コード例 #1
    Var JavascriptError::NewWinRTErrorInstance(RecyclableObject* function, CallInfo callInfo, ...)
        PROBE_STACK(function->GetScriptContext(), Js::Constants::MinStackDefault);

        ARGUMENTS(args, callInfo);
        ScriptContext* scriptContext = function->GetScriptContext();
        JavascriptError* pError = scriptContext->GetHostScriptContext()->CreateWinRTError(nullptr, nullptr);

        return JavascriptError::NewInstance(function, pError, callInfo, args);
コード例 #2
    Var JavascriptError::NewWinRTErrorInstance(RecyclableObject* function, CallInfo callInfo, ...)
        PROBE_STACK(function->GetScriptContext(), Js::Constants::MinStackDefault);

        ARGUMENTS(args, callInfo);
        ScriptContext* scriptContext = function->GetScriptContext();
        JavascriptError* pError = scriptContext->GetHostScriptContext()->CreateWinRTError(nullptr, nullptr);

        Var newTarget = callInfo.Flags & CallFlags_NewTarget ? args.Values[args.Info.Count] : args[0];
        Var message = args.Info.Count > 1 ? args[1] : scriptContext->GetLibrary()->GetUndefined();
        return JavascriptError::NewInstance(function, pError, callInfo, newTarget, message);
コード例 #3
ファイル: dataview.cpp プロジェクト: EdwardBetts/spidernode
    Var DataView::NewInstance(RecyclableObject* function, CallInfo callInfo, ...)
        PROBE_STACK(function->GetScriptContext(), Js::Constants::MinStackDefault);

        ARGUMENTS(args, callInfo);
        ScriptContext* scriptContext = function->GetScriptContext();

        AssertMsg(args.Info.Count > 0, "Should always have implicit 'this'");

        Var newTarget = callInfo.Flags & CallFlags_NewTarget ? args.Values[args.Info.Count] : args[0];
        bool isCtorSuperCall = (callInfo.Flags & CallFlags_New) && newTarget != nullptr && RecyclableObject::Is(newTarget);
        Assert(isCtorSuperCall || !(callInfo.Flags & CallFlags_New) || args[0] == nullptr);
        uint32 byteLength = 0;
        uint32 mappedLength;
        int32 offset = 0;
        double numberOffset = 0;
        ArrayBuffer* arrayBuffer = nullptr;
        DataView* dataView;

        //1.    If NewTarget is undefined, throw a TypeError exception.
        if (!(callInfo.Flags & CallFlags_New) || (newTarget && JavascriptOperators::IsUndefinedObject(newTarget)))
            JavascriptError::ThrowTypeError(scriptContext, JSERR_ClassConstructorCannotBeCalledWithoutNew, L"DataView");

        if (args.Info.Count < 2)
            JavascriptError::ThrowTypeError(scriptContext, JSERR_DataView_NeedArgument, L"buffer");

        // Currently the only reason we check for an external object is projection related, so it remains under conditional compilation.
        RecyclableObject* jsArraySource = NULL;
        if (JavascriptOperators::IsObject(args[1]) && JavascriptConversion::ToObject(args[1], scriptContext, &jsArraySource))
            HRESULT hr = scriptContext->GetHostScriptContext()->ArrayBufferFromExternalObject(jsArraySource, &arrayBuffer);
            switch (hr)
            case S_OK:
            case S_FALSE:
                // Both of these cases will be handled by the arrayBuffer null check.

                // Any FAILURE HRESULT or unexpected HRESULT.
                JavascriptError::ThrowTypeError(scriptContext, JSERR_DataView_InvalidArugment, L"buffer");

        //2.    If Type(buffer) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
        //3.    If buffer does not have an [[ArrayBufferData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
        if (arrayBuffer == nullptr)
            if (ArrayBuffer::Is(args[1]))
                arrayBuffer = ArrayBuffer::FromVar(args[1]);
                JavascriptError::ThrowTypeError(scriptContext, JSERR_DataView_NeedArgument, L"buffer");

        //4.    Let numberOffset be ToNumber(byteOffset).
        //5.    Let offset be ToInteger(numberOffset).
        //6.    ReturnIfAbrupt(offset).
        //7.    If numberOffset <> offset or offset < 0, throw a RangeError exception.
        if (args.Info.Count > 2)
            Var secondArgument = args[2];
            numberOffset = JavascriptConversion::ToNumber(secondArgument, scriptContext);
            offset = JavascriptConversion::ToInt32(numberOffset);

            if (offset < 0 ||
                numberOffset != offset)
                    scriptContext, JSERR_DataView_InvalidArugment, L"byteOffset");

        //8.    If IsDetachedBuffer(buffer) is true, throw a TypeError exception.
        if (arrayBuffer->IsDetached())
            JavascriptError::ThrowTypeError(scriptContext, JSERR_This_NeedDataView);

        //9.    Let bufferByteLength be the value of buffer's[[ArrayBufferByteLength]] internal slot.
        //10.   If offset > bufferByteLength, throw a RangeError exception.

        byteLength = arrayBuffer->GetByteLength();
        if ((uint32)offset > byteLength)
                scriptContext, JSERR_DataView_InvalidArugment, L"byteOffset");

        //11.   If byteLength is undefined, then
        //      a.  Let viewByteLength be bufferByteLength - offset.
        //12.   Else,
        //      a.  Let viewByteLength be ToLength(byteLength).
        //      b.  ReturnIfAbrupt(viewLength).
        //      c.  If offset + viewByteLength > bufferByteLength, throw a RangeError exception.
        if (args.Info.Count > 3 && !JavascriptOperators::IsUndefinedObject(args[3]))
                Var thirdArgument = args[3];
                mappedLength = (uint32)JavascriptConversion::ToLength(thirdArgument, scriptContext);
                uint32 viewRange = mappedLength + offset;

                if (viewRange > byteLength || viewRange < mappedLength) // overflow indicates out-of-range
                        scriptContext, JSERR_DataView_InvalidArugment, L"byteLength");
            mappedLength = byteLength - offset;

        //13.   Let O be OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(NewTarget, "%DataViewPrototype%", [[DataView]], [[ViewedArrayBuffer]], [[ByteLength]], [[ByteOffset]]).
        //14.   ReturnIfAbrupt(O).
        //15.   Set O's[[DataView]] internal slot to true.
        //16.   Set O's[[ViewedArrayBuffer]] internal slot to buffer.
        //17.   Set O's[[ByteLength]] internal slot to viewByteLength.
        //18.   Set O's[[ByteOffset]] internal slot to offset.
        //19.   Return O.
        dataView = scriptContext->GetLibrary()->CreateDataView(arrayBuffer, offset, mappedLength);
        return isCtorSuperCall ?
            JavascriptOperators::OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(RecyclableObject::FromVar(newTarget), dataView, nullptr, scriptContext) :
コード例 #4
ファイル: CrossSite.cpp プロジェクト: raghujayan/ChakraCore
    Var CrossSite::CommonThunk(RecyclableObject* recyclableObject, JavascriptMethod entryPoint, Arguments args)
        DynamicObject* function = DynamicObject::FromVar(recyclableObject);

        FunctionInfo * functionInfo = (JavascriptFunction::Is(function) ? JavascriptFunction::FromVar(function)->GetFunctionInfo() : nullptr);
        AutoDisableRedeferral autoDisableRedeferral(functionInfo);

        ScriptContext* targetScriptContext = function->GetScriptContext();
        Assert(function->IsExternal() || function->IsCrossSiteObject());

        HostScriptContext* calleeHostScriptContext = targetScriptContext->GetHostScriptContext();
        HostScriptContext* callerHostScriptContext = targetScriptContext->GetThreadContext()->GetPreviousHostScriptContext();

        if (callerHostScriptContext == calleeHostScriptContext || (callerHostScriptContext == nullptr && !calleeHostScriptContext->HasCaller()))
            return JavascriptFunction::CallFunction<true>(function, entryPoint, args, true /*useLargeArgCount*/);

#if DBG_DUMP || defined(PROFILE_EXEC) || defined(PROFILE_MEM)

        TTD_XSITE_LOG(recyclableObject->GetScriptContext(), "CommonThunk -- Pass Through", recyclableObject);

        uint i = 0;
        if (args.Values[0] == nullptr)
            i = 1;
            Assert(JavascriptProxy::Is(function) || (JavascriptFunction::Is(function) && JavascriptFunction::FromVar(function)->GetFunctionInfo()->GetAttributes() & FunctionInfo::SkipDefaultNewObject));
        uint count = args.Info.Count;
        for (; i < count; i++)
            args.Values[i] = CrossSite::MarshalVar(targetScriptContext, args.Values[i]);
        if (args.HasExtraArg())
            // The final eval arg is a frame display that needs to be marshaled specially.
            args.Values[count] = CrossSite::MarshalFrameDisplay(targetScriptContext, args.GetFrameDisplay());

        CheckCodeGenFunction checkCodeGenFunction = GetCheckCodeGenFunction(entryPoint);
        if (checkCodeGenFunction != nullptr)
            ScriptFunction* callFunc = ScriptFunction::FromVar(function);
            entryPoint = checkCodeGenFunction(callFunc);

        // We need to setup the caller chain when we go across script site boundary. Property access
        // is OK, and we need to let host know who the caller is when a call is from another script site.
        // CrossSiteObject is the natural place but it is in the target site. We build up the site
        // chain through PushDispatchExCaller/PopDispatchExCaller, and we call SetCaller in the target site
        // to indicate who the caller is. We first need to get the site from the previously pushed site
        // and set that as the caller for current call, and push a new DispatchExCaller for future calls
        // off this site. GetDispatchExCaller and ReleaseDispatchExCaller is used to get the current caller.
        // currentDispatchExCaller is cached to avoid multiple allocations.
        IUnknown* sourceCaller = nullptr, *previousSourceCaller = nullptr;
        HRESULT hr = NOERROR;
        Var result = nullptr;
        BOOL wasDispatchExCallerPushed = FALSE, wasCallerSet = FALSE;

            hr = callerHostScriptContext->GetDispatchExCaller((void**)&sourceCaller);

            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                hr = calleeHostScriptContext->SetCaller((IUnknown*)sourceCaller, (IUnknown**)&previousSourceCaller);

            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                wasCallerSet = TRUE;
                hr = calleeHostScriptContext->PushHostScriptContext();
            if (FAILED(hr))
                // CONSIDER: Should this be callerScriptContext if we failed?
                JavascriptError::MapAndThrowError(targetScriptContext, hr);
            wasDispatchExCallerPushed = TRUE;

            result = JavascriptFunction::CallFunction<true>(function, entryPoint, args, true /*useLargeArgCount*/);
            ScriptContext* callerScriptContext = callerHostScriptContext->GetScriptContext();
            result = CrossSite::MarshalVar(callerScriptContext, result);
        [&](bool hasException)
            if (sourceCaller != nullptr)
            IUnknown* originalCaller = nullptr;
            if (wasDispatchExCallerPushed)
            if (wasCallerSet)
                calleeHostScriptContext->SetCaller(previousSourceCaller, &originalCaller);
                if (previousSourceCaller)
                if (originalCaller)
        Assert(result != nullptr);
        return result;