コード例 #1
*  @brief
*    Called when a control event has occurred
void Application61::OnControl(Control &cControl)
	// Is it a button?
	if (cControl.GetType() == ControlButton && static_cast<Button&>(cControl).IsPressed()) {
		// Check whether the escape key was pressed
		if (cControl.GetName() == "KeyboardEscape") {
			// Shut down the application
		} else {
			// Get current time difference
			Timing *pTimer = Timing::GetInstance();
			const float fTimeScaleFactor = pTimer->GetTimeScaleFactor();

			// Check button
			if (cControl.GetName() == "Keyboard1") {
				// Decrease timescale
				pTimer->SetTimeScaleFactor(fTimeScaleFactor - 0.1f);
				if (pTimer->GetTimeScaleFactor() < 0.1f)
			} else if (cControl.GetName() == "Keyboard2") {
				// Increase timescale
				pTimer->SetTimeScaleFactor(fTimeScaleFactor +  0.1f);
				if (pTimer->GetTimeScaleFactor() > 4.0f)
			} else if (cControl.GetName() == "Keyboard3") {
				// Reset timescale

			// Time scale factor changed?
			if (fTimeScaleFactor != pTimer->GetTimeScaleFactor()) {
				// Update the time scale text node

				// Update the pitch variable of the sound container using the time scale factor
				SceneContainer *pSceneContainer = GetScene();
				if (pSceneContainer)
					pSceneContainer->SetAttribute("Pitch", pTimer->GetTimeScaleFactor());
コード例 #2
//[ Private virtual PLEngine::EngineApplication functions ]
void Application61::OnCreateScene(SceneContainer &cContainer)
	// Set no scene container as default

	// Sound API given?
	if (m_sSoundAPI.GetLength()) {
		// Create a scene container with our 'concrete sound scene' using the chosen sound API
		SceneNode *pSceneContainerNode = cContainer.Create("PLSound::SCSound", "SoundScene", "SoundAPI=\"" + m_sSoundAPI + "\" Pitch=\"" + Timing::GetInstance()->GetTimeScaleFactor() + '\"');
		if (pSceneContainerNode && pSceneContainerNode->IsInstanceOf("PLScene::SceneContainer")) {
			SceneContainer *pSceneContainer = static_cast<SceneContainer*>(pSceneContainerNode);

			// Protect this important container!

			// Set scene container

			// Populate the scene container
			// Create a camera
			SceneNode *pCamera = pSceneContainer->Create("PLScene::SNCamera", "FreeCamera", "Position=\"0.0 -1.5 1.4\" Rotation=\"-14.0 180.0 0.0\"");
			if (pCamera && pCamera->IsInstanceOf("PLScene::SNCamera")) {
				// Make this to our main scene camera

				// Add a controller modifier so we can look around the camera by using a default control

				// Add a controller modifier so we can move around the camera by using a default control
				pCamera->AddModifier("PLEngine::SNMMoveController", "Speed=\"2\"");

				// Make this camera to the 'sound listener'
				pSceneContainer->SetAttribute("Listener", pCamera->GetName());

			// Create the floor
			pSceneContainer->Create("PLScene::SNMesh", "Floor", "Position=\"0.0 -2.1 -5.0\" Rotation=\"0.0 180.0 0.0\" Scale=\"4.0 0.1 4.0\" Mesh=\"Default\"");

			// Create a box on the floor
			pSceneContainer->Create("PLScene::SNMesh", "Box", "Position=\"0.0 -1.5 -5.0\" Scale=\"0.5 0.5 0.5\" Mesh=\"Default\"");

			// Create rain particles and rain sound
			pSceneContainer->Create("PLParticleGroups::PGRain", "Rain", "Position=\"0.0 15.0 -5.0\" Flags=\"ForceUpdate\" MediumSize=\"3\"");
			pSceneContainer->Create("PLSound::SNSound", "RainSound", "Sound=\"Data/Sounds/Rain.ogg\" Volume=\"0.2\"");

			// Create the soldier walking in the rain :)
			SceneNode *pSoldier = pSceneContainer->Create("PLScene::SNMesh", "Soldier", "Position=\"0.0 -1.5 -5.0\" Scale=\"0.007 0.007 0.007\" Mesh=\"Data/Meshes/Soldier.mesh\"");
			if (pSoldier) {
				// Add animation modifier
				pSoldier->AddModifier("PLScene::SNMMeshAnimation", "Name=\"walk_0\" Speed=\"2\"");

				// Let the soldier walk on a path...
				pSoldier->AddModifier("PLScene::SNMPositionPath", "Filename=\"Data/Misc/61Sound_Soldier.path\" Speed=\"0.5\" Flags=\"NodeIndexProgress\" Interpolation=\"CatmullRomCurve\"");

				// ... and we should look into the direction he's moving

				// Link a footsteps sound to the soldier

			// Setup scene surface painter
			SurfacePainter *pPainter = GetPainter();
			if (pPainter && pPainter->IsInstanceOf("PLScene::SPScene")) {
				SPScene *pSPScene = static_cast<SPScene*>(pPainter);

			// Within the parent container...
			SceneContainer *pContainer = pSceneContainer->GetContainer();
			if (pContainer) {
				// Get/add our information text scene nodes
				SceneNode *pInfoText = pContainer->Create("PLScene::SceneContainer", "InfoText", "Flags=\"NoCulling\"");
				if (pInfoText && pInfoText->IsInstanceOf("PLScene::SceneContainer")) {
					SceneContainer *pInfoTextContainer = static_cast<SceneContainer*>(pInfoText);

					// The name of the used sound API
					pInfoTextContainer->Create("PLScene::SNText2D", "SoundAPI", "Position=\"0.01 0.01\" Flags=\"No3DPosition|NoCenter\" Text=\"" + PLT("Sound API: ") + GetSoundAPI() + '\"');

					// Draw keys information
					pInfoTextContainer->Create("PLScene::SNText2D", "Keys",      "Position=\"0.01 0.04\" Flags=\"No3DPosition|NoCenter\" Text=\"" + PLT("Keys:")                      + '\"');
					pInfoTextContainer->Create("PLScene::SNText2D", "TimeScale", "Position=\"0.06 0.08\" Flags=\"No3DPosition|NoCenter\"");