const Result CtrlrWindows::getDefaultResources(MemoryBlock& dataToWrite) { #ifdef DEBUG_INSTANCE File temp("c:\\devel\\debug_small.bpanelz"); MemoryBlock data; { ScopedPointer <FileInputStream> fis (temp.createInputStream()); fis->readIntoMemoryBlock (data); } ValueTree t = ValueTree::readFromGZIPData(data.getData(), data.getSize()); if (t.isValid()) { ValueTree r = t.getChildWithName (Ids::resourceExportList); if (r.isValid()) { MemoryOutputStream mos (dataToWrite, false); { GZIPCompressorOutputStream gzipOutputStream (&mos); r.writeToStream(gzipOutputStream); gzipOutputStream.flush(); } return (Result::ok()); } } else { return (Result::fail("Windows Native: getDefaultResources got data but couldn't parse it as a compressed ValueTree")); } #endif return (readResource (nullptr, MAKEINTRESOURCE(CTRLR_INTERNAL_RESOURCES_RESID), RT_RCDATA, dataToWrite)); }
bool ResourceFile::isResourceFile (const File& file) { if (file.hasFileExtension ("cpp;cc;h")) { ScopedPointer <InputStream> in (file.createInputStream()); if (in != nullptr) { MemoryBlock mb; in->readIntoMemoryBlock (mb, 256); return mb.toString().contains (resourceFileIdentifierString); } } return false; }
bool ResourceFile::write (const File& cppFile, OutputStream& cpp, OutputStream& header) { String comment; comment << newLine << newLine << " This is an auto-generated file, created by " << JUCEApplication::getInstance()->getApplicationName() << newLine << " Do not edit anything in this file!" << newLine << newLine << "*/" << newLine << newLine; header << "/* =========================================================================================" << comment; cpp << "/* ==================================== " << resourceFileIdentifierString << " ====================================" << comment; if (juceHeader.exists()) header << CodeHelpers::createIncludeStatement (juceHeader, cppFile) << newLine; const String namespaceName (className); StringArray returnCodes; int i; for (i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i) returnCodes.add ("numBytes = " + namespaceName + "::" + variableNames[i] + "Size; return " + namespaceName + "::" + variableNames[i] + ";"); cpp << CodeHelpers::createIncludeStatement (cppFile.withFileExtension (".h"), cppFile) << newLine << newLine << newLine << "const char* " << namespaceName << "::getNamedResource (const char* resourceNameUTF8, int& numBytes) throw()" << newLine << "{" << newLine; CodeHelpers::createStringMatcher (cpp, "resourceNameUTF8", variableNames, returnCodes, 4); cpp << " numBytes = 0;" << newLine << " return 0;" << newLine << "}" << newLine << newLine; header << "namespace " << namespaceName << newLine << "{" << newLine; for (i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i) { const File& file = files.getReference(i); const int64 dataSize = file.getSize(); ScopedPointer <InputStream> fileStream (file.createInputStream()); jassert (fileStream != nullptr); if (fileStream != nullptr) { const String variableName (variableNames[i]); const String tempVariable ("temp_" + String::toHexString (file.hashCode())); header << " extern const char* " << variableName << ";" << newLine; header << " const int " << variableName << "Size = " << (int) dataSize << ";" << newLine << newLine; cpp << newLine << "//================== " << file.getFileName() << " ==================" << newLine << "static const unsigned char " << tempVariable << "[] =" << newLine; { MemoryBlock data; fileStream->readIntoMemoryBlock (data); CodeHelpers::writeDataAsCppLiteral (data, cpp); } cpp << newLine << newLine << "const char* " << namespaceName << "::" << variableName << " = (const char*) " << tempVariable << ";" << newLine; } } header << " // If you provide the name of one of the binary resource variables above, this function will" << newLine << " // return the corresponding data and its size (or a null pointer if the name isn't found)." << newLine << " const char* getNamedResource (const char* resourceNameUTF8, int& dataSizeInBytes) throw();" << newLine << "}" << newLine; return true; }
bool ResourceFile::write (const File& cppFile, OutputStream& cpp, OutputStream& header) { String comment; comment << newLine << newLine << " This is an auto-generated file, created by " << JUCEApplication::getInstance()->getApplicationName() << newLine << " Do not edit anything in this file!" << newLine << newLine << "*/" << newLine << newLine; header << "/* =========================================================================================" << comment; cpp << "/* ==================================== " << resourceFileIdentifierString << " ====================================" << comment; if (juceHeader.exists()) header << CodeHelpers::createIncludeStatement (juceHeader, cppFile) << newLine; const String namespaceName (className); StringArray variableNames, returnCodes; int i; for (i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i) { String variableNameRoot (CodeHelpers::makeValidIdentifier (files.getUnchecked(i)->getFileName() .replaceCharacters (" .", "__") .retainCharacters ("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_0123456789"), false, true, false)); String variableName (variableNameRoot); int suffix = 2; while (variableNames.contains (variableName)) variableName = variableNameRoot + String (suffix++); variableNames.add (variableName); returnCodes.add ("numBytes = " + namespaceName + "::" + variableName + "Size; return " + namespaceName + "::" + variableName + ";"); } cpp << CodeHelpers::createIncludeStatement (cppFile.withFileExtension (".h"), cppFile) << newLine << newLine << newLine << "const char* " << namespaceName << "::getNamedResource (const char* resourceNameUTF8, int& numBytes) throw()" << newLine << "{" << newLine; CodeHelpers::createStringMatcher (cpp, "resourceNameUTF8", variableNames, returnCodes, 4); cpp << " numBytes = 0;" << newLine << " return 0;" << newLine << "}" << newLine << newLine; header << "namespace " << namespaceName << newLine << "{" << newLine; for (i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i) { const File file (*files.getUnchecked(i)); const int64 dataSize = file.getSize(); ScopedPointer <InputStream> fileStream (file.createInputStream()); jassert (fileStream != 0); if (fileStream != 0) { const String variableName (variableNames[i]); const String tempVariable ("temp_" + String::toHexString (file.hashCode())); header << " extern const char* " << variableName << ";" << newLine; header << " const int " << variableName << "Size = " << (int) dataSize << ";" << newLine << newLine; cpp << newLine << "//================== " << file.getFileName() << " ==================" << newLine << "static const unsigned char " << tempVariable << "[] =" << newLine; { MemoryBlock data; fileStream->readIntoMemoryBlock (data); CodeHelpers::writeDataAsCppLiteral (data, cpp); } cpp << newLine << newLine << "const char* " << namespaceName << "::" << variableName << " = (const char*) " << tempVariable << ";" << newLine; } } header << " // If you provide the name of one of the binary resource variables above, this function will" << newLine << " // return the corresponding data and its size (or a null pointer if the name isn't found)." << newLine << " const char* getNamedResource (const char* resourceNameUTF8, int& dataSizeInBytes) throw();" << newLine << "}" << newLine; return true; }