answers.push_back(x); return answers; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void EvaluatorVisitor::visit( const AST::FunctionExpression* const node ) { ScalarList evaluatedArgs; AST::NodeList params = node->getParameterList(); for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < params.size(); ++i ) { AST::INode* argNode = params[ i ]; argNode->accept( this ); evaluatedArgs.push_back( mBranchValue ); } //process function mSymbolTable.evaluateFunction( mBranchValue, node->getName(), evaluatedArgs ); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::cout << "Usage : ASCII2H5Part " << "-c full/path/to/.cfg " << "-a full/path/to/IdFile for optional point Id flagging " << "-t full/path/to/timefile.txt " << "-f full/path/to/input/file " << std::endl; vtkSmartPointer<vtkTesting> test = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTesting>::New(); for (int c=1; c<argc; c++ ) { test->AddArgument(argv[c]); } std::string asciipath, asciiname, errormsg, asciifile, hdf5file, ascii2h5config, ascii2h5IdFile; // config file char *cfg_name = vtkTestUtilities::GetArgOrEnvOrDefault("-c", argc, argv, "DUMMY_ENV_VAR", ""); if (vtksys::SystemTools::GetFilenamePath(cfg_name).size()==0) { std::string cfg_path = vtksys::SystemTools::GetCurrentWorkingDirectory(); ascii2h5config = cfg_path + "/" + cfg_name; } else { ascii2h5config = cfg_name; } delete []cfg_name; // if (!vtksys::SystemTools::FileExists(ascii2h5config.c_str()) || vtksys::SystemTools::FileIsDirectory(ascii2h5config.c_str())) { std::cout << "Can't find config file " << ascii2h5config.c_str() << "\n"; return 0; } std::cout << "Config file found : " << ascii2h5config.c_str() << "\n";; // input file char *filename = vtkTestUtilities::GetArgOrEnvOrDefault("-f", argc, argv, "DUMMY_ENV_VAR", ""); asciipath = vtksys::SystemTools::GetFilenamePath(filename); asciiname = vtksys::SystemTools::GetFilenameName(filename); asciifile = asciipath + "/" + asciiname; delete []filename; if (!vtksys::SystemTools::FileExists(asciifile.c_str())) { std::cout << "Can't find input file " << asciifile.c_str() << "\n"; return 0; } std::cout << "Input file found : " << asciifile.c_str() << "\n";; // Point Id file char *idf_name = vtkTestUtilities::GetArgOrEnvOrDefault("-a", argc, argv, "DUMMY_ENV_VAR", ""); std::map<long int, double> idMap; if (vtksys::SystemTools::FileExists(idf_name)) { ascii2h5IdFile = idf_name; std::cout << "Using Id file : " << ascii2h5IdFile.c_str() << "\n"; std::ifstream idfile(idf_name); long int low, high; double flag; while (idfile.good()) { idfile >> low >> high >> flag; idMap.insert( std::pair<long int,double>(high, flag)); } } delete []idf_name; // time override bool OverrideTime = false; double OverrideTimeStep = 0.0; char *time_steps = vtkTestUtilities::GetArgOrEnvOrDefault("-t", argc, argv, "DUMMY_ENV_VAR", ""); std::string timeoverride = time_steps; if (timeoverride.size()>0) { OverrideTime = true; OverrideTimeStep = atof(timeoverride.c_str()); std::cout << "Time override set to : " << OverrideTimeStep << " per step \n";; } delete []time_steps; // // generate new h5part file name // hdf5file = vtksys::SystemTools::GetFilenameWithoutExtension(asciifile); hdf5file = asciipath + "/" + hdf5file + ".h5part"; std::cout << "Output HDF5 filename : " << hdf5file.c_str() << "\n";; // // Now scan the file names to build up our pattern // std::string FieldNames; std::string FieldIndices; std::string TimeExpr; std::string IgnoreExp; // std::string FileNamePattern; std::string PrefixRegEx, BlockRegEx, VarRegEx, ExtRegEx, TimeRegEx, Text0RegEx; // int headerlines=0; int DFormat=0; // open config file std::ifstream cfg(ascii2h5config.c_str()); char buf[512]; while (cfg.good()) { cfg.getline(buf,512); if (strstr(buf, "FieldNames" )!=0) { cfg.getline(buf,512); FieldNames = buf; } if (strstr(buf, "FieldIndices")!=0) { cfg.getline(buf,512); FieldIndices = buf; } if (strstr(buf, "TimeExpr")!=0) { cfg.getline(buf,512); TimeExpr = buf; } if (strstr(buf, "IgnoreExp")!=0) { cfg.getline(buf,512); IgnoreExp = buf; } if (strstr(buf, "HeaderLines")!=0) { cfg.getline(buf,512); sscanf(buf,"%i", &headerlines);} if (strstr(buf, "DFormat")!=0) { cfg.getline(buf,512); sscanf(buf,"%i", &DFormat); } // if (strstr(buf, "FileNamePattern")!=0) { cfg.getline(buf,512); FileNamePattern = buf; } if (strstr(buf, "PREFIX_RegEx")!=0) { cfg.getline(buf,512); PrefixRegEx = buf; } if (strstr(buf, "BLOCK_RegEx")!=0) { cfg.getline(buf,512); BlockRegEx = buf; } if (strstr(buf, "VAR_RegEx")!=0) { cfg.getline(buf,512); VarRegEx = buf; } if (strstr(buf, "EXT_RegEx")!=0) { cfg.getline(buf,512); ExtRegEx = buf; } if (strstr(buf, "TIME_RegEx")!=0) { cfg.getline(buf,512); TimeRegEx = buf; } if (strstr(buf, "TEXT0_RegEx")!=0) { cfg.getline(buf,512); Text0RegEx = buf; } } // FileSeriesFinder *Finder = new FileSeriesFinder(FileNamePattern); Finder->SetPrefixRegEx(PrefixRegEx.c_str()); Finder->SetTimeRegEx(TimeRegEx.c_str()); Finder->SetBlockRegEx(BlockRegEx.c_str()); Finder->SetVarRegEx(VarRegEx.c_str()); Finder->SetExtRegEx(ExtRegEx.c_str()); Finder->SetText0RegEx(Text0RegEx.c_str()); Finder->Scan(asciifile.c_str()); bool multiblock = (Finder->GetNumberOfBlocks()>0); bool multivar = (Finder->GetNumberOfVars()>0); bool multitime = (Finder->GetNumberOfTimeSteps()>0); std::vector<double> time_values; typedef std::vector< vtkSmartPointer<vtkASCIIParticleReader> > varReader; typedef std::vector< varReader > blockReader; blockReader readers; // if (multitime) { Tnum = Finder->GetNumberOfTimeSteps(); Finder->GetTimeValues(time_values); } int t=0; int b=0; do { int v=0; varReader varreaders; do { vtkSmartPointer<vtkASCIIParticleReader> reader = vtkSmartPointer<vtkASCIIParticleReader>::New(); varreaders.push_back(reader); std::string filename = Finder->GenerateFileName(t, b, v); reader->SetFileName(filename.c_str()); reader->SetFieldNames(FieldNames.c_str()); reader->SetFieldIndices(FieldIndices.c_str()); reader->SetTimeExpression(TimeExpr.c_str()); reader->SetIgnoreExpression(IgnoreExp.c_str()); reader->SetHeaderLines(headerlines); reader->SetDFormat(DFormat); reader->SetTimeStep(0); reader->SetMultiFileScalarMode(multivar); reader->SetMultiFileCollectNode(multivar && v==0); if (b==0 && v==0) { if (!multitime) { std::cout << "Scanning for Time Steps " << asciifile.c_str() << std::endl; reader->UpdateInformation(); reader->GetTimeStepValues(time_values); Tnum = (int)time_values.size(); std::cout << "Found " << Tnum << " Time steps in file " << std::endl; } } } while (++v<Vnum); // readers.push_back(varreaders); } while (++b<Bnum); // vtkSmartPointer<vtkH5PartWriter> writer = vtkSmartPointer<vtkH5PartWriter>::New(); writer->SetFileName((char*)hdf5file.c_str()); vtkSmartPointer<vtkASCIIParticleReader> reader; vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> polys; t=0; do { // Time b=0; std::cout << "Reading TimeStep " << t << std::endl; // vtkSmartPointer<vtkAppendPolyData> append = vtkSmartPointer<vtkAppendPolyData>::New(); do { // Block int v=0; ScalarList scalars; std::cout << "Reading Block " << b << std::endl; do { // Var std::cout << "Reading Var " << v << std::endl; reader = readers[b][v]; std::string filename = Finder->GenerateFileName(t,b,v); reader->SetFileName(filename.c_str()); if (!multitime) { reader->SetTimeStep(t); } reader->Update(); std::vector<double> values; reader->GetTimeStepValues(values); if (values.size()>0) time_values[t] = values[values.size()>t ? t : 0]; if (multivar) { vtkPolyData *p = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(reader->GetOutput()); vtkFloatArray *floats = vtkFloatArray::SafeDownCast(p->GetPoints()->GetData()); scalars.push_back(floats); } // } while (++v<Vnum); if (multivar) { readers[b][0]->CollectMultiFileScalars(scalars); } polys = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(readers[b][0]->GetOutput()); // if (multiblock && polys) append->AddInput(polys); } while (++b<Bnum); // vtkPolyData *realData = polys; if (multiblock) { append->Update(); realData = append->GetOutput(); } if (idMap.size()) { vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray> IdScalars = vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray>::New(); IdScalars->SetName("PointIdFlags"); double scalar = 0.0; for (int i=0; i<realData->GetNumberOfPoints(); i++) { for (std::map<long int, double>::iterator it=idMap.begin(); it!=idMap.end(); ++it) { if (i<=it->first) { scalar = it->second; IdScalars->InsertNextTuple1(scalar); break; } } } if (IdScalars->GetNumberOfTuples()==realData->GetNumberOfPoints()) { realData->GetPointData()->AddArray(IdScalars); } } writer->SetInputData(realData); writer->SetTimeStep(t); if (time_values.size()>t) { writer->SetTimeValue(time_values[t]); } else { writer->SetTimeValue(t); } if (OverrideTime) { double val = OverrideTimeStep*(double)t; writer->SetTimeValue(val); } writer->Write(); // to make sure reference counting deletes stuff reader = NULL; polys = NULL; } while (++t<Tnum); std::cout << "Closing hdf file " << std::endl; std::cout << "Written (hopefully) : " << hdf5file.c_str() << std::endl; writer->CloseFile(); std::cout << "Done" << std::endl; }